baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Teepot > Pietmond (Little Things) December 23, 2011

Filed under: Jeogeot Chilbo,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond,Teepot — baker Blinker @ 7:12 am

Stacked rocks found in a field of waving grain near Teepot. I sought out the store which sold the product and promptly bought 2 of the 1 prim, sculptie objects, which are now set up in Pietmond (see below).

Yes, Teepot is still there in a manner of speaking. It could be revitalized under the right circumstances, but that would probably also mean Pietmond has been deactivated in the meantime.

It might have been this same night that I revisited my old rental plot in Chilbo. Still empty; tough to tell how much the town has shrunk since I lived here but it’s noticable in about all directions. I’d love to see someone write a Chilbo history, and co-founder Fleep Tuque, perhaps in combination with others, is a logical choice. Although Hucka D. told me not to mix too much with its timeline from my direction, I still have a fascination with the whole concept. Chilbo certainly remains the crown jewel of Jeogeot creations in a collective manner, and is probably also the most influential mainland community of non-Linden design. If you have a love of Second Life and mainland, you should by all means visit sometime.

But now back to Pietmond: First a shot of the stacked rocks I just purchased, which represents an identical pair of 4 rocks each, one on top of the other with the top 4 shrunk considerably and rotated at a different angle. Pretty effective in that spot beside the Temple of TILE, I feel; good fit.

I also set up two small Cocoanut Koala created structures in Pietmond, purchased about a year ago I believe when her super nifty Coco’s Cottages business closed down in Rosieri. Cocoanut was also a near neighbor, then, when I lived in Rubi in 2009, but I first met and befriended her during my stay at Azure Islands near the beginning of The Bakers’ Second Life existence. Interesting story to that initial meeting and exchange of instant messages; I’ll have to tell it sometime.

Coco’s shed in the center of the below picture acts as a sort of gateway to Pietmond’s still undeveloped Underground — simply go through the door and you’re in the tunnels running underneath the Temple of TILE, Home o’ Fibs, and also the Blue Feather Gallery.

Here’s the other Koala structure now in Pietmond: a product she calls Ravenwood Cottage but I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided to rename the Rookwood Cottage. The fountain in the foreground, another Moard Ling object like so many are in Pietmond, is also new to the community.

Only thing in the Underground for now, a chilly or even cold centerpoint. Best not to linger very long here, Baker Bloch thinks.

I also added this nice, freebie fountain to replace the simpler pool beside the graveyard in front of the Temple of TILE. I subsequently saw this same pool in two different Second Life locations while just poking around at random in the next several days. Interesting.

Also interesting to note that the fountain itself here represents another rock stacking, this time with the largest (and flattest) of 6 total on the top.

And Merk “Coolie” Brighton, aka Murk Britoon, has also made a recent appearance in Pietmond. 🙂

Here’s where Merk went to school, where he studied acting a bit, specializing in bit acting.

Here’s a promotional photo from one of his plays called “Gingervitis”, which he acted in and also provided sound effects for.

But enough of all that for now.

Some closing aerial shots of Pietmond.


Pietmond Reborn (Yet Again)… September 29, 2011

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 7:41 am

… but this time I believe it will stay for a while. The key or a key is finding balance with Teepot, the aforementioned Treaty of Piepodt concept at its root, perhaps. Another thing I’ve been thinking about tonight is that Teepot has to be sort of subservient to Pietmond in the bigger picture because of the, practically speaking, “unownable” nature of the Gong reservior. Let me insert the new pictures of new Pietmond and I’ll bring in Hucka D. for more on that if he wishes…



Treaty of Piepodt, 01 September 25, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond,Sapphire,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 7:16 am

“Let’s begin if you don’t mind, Hucka D. First some snapshots…”

Baker Bloch in Teepot.

Baker Bloch in Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

You begin.


We’re trying to determine the wording of a treaty between Teepot and newly reborn Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

Teepot will have the galleries. Mainly. Although you’ve moved something…


The Blue Feather Gallery is already in Pietmond, Hucka D. How about that Pietmond will always remain at least slightly the larger of the two in terms of actual land owned.

Hucka D.:

Teepot may not agree. By the way, I will speak for Teepot and you can talk for Pietmond. That’s more your hometown anyway. I’ll fill in for Teepot ambassador.


Thanks. Makes sense. So the treaty is actually a negotiation between the two of us.

Hucka D.:

Correct. I, as representative of Teepot, do not want that stipulation in the treaty. Teepot has just as much right to expand in the future as Pietmond, even take all the tier from Pietmond if necessary.


Recognizing the balance that will always been between the two is certainly important, then.

Hucka D.:

Yes. I as the representative of Teepot will agree with that. What is Teepot and what is Pietmond and what is the difference?


It has been determined that they are like black and white rocks on a scale, an idea I perhaps borrowed from LOST. Hold on…

Hucka D.:

We could decide to totally leave Norum out of the balancing equation, although in reality Norum is the scale itself, perhaps.


Hummm, not sure of that Hucka D. That’s a good point, though. How does Norum, and also Chilbo fit into the treaty?

Hucka D.:

I told you a long time ago to not fiddle around much with the Chilbo timelines, and that Chilbo and Norum, although bordering neighbors, should keep to their own affairs. The main link between the two turned out to be the largest version of the Blue Feather Gallery, which the new major of Chilbo inspected at one time.


Mayor, you mean. Kristan.

Hucka D.:

KK, yes, but not your Klutzy Kamper. How are you two getting along, by the by?


Pretty nicely now. I’ve compensated. I’m trying to determine what can and can’t be done in a partnership.

Hucka D.:

You’ve lowered the bar.



Hucka D.:

Back to the treaty. Perhaps we should also bring in Sapphire for her own opinions about the subject.


Maybe Sapphire should represent Teepot instead of you, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

No. I can do the job.


Hi. As you have guessed, I will represent Norum. Norum is still important. It was *my* home after all, and your home, Baker Bloch, for almost a year I suppose in several parts.

Hucka D.:

That’s not Baker Bloch really, Sapphire. It’s baker b. bb.


Oh. Right. But back to Norum, there’s also Parktown to consider and the Battle of Jeogeot between Parktown and Chilbo forces in Timescape.

Hucka D.:

Crow’s Foot. I believe we’ve all been there [to that club] now. Oh, except me.

bb: (counting off):

Let’s see. Wilsonia, Baker Blinker. Me. Bracket Jupiter, I believe. Maybe even Esbum. But, yeah, not you Hucka Doobie. Hucka D.


I’m confused. Hucka D. is the same as Hucka Doobie?

Hucka D.:

Yes. I am one in this blog and in Second Life. Baker b. is instead split between Baker Blinker and Baker Bloch in that second reality. That’s why…



Hucka D.:

Piepodt, yet. We must talk of GREEN balancing PINK as well.


Piepodt is a concept beyond both Pietmond and Teepot, and the crucible for their merger.

Hucka D.:

So we are agreed.


To what?

Hucka D.:

That GREEN is the balance to PINK. Like Charon is the balance to Pluto. Just like that. It represent a limit. Number 9.


Something else we haven’t brought up yet, Hucka D., is the possibility that Piepodt represents the end of Second Life itself, or our existence within. Just as I wrote that, Baker Bloch was automatically logged off of Second Life after 30 minutes of inactivity. Sign?

Hucka D.:



Not sure.

Hucka D.:

Maybe just kill it off. What are you going to do with Piepodt, baker b.? Pietmond, I mean.

(to be continued)


Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 12:55 am

Pietmond has been reborn yet again. Details soon.

Next up: the Treaty of Piepodt. Pietmond and Teepot must make pieces with each other!

Teepot still alive while Pietmond is reborn.


Thanks. September 12, 2011

Filed under: Teepot,Uncategorized,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 7:35 am

“It speaks more of the limitations of Second Life than the limitations of your art crawl galleries, you understand.”


Sure. Still rather painful.

Hucka D.:

Just someone who has a chance to inflict pain and is doing so. Nothing new, nothing old.


It helped to visit Teepot tonight. I’ve rebuilt the upper part of the temple (which went missing a couple days back!).

Hucka D.:

The Museum of Jeogeot, whatever, should still be on. And Carrcass-6 is progressing nicely, I understand. Great. Not just junk collage, but with a cause. Synchronicity.


I expect very little of SL now, Hucka D. Just a place to create a mainland village. I don’t think I’m quite ready to shift back to Pietmond, however tempting the idea may be.

Hucka D.:

You’d have to give up mainland for 1 month[ to afford it].


I believe I wish to talk about Maebaleia and the immature version of Sunklands there. It’s Finsteraahorn Sink and Sink X, even though there’s no direct equivalent to the Jeogeot sinks, really.

Hucka D.:

It’s a split to be dealing with: Casey and Hellershanks.


Probably should call the latter something else. Hellmouth Shanks.

Hucka D.:

Good[ enough].


Here’s what I’d say: Hellmouth, Rat is underrated and Sunklands wants to move it to top album. But I can’t.

Hucka D.:

No. Not yet (!)


So Teepot is still good.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Museum.




Historic Teepot Re-creation, 01 September 8, 2011

Filed under: Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 4:54 am

Exciting new “skybox” in Teepot re-creating pioneer days in the Yeot area, specifically focusing on Old Teepot and the original Teepot Express train.

Below finds Baker Bloch perched on the edge of Teepot High (ridge) looking down toward the pioneer village.

Baker now sits inside the village, and also within the circular track of the Teepot Express. Before him lies small but strategically placed Victory Lake, complete with rowboat. More on the lake soon; more on all of this soon. Pretty super excited to be reporting this new build, actually.

Pioneer or “Old” Teepot. Perhaps called Teepot Station? The circular nature of the Teepot rail is obvious now from this more aerial shot. The main theme of the structures within and around the track is “clockworks” — they abound. All the structures are freebies created by the amazing Aley Arai, who I strongly suspect is just another incarnation of Arcadia Asylum whose builds have been lauded for years on this blog.* They include a barn, a general store, a very large cuckoo clock whose namesake and sole occupant actually pops out of its attic quarters ever hour to chirp the news. Wonderful!

Baker attempts to row without oars but doesn’t get too far.

In the insuing dizziness, Baker snaps a couple more interested pictures from mouseview that I decided to post here. Hope I’m not embarrassing him very much.

Now on the Teepot Express itself, Baker takes some more mouseview photos from various angles, focusing on the internal structures and objects around Victory Lake.

Baker rides the Teepot Express.

But that’s not all to this re-creation, because we also have a rather large nature area accompanying the town itself, which includes this cave on Teepot High.

Here’s an aerial view of the whole layout. Teepot Station or Old Teepot or Pioneer Teepot is to the left, Teepot High — again, this is a ridge — in the middle, and then a less forested and undeveloped area to the right. Notice that there’s also another small stream on the sky platform on the other side of Teepot High from the village, which doesn’t have a name yet.

Shot from a small temple building toward Victory Lake, looking around a still mysterious trojan warrior statue, it appears.


* Aley Arai is also apparently known as Aley Resident.


Have you? September 7, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Sapphire,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 6:21 am

“Pietmond is still there, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

Piepodt is still there.


I actually said Pietmond there. Strange (of course I meant Teepot).

Hucka D. (repeating):



The Norum Gallery has been eliminated.

Hucka D.:

It will return.


Sapphire still around?

Hucka D.:





Thank you.


You’re welcome. Gesundheit.

Hucka D. (loudly):



Thanks once more.


Have you found Ozmo?

Hucka D.:




Hucka D.:

Yeah, baker b., how’s Carrcass-6 going?



Hucka D.:

Rumor has it you finished the middle part with Oliver and Adam.


Might have, Hucka D. Might have.


There are others.



Hucka D.:

I am closest to you. I have advise. Come closest closer.


I am. Where are you?

Hucka D.:

Turn around. Here I am. Over here. Come close.

bb (seeing Hucka D.):


Hucka D.:

I want to whisper it in your ear.

[Hucka D. whispers the secret into baker b.’s ear]


I’m a what??

Far above Gong.


The crafting of a town… August 31, 2011

Filed under: Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 8:02 am

… is fun but tough. Latest change: the old Pietmond South Gallery structure has replaced Gallery 7/10 in the newest part of Teepot, dubbed Piepodt.

The replacement saves prims, and is more functional overall.

Is an exit from downtown, like what happened in Pietmond during the spring, in the works as well? One change from that situation: the buildings holding both the Sadler and Rougeau material are very low prim, and Casey art doesn’t even count toward prims presently. These were the 3 artists showing in the old Pietmond South Gallery last spring, along with Max Ernst.

Piepodt remains an enigma. It obviously has the potential to move beyond the Pietmond situation last spring, which is implied in the name itself.

Hucka D.:

One would have Piepodt, either Pietmond or Teepot. Teepot bided its time — knew you would circle back around to it. But really Piepodt is just as much Pietmond’s as Teepot’s.


Except it isn’t.

Hucka D.:

What’s inside Piepodt, then?


3rd Life I suppose.

Hucka D.:

So far, you’ve just been attempting to absorb the energy of Pietmond, at its peak, into Teepot. Can Teepot go beyond Pietmond now?


In ways it already has. Through the absorption of the Rubi Temple into its heart. The replacement of Pietmond’s TILE Temple with Teepot’s Temple of TILE seems like an advance. And the temple still has the labyrinth. Much more Edna photos, and certainly more united thematically.

Hucka D.:

We can start there, then. What is the equivalent to the Pod Pad, though?


There is none, I suppose. (pause) The Pod Pad never took off, though, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yes. It did. Music venue.


Well, I believe it was supposed that the Pod Pad would be a place of communication between Jeogeot and Wazob. A melding. 4-5-6.

Hucka D.:

Or maybe this place…


Commitment August 30, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 6:06 am

Turns out Piepodt (with an ending “t” now, one should note) was really part of Teepot, the newest district. Some preliminary shots; all is still in development at this point; several empty galleries:

And one full gallery: the newly placed SoSo East, for now immediately north of the Blue Feather Gallery on the Rainbow Way extension. Nice fit.

The whole darn town:

From the shores of Gong looking up at the newly erected, empty galleries. That’s what I called, in Noru, the 7/10 Gallery to the left, and then one of the old Gallery Jack structures to the right. That’s also my asteriod in the sky to the right, a continuation of the Something to CHRO About Gallery accessible from the Teepot Plaza.

Let’s bring in one or two board spirits for a couple more comments. Hucka D.? Sapphire?

Hucka D.:

Good. You know where Piepodt is now. It’s the push you needed. Keep it cool. Don’t burn out. Explore possibilities of new artists. Make new friends. It’s time to push again.


Thank you.

A new town focal point: the Teepot Express engine


Haey. August 29, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Sapphire,Teepot,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:20 am


Piepod, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yeah. Gong.


Right. So…

Hucka D.:




Can you tell us more about the Piepod then, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

A place of merger. Wazob and Jeogeot. And SID.


Teepot moves beyond Pietmond with this nugget of goodness.

Hucka D.:

Piepod is beyond LMNO. Last.


Gonna check my mail. Thanks!



What of the Red Vile Inn?


Hi. I was brought in. Hello.


Hi Sapphire.


Hi. You were asking?


About the Red Vile Inn, perhaps in Francois. Do you know of the place?


Not really. I know of Gong, of course.


Do you know of Piepod, then?


Of course.


Is it a… stylus tip?




Teepot has a complicated history.


Yes (!)


First it was Teepot Springs, I suppose.


Elephant Springs, actually.


Then Teepot proper, then Teepot Heights added on to the west.

Sapphire (backing up):

Healing springs. That was the initial attraction. The Blue Feather was reorganized there and condensed to its present form.


I suppose that is correct, Sapphire.


Blue Jay Way… original way.


Blue Feather Gallery, Cardinal Pond, and then House Greenup, south to north. Atop the spring.


Something like that. Then the Rook Wood to the west, which was originally wilderness and considerably larger than the present Rook Wood. There was edelweiss in the wood.


When did, um, hold on… (pause) Nelson Bartlett show up?


He showed up with the Rook Wood. Rookwood Cottage. Rook Wood.


Has Marty been here?



Hucka D.:

No. Marty was not in Teepot.


Thanks, Hucka D. (pause) Originally we, you and I, divided the town of Teepot in 2. I had the Teepot Springs part, and you had the other half.

Hucka D.:

That was Original Teepot. Bartlett in the middle. Rook Master.


Let’s see: red, green, blue and black. Almost the rook card colors, Hucka D., if you replace blue with yellow.

Hucka D.:

We can do that.


Then, now, Teepot Heights… added in the mix. Moving east to west. Teepot Springs structures eliminated — Blue Feather Gallery and House Greenup or Gallery Jack, take your pick.

Hucka D.:

I choose Gallery Jack, then (smiles).


Teepot is really quite perfect as it is.

Hucka D.:

Is it? Yeah, I guess it is. As it is.


Teepot Heights I meant there. But, really, the whole thing. What is the relationship of Teepot Spring, the water, and Gong, the official, Linden pool of water?

Hucka D.:

Not originally. That had to be petitioned.


How did Rubi’s Temple of TILE get in Teepot, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

It was carried there… by elephants?

bb (nonplussed):

How many?

Hucka D.:

Four. But they were big ones.


Foreign ones?

Hucka D.:



The Temple of TILE has its most perfect form yet here.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Interesting, eh? That’s the center. That’s a lot of energy carried over[ from the past].


It straddles Old Teepot and Teepot Heights, the new part. Better than the TILE Temple in Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

In most ways, yes.


It is secured there[ in Teepot].

Hucka D.:

Straddled, yes.


And Gallery Jack directly beneath it seems quite correct as well.

[no answer]


We better end soon.


So straight question, Sapphire. Does Piepod, the newest edge of Teepot, need to be next to Gong — is that the best placement for it?


It has to be in Jeogeot. (pause)

