baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Baseball Great Joe Oliver January 24, 2012

(joined in progress)

“Dr. Blood doesn’t want it in Happy. He is unhappy about all of that.”

Hucka D.:

Worn out joke, baker b.


Yeah. Sorry. You’ve used it too[, though].

Hucka D.:

Back to business: Dr. Blood wants The Table set up in Pietmond. He wants you to *hold onto* Pietmond in February. Destroy 1/2 of the town if you have to. Keep the temple. Keep the Pod Pad. That’s where he wants to set up The Table. For The Table, in a way, in a manner, is Carcassonne. Heart and soul and head and body.


Carcassonne is a computer… from the future.

Hucka D.:

Tronesis robot times, well, times a lot.


Inside is the Tronesis robot, though.

Hucka D.:

Well, yeah. I guess.


The older carcasses were interior synch heavy. Like Dark Side of the Rainbow. Like well, like OK, like The Rainbow Sphere.

Hucka D. (volunteering):

MessiaenSphere. A child. Before The Fall. Before The Monster. Spring any day now. Happy. Harry. Jerry. Cube. Sphere.


There’s a dichotomy, then.

Hucka D.:

That’s why Peter Gabriel is needed. Other synchs convince him of the worth of The Table, like Carcass-6 obviously (the most recent carcass). This is what they are debating… already have debated.


We must finish our talk with Dr. Blood about The Beetles’ involvement with Carcass+6, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

I wasn’t there.


OK, right.

Hucka D.:

Do you want him to come in? Talk to him tonight? We can make that happy… happen.


Nah, that’s alright. Another night.

Hucka D.:

You are seeing that Grassy’s character is uneven. He’s in Big Four, West Virgnia, trapped in the nylons aisle, at the same time his avatar is visiting the Mossman’s homeland with Gene Fade. Couldn’t happen. And he was fascinated with The Arab and showed up on the blog to talk about it. Yet at the same time… Big Four… trapped. How?


Is The Arab Finally Married?



Is The Arab Frigate Matilda?


On [the other] side we have Dr. Blood flanked by Marty and Peter Gabriel. [Also at Marty’s side] is Plant, and near Peter Gabriel is Lemon. Maybe one more on that side: Ives? Cowell? Henry Cow L.? On our side is Baker Bloch flanked by Baker Blinker and Hucka Doobie. Beside Baker Blinker is Karoz Blogger. Beside Karoz is Bracket Jupiter. No Wilsonia? But then you have to have the toy avatars as well, starting with Grassy Noll and perhaps Gene Fade. So Grassy would sit beside Hucka Doobie. The list:

Henry Cow L.?
Peter Gabriel
Dr. Blood
Bracket Jupiter
Karoz Blogger
Baker Blinker
Baker Bloch
Hucka Doobie
Grassy Noll
Gene Fade

Hucka D.:

And baseball great Joe Oliver.


Yeah, forgot him.

Hucka D.:

From Atlanta. Has the key. The Key.


In counting, perhaps we need to keep it to 13 tops.

Hucka D.:

But not getting rid of Oliver. He’s important.


OK. Maybe Henry Cow L. For now. (pause). Also: Maybe you should sit in the middle for our side, Hucka D., instead of me. Me and Baker Blinker will flank you instead. Karoz on the other side of me, then Grassy on the other side of Baker Blinker. Then Bracket beside Karoz. You face Dr. Blood. You know him better than me, after all.

Hucka D.:

You scared of Dr. Blood, baker b.?


Maybe not scared…

Hucka D.:

It’s just Tin S. Man. As you know now. Might even be just little ol’ Ray Davies inside. A variant Ray, I mean.


He doesn’t count because his solo work isn’t used in a carcass, Hucka D. Not yet. That makes him different from all the others sitting on the opposite side: Marty, Lemon, Peter Gabriel, and, well, guess that’s it. Oh: Plant, of course.





Hucka D.:

So it’s set.


* Just after writing this, I found the correct Oliver baseball player. It’s Al Oliver, not Joe Oliver, who is instead Joe Morgan in the above picture. What a goof-up!

Karoz checking out a Happy location for possible Table meetings


Seek. May 18, 2011

Filed under: Grassy Noll,Hucka D.,Lemmon,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:46 am

“There is a chance…”

Hucka D.:

Don’t say it.



Hucka D.:

No. Crabwoo is the place. *The* place.


No going back home?

Hucka D.:






Refresh memory. Era unlocked.


Goat hide.


Blue Feather Gallery updates October 18, 2010

Filed under: Blue Feather Gallery,Grassy Noll,Greentop,Hucka D.,Norum,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:35 am

The Blue Feather Galley reopens in Asha (Greentop property) and features a condensed version of the “Jeogeot Through Art and Word” exhibit that ran in Noru for the past 2 months. Also within the gallery are personal exhibits “Baker Bloch in England”, still in the Tower of TILE, and, currently, my Wheeler-Jasper collage series on the lower floor.

Structurally, it looks the same as the Blue Feather Gallery version from this past summer in Noru, before the considerable enlargement to accommodate the opening of “Jeogeot Through Art and Word.” The whole thing fits quite nicely and snugly on the Greentop property after the deletion of House Greenup on the ground (now incorporated into the new Edwardston Station Gallery structure in Orions Vale).

Big cavity in the ground where the Blue Feather use to sit in Noru. The building in the foreground is planned to be the SL version of Atlantic University in Virginia Beach. Very nice to meet and talk a bit with their SL representative the other night! I do miss Chilbo and all the hustle and bustle that can happen at times there. But other places called me to them.

A now re-exposed Widow’s Knob, or what once might have been called Grassy Knob or Grassy Knoll.

Baker sits in the cabin on the north end of the woods, relaxing a bit after a hard night of moving and deleting prims.

Part of the Blue Feather-Noru structure has also been moved to Otaki Gorge, but I’ll save that story for another night when the dust settles down over there a bit more. I wanted to attempt to talk to Hucka D. tonight.

Meanwhile the ground around Greentop itself is looking a bit bare with the deletion of House Greenup and some other objects.

What are my new plans for the Blue Feather? I think I’ll just let this show run for another month to month and a half and see if I want to keep it in Asha. Might all depend on what develops in Otaki Gorge in the meantime. “Hucka D., you there?”

Hucka D.:

Yes. Hello.


Hi. (pause) Do you wish to chat about the 3d nature of the Corsica continent?

Hucka D.:

Good you moved the Blue Feather Gallery to that continent, and deleted the version in Noru. Nice you met the woman from Atlantic. Synchronicity came up. You should form a group.


Thanks for that. I’m studying up on leads provided by the conjunction of elephant and Pennsylvania in Corsica, Hucka D. Points toward… (pause).


Hello. I am the highest of the low. The green [just] below the logray. I am Grassy too.


Hi as well Grassy.


You have tore down Howl’s Moving Castle in Noru and created a smaller version in Asha, I’ve heard.


It’s the Blue Feather Gallery, Grassy. But: yes.


Hucka Doobie stated to me it was the Howl’s Moving Castle. It has moved from mountain status to a hill. Highest of the low.


I think I see. You are Grassy and you are also Greentop. You are the Blue Feather Gallery, in essence, and the *condensed* version of the Jeogeot exhibit. You are then highest of the low, the second, condensed version of Howl’s Moving Castle as well.

Hucka D.:

That took a lot of courage as well to destroy the larger version.


I am an Ancient Rising. I am.


Grassy, I aligned the Tower of TILE directly over the top of Greentop. What is the future for this tower?


The condensed version of the castle now pivots around it. TILE will be reborn in Greentop. You’ll see.


Thanks, Grassy.


You’re welcome, baker Beach. baker b.

Hucka D.:

Yes, thank you baker b. for getting rid of the huge eyesore in Noru, hehe. You’ve given Chilbo a nice park to play in.


Something else is going to happen on the Greentop property, then.

Hucka D.:

A Blue Feather is already stuck on the top.


Don’t Forget The Bill October 14, 2010

Filed under: Grassy Noll,Hucka D.,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:59 am

“Hucka D., a thought is that the Great Plane of Bill is the green plane cutting through the entire Corsica Prime, including both Egg Hill and Chasm Deep sinks, then.”

Hucka D.:

200. Motels.

Grassy II:

Once isolated or trapped in the granite at the center, Grassy collects in two sinkholes, yes. Centerville and Hygiene.


Making Chasm City the same or equivalent to Pietmond or Piedmont. Or Arrowtown. (pause) Interesting that you call the Plane of Bill Grassy, Grassy.

Grassy II:

I am.


Are you and Hucka D. the same? Twins?

Grassy II:



Moving on, though. I want to talk about the 3d[ or 4d] nature of Corsica[ continent]. Hucka D., you ask me to think about the Head and The Trip, which seems similar to the egg and chicken paradox.

Hucka D.:

Yes. (pause)

Grassy II:

When the continent turns inside out, there is Pennsylvania. Corsica.


Finally turns inside out.

Grassy II:


Hucka D.:




Well, let’s back up. Egg Hill sink is a representation of Centerville, or the Centre[ of Pennsylvania].

Hucka D. and Grassy II (jointly):



It also stands for Second Life itself through Kansas City Life, which, quite early on in this blog, Hucka D. claimed was created by Peter.

[no reply]


The Egg Hill sink, the green surrounded by gray granite, one of the two sinks of the continent that can be identified in that way, is the same as the center of K.C. Life which also represents Second Life. But it is not the first two-in-one. But it is. What I mean…

Grassy II:

What you mean… (pause)

bb (continuing):

What I mean… is that Chasm Deep sink is the first *legitimate* two-in-one, not Egg Hill sink. But really Egg Hill sink is. Both are created by Peter. (pause)

Hucka D. (muffled):

It is difficult to get information from the degraded Plane of Bill. You are looking for 5 young lookalikes named Kane[ Cane?].


Michael Caine? A plank of wood cane?

Hucka D.:

They are all Bills, like hat bills. They are The Bill.


It looks like the 6th is a famous basketball coach, Hucka D. Who holds the devil with an apple stuck to his face and an apple at once. Glued?

bb (looking at Greenup 02 in House Greenup as Baker Bloch):

The Martin descend into the Valley of The Bill to find them. *A* martin, giant in nature, creates The Bill on The Mound in its center. Bill’s Mound. Bill… Billville.

Hucka D.:

Billville, Indiana, correct. Just below Brazil and on both Brazil East and Brazil West maps. (pause)


Brazil, hmm. But Peter was also called a martin in this blog, Hucka D. And Grassy.

Grassy II:

I am The Bill.


He was the 5th or 6th himself, separated from his siblings named after fingers on Big I. in the former Comet Archipelago.

Hucka D.;

A good boy he was. I loved him so. So so.*


It was created in the central Diamond[ region]. Lucy in the Sky with. The Great Lakes of great America. Michigan.

Hucka D.:

I’ve said nothing else.


I’m looking at Greenup 05 now through Baker Bloch’s eyes. Or [from]behind his head, actually. Almost always I look over his shoulder and not through his eyes, which would be the same as Mouselook. Lennon is bigger than the rest there. Lennon… Lemon controls the contact with The Bill. He creates the mound.

Grassy II:

I am The Mound.


The mound is grafted or collaged into the Greenup Valley of England.

Hucka D.:

That’s where Baker Bloch must go. Can he just walk into the collage yet?


I don’t think so.

Hucka D.:

Can you try? I mean do you want to try?


That’s where it will happen[, then].

Hucka D.:


Grassy II:



I’m using Mouselook to look at the collage now. It’s fuzzy. Not highly resolved. Created in 2004, you know. The original bitmap is not very big. Doesn’t translate nearly as well to a Second Life prim [as] the later collages, especially Hidalgo and Wheeler-Jasper series collages.

Hucka D.:

This is the place.

bb (continuing to look at the rest of the series in House Greenup):

baker b. is already there, though.

Hucka D.:

Collage will put you in that place.

bb (after a pause):

Sorry, I had to do some quick gallery maintenance while Baker Bloch was there. (continuing to walk around…) I really like the central courtyard of that space, guys. (another pause) The whole place is a lot of fun. Egg Hill sink, eh?

Hucka D.:

You must not forget the Plane of Bill[, though]. Greentop. Greenup. The Bill. Mound. Plane. (pause) Goodnight (smiles).


Thank you.


* Hucka D. later claims that his Peter, his “so so” loved son, is both black and white. This doesn’t seem to have as much to do with color as in race, but black and white as yin-yang opposites. But also the figure of Black Peter comes into play here, and as we’ve seen, a “Black Peter” exists just below the glowing white cross on top of Peter’s Hill, and a copy of which now is placed in the center of the new Edwardston Station Gallery in Orions Vale. Stranger and stranger this Second Life is getting (!)


New Blue Feather location? Not quite. October 10, 2010

The 2nd (of 3) Noru version of the Blue Feather gallery seems to fit quite well as a skybox on the Greentop property in Asha. Admittedly I’m have a hankering again to invite a guest or two to show some of their work on the main level, as I did for several SL artists in Noru. A logical choice would be mainland Corsica artists, I suppose. But the problem: I don’t really have enough prims to spare for this option. The Wheeler-Jasper series, the last series of my 10×10 (1st series is now in House Greenup on the Greentop grounds) will possibly still be exhibited on the lower level, as before. In the tower (“Tower of TILE”) is still exhibited “Baker Bloch in England”, a country which he visited this past spring.

On the horizon is a return to England for Baker, this time in a different spot. Can’t wait; I know exactly where it’ll start.

Let’s bring in Hucka D. just because we can. “Hucka?”




New spirit — great. Hi Greentop. 🙂




Are you the spirit of my new property?


Yup. (pause) Hi.


Hi. (pause) Hucka D. not around tonight?



Hucka D.:

Hey, baker b.


Oh hi. You know Greenup? Greentop, I mean?

Hucka D.:

Greentop is here?


I was just talking to him.

Hucka D.:

He came early. He said he wasn’t prepared.


Greentop? You still around? [no answer] Wonder if he’ll show up again?

Hucka D.:

He has to. Or not.


What’s going on with you, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Making chalk again. Colored chalk.


Nice. What’s your favorite color, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Blue. Green and blue. Red and green and blue. And yellow.


TILE, then.

Hucka D.:

Yup. Oh here’s Greentop again.




Hey again.


Nice night.


Yes it is. Quite warm here in [delete state]. Are you in Asha right now, Greentop?


Always. Asha always.


So you’re the same as the property.


I am the highest of the green. Purest green.

Hucka D.:

Do you know who was born yet on top of Greentop, baker b.?


Ummm, I’m guessing…

Hucka D.:







The first Mmmmmm? Am I close?

Hucka D.:

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Yes!


Ha ha ha ha!

Hucka D.:

Ho ho he he!


Woo woo!! (claps, then pause)


Wow, that was some reaction guys. Are you finished?


Never. But: yes.

Hucka D.:

But: yes.


You guys twins or sumtin?

Hucka D.:

Yes. He said he wasn’t ready.


Are you Castor and Pollution?


Woo woo!

Hucka D.:



Hmm. Is the…

Hucka D. (interrupting again):

Yes? (pause)

bb (quickly):

Grassy Noll?

[no reaction] (pause)



Grassy Noll:

It’s been a longer time baker Beach? baker b. I finally got out of the super Wal-Mart in Big 4 with my Pink Floyd CD. I had fishnet nylon stuck to both my legs but I’m OK. I had it removed with alcohol.


Well, nice to have you back Grassy. 🙂




Are you the same as the Grassy who use to speak on this blog? Back in, I don’t know, starting in 2008 and I guess we also spoke in 2009, if you are the same as him. Don’t think we have in over a year, though?

Grassy Noll:

I am Grassy Too.


Grassy II?

Grassy Noll:



Were you Peter’s playmate in Asha, as I’ve theorized?


Yes. I am the first toy avatar. (pause) Period.


Did Peter move from Big Island [in the Comet Archipelago] to here?


Yes. He had to move to the Plane of Bill. To talk with The Bill. To start his real job.


And Bracket Jupiter paved the way.


What is… oh yes, that is correct.



Hucka D.:

That better be it for Grassy tonight. He’s out of blog shape. Will take some time. Next assignment: you have to figure out which came first, the Head or The Trip. Goodnight and sleep tight!


Thanks Hucka D.


I wanted to write a couple more ideas down tonight, before I forget. I think that the planets Baker Bloch found in his back yard belonged to Peter (or Grassy) and were his/their toys. Or experiments. Earth is strangely missing in the Mercury, Venus, Mars configuration.* And Mars is not in orbit like the other two. I’m just going to guess that this is tied into recent mention of Earth, Texas on this blog, a tiny town in Lamb County where a power plant called “Plant X” is located. Hucka D. has subsequently indicated that Plant X stands for Planet X, as in the missing 10th planet of the Solar System back in the days when Pluto was the legitimate 9th. X=10, after all. Why is Earth missing from Baker’s new back yard, though? Was it removed? Did it ever exist with the others in the first place? I wish I could ask Peter directly. Maybe Grassy can answer this the next time we speak. Mercury, Venus, Mars — like marbles.

I should also discuss, quickly, that Greentop itself has been mentioned a couple of times already in this large, spacious blog, most interestingly as the possible birthplace of NM artist Charles Nelson Blinkerton (Greentop, Missouri). Hucka Doobie claims he is still Charles Nelson Blinkerton in spirit.

Another theory is that Mr. Low, the Ancient Baker Bloch was indentured to when he was born into SL, has something to do directly with the *disappearance* of Grassy Noll and toy avatars in general from SL. Mr. Low’s name is actually Oglethorpe, and he is a Plutonian as discussed on The Street.** As the wikipedia article on Pluto mentions, Pluto is not Lowell’s hypothetized Planet X. Maybe Grassy is?

Greentop: Not too high or too low. Hilo, a new one. A new “Ancient Rising”.


* See also: articles about this rather famous “solar system” crop circle from England in 1995, where Earth is “missing.”

** Another queer fact: Grassy Knob was renamed Mt. Oglethorpe in 1930, the same year as Pluto was discovered. Mt. Oglethorpe was then the southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail from 1937-1958, when it was moved to nearby Springer Mt.


Chatting, C November 4, 2008

Filed under: Arthur,Carrcass-1,Grassy Noll,Hucka D. — baker Blinker @ 7:05 am


So I believe that Grassy will approach the human Arthur who just happens to work as a mechanic in Arthur, Kentucky, and state that he is his brother. Of course Arthur doesn’t believe this, since Grassy is a plastic piece of candy. But Grassy says he got a letter from Arthur, but Arthur says it was sent to him by mistake. Then who was the letter intended for?


That’s what you have to find out. It was intended for Grassy but not consciously. OH… Grassy gets the letter by mistake… it was intended for this Arthur fellow. But Grassy couldn’t help reading it, and noting that Arthur had found a secret passageway into Mammoth Cave. Perhaps he followed a Mossman in?


Nonlinear is the key.


He was drug into the cave by some kind of “alien”, shall we say. A little car is involved.

Hucka D.:

How did the letter get its way to Grassy by mistake? Someone sent it his way. 109. By the way, Baker Blinker begins to have hallucinations in the Kerchal Forest again… Uranus. Opposite of the Burning Man.


Hucka D.:

What’s that book with the cross over there Arthur?


(Turning away from the car hood to look at the book on the table behind him.) Oh that’s just my photos. Of a park.

Hucka D.:

But not just any park. Herman, isn’t it.

Arthur (face screws up):




But then you insist that it’s Herman Park, Hucka D., and he’ll say, “I think it’s time to leave now little bee. This hallucination must end.” You see, he’s proud of those photos of his park. Defensive. He thinks Hucka D. is making fun of him here?

Hucka D.:

But I’m not.


I think the photos should be of Mammoth National Park, though. Yes, Mammoth.


Hucka D.;

So I, Hucka D., look through the photos, after realizing they aren’t of Herman Park. And I see one in particular, which looks manipulated. Arthur states it is a collage he’s working on… he inserted a bear in the picture. Hucka D. says that’s pretty good. Then Arthur starts making stuff up… he states he put the bear in the picture but then the bear came to life in a way. Next time he looked at the picture it was down out of the tree it was in previously — in this snapshot again — and heading to a hole in the rocks behind Arthur. Arthur follows in the snapshot. Arthur states the bear’s name might be Ben.


Maybe it was Ben who sent Arthur the letter in the first place. Or maybe Hucka D. looks at the photos and sees the story unfolding and realizes this… that Ben sent the letter. Perhaps it is very faint and badly spelt, or the letters ill formed… like a bear would perhaps write. An intelligent bear, a shape-shifting bear mind you. The bear kidnaps Arthur… Arthur does not remember this.

Hucka D.:

Ahhhhh… the *photos* were sent to me, of Arthur being abducted by the bear which isn’t really a bear. Ben. Then I drive or whatever to Arthur, Kentucky to show Arthur the mechanic these pictures, but he says the event didn’t happen. He doesn’t remember it, not really.


The bear collage would have been in the back of the scrapbook of photos, like Arthur was almost ashamed to show it, or left it for the last, as a type of desert. Dessert, I mean.

Hucka D.:

I don’t think it has the form of a bear at that point. Perhaps a woman. Man/woman? Or half human, half bear.


Hucka D.:

Hypothetically, Arthur, let’s say that these events pictured on the photos sent to me happened, and that they were sent by this Ben, which may be short for Benadril.

Arthur had stopped working on his little car, a Porche I believe, but I’m no car expert. He was paying close attention. He was trying to remember.


Ok. Alright. (Lays wrench down on table and wipes hands, and then rubs them against each other to complete the wiping process). Let’s say that’s so little bee. (You see, he was starting to get glimmers of the memory). What now?

Hucka D.:

Well, you could go back to the cave, or find the cave, if that’s where you went. What’s inside? Is Ben still there?


Maybe I don’t care what happened to me, if anything happened. I love that park. I’d like my, um…

Hucka D.:

Comfort zone? (Hucka D. ventures)


I like it the way it is. I don’t want to have weird memories of some abduction in that place.

Hucka D.:

These are difficult times.


Meet me over at my house after work. I’ll be off in about a half hour. I’ll let you meet my wife. No kids, just cats. You can meet them too, if they come out.

Hucka D.:

I’ll fly over to Mammoth Cave in the meantime. You say this happened in Kessinger? Cub Run?

Arthur (sternly):

I haven’t said anything about a location.

Hucka D.:

I wish to know if you don’t mind, so I can tell you if a hole is actually there. Don’t you… well, I’m just going to use my intuition on this. Just a flyover at this point. But I think Kessinger is involved. Cub Run. And hunting.


I was hunting deer, not bear. And I got permission to hunt there. Private land. Nothing illegal about it, if that’s what you’re thinking. It was[n’t] on national park grounds. That’s why I had to go over to Hart County.

Hucka D.:

I think you were hunting illegally. In Cub Run.


Listen, do you want to be invited to my house or not?

Hucka D.:

Ok, you were hunting legally. But you weren’t hunting for deer. No. You were hunting for aliens.


Legal aliens, though. Yeah, that’s it. Not deer. Aliens. I wasn’t going to tell you but you guessed. Now I gotta get back to work. I’m my own boss but that doesn’t mean I can just laze around all day. I have to pay the bills little guy.

Hucka D.:



So Hucka D. flies over the top of Mammoth Cave National Park from Arthur to near Bee, specifically Cub Run and maybe Kessinger. Cub Run has its own cave. He doesn’t have time to explore except to stare into the mouth. Then he heads back to Arthur. He spots Arthur’s house in the woods far off the main highway for sure. Woods he loves as well. Near the border of the park, maybe even next to it. No, not quite. But close. Of course the wife is surprised by the appearance of Hucka D., the SL bee. She’s fixed lasagna. Hucka D. states he can’t eat human food and he’ll watch tv in the meantime until they can talk. He can hear them talking in the kitchen about the possible abduction. The wife, named Bea, ironically, states that he was gone far longer than he thought he was. She thought he may even be having an affair. She thinks he *was* abducted. They come into the living room. Hucka D. turns off the tv.


Go ahead and tell him Arthur. She gives him the two thumbs up.


(clears throat). You could be right little bee.



Chatting, B November 3, 2008

Filed under: Carrcass-1,Grassy Noll,Hucka D.,SF — baker Blinker @ 5:27 am


We will continue Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Marvelous idea.


It occurred to me tonight, Hucka D., that I have gone beyond [delete name], and when I say [delete name] I always slap myself in reprimand. But this time it may be important. Esbum is the key.

Hucka D.:



I have created the new Rainbow Sphere. That ass [delete name] couldn’t do that. ESBUM is the new Rainbow Sphere.

Hucka D.:



But this must be a secret project. Like Project Ozma.

Hucka D.:

That wasn’t a secret, but it covered a secret.


Ozma has a brother.

Hucka D.:

That she does. Ozmo.


I didn’t know about him.

Hucka D.:

Baker Bloch.


In the beginning, Baker Bloch finds out that he is Ozmo. It is written.

Hucka D.:

Winesap. Denison. *Bee*.


We return then. To a Mammoth idea.

Hucka D.:

Beehive. Temple. TILE. Mammoth.



You go to Arthur, you go to Rhoda. You find Grassy’s brother. Ozmo.




Shark. Fonzo. Fozo… Ozmo.


Jump. Where little Peter Dunne did a jumbo leap. Monster. Training, then a Minster. Half monster, half minister. Island Grove.


Peter Dunne is a key. Lock and key it.


In the beginning…


He finds the book with the cross on it.


He dries it out. Not all wet, then.


No. He’s found something. Bear.


Ozmo, but not quite… yet.


In the book is a map of Egan. Bear. BEN. Then he is in the middle…


Of Ben!


That’s how it starts.

(to be continued?)



SF, Hucka D., I think this book is a linking book, a poor man’s version or perhaps a full version. Takes Baker Bloch to BEN. Island Grove, perhaps. Peter Dunne invented LOST??


I wish to help. Rhoda. Grassy’s brothers, many in number. One named Fonzo or Ozmo. Involved in Q109. Rhoda knows. Found in Rhoda/Arthur. Go to Arthur. Bee Arthur. Bee. Take Hucka D. Grassy and Hucka D. go to Arthur. Explore Mammoth Cave which may be the same as the Temple. Pack their bags.



Baker B., I got a letter from one of my brothers named Arthur. I call him Ozmo. But then this red liquid dripped out of it. Not blood, though. Like a dye or sumtin. I’ve enlisted Hucka D. to go with me to this place in Kentucky named Arthur that is my brother. That’s where I’ll find him. In a mechanic’s shop.


Grassy, do you think something is wrong with your brother Arthur whom you call Ozmo?


He’s into something deeper than all of us can suspect. Endless passage.


It is time for lanterns to be lit. Into the passage!

Hucka D.:

I am employed as well. But it’s back to the future in time.


Ozmo finds an opening. Just stumbling and bumbling about in his ways. A little piece of plastic candy is all he is.


No it is your only human brother. Like Marilyn on The Munsters. Monsters.


Ozmo is jumping the shark here. Blowing his head. His mind. Hack a Shak.

Hucka D.:

We’re close. The book isn’t wet any more. Not entirely. This one picture… Ben. Then… zowie zoom… LINK.


Mocksity, This Time W/ Mossman (& Grassy, er, Salad Bar Jack!) October 12, 2008



Chatting Once More… September 23, 2008

Filed under: Grassy Noll,Hucka D.,Pink Floyd/Syd Barrett,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:39 am

“Whoever is there come in please. Come in Grassy, Hucka, Grassy2?”

(no answer.)


Well, then, it looks like it might be just us. I wanted to reflect tonight — so much is going on, as usual. Grassy or Grassy1 may still be lost in a West Virginia Super Wal-Mart, new Pink Floyd cd in tow. Grassy2 is now among us, and quieter than the original, maybe a little sharper as well in both a positive and negative way. Hucka D. has been extremely helpful in all this, but sometimes I think his heart is half in it. Mind is elsewhere. Just observations here, not criticisms. Just stating the way it is or seems to be.

I do know some additional things now from the Phaze 7 just passed through, and which roughly corresponds with the ownership of the Ziczac property just sold and replaced by similar sized property bordering the Ruby Forest. I know about The Arab… it is in the temple now, with cargo unloaded (?). Somehow the cargo is the same as the Diagonal running left-to-right across the Ruby/Rubi sim and strongly pointing out the presence of TILE in this sim above and beyond my temple. The forest seems to hold the key. Is it a microcosm of some macrocosm, still detectable by geomantic methods?

Grassy has indicated the ship The Arab is from Missouri, and was found 1/2 mile from the Current River, at what’s called Camp Zoe where they hold hippie-type concerts round the year. Sounds like a fun place, but you wouldn’t catch me there in a million years — I have a strong dislike of crowds. But that’s where the ship was found, and this is somehow mirrored in the now defunct Zoe property of Ziczac, indicating its ultimate “resting place” in the Temple of TILE with its tic tac toe exterior. That’s what Ziczac in combination with Zoe was pointing out: the temple. But this *also* represents the left-to-right diagonal of the overall sim the temple lies within, or what I’m just calling The Diagonal. All these seemingly meaningful little coincidences are obviously connected, I’m just not clear about the overall picture yet. I do know it has, also, to do with Grassy1’s trip to the Super Wal-Mart in West Virginia. If he ever gets out, I think he’ll have some more valuable information to relay to us.

But what of the cargo of The Arab? But it’s not The Arab… it’s only called that because it contains the Foreign One. Arab is the Foreign One, then. I don’t think it has to do with oil, although that would be a logical parallel to draw in. Is the Foreign One, then, from Mythos? This is a stronger probability; in fact, I’m almost certain that the cargo and Mythos are directly related. And also [delete name], then, who is said to rule this planet overall.

Hucka D.:

I’m here.


Hucka! Nice to have you around tonight.

Hucka D.:

Mythos is key. Lock and key. Foreign One. Chairs. Contents. Roller Coaster. Trans-Floyd.


How do I corral all this huge pile of potential information?

Hucka D.:

A table will do.


Like the table in the middle of the Foreign One chairs? 57,57,98?

Hucka D.:

That’ll do.

(to be continued?)


Grassy Chat? September 21, 2008

Filed under: Carrcass+6,Corsica Continent,Grassy Noll — baker Blinker @ 8:54 am

First, a ta do list…

Talk to Grassy about The Arab, which I think will be, in another sense, called “Foreign One”. Arab simply means “foreign one” generically, that is, and has nothing to do with the Arab people. It means more, perhaps, “one from Mythos”. I want to speak with Grassy about its cargo, which may be the same as this “foreign one”. Maybe the ship is owned by Mythos or someone from Mythos. At any rate, it’s full of boxes… crates. The contents are what’s most important, though. although it may be a roller coaster ride to determine what’s in ’em. It may even be from the island of Corisca, SL style that is, or relate to something about that — wouldn’t doubt that at all. Could be a carrier ship. But it’s connected to Zoe for sure, as Shannondale and Summerville are nearby, mirroring the same in Missouri, the state Hucka D. wants us to run away from and Grassy wants us to embrace. Not sure about Grassy2’s opinion of the Show Me state yet; it could be him that shows up tonight instead. Never know with this set of characters.

I don’t think ohl, I mean oil, is part of the contents, but could be wrong once more, and may relate to the Arab name involved.

Yes, the more I think about it the more I believe this ship, this boat, this carrier of foreign content or persons, is from Corsica.* But how, since Corsica contains no people yet? Ahhh, a ship from the future, then! I wonder if the Corsica forest will be preserved, and if it resonates directly with the similarly sized Ruby Forest? Most likely there’s a direct resonation, I believe, but whether this means that the Corsica forest will be saved or not is another matter more out of my hands. All I can do is remember and preserve it for what it is now, and point out this resonation.

So let’s bring in Grassy…

“The ship is from the Corsica island and is carrying foreign cargo… content. Jetson. Another planet.”


That you Grassy?


It’s Grassy2 again. Grassy is out on the town.


Do you have 1 arms or… never mind Grassy2. I don’t want to know. Now about this ship, this boat, this carrier. It was found a half-mile from the Current River, at Zoe.


The sim of Ziczac use to be partially underwater in the days of the Moth worshipping peoples. Zoe.


The content of the crates is foreign, but not ohl, er, oil. Right?


No, the contents are the Foreign One. Capitalized.


Is this a person?


They are in crates.


Is this ship the “Finally Married”?




Was the ship not as much from Corisca as it was *found* at Corsica?


The eastern continents are a mess. You must take of it what you can and leave the rest. Corsica. Ship. Foreign One. Contents. Carrier. Ohl but not Oil. Olive. Forest. Ruby. Corsica.


Are the 4 colored Jetson chairs within? Ohl — I mean, “oh” — and does Foreign One mean four-in-one by chance, hehe, as in the 4 Jetson chairs in one group directly resonating with the strong energy of TILE in our chosen sim?


Chairs. Contents. Jetson. Ohl but not Oil. Foreign One. Four in one.


It’s those chairs, isn’t it? Roller Coaster Road. Crates. Carrier.


Send Esbum Michigan over.


There are things I don’t know yet.


There are things you don’t know yet.

(to be continued?)


(15 minutes later…)


Grassy2, Grassy went to Corsica, didn’t he? That’s why he’s not around.


People are trees. Person is more than one tree at once, though.


Grassy2, is he in Pennsylvania, then? 1 Pink?


Admittedly he’s not here. He’s in Big Four, West Virginia. Formerly Cirrus. Near the Welch airstrip.


Well, what’s he doing there?


Currently he’s lost in a Super Wal-Mart. Bought a cd and can’t get out.


Is Big Four related to Foreign One or perhaps Four-in-One, as in the chairs? TILE? The “big four” colors?



(to be continued?)


“Ok Grassy I think I figg’red out sumtin else?”


How to talk with your mouth full?


Er, no. About Ziczac and zoe. That’s the *Diagonal* running across the sim. Has to be. And it’s mirrored in the design of the temple itself, especially the back side containing the words Rubie and Silver. It’s a mirror of a tic tac toe game.


Contents. Chairs. Big Four. Grassy1 is there.


The Diagonal is the carrier of the contents, though. Right?


I am hidden in the 125 and the 125. 1/4th of 1.


Big Fourth?

(Grassy2 does not answer.)


Ok, but this is important and I’m not quite ready to end this strange discussion. Has Grassy1 found his way out of the Super Wal-Mart yet?


Not yet. He’s lost in the nylons section. Aisle 32, I believe. He has trouble counting above 25, you see.


Back to the Diagonal…


End this.

* A little later on I found out that the whole continent was named Corisca, and the sims of the island take their name from this instead of having an independent status. But this might deepen the implied relationhip between Corsica, Pennsylvania and what I know now is the Corsica continent, since the resonation could be more widespread. For example, the gallery I was about ready to create on this continent would have technically been a “Corsica” gallery, then, even though it is quite far from the island with the thickly wooded forest I’ve been writing about.