baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Spirals within Spirals… February 2, 2012

Hucka D.:

House Greenup and SoSo spin in opposite directions from the circles around them, counterclockwise in each case. The robots have circled around each of these structures (galleries) in a clockwise manner. You are in the heart of your 7 stones research, baker b. Have you heard?


Have I heard what?

Hucka D.:




Anyway, so it turns out, as I was walking them tonight, that the Greenup series within House Greenup and the Oblong series of SoSo spin around in the same direction, contain the same number of collages, and are both spiraling around both a lower and an upper level. Of course I knew Greenup and Oblong were similar in this way (2 loops of 20 collages apiece), and were different from the other 4 series of the 10×10 in this way.

Hucka D.:

In this way. Listen.



Hucka D.:

Not… no.


[Delete name] would say death is the end. Period.

Hucka D.:




So the robots, both red and blue, *cannot* walk in a counterclockwise direction — they simply halt themselves at the 7 Stones marking this turning point. They *cannot* walk in the same direction as the spin of collage progression within each of the galleries they are circling around. (pause) The collages are separate from the robots, or are on an opposite spin from them. The robots do not enter the galleries for this reason, and never will. One comes from the Town Dump and the other from the Town Limits. Points Y and Z respectively on the picture above, Hucka D. Hucka?



So the robots counter the sprialing energy of the two galleries, the blue one counters Greenup and the red one counters Oblong in the SoSo Gallery. But the Golden Way connects the two in a harmonic manner. I think.

Hucka D.:

I am harmonic. Listen.





Looking downward into the spirals of each gallery would be like looking into two circles stretched out and connected. The first circle would start at 1 and end at 10. The second circle, identical in shape and size to the first, would begin at 11 and end at 20. 10 collages in each circle, Hucka D. And containing an animation in the exact center of each, or between collages 5 and 6 in the first circle, and then collages 14 and 15 in the second circle. In addition, at each point where the two circles touch, as it were, another animation is produced, or between collages 10 and 11 in circles 1 and 2 respectively, and collages 20 and 1 between circles 2 and 1. This would apply to both the Greenup and Oblong series, although it is easier to see in the “classic” style of Greenup, where the pattern was laid out for the entire 10×10. This would be the first series created in the 10×10 as well, the ur series. Hucka? Anyway…

Hucka D. (returning):

Don’t you think the two (red and blue) robots are trying to make an animation with each other but can’t?


That makes sense. Let me try to wrap my brain around the concept.

Hucka D. (patiently):

Wrap away.


If they were heading in the same direction in respect to each other, they could make an animation — they would be two aspects of one motion, start and end. However, they oppose each other, and head in opposite directions, perhaps on opposite loops of time itself, Hucka D. Is it Greenup opposed to Oblong?

Hucka D.:

No. I don’t think.


Can you wrap your brain around *that*?

Hucka D.:

Yes I can wrap my brain around that. By the by, you saw me downtown today.


I did (!) What were you doing in downtown Blue Mountain, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Just saying hello. Howdy, how’s it hanging. And such.


Golden One, eh?

Hucka D.:

Yeah. I try not to be boastful about it, but it gets away from you at times.

bb (smiling):


Hucka D.:

So you’re forgetting the Golden Way[ once more].


Guess I am. Let me take another look at the picture above, then.

Hucka D.:

One more look and we should end. It’s not too difficult baker b. Remember you were telling [delete name] today that it was simple and implying that he should be able to grasp it? Well… maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s like the red and blue robots that don’t make any sense all stuck at that stacked rock sculpture. That’s what it is — red and blue. Limitation.


The way to keep moving up the 10×10 spiral, Hucka D., was to create these animations at every fourth collage. Otherwise I would also get stuck. I remember the first — between Greenup collages 5 and 6.

Hucka D.:

56, yeah.


What is this saying?

Hucka D.:

What *is* this saying??


What is *this* saying???


Anyway, once more, Martin turns into another Martin in the animation, the yellow submarine starts heading more downstream on the Greenup Gill, and The Beatles have changed from Russian nesting dolls to jigsaw pieces of a puzzle. Jigkansawyers.




Still here Greentop, I see.


I hear. I see.

Hucka D.:

He’s in the collages, baker b. That’s why he’s here. Highest of the low, you know. Greentop. Asha.


And the tunnel in the background has lights in it now. Three glints — diamonds as I saw them. Something has been energized.

Hucka D.:

Birth is about to happen. Right Greentop?

Greentop (proudly):



OK. So… I guess the yellow submarine in the collage could be the, er, Golden Way, Hucka D.? [no answer] And the diamond glints are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds from the Sgt. Pepper album, then same album of the jigsaw puzzle. It has just been pieced together — the album I mean. 4 pieces to the puzzle, 4 Beatles, 4 Russian nesting dolls.

Hucka D. (returning again):

The tunnel is Millboro. That means it’s a time tunnel.


Let’s see. So that means The Beatles are travelling backwards in time, back to Revolver just before Sgt. Pepper. That’s why the images have turned black and white from color. “Yellow Submarine” is a single off the Revolver album, and paired with “Eleanor Rigby”. And we just spoke of this double single on the blog, Hucka D. Dr. Blood did, I mean. Dr. Blood and I.

Hucka D.:

And me.


This is probably about 4orrin1, then, Hucka D., which was slightly in the future when the collage was created, or predating it by several months. 4orrin1 would have been a strong and heavy influence at the time. Gravity.

Hucka D.:

And comedy.


4orrin1, or Foreign One, would have been the pull from the past which is in the future. (pause). Oh, and the lights within the tunnel are like train lights, Hucka D., which also plays a part in 4orrin1. Lemme pull up a pic.



Well, I can’t find one, but it’s where Fin wakes up in the middle of the train track in tile 2, but then in tile 3 the train comes and whites out the screen with its light. It’s up in the air, in the synch, whether he survives or not. He is the Nowhere Man. Time goes backwards. Fin’s watch is smashed when the train passes over him because it was laying on the tracks — proof that he didn’t dream the whole thing up. At the same time in Nowhere Man we hear “take your *time* (don’t hurry)”. Can’t be chance or happenstance, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Golden Way. By the time you get to Oblong the synch process is in full swing. You have reached your peak, alongside collage production. Parallel peaks, then.


The tunnel is time travel. The tunnel is tile reversals. Jumping backwards. The end of 3 loops back to the beginning of 2 in this case. Nowhere Man.

Hucka D.:

It is because he (Fin) has lost his friends in the Yellow Submarine. He is alone, but is still saved. Time saves him. Backwards jumping. Otherwise…




New Blue Feather location? Not quite. October 10, 2010

The 2nd (of 3) Noru version of the Blue Feather gallery seems to fit quite well as a skybox on the Greentop property in Asha. Admittedly I’m have a hankering again to invite a guest or two to show some of their work on the main level, as I did for several SL artists in Noru. A logical choice would be mainland Corsica artists, I suppose. But the problem: I don’t really have enough prims to spare for this option. The Wheeler-Jasper series, the last series of my 10×10 (1st series is now in House Greenup on the Greentop grounds) will possibly still be exhibited on the lower level, as before. In the tower (“Tower of TILE”) is still exhibited “Baker Bloch in England”, a country which he visited this past spring.

On the horizon is a return to England for Baker, this time in a different spot. Can’t wait; I know exactly where it’ll start.

Let’s bring in Hucka D. just because we can. “Hucka?”




New spirit — great. Hi Greentop. 🙂




Are you the spirit of my new property?


Yup. (pause) Hi.


Hi. (pause) Hucka D. not around tonight?



Hucka D.:

Hey, baker b.


Oh hi. You know Greenup? Greentop, I mean?

Hucka D.:

Greentop is here?


I was just talking to him.

Hucka D.:

He came early. He said he wasn’t prepared.


Greentop? You still around? [no answer] Wonder if he’ll show up again?

Hucka D.:

He has to. Or not.


What’s going on with you, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Making chalk again. Colored chalk.


Nice. What’s your favorite color, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Blue. Green and blue. Red and green and blue. And yellow.


TILE, then.

Hucka D.:

Yup. Oh here’s Greentop again.




Hey again.


Nice night.


Yes it is. Quite warm here in [delete state]. Are you in Asha right now, Greentop?


Always. Asha always.


So you’re the same as the property.


I am the highest of the green. Purest green.

Hucka D.:

Do you know who was born yet on top of Greentop, baker b.?


Ummm, I’m guessing…

Hucka D.:







The first Mmmmmm? Am I close?

Hucka D.:

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Yes!


Ha ha ha ha!

Hucka D.:

Ho ho he he!


Woo woo!! (claps, then pause)


Wow, that was some reaction guys. Are you finished?


Never. But: yes.

Hucka D.:

But: yes.


You guys twins or sumtin?

Hucka D.:

Yes. He said he wasn’t ready.


Are you Castor and Pollution?


Woo woo!

Hucka D.:



Hmm. Is the…

Hucka D. (interrupting again):

Yes? (pause)

bb (quickly):

Grassy Noll?

[no reaction] (pause)



Grassy Noll:

It’s been a longer time baker Beach? baker b. I finally got out of the super Wal-Mart in Big 4 with my Pink Floyd CD. I had fishnet nylon stuck to both my legs but I’m OK. I had it removed with alcohol.


Well, nice to have you back Grassy. 🙂




Are you the same as the Grassy who use to speak on this blog? Back in, I don’t know, starting in 2008 and I guess we also spoke in 2009, if you are the same as him. Don’t think we have in over a year, though?

Grassy Noll:

I am Grassy Too.


Grassy II?

Grassy Noll:



Were you Peter’s playmate in Asha, as I’ve theorized?


Yes. I am the first toy avatar. (pause) Period.


Did Peter move from Big Island [in the Comet Archipelago] to here?


Yes. He had to move to the Plane of Bill. To talk with The Bill. To start his real job.


And Bracket Jupiter paved the way.


What is… oh yes, that is correct.



Hucka D.:

That better be it for Grassy tonight. He’s out of blog shape. Will take some time. Next assignment: you have to figure out which came first, the Head or The Trip. Goodnight and sleep tight!


Thanks Hucka D.


I wanted to write a couple more ideas down tonight, before I forget. I think that the planets Baker Bloch found in his back yard belonged to Peter (or Grassy) and were his/their toys. Or experiments. Earth is strangely missing in the Mercury, Venus, Mars configuration.* And Mars is not in orbit like the other two. I’m just going to guess that this is tied into recent mention of Earth, Texas on this blog, a tiny town in Lamb County where a power plant called “Plant X” is located. Hucka D. has subsequently indicated that Plant X stands for Planet X, as in the missing 10th planet of the Solar System back in the days when Pluto was the legitimate 9th. X=10, after all. Why is Earth missing from Baker’s new back yard, though? Was it removed? Did it ever exist with the others in the first place? I wish I could ask Peter directly. Maybe Grassy can answer this the next time we speak. Mercury, Venus, Mars — like marbles.

I should also discuss, quickly, that Greentop itself has been mentioned a couple of times already in this large, spacious blog, most interestingly as the possible birthplace of NM artist Charles Nelson Blinkerton (Greentop, Missouri). Hucka Doobie claims he is still Charles Nelson Blinkerton in spirit.

Another theory is that Mr. Low, the Ancient Baker Bloch was indentured to when he was born into SL, has something to do directly with the *disappearance* of Grassy Noll and toy avatars in general from SL. Mr. Low’s name is actually Oglethorpe, and he is a Plutonian as discussed on The Street.** As the wikipedia article on Pluto mentions, Pluto is not Lowell’s hypothetized Planet X. Maybe Grassy is?

Greentop: Not too high or too low. Hilo, a new one. A new “Ancient Rising”.


* See also: articles about this rather famous “solar system” crop circle from England in 1995, where Earth is “missing.”

** Another queer fact: Grassy Knob was renamed Mt. Oglethorpe in 1930, the same year as Pluto was discovered. Mt. Oglethorpe was then the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail from 1937-1958, when it was moved to nearby Springer Mt.