baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Tennis Man September 30, 2012

Filed under: collage 10x10,Lower Austra,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 1:49 am

Friends are hard to come by.



Spirals within Spirals… February 2, 2012

Hucka D.:

House Greenup and SoSo spin in opposite directions from the circles around them, counterclockwise in each case. The robots have circled around each of these structures (galleries) in a clockwise manner. You are in the heart of your 7 stones research, baker b. Have you heard?


Have I heard what?

Hucka D.:




Anyway, so it turns out, as I was walking them tonight, that the Greenup series within House Greenup and the Oblong series of SoSo spin around in the same direction, contain the same number of collages, and are both spiraling around both a lower and an upper level. Of course I knew Greenup and Oblong were similar in this way (2 loops of 20 collages apiece), and were different from the other 4 series of the 10×10 in this way.

Hucka D.:

In this way. Listen.



Hucka D.:

Not… no.


[Delete name] would say death is the end. Period.

Hucka D.:




So the robots, both red and blue, *cannot* walk in a counterclockwise direction — they simply halt themselves at the 7 Stones marking this turning point. They *cannot* walk in the same direction as the spin of collage progression within each of the galleries they are circling around. (pause) The collages are separate from the robots, or are on an opposite spin from them. The robots do not enter the galleries for this reason, and never will. One comes from the Town Dump and the other from the Town Limits. Points Y and Z respectively on the picture above, Hucka D. Hucka?



So the robots counter the sprialing energy of the two galleries, the blue one counters Greenup and the red one counters Oblong in the SoSo Gallery. But the Golden Way connects the two in a harmonic manner. I think.

Hucka D.:

I am harmonic. Listen.





Looking downward into the spirals of each gallery would be like looking into two circles stretched out and connected. The first circle would start at 1 and end at 10. The second circle, identical in shape and size to the first, would begin at 11 and end at 20. 10 collages in each circle, Hucka D. And containing an animation in the exact center of each, or between collages 5 and 6 in the first circle, and then collages 14 and 15 in the second circle. In addition, at each point where the two circles touch, as it were, another animation is produced, or between collages 10 and 11 in circles 1 and 2 respectively, and collages 20 and 1 between circles 2 and 1. This would apply to both the Greenup and Oblong series, although it is easier to see in the “classic” style of Greenup, where the pattern was laid out for the entire 10×10. This would be the first series created in the 10×10 as well, the ur series. Hucka? Anyway…

Hucka D. (returning):

Don’t you think the two (red and blue) robots are trying to make an animation with each other but can’t?


That makes sense. Let me try to wrap my brain around the concept.

Hucka D. (patiently):

Wrap away.


If they were heading in the same direction in respect to each other, they could make an animation — they would be two aspects of one motion, start and end. However, they oppose each other, and head in opposite directions, perhaps on opposite loops of time itself, Hucka D. Is it Greenup opposed to Oblong?

Hucka D.:

No. I don’t think.


Can you wrap your brain around *that*?

Hucka D.:

Yes I can wrap my brain around that. By the by, you saw me downtown today.


I did (!) What were you doing in downtown Blue Mountain, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Just saying hello. Howdy, how’s it hanging. And such.


Golden One, eh?

Hucka D.:

Yeah. I try not to be boastful about it, but it gets away from you at times.

bb (smiling):


Hucka D.:

So you’re forgetting the Golden Way[ once more].


Guess I am. Let me take another look at the picture above, then.

Hucka D.:

One more look and we should end. It’s not too difficult baker b. Remember you were telling [delete name] today that it was simple and implying that he should be able to grasp it? Well… maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s like the red and blue robots that don’t make any sense all stuck at that stacked rock sculpture. That’s what it is — red and blue. Limitation.


The way to keep moving up the 10×10 spiral, Hucka D., was to create these animations at every fourth collage. Otherwise I would also get stuck. I remember the first — between Greenup collages 5 and 6.

Hucka D.:

56, yeah.


What is this saying?

Hucka D.:

What *is* this saying??


What is *this* saying???


Anyway, once more, Martin turns into another Martin in the animation, the yellow submarine starts heading more downstream on the Greenup Gill, and The Beatles have changed from Russian nesting dolls to jigsaw pieces of a puzzle. Jigkansawyers.




Still here Greentop, I see.


I hear. I see.

Hucka D.:

He’s in the collages, baker b. That’s why he’s here. Highest of the low, you know. Greentop. Asha.


And the tunnel in the background has lights in it now. Three glints — diamonds as I saw them. Something has been energized.

Hucka D.:

Birth is about to happen. Right Greentop?

Greentop (proudly):



OK. So… I guess the yellow submarine in the collage could be the, er, Golden Way, Hucka D.? [no answer] And the diamond glints are Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds from the Sgt. Pepper album, then same album of the jigsaw puzzle. It has just been pieced together — the album I mean. 4 pieces to the puzzle, 4 Beatles, 4 Russian nesting dolls.

Hucka D. (returning again):

The tunnel is Millboro. That means it’s a time tunnel.


Let’s see. So that means The Beatles are travelling backwards in time, back to Revolver just before Sgt. Pepper. That’s why the images have turned black and white from color. “Yellow Submarine” is a single off the Revolver album, and paired with “Eleanor Rigby”. And we just spoke of this double single on the blog, Hucka D. Dr. Blood did, I mean. Dr. Blood and I.

Hucka D.:

And me.


This is probably about 4orrin1, then, Hucka D., which was slightly in the future when the collage was created, or predating it by several months. 4orrin1 would have been a strong and heavy influence at the time. Gravity.

Hucka D.:

And comedy.


4orrin1, or Foreign One, would have been the pull from the past which is in the future. (pause). Oh, and the lights within the tunnel are like train lights, Hucka D., which also plays a part in 4orrin1. Lemme pull up a pic.



Well, I can’t find one, but it’s where Fin wakes up in the middle of the train track in tile 2, but then in tile 3 the train comes and whites out the screen with its light. It’s up in the air, in the synch, whether he survives or not. He is the Nowhere Man. Time goes backwards. Fin’s watch is smashed when the train passes over him because it was laying on the tracks — proof that he didn’t dream the whole thing up. At the same time in Nowhere Man we hear “take your *time* (don’t hurry)”. Can’t be chance or happenstance, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Golden Way. By the time you get to Oblong the synch process is in full swing. You have reached your peak, alongside collage production. Parallel peaks, then.


The tunnel is time travel. The tunnel is tile reversals. Jumping backwards. The end of 3 loops back to the beginning of 2 in this case. Nowhere Man.

Hucka D.:

It is because he (Fin) has lost his friends in the Yellow Submarine. He is alone, but is still saved. Time saves him. Backwards jumping. Otherwise…




Biggie Island January 7, 2012

“It was an island specifically set up to study the E. Big E. Biggie Island.”


Thanks for starting, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

You’re welcome.


Soooo. Is this where man changes to… sorry, monkey changes to man?

Hucka D.:

This is Monkey City.


I believe I have a bead on this[ line of inquiry], Hucka D. The E was lying on the ground when found. Later? The key is finding the island itself on the Big E, or half the island that is in the Korean Channel — the Pleiablo sim. A tiny bit also intrudes into Wylder.

Hucka D.:

That’s the part you can’t see. That’s what they, the “monkeys”, had to figure out. What happened to the missing bit. They had to find it on another part of the map, and that’s when it all begin to fall apart. Sorry once more…


That’s all right.

Hucka D.:

Fall into place, I meant to say. Sorry (playfully adjusts sides of bee mouth).


Now to clarify for the reader, just beyond this island is where Karoz fell into the portal connecting Jeogeot and Maebaleia. He entered the Blue Feather Sea from the Korean Channel. Here’s the post:


Karoz’s Inland Sea is the same as our Korean Channel.

Hucka D.:

Correct. Karoz created the fuchsia diamond, 32 primmed, and flung it into this sea as a young lad, still Sapphire’s precious Aquamarine and not yet rebellious Aqua Teen. Or maybe this is where all that started, the rebel forming or shaping. Being molded. Bill.


Then he also found this same “E” in the Blue Feather Sea. Here, again:

Hucka D.:

This is what Chilbo was looking for. Or should have been looking for. The wave has crashed; bit too late now. Maybe for Jeogeot as a whole. But there’s the new energy.


Yes: Simple.

Hucka D.:

New indications. Biggie Island may be related to the ultra-mysterious Rodeo Island as well, don’t you think?


May be, Hucka D. The Bee. May be.

Hucka D.:

This is where monkey changes to man. Insert Oblong 10 and 11 or 11 and 10 please.



The map of the Isle of [Man] is superimposed on top of the monkey in Oblong 11 (second collage), while in Oblong 10 the island remains behind him. Is *this* Biggie Island, then?

Hucka D.:

Yes (!)


And the monolith is obviously the “E” itself in this case. It would look that way from the channel, except sideways.

Hucka D.:

The dark, opaque spine of the E, you mean.



Hucka D.:

Who found it… monkeys?


Whatever, when it was found monkey symbolically changes to man, and Isle of Man is superimposed on Monkey[ City?]. Green Gables peak of the Lake District is highlighted as well, since the island sits atop it in Oblong 11.

Hucka D.:

And Oblong 10.





Hucka D.:

So the key is the Box of Oblong passing between the 2 monoliths in Oblong 11, both the [mirrored] graves of St. Burl of Ives. The mirrored part is the “e” side and the “schwa” side of the Big E itself in this case. On this case.


When Monkey realizes the relationship of the front and the back of the E itself, then it is passed through, like the green Oblong box containing, er, all the letters of the word OBLONG within, according to our analysis at the time.

Hucka D.:

I wasn’t around then.


Oh, right. Even S.F. wasn’t around at that time. Just a little before.

Hucka D.:

A bit. Bite.


The green Oblong box is also obviously representative of Ireland, the Emerald Island. The gravestone just to its left in [Oblong 11] is one of Ireland[ surname], and similar in size and shape.

Hucka D.:



So we have moved beyond Isle of Man to Ireland, heading more westward. And Ireland is on the map in Oblong 10, the northern part anyway.

Hucka D.:

The southern part would be behind the mountain. The green Oblong box is the southern part behind the mountain moved forward, just like the Isle of Man[ before it?].


Mysteries of death itself? What happens when a Man dies?

Hucka D.:

Don stepped outside. 21.


The mountain the monkey and his dog are on is S.F.: Seathwaite Fell.

Hucka D.:

None other.


Carrcass-6 has a lot of Irish stuff in it, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

And Carrcass-5. Carcassonne.



Hucka D.:

Carrcass-5 and 6?


All. Front and back. Side and side. Man and Monkey. Too. All. Two. All.


Additional thoughts for tonight:

When the Big E was found in Haebyon, it was kept a secret because when “monkey changed to man”, they knew it was from the future. The future should not be tampered with — the Big E was there because it was locked into the formation of the Korean Channel in the future (early 2008). It was eventually taken to Meddletown (?) Oh… *that* makes sense because of 2001-Echoes (!).

And strangely I’ve just been in contact with Mike Johnston mentioned therein after several years. I think he would like *this* synchronicity.

Here’s the whole category on Meddletown on this blog:

It’s all starting to piece together. More soon!




Another December 30, 2011

Another small mountain conquered today. Didn’t take my camera unfortunately, because there were some very interesting nooks and crannies involved, once more. The amazing late 2011 surge of hiking finds continues (!) The highlight was perhaps the uncovering of what looks like a decrepit treehouse in the woods, perhaps a center for rope climbing activities. I’ll have to think carefully about what to call this mountain. I believe — I’m certain, actually — that the Mossmen culture was also tied into this mountain. Maybe yet another map is in order.

I also wanted to talk to Hucka D. about Big E tonight. “Hucka?’



Sorry, got distracted in googling the names of Korean Channel sims. Can’t seem to find a common outside (real world) denominator, almost as if the names were just made up… almost as if…

Hucka D.:

The alphabet anomaly of the Korean Channel and Big E was their only purpose, yes.

bb (after checking some more):

Yes. It seems. Tired of checking.

Hucka D.:

Hidden within TILE (Tyle?) is the tetractys, composed of 10 letters from T to, looping back to the beginning of the alphabet, C. TUVWXYZABC. Tetractys. Can be summarized by letters T-V-Y-C occupying positions 1-3-6-10 in that lion. Line. (pause)


Those are the 4 letters not found in the Korean Channel sims [letters beginning sims’ names]. They are instead the hidden tetractys or Realm of Numbers inside or covered by the Realm of Letters.

Hucka D.:

Yes (pause).

Baker Bloch in Kenfield.

bb (after another pause while exploring a bit of the Korean Channel):

I just don’t think there’s much there, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



I mean, I’m reminded of why Karoz fell into a portal connecting Jeogeot to Maebaleia after this.

Hucka D.:



Crabwoo is almost completely gone now, Hucka D. Only a shed and a bit of wood left.

Hucka D.:



All I have is Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

And Frank and Herman Parks, of course. Einstein (smiles).


And a bit of Teepot as well.

Hucka D.L



I am forgotten. I am alone.


Couldn’t get to you today. Found some more stuff in Frank Park, though. You know [delete peak name]?


No. I know only myself. (un-smiles)


You should get out more.


I have tributaries with different news. (pause)

Hucka D.:

Looks like that’s it.


Hucka D. has apparently left the scene, but I did also want to mention that Pietmond’s newly installed Big E is angled in the same direction as the SoSo East Gallery immediately below it. Relationship, then, between Big E and Oblong collages within SoSo East? Big E as related to 2001’s monolith (pictured in Oblong 10)?

Is Pietmond itself set to make an evolutionary jump?


30x30x30 is correct for the 10×10 February 24, 2011

Baker Bloch, along with me, thinks, “I got it right the first time.”

If the Edwardston Station Gallery can’t be in the middle of Big Sink, the middle of Blackmount Sink is as good as any location for it. The 30x30x30 cube turned out to be the right venue for my “Art 10×10”.

It flitted across my mind just a minute ago to think about downsizing in SL, which means essentially giving up Pietmond. What would that do? Well, it would still leave me with the ESG, cube version (in 2 separate locations in SL now). It would perhaps leave me with Pietmond South. Maybe. I would still keep the Pietmond South Gallery, perhaps adding the collections of SoSo West, Norum, Something to CHRO About, and so on to it. I might keep Gallery Jack, inserting it next door as a memorial to Pietmond (in place of the Home o’ Fibs).

Maybe advertise the last month of Pietmond sometime soon. Hiking season is upon me. My focus will be outdoors at least till the end of May/beginning of June. I can rent additional space, then. And, gasp, I can actually *sell* the land of Otaki Gorge.

But all this is just speculation. I may not give up anything.

Pietmond is about emergence from the enclosed, island-like self into a peninsula self, beginning, really, with SoSo in early December. And connected with this it’s about TILE. I’ve been attempting to explain to Mike C. in more recent emails to him about the design of the labyrinth in the center of the TILE Temple, and how it is a direct representation of Dark Side of the Rainbow.

TILE is more than just the outer 4 colors of this labyrinth (red, green, blue, yellow), which add up to 26 units or separate tiles themselves, correlating with the 26 English alphabet letters. It has to have 10 more to complete, or the numbers 1-10 to make 36 total. The 36-Square is one display of this concept, the 36-Triangle another. Each contains truths and lies about the whole, which is beyond both.

Mouseview from Peter’s Rock: Baker walked the labyrinth, keeping the DSotR correlations in mind. He’s happier now.


Gallery Jack Updates; Art Line November 3, 2010

Filed under: collage 10x10,Edwardston Station Gallery,Gallery Jack — baker Blinker @ 6:22 am

Added a pie chart representing the “Art 10×10” (alternately, the “Collage 10×10), right in front of the art kiosk in Gallery Jack, where I assume most people have been entering the gallery. A wall version of this basic concept existed at one time in the original Edwardston Station Gallery (see link just below).

Interesting that “pie” keeps coming up in various ways in the blog, and also personal emails.

And as I was just writing someone, this pie chart demonstrates an overall rhythm to the 10×10 that I probably shouldn’t go into in this particular post. Since, for example, I’ve already covered it here in part…

Then this same day I also added a map of Jasper County, Illinois to the very center of the gallery. 6 of the 8 series of the 10×10 take their names from towns within this county, or, in the order they appear in the 10×10, Rose Hill, Yale, Newton, Hidalgo, Wheeler, and then, well, Jasper itself. All these towns appear on the map, and — cool thing — the map Hidalgo lies just beneath the Hidalgo sign within the gallery, and also the Yale name on the map is quite close to the Yale sign at the bottom of one set of stairs.

If I turned the map the other way, Rose Hill town name would similarly be very close to the Rose Hill sign.

The names of two series of the 10×10 do not appear on this Jasper County map, although they are both named for towns that exist not far at all from the borders of this county. This would be Greenup, 1st series of the 10×10, and then Oblong. Not coincidentally, these two series are housed in structures separate from Gallery Jack, or SoSo perched atop Gallery Jack now (Oblong series), and then House Greenup in front of the gallery (Greenup series). What this correctly implies is that Gallery Jack and the series within represents Jasper County itself, especially focused on the northern part of the county where, again *coincidentally*, a latitude event recently discovered called the Art Line passes through. In fact, the very center of this line (39.1) runs through the middle of all these illuminated towns.

Regular readers will know that a large labyrinth exists at the center of Piedmont which Gallery Jack is a part of now. The Art Line happens to be all about labyrinths. Must be some sort of connection don’t you think?? As I told my friend Flynn (friend in SL *and* RL), once I study up on all this, I plan to contact appropriate people associated with this cross country phenomenon and see if my collage project fits into their ideas. Quite exciting really! Flynn is also the one who told me about this Art Line, but neither of us knew that a connection existed with the 10×10 at the time.



Party Prep… March 1, 2010

Filed under: collage 10x10,Nordan Art gallery — baker Blinker @ 8:55 am

I totally messed this set of pictures up by leaving my “Show Attachments” option checked, but I thought I’d include this one anyway coz it’s so cute. It’s Edna and me (yes, rl Edna in a sl Edna body) just outside the Aotearoa cottage* I’m helping her fix her appearance for the opening gala party tonight at the Ahren Art Gallery owned by Linnea Ahren, showing about 15 of my 10×10 collages.

We had a great time, although the turnout was a bit lower than expected. Still, all in all, a nice success, especially since Linnea is new at this game and this is my first full exhibit outside my own galleries (which, I suppose, don’t really count). Below is a snapshot from the opening, with, left to right, Edna, myself and Linnea.

And, yeah, that’s the first time for me in any kind of suit. Found it in some default avatar’s clothing folder in my inventory. Fits pretty nice, though, and Edna and I are also outfitted with sort of matching jeans. Now I’m obviously not the dress up type, but we got a kick out of it, and I can see going to other places every once in a while as well dressed as such. I need to head back to my Pudding Hill neighbor’s music venue (Pudding Club) sometime — maybe that would be an excuse, but I think a suit would look out of place (?). Maybe not.


* rl Edna is my rl wife of almost 19 years now.

Note to self: create Sound of Music related post for some of the partygoers.


We must keep chattering, part 3 of 6 of 9… February 20, 2010

Filed under: collage 10x10,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:50 am

“Hucka D…”

Hucka D.:

As the title says… (pause)


Good evening to you, Hucka D. We have new eyes.

Hucka D.:

Eyes, ears, speech. 3-n-1. Foreign One.


Do you wish, then, to talk about “One Pink”?

Hucka D.:

Eyes open. Irwin. Peeks through. Two lips. Ear to hear. Wassup.

bb (joking):

Not much.

Hucka D.:

Greenup… let’s talk[, then].


Switching the subject just a bit, can you tell me about the relationship between England’s Lake District and the Lake District of Maebaleia?

Hucka D.:

I want to say something… but I shouldn’t.


You were going to say something rude. Weren’t you?

Hucka D. (denying):

No. (shaking head) No.


Where’s your pollen ball that use to be on your hand? (laughs)

Hucka D. (still shaking head, laughing as well):

Don’t start with me.

bb (after a pause):

So, Hucka D. I’m just going to take a look through the Greenup series quickly… hold on. First off, what is Billville?

Hucka D.:

Oh, you know.


I know that it’s suppose to represent the central mound of Greenup 02. The one with the teeny Brazil flag on top. The one the giant purple martin is lasering, shall we say, with his yellow ray.

Hucka D. (repeating):



I think it is a moment of conception. A meeting of male, solar energy with female lunar energy, like sunrays in a cool bowl or container.

Hucka D.:



Hucka D., I wish you wouldn’t start with that. I’m having enough problems with the *cat* tonight.

Hucka D.:

Casey? Oh he’s a beauty doll.


It’s actually a she, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

You call him… her… a beauty boy all the time.


Yeah, it’s just a little joke. Gender confusion. Like Baker Blinker and Baker Bloch.

Hucka D.:

Ooooh. Am I a woman to you, then, baker b.?


No. Let’s get back to the subject. No more of the “O” word, though. OK?

Hucka D. (obliging):



Billville, seemingly, is conceived in Greenup 02. The darkness in Greenup 03 is the darkness of the womb, as perceived by the growing embryo. Then dawn arrives in Greenup 04. The birth is about to start. In Greenup 05 we are there. Back in the sun of the father, but in the body of the mother.

Hucka D.:

Couldn’t have said it better myself. A-O-K.


Martin is on the mound holding the Brazil flag. Proudly, it seems. The mound, a new addition to the collage series so far, is from Oklahoma, Esau Junction to be precise. Oh wait, actually it’s the same mound as in Greenup 01. No… wait…

Hucka D.:

Why don’t you just put a picture of the original photos. Can you find them still?


Unsure, Hucka D. Hold on…


“I’m not sure it’s still on the web. Maybe not.”

Hucka D.:

Then you have a unique work, then. Good you stole. (smiles)


Greenup 05 and Greenup 06 make the first animation in the 10×10. (Simpson’s) Martin turns into (George) Martin. Beatles move from color back to black and white. Moving back in time, then. We follow the yellow submarine back in time, back to the hole in the wall. Tunnel.

Hucka D.:

It says Millboro. What the heck is that? (snickers)


That’s the past, I suppose. And the future.

Hucka D. (again, innocently):

What are those three lights in the tunnel. Look out! Here comes trainie.


I never really thought of that, Hucka D. But it’s three lights. It’s suppose to be diamonds, like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. And we have the Sgt. Pepper album in jigsaw form before the old Beatles. A jigsaw piece mirrors the jigsaw nature of the creek in the Greenup valley.

Hucka D.:

Side for you[, then] and side for me?


Maybe, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

What is the significance of Esau Junction in these pictures, baker b.? Why is it inserted in the heart of this quaint Greenup valley. Replacing that mound in Greenup 02, it seems.


Yes, the mound again. Bill’s Mound. Billville.

Hucka D.:

So in Greenup 07, we’re seeing through the tunnel toward the approaching yellow submarine, heading down the Greenup Gill toward us. But it has turned into a boat, the same one as in Greenup 04. Do you need to rest your fingers?


No… tis OK. Cat’s asleep finally.

Hucka D.:

So sweet.


Yes. In looking at it, the source of the 3 lights in Greenup 06 becomes obvious as we stare from the other direction. It is diamonds for sure, glints of a stack of them. And the glints out of line just like the same in Greenup 06. Obviously the same.

Hucka D.:

Good work. But really, let’s see… aren’t they the United States?


US… yes. America. Or Amereca.

Hucka D.:

Meramec Caverns, then. And then you exit the same toward the end. Greenup 19, as I’m checking. That’s the same mound through the mouth of the tunnel in both. And there’s the stack of books with the apple on top again. Martin’s apple and books. (pause) This is coming and going. From the same place, the same mound.


Yes, obviously. It was planned that way, though. Not accident or synchronicity.

Hucka D.:

You were asking about Billville earlier. The Bill.


We’ve talked a number of times now about Lemon, which seems to be the same as Lennon of the Beatles…

Hucka D. (interrupting):

No… variant.


Right, variant. So it’s Lemon from The Beetles instead of Lennon from The Beatles. But in the blog he’s credited for bringing The Bill to Sunklands, or allowing them to enter Sunklands. Lennon is the largest of the China dolls of Greenup 05.

Hucka D.:

The Bill came and organized things a bit better. Peter was buried in his mound, but then, several days later, he was back and in Aotearoa. Petemond to Pietmond to Piedmont. He erased memories of his burial in Otaki Gorge. Instead he pointed to the cemetery on the east end of the newer Petemond or — you know. The pool with the fallen tombstone in it. Blue Pool. Pool of The Dead it was called. Billalex… Gillalex. Bill’s Gill. Stonethrow.


“I think Greenup 06 depicts a Beatles (Beetles?) joined together again. Separate yet joined here, as in a jigsaw puzzle. Greenup 05, in Greenup 05, the puzzle is pulled apart and the pieces separated. China dolls equal jigsaw puzzle pieces. 4 in each case.”

Hucka D.:

We are heading back in time (from Greenup 05 to Greenup 06), true enough.


From color back to black and white. Like The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Before the colors of Sgt. Pepper. Like old TV shows, then.

Hucka D.:

Exactly like that.


Then, to continue, in Greenup 08 we have a type of birth. The 3 diamond glints become 3 referees, all taking turns shaking hands with Coach K. K. A much smaller martin bird looks on, through a looking glass, with a glinty diamond-like eye himself or herself. This appears to be a lunar martin, the counterpart to the (much larger) solar martin in Greenup 02. The eye is also the star Vega, also present in Greenup 03. The purple martin here seems to be a representation of purple or black-ish night, Hucka D., and its stars. All in one.

But then, on the other side of the (Greenup) valley, seemingly, the jigsaw puzzle pieces representing the 4 Beatles have moved into the future, the White Album, Abbey Road, and beyond, into the solo years for the group’s members. Past 1970 then… almost here but not quite. And there is The Diamonds again, in the shape of a mountaintop restaurant this time. Wheeler 04 is set very near the same location (in Missouri).

Hucka D.:

Therein lies the mysteries. The Diamonds. Cars parked and avatars within. Ole…

bb (quickly interrupting):

We better say goodnight, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Oh… OK. Goodnight baker b. Thanks.


Thank you.

Hucka D.:

See you in the booth.


Right. We’ll try again perhaps tomorrow night.

Hucka D.:

Thanks again.


We must keep chattering, part 4 of 6 of 8… February 19, 2010

Filed under: collage 10x10,Hucka D.,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:49 am

“Hucka D., as it says in the title, we must keep chattering.”

Hucka D:

Why don’t you refresh your coffee first. I’ll wait. I have time. I not bee busy.



I think that, understandably, you want us to talk about Peter tonight.

Hucka D.:

Peter has been/is/will be here in Sunklands with you… us. He is the cross of the 10×10. He is Mountain and Mole Hill at once.


I’m going to have to take a closer look at the related collages again, Hucka D. I don’t think any will be in the new showing. Let’s see, they would be collages 10-11, 35-36, 60-61, and 85-86. Nope, none in the exhibit-to-be.

Hucka D.:

The most important (contact) is the Oblong series. And Greenup. These are the two cities of the 7 cities and 1 county of the series that are outside the county itself (Jasper). They are apart, separate. The contact with Peter comes at the same place in each — right in the middle. For Yale it comes in the middle as well, but Yale is half as long as either Greenup or Oblong. For Wheeler it comes in the middle also, but same situation — Wheeler is the same length as Yale and thus 1/2 that of Greenup and Oblong. What is contacted? Peter, we know. But what or who is Peter? We know he is Seathwaite Fell, that’s certain enough. When you first contacted him in Greenup, you did not know this, though. You knew that a mountain apart from the small Greenup valley, somewhere to the southwest and covered with a giant diamond(s), was the involved. Peter was inside. Inside was Peter.


A channeler, then. Like Helen Keller. Perhaps like our Sapphire, then. Alabama. Ummagumma.

Hucka D.:

Those are my lines.


Sorry. (pause) Peter is Irwin.

Hucka D.:

The Bill. Bill, The.


The title “One Pink” remains extremely interesting. Bleedthrough — future. Big Sink.

Hucka D.:

Why is the boy staring through the eyeball?


Irwin? I suppose that he gains sight, somehow, in the transition from Greenup 10 to Greenup 11.

Hucka D.:



(pause) Is that the same as Constantinople, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Is and isn’t. (pause)


The dead fish in Greenup 11 is Lennie. Not Lennie of Of Mice and Men but perhaps that Lennie as well.

Hucka D.:

No, it’s suppose to be more Lennie Bias, dead in 1986 of a drug overdose. Bird looses his wings in the process. Oleanistantinople.


This is also Mythos code for the loss of the dark or mother side of the county (Burke), and the winging it of the light father side toward heaven, perhaps like a dove.
Hucka D.:

The mother dies, not the father, because the mother is (still) on Earth. Oleanistantinople.


Seeing it from the other direction, then. Like an e and a schwa.

Hucka D.:

Right. Death is like life and life is like death. Oleanistantinople.


Hmmm, you like that word tonight, Hucka D.

Hucka D. (rapidly):

What? Oleanistantinople? Are you talking about the word Oleanistantinople? Is that what you are referring to? Oleanistantinople? Is it? Oleanistantinople, I mean?

bb (somewhat irritated):

Yes, Hucka D. That would be it. (then he smiles)

Hucka D.:

Moving rapidly to Oblong and 85-86 — are you there yet? — we have a clearer picture of Seathwaite Fell and Peter. It is here you realize that the cross is present. Put a picture up here.




Hucka D.:

In a way, this is TILE, then, baker b.


Yes, I see. Green opposes red (Oblong and Greenup) and yellow opposite violet (Yale and Wheeler). East and west, and north and south. Highest value color and lowest. Then the most evenly valued colors. TILE.

Hucka D.:

But anyway then you know that you are contacting Seathwaite Fell, the mountain in England. The source of pencils not diamonds, but diamonds nonetheless. Olean… OK, I’ll stop saying it.


Thank you.

Hucka D. (continuing):

You are at a peak: Oblong 10 and then Oblong 11. In Oblong 10 Monkey stares at grave which is the 2001 monolith and the grave of St. Burl of Ives and in Oblong 11, Monkey becomes Man (Isle of) and Oblong Box, a coffin, full of the letters of the word OBLONG itself — *not* Oleanistantinople — .

bb: (playfully reprimanding):

Hucka D… you promised!

Hucka D.:

Right, but like I said, *not* that word but OBLONG instead. O-B-L-O-N-G. The letters are colored all colors, almost, except for the color green. Seems to stand for Ireland in the cemetery picture of Oblong 11, don’t you think? Coffin?


May-be. That’s kind of TILE waterfall in that Oblong 02 collage, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

You must polish up Floydadada and allow others to read (it).


Even part 4?

Hucka D.:

We better end. You have your homework.


Thanks, Hucka D., as usual.

Hucka D.:

You’re very welcome. Thank you.


Bill Hill October 25, 2009

Filed under: collage 10x10,Edwardston Station Gallery — baker Blinker @ 7:59 am

“As you have surmised, we have a very special guest tonight, baker b.: Bill Hill. We’ll try it anyhow.”


Nice. Should we chat some first?

Hucka D.:

If you wish.


I’m getting that Bill Hill wants to look at some of the Oblong collages.

Hucka D.:

That’s correct. Oblong 3. Montana secures the afterlife.


Interesting. I suppose he’d also be interested in, say, Greenup 10 and 11.

Hucka D.:

We’re going to do some prepping. You ready for this?


You want for me to go inworld and look through my eyes again?

Hucka D.:

Yes. I want to look at the collage as Bill Hill might look at the collages.


Are we not going to speak to Bill Hill tonight?

Bill Hill:



Hi Bill… Mr. Hill. (pause)

Bill Hill:



Mr. Hill, are you a mountain turned into a hill?

Bill Hill:

The Devil is… (pause)


Mr. Hill? (no answer) Mr. Hill? (pause) Hucka D., I think he’s gone.

Hucka D.:

Then let’s go into the gallery. Let’s try the lower one… easier to move around in.


[1:01] You decline NETP Information Giver from A group member named Fleep Tuque.
[1:02] Teleport completed from
[1:04] baker Bloch: So here we are, Hucka D.
[1:04] HD: I don’t want to look at that one. That’s “It’s All Here”. We want to look at the cleared out collages, you know.
[1:04] baker Bloch: Thank you Hucka D. Let’s move on, then.
[1:05] baker Bloch: This is the second and third collages of the Oblong series now, Hucka D.
[1:05] HD: It is, of course, the 3rd that begins to really interest me, baker b.
[1:06] baker Bloch: Is this Bill Hill yet?
[1:06] HD: Kind of.
[1:06] baker Bloch: I remember I… well it’s a long story.
[1:07] baker Bloch: I think Pencil Tail is where the series really got going.
[1:07] HD: We’re zooming into Birdtail Butte here, I remember.
[1:08] HD: Bird… tail. Pencil. Pencil characters. 2d from 3d. Grave… Pip. Gorilla/ape. Heading to Birdtail.
[1:08] HD: Top of Bird Tail. Seathwaite Fell below. SF. That’s what Bill Hill was looking for. That *is* Bill Hill.
[1:09] baker Bloch: I’m less sure about Santa Speaks, Hucka D.
[1:09] baker Bloch: It takes place on the other side of Scafell from Seathwaite Fell. The action I mean.
[1:10] HD: That’s where Peter died, baker b.
[1:10] baker Bloch: Yes… supposedly.
[1:10] HD: In that gill.
[1:10] HD: Santa seems to be saying something here, baker b. What?
[1:10] baker Bloch: Maybe the mysteries of his death?
[1:10] HD: Peter and Bill are intimately tied.
[1:11] baker Bloch: On Bill Hill now. I mean Seathwaite Fell.
[1:12] HD: The spoken, recorded words of Santa are now folded out neatly on the mountain, and then folded up neatly in the globe. Santa’s there again.
[1:12] HD: With his presents. Bag of toys.
[1:12] HD: He will be missed.
[1:13] baker Bloch: All this is part of one story. The ape-man is climbing the Earth related butte now, like King Kong on the Empire State Building… ESB.
[1:15] baker Bloch: bb: Just like the hikers. 3rd stage. Citrinitas.
[1:16] HD: They are looking for the mysteries of the Oblong series itself. Do you know them [baker b.]?
[1:16] baker Bloch: They are climbing Seathwaite Fell from a diff. direction in Oblong 09, Hucka D.
[1:16] HD: Like you are checking out both sides of Big Sink now.
[1:16] baker Bloch: Yes, I suppose.
[1:17] baker Bloch: Then in Oblong 10, on top. Ape is monkey. Dog is again dog. No humans, though. A 2001 type monolith in front. Represents pen and pencil together.
[1:17] HD: Pennsylvania. Corsica Prime.
[1:17] baker Bloch: Yes, Hucka D. Peter.
[1:18] baker Bloch: The Penn is mightier than the Pennsyl. (smiles)
[1:18] HD: Is it really?
[1:19] baker Bloch: Peter represents a greater energy, like ink over graphite. More efficient. Seathwaite Fell is where graphite originally came from. Purest source for, well, centuries actually. It all starts here.
[1:19] HD But Pen Rock was found on top of Seathwaite Fell, baker b. Correct?
[1:19] baker Bloch: Yes. This collage is all about that [juxtaposition].
[1:20] HD Green Gables in the background. Mary Anne?
[1:20] baker Bloch: I’m not sure, Hucka D.
[1:21] HD [In Oblong 11], passage through two gravestones, facing each other. Like Oblong 02. With a green oblong shape between them. Oblong.
[1:21] baker Bloch: Yes, Hucka D. There must be a relationship. I’m going back over briefly to Oblong 02 to check.
[1:22] baker Bloch: It’s that island in the middle of Grasmere Lake that Wordsworth was so interested in, Hucka D.
[1:22] HD: Grave.
[1:22] baker Bloch: The box in Oblong 11, the green one, is where all these letters of Oblong come from. It’s written on the box.
[1:22] baker Bloch: Back to Oblong 11, then.
[1:23] HD: What does that mean, baker b.? It seems significant.
[1:24] baker Bloch: It’s about the collage series itself, I suppose. Self reference.
[1:25] HD: Ahhh, 9 who became 1 instead of 8. Peter. Peter’s decision.
[1:25] baker Bloch: Yes, Hucka D. The second largest of the Seathwaite tarns became largest after the real largest, Sprinkling Tarn, was filled in by the council. This is..
[1:25] baker Bloch: *forgetting.*
[1:26] HD: Baker Bloch is typing now when there’s nothing to type. Maybe you better log out and back in. He seems broken.
[1:26] baker Bloch: Thank you Hucka D. Hold on…
[1:27] baker Bloch: There, he stopped. For a moment… of course he’s started now again now I’m typing again.
[1:27] baker Bloch: Seems ok now, Hucka D. Let’s continue.
[1:27] HD: bb: So this is the new, largest tarn of Seathwaite Fell zoomed in and stuff.
[1:28] baker Bloch: There’s the Grasmere Island again. The idea was to make Seathwaite Fell a microcosm of the entire Lake District, Hucka D.
[1:28] baker Bloch: This was S.F.’s choice. Forgetting…
[1:28] HD: About Peter.
[1:28] baker Bloch: Yes.
[1:28] HD: Yet you have signs of Peter all around the lake. You know?
[1:29] HD: There’s Bill Hill, baker b.
[1:29] baker Bloch: Yes. I know.
[1:29] HD: Your bird is the onlooking dingo now.
[1:29] baker Bloch: Ok.
[1:29] HD: What do you think this means?
[1:30] baker Bloch: It is another Pennsylvania runny mess sealed up by West Virginia. Sealed up by S.F. himself.
[1:30] baker Bloch: Peter must be forgotten.
[1:32] HD: Moire effect, baker b. Ill remembered. Confusion because of the cover up. It didn’t work properly, baker b.
[1:32] baker Bloch: You mean the attempt to make S.F. the whole Lake District. No, I suppose it didn’t.
[1:32] HD: It has the same flaws as a perpetual TILE waterfall.
[1:33] baker Bloch: Hucka D., I felt Oblong 15 here was the most successful of the series so far. Nice balance between all pictorial elements.
[1:33] HD: This is where the moire effect begins to become rectified, baker b.
[1:33] baker Bloch: Yes, I suppose.
[1:33] HD: Wet Rock. Found in… where?
[1:33] baker Bloch: Greenup Gill valley.
[1:34] HD: It then travels up the side of the mountain all the way to Tarn of Leaves. By way of Stanger Gill. Stanger. Stranger.
[1:34] baker Bloch: I remember that Tarn of Leaves is actually 3 tarns in one.
[1:36] HD: I am puzzled by [Oblong 17] admittedly, baker b.
[1:37] baker Bloch: bb: Yes, Oblong 17 represents a tricky impasse. Thank you.
[1:37] HD: Bill Hill thanks you for showing me your collages, baker b. We will continue.