baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Thoughts… August 16, 2011

Work on labyrinth walking instructions tomorrow. The 7-circuit labyrinth now inside the Temple of TILE in Teepot faces north. One walks around the labyrinth, then, counterclockwise until ready to enter the meat of the thing. Purification. Getting in tune.

Here’s the position where you enter after this, and descend from surrounding blue into yellow, or a descent from the number 8 to the number 5 in other terms.

I gotta get a light for that place (!) Within the yellow band you are walking clockwise now, then working back out a bit again, red finds you turning in a counterclockwise way, then still working back out toward blue, within the green band or path you are heading clockwise once more. This follows the number pattern 8-5-6-7, and brings you to this point…

… where a second descent is found, this time into the tightly wound bowels of the labyrinth and the non-TILE colors of, first, blue-black, then violet then orange and then red-black before a final descent into the white epicenter. This would correspond to the numbers 4-1-2-3, leaving out the white center which would equate with both 0 (zero) but also 8 again (center and circumference as one).

Usually I just stop in the center and don’t try to work my way back out. Am I doing it wrong, though?

Baker Bloch meditating after reaching the center.

This makes the whole circuit 8-5-6-7-4-1-2-3. 8-5-6-7 corresponds with the 4 TILE colors of, in order, blue, yellow, red, and green within the labyrinth. 4-1-2-3, again, are non-TILE colors. Let’s bring in Hucka D. to see if he has any comments on the subject.

Hucka D.:

Good work baker b. The labyrinth is in a truer position than before, resting at the bottom of the Rubi temple. Nice. You forgot to mention that 8-5-6-7 is the four letters of TILE itself, but not in that order. Instead *that* would be E (8/blue), I (5/yellow), L (6/red), and T (7/green). This is also the colors of Easter (blue; yellow) and Christmas (red; green), with Easter pure and uncorrupted within the overarching system and Christmas singly corrupted within same. Jeez I’m talking a lot tonight. The inner part of the labyrinth, the non-TILE windings, further equate with Halloween or doubly corrupted, then July 4th, which is triply corrupted to end. Then as you said the center, white, zero is the same as the outside, blue, eight, where you can just meditate and stare up at the spinning TILE cube at the center of the temple if you wish.

Might be nice to have a picture of that to augment my talking.


Already done!

Hucka D.:

I seem to be possessed by your hands tonight. Hold on…

Picture of labyrinth from 2nd floor while I wait on Hucka D.

3rd floor…

Hucka D. (returning):

I couldn’t find what I was looking for. Sorry.


What was it?

Hucka D.:

A bell. For ringing.


Hmmm… New year?

Hucka D.:

No. Thoughts.


All You Need August 15, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Teepot,Temple of TILE,Uncategorized,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 7:10 am

So… the Psychic Reader building has now been replaced by the much larger Rubi version of the Temple of TILE. Had to give it a try, and am already fiddling with/fine tuning the structure. Here’s some preliminary shots. It fits really well in that space, actually.

The main entrance, for now, is off Rainbow Way through the Arcadia Asylum built train tunnel system. Again: pretty good fit here.

View over top of the older part of town.

Teepot/Teepot Heights needed a focal structure, and I believe this is it. More on all this soon enough, but let’s briefly bring in Hucka D. to see if he has anything to add tonight. Hucka?

Hucka D.:

D. Yes, I’m here. How are you. I’m fine. We should talk of TILE. Soon.


I have a feeling that TILE Creek has reverted to “mere” Yards or Yd Creek, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Another spirit has taken over, true enough. Carrcass.


Is the spirit TILE still?

Hucka D.:



Is TILE a collective…?

Hucka D. (jumping in):



Collective spirit, then.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Yo.


Sapphire around, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Yes, Sapphire will return to this blog.


Now that…

Hucka D. (jumping in again):

Yes. Now that you’re here.


In Yeot. Teepot I mean. Teepot Heights I suppose. Teepot and Teepot Heights together.

Hucka D.:

It’s all Teepot and something to get high about for sure as a collective.


What of Gong? Will a Book of Gong be written, Hucka…?

Hucka D.:

D. Yes. The Gong Book. But people who buy it thinking it is a history of that particular band will obviously be disappointed. You can’t judge a book… and so forth.


It will be about that pool.

Hucka D.:

The pool is a spirit, true enough. You didn’t have that in Sunklands, which contains only dry sinkholes. Take advantage of that, er, advantage.


I’ll definitely think about that, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Go to Gong.


You mean go, the game, leads to gong or lends itself to the name and… deepens it.

Hucka D.:

Gong is a go piece. White. Not black, white.


Placed… sorry.

Hucka D.:

Placed on a conjuntion of two lines, just like in the game.


Sim crossing you mean. 4 of ’em.

Hucka D.:

Study up on that. Gong is unique in Your Second Lyfe.


We’ve mentioned a connection with the Vileness Fish. And, of course, I had a version of that fish, my interpretation, in that very pool last summer, during my first stay in the area, Hucka D. I remember Linnea being with me when its roaming capabilities were activated. I can’t even remember if that’s her current name.

Hucka D.:

I can’t either. You should… well, I’ll leave it at that.


I now have no real contacts in SL, Hucka D. Except for realtors. Real-tors.

Hucka D.:

You have Gong (now). And me and Sapphire and other blog spirits. You have contacts.


Thanks for that.

Hucka D.:

All you need.


Thanks again.

Baker Bloch visits the still developing Town Hall, with Teepot’s official red, green, blue and black flag displayed in a corner.


Tronesis, 1.40 August 4, 2010

Filed under: Hucka D.,Sapphire,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 8:35 am

“Thought I’d at least check in tonight, Hucka D., since we’re going to be gone until Mon. or Mon. night in Charleston.”

Hucka D.:

Have fun!


Want to talk more about Tronesis tonight?

Hucka D.:

Sapphire is here.


Hi baker Beach. Nice night. Insects and such. Trilling. Thrilling.


So what’s up, Sapphire? Hi to you too, as well.


You are at a point, turning.


I’m cleaning house if that’s what you mean.


You must go back to your original position.


Does part of this involve researching Tronesis?


Yes. You have August and September to make, er…


Get back.


Yes. Talk to Flynn still. Talk to others. Don’t worry about… exploring.


What of the story of the [SL] mythology, Sapphire?


Pieces will sink into the ground. Weighted. Others will float.


So I’ll just see what shakes down, then. Be patient in the meantime.


You are extending yourself beyond others [as usual]. You must…


Draw back?


You expect too much. You expect to be understood.


Understandable[, though].


[Temple of ]TILE is a focus, baker.


A point of stability within virtual reality. Understood.


Builds, 02 July 22, 2010

The other build I’ve been working on recently, and off and on since the beginning of June, is the new, updated Temple of TILE in Rubi. A pic of the subway system first, an Arcadia Asylum creation of course…

Then it’s up the single escalator to higher levels…

.. starting with Floor #1 of the temple proper. You have to take the left (north) half of the divided escalator to reach this floor; the other will dead end about halfway up. Get to that quirk in a moment-o.

The original version of this temple, which has been carried down through the months and now years, is a 30m x 30m x 30m cube, same dimensions that later became attached to the cube version of the Edwardston Station Gallery. And for a time after the creation of the latter, I tried to combine the forms of each into 1 rectangular box 60 meters high and 30 meter on each side. In other words, I stacked one cube on top of the other, same-size cube, with the Temple of TILE usually on top of the Edwardston Station Gallery. Symbolically, I still believe this is the best way to view the relationship of the two structures, perhaps the 2 most important I’ve developed in Second Life. They are perhaps viewable as 2 aspects of one thing, like a masculine (TILE) and feminine (ESG and the “Art 10×10”) cooperative. I’ve also related them to the Sun and Moon, which appear as the same, relative size as viewed from our Earth.*

But upon my move to Noru in May, 2009, and the expansion of my land to larger proportions than before, I decided that the 2 cube structures worked best separate from each other. Closely related still in a symbolic way but separate physically. And that is the way they remained up until the Big E Gallery of Aotearoa about 1/2 year later, when they were combined again but with many other elements, such as the Big E itself (created Summer, 2009) and also a considerable number of b_hivia modules. Big E Gallery was my largest, created structure in SL, and still is — a behemoth of sorts.

But back to the present. Many pictures that appeared in previous incarnations of the Temple of TILE have returned in the new version, including, first, those more directly related with TILE Creek of Frank Park, and then, sneaking in later, mostly Edna generated pictures concerning Ozland, the “Ruins in the Woods” exhibit first found in the Big E Gallery as well, and others. Missing still are Charleston related pictures — maybe later. But the main subject, obviously, is TILE itself, the game/philosophy/religion I’ve already talked about quite a bit in this blog here and there.

A collection of TILE Creek related pictures in a wing of the gallery.

Ozland related pictures, all by Edna, added to a corner of the gallery by the stairs.

Another quite exciting, new development to the temple is the addition of a downstairs bar and lounge, with objects (including the fabulous bar itself) courtesy of Tooter Claxton, all found free of charge at his store in Oculea.

And this barroom can only be reached through the half of the escalator heading *down*, to return to that quirk in temple navigation I mentioned before.

A look down from the Tyle cube still centering the new temple (as in all previous versions as well, if I remember correctly) toward the bar and the tipsy Baker Bloch perched on a stool there.

Another aerial view of the temple, which is a bit over 2/3rds the size of the 30x30x30, older version. It’s in its perfect, virtual spot now perhaps. More on that soon I suppose, when I have more time. TILE is very important to me if you haven’t picked up on that, loyal reader or readers.

But actually, the real star here, just speaking from a virtual standpoint, is the Great Rubi Forest. Amazing.


* For various reasons, I also associate them with this:


Thoughts… June 24, 2010

Filed under: Comma Islands,Norum,Rubi Forest,Temple of TILE,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:47 am

Played around quite a bit with the Rubi properties today, but ended up back with the old look of the temple and grounds. Main element I was playing with: Tower of TILE. Attempted to add it to the corner of the Temple of TILE — 2 diff. things, mind you, which I thought might be one thing and still could be — but it didn’t fit in. Then attempted to add it as a stand alone structure like I had it on the old Noru property. Didn’t work either; for one thing took too much attention from the Temple of TILE.

I have enough prims at Rubi to sell a 1024 and get by (west end), but do I *really* want to do this? Have to think hard about that one; give it consideration.

Then “extra” 1024 in Noru *is* for sale still. No buyers yet.

The main point of attempting to move the Tower of TILE to the Rubi properties is so that I could better justify giving up the Noru property and the Blue Feather Gallery itself. Since the conversion didn’t work, I may have to rethink giving up that gallery. All I can do is experiment now. 🙂

Logically if I did reduce a 1024 at both Rubi and Noru, that would give me 2564 sq. meters to play with, throw in the additional 512 now used on Comma Islands. That’s a fairly big chunk of land — thinking of buying it at 1 linden per sq. meter (which you can commonly do with non-shore land now). Would cost a bit over 10 bucks, then. Possibilities: Yeot or thereabouts; Comma Islands; Pudding Hill (probably not). What to put on it? Maybe just *live* there.

*Now*, what if I got totally rid of the Noru property and reduced the Rubi property to a 3096? That would still give me 1/2 that, a 1536, to do something with.Smaller version of the Blue Feather? I’m not sure I can give up the 1024 at Rubi, though.

The Temple of TILE may be basically finished. The Edwardston Station Gallery with the 10×10 is probably finished. That’s my 2 main structures in Rubi. Well…

This weekend I want to explore the Comma Islands sea more thoroughly.



Thought I’d just add some new updates to this post. First, decided to keep, for now, the “extra” 1024 in Noru after all, and have *re*erected the House of Truth upon it.

Besides Rubi and Noru, I also have the larger of the 2 Victorian houses I own set up on the northern of the 2 Comma Islands, in the Intromoto sim. Hucka D. has recently states that I-as-Baker-Bloch use to live there in pre-Linden times as well. Hmmm…

*And*, a crazy thought crossed my mind yesterday to buy in or near Yeot again, perhaps another 1024. Am I moving too fast on this land acquisition? Maybe. 🙂


Around Ratcliff June 11, 2010

Filed under: Pond District,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 7:47 am

Phase 1 of the Temple of TILE is probably complete.

But that will have to wait for another time, because Baker is set on exploring more of Ratcliff rather than hanging around Rubi tonight.

At the 2 northern entrances to the Sesia “mystery park” bordering my 512 in Menoma.

But Baker’s aim is the city itself, which he reaches in a matter of seconds after resisting the ever-lure of the park and passing between two buildings.


New Temple of TILE… June 4, 2010

Filed under: Rubi Forest,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 8:45 pm

… I’m getting closer!


The problem with the Blue Feather Gallery (a happy problem, though!) May 31, 2010

Filed under: Blue Feather Gallery,Rubi Forest,Temple of TILE,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 7:44 am

Where to put it? Will it stay in Noru? Will it move to Rubi? The latter is what I’ve been experimenting on the last 24 hours, with mixed results. This is the original version…

but I realized the tower was simply too tall for this location (maybe not for Noru, though) and temporarily shortened it. I’m still not happy… more work to do.*

But boy in the meantime, it’s a great view from the porch!

In conjunction with this, decided today to just consolidate everything in Rubi, and sell the Noru properties. But now they’re back off the market, as I further ponder the comparison between the 2 sims I just bought property in, sims I probably know better than any in SL now. Rubi and Noru.

I’ve invited another guest artist to exhibit in Rubi, but may switch this exhibit back to Noru.


“Let’s talk to Hucka and whomever tonight a bit. Hucka D.?”

Hucka D.:

Much work ahead, baker b. Much ground to cover, much blank slate territory suddenly opened. What to write?


Yeot is history, Hucka D. Noru was *almost* history, but now I’m once again unsure. I’m going to wait for the guest artist to respond, if they will. Then go from there. There’s a chance the Blue Feather Gallery will simply go away. Good chance. I’ll just keep the cube version of the Edwardston Station Gallery around, then, and work on a new Temple of TILE of some kind. All this would be in Rubi… if Noru goes, I suppose the Blue Feather Gallery will have to go as well.

Hucka D.:

I’m not too worried about that. It will sort itself out [soon enough]. You know the *location* of TILE now. You know it has something to do with that prim tower. Not the one on the lower of the 2 Comma Islands but, yes, once again that was a hint of what was going on. 2 prim towers “explored” the same night. What is the relationship? Create the text of your Temple of the Prim post tomorrow. TILE works in mysterious ways [like that].


Thanks. Yes, I see (!) The 2 are related.

Hucka D.:

This one’s a rabbit hole problem. Down the rabbit hole… what do you find? You find a King who digs up a tile with a King digging up a tile. This one will take time to develop.


In the meantime, I should just relax and take in the scenery.

Hucka D.:

In a way. This one’s a hole. Keep alert for clues, as you already have. This one involves all of Second Life. Clues could come from anywhere, from anyone. That’s because you need help. And people are willing to give you this, at least on an unconscious level. And sometimes a conscious level as well. But mostly the former, as you already understand.


Yes. Obviously I’m reading old parts of the blog involving my original stay in Rubi, Hucka D. Probably should get back to that.

Hucka D.;

You have a seeming weak spot that is instead a great strength, the greatest. You should probably keep Noru around till you figure out what to do with that hole. It is both red and blue together in one. The Matrix.


Thank you.


* 05/31/10 Update: Yes, I went ahead and deleted this version entirely. Something else should go there… (?)


Temple of TILE reinstated… May 8, 2010

Filed under: "E",Big Sink,Galleries, Baker Bloch,Sunklands,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 1:12 pm

… on Pudding Hill properties. Nothing really in it yet. Big E (stripped of all b_hivia supporting elements in this incarnation) is just to south. Some skyscaping below, including a waterfall.

Ground shots now. Really nice view from Fleep’s cottage down into the heart of Big Sink. Will be hard to give this up (once more). Sunklands Central Victorian house in the southwest corner of Pudding Hill can be seen to the right, occupying the last of the four 1024 parcels I rent in this sim.

My little Pudding Hill forest. I’ve also reinstated the modified Econo apts. May actually put pics in it this time… we’ll see.


Chilbo, Spheres… November 19, 2009

Filed under: Jeogeot Chilbo,Nowtown/Zen City,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 9:41 am

One more shot from Nowtown by Baker Bloch, depicting a huge water drop positioned above the lava stream flowing from near the top of Nowtown Mountain, as we’ll call it for lack of an official name. But admittedly it’s a trick shot, for the giant drop is merely a tiny drop of water Blochs found floating in front of a small store selling heraldry paraphenalia near the Brainwash Art Center. He just moved his camera around until the tiny object seemed to be hugely superimposed above the lava flow, a phony threat to snuff out its heated existence by dropping, thus. As is my nature, I suspiciously believe that even the chance to even create such an impossible, surreal juxtaposion may have meaning in a larger picture, since this lava flow down into the Fyre Maven temple, where it is actually quenched by water, represents the spiritual centerpiece of the community, at least according to Hucka D. and also Little Robert Plant Variant.

Is this new juxtaposion shown above any less real, actually, than the positioning of the temple and lava flow together in the first place? A metaphysical question not unworthy of asking, I feel.

But moving on…

… to Karoz chill’n in Chilbo, the next day I believe. Some sit poseballs at the “Art Part” museum near the center of the Chilbo sim, or not to far south of it, attract Karoz’s attention because of their similar color and texture to the Joplin Ball — yes, that’s actually what he thought when he saw them. Currently the small, 2 room museum houses only 3 distinct pieces of art, including the one behind Karoz by Gretchen Capalin, inspired by fractal art it seems. Quite nice.

More art nearby in a place called the Gemini Art Corner, with all pictures on easels this time. Works in progress? All look in finished form to Baker Bloch upon checking behind Karoz today; must be a stylized way of displaying the pieces, then (10 in all).

Karoz sitting beside what might be Chilbo’s largest water course, but I’m not sure of that… hafta check. This would be right next to the Gemini Art Corner, which lies just out of the picture frame to the left here.

Interesting textured rock just upstream from where Karoz sits above, more of a ground level shot this time.

One thing The Baker Family really appreciates about Chilbo, I believe, is the obvious, loving care given to the design of the community, such as the inclusion of this interesting detail involving a discarded piece of food and grateful ants, near the source of the aforementioned stream.

Moving to the south central part of Chilbo, Karoz finds this basically empty 512 parcel surrounded by a white picket fence, with some wooden prims stacked up near its northwest corner against the fence. Relationship with other Chilbo property owners: unknown.

Interesting sculpture of a “Bine Rune” owned by Fleep Tuque on a wall just south of the huge Oracle Tree. According to wikipedia, a bind rune is a ligature (character overlap) of two or more single runes. In studying the matter just a little further, it could be that this object represents a Bluetooth bind rune of very contemporary origin. Not certain of this, though.

Then Karoz finds yet another Chilbo mediation spot on top of the Art Part. Ooohmmm chillll ooohmmm.

Then its over to the Temple of TILE to take a more close up look at the Joplin Ball/Sphere. Exactly how *powerful* is its influence? Does it extend to Chilbo? Nowtown? The Moon sim? All of the above and much more? Much, much more?