baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

TILE 1 On October 21, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:58 am

“Tired of Corsica already, baker b.?”


I don’t think so, Hucka D. Just wondering what to do now with Otaki Gorge. Don’t think I should give it up.

Hucka D.:

Of course not. It’s Peter Graves after all.

bb (correcting):

Peter’s Grave.

Hucka D.:

Yeah. (pause) Are you going to send Baker back to England or what?


Through a Greenup collage, you mean. Perhaps [Greenup 05].

Hucka D.:

Yes. That’s what I mean. House Greenup. Lock the doors and seal him in until he does what he is suppose to do.


I’m thinking of a highly urban landscape the next go around on building, Hucka D. Sort of like Parktown except much more condensed of course, since I won’t have anywhere near the prims or land to work with.

Hucka D.;

Make a city. Pietmond. Peter’s town. Petersburg… borough.


You will… sorry…

Hucka D.:

You will create it in Otaki Gorge.


If so, I don’t want it to be just an ordinary run-of-the-mill cityscape. I want it to be more like Asymmetrical Village. Wonder how many prims that uses?

Hucka D.:

Why don’t you check. I’ll wait. Baker Bloch’s even already logged in. Won’t take you a sec.

bb (checking):

Amazing, Hucka D. Only 691 prims for the whole village (!) Of course a lot of it is empty stores now. (pause) Looks like most of it is inhouse building, so to speak. Done by landowner Yaske Koba.

Hucka D.:

You can build it directly atop the gorge, and then have an underground urban area as well, possibly a sewer like Parktown. Only smaller.


Interesting possibilities. Nothing like I’ve done before. (pause) The design of the town is basically a figure 8, with a cobblestone road forming the 8. Where it crosses is an underpass and a bridge.

Hucka D.:

Sounds like your design of the Corsica continent. Is it a 4d city as well?


Might be.


Still 2 Sink Boy…

Filed under: Otaki Gorge — baker Blinker @ 6:44 am

Kind of eerie light atop Peter’s Grave in Otaki Gorge.

820 prims still to play around with, since I deleted both the Edwardston Station Gallery there and also the tube/Big E remains of Noru’s Blue Feather. What to do with it??

I’m sure Baker will come up with something.