baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“Right *here*” October 29, 2010

Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:13 am

“Baker’s decided on Orange House as his home, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

Great choice. Best views.


I have a lot more information coming in on Peter and Pietmond’s past, but I may just be too tired to talk about it tonight.

Hucka D.:

That’s surprising.


Isn’t it.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Do you want a spirit friend to help you out with the conversation. I’ll see who’s available.



Hucka D.:

Hold on.

Cherry Blossom:

Whatcha doing? Har.

Bing King Kong Crosby:

Arch-enemy! Destroy!!

Personal Likeability:

Fear is no fiend of men.

Hucka D.:

How’s that?


Maybe it should be just you and me tonight.

Hucka D.:




Any ideas?

Hucka D.:

What is the difference between Otaki Gorge’s Pietmond and Aotearoa’s Pietmond? How ’bout that?


Great. What do you think?

Hucka D.:

I think the arms were removed (pause)


Redman… that may be a good topic.

Hucka D.:

Dr. Blood. You want me to get him?


No, that’s OK.

Hucka D.:


Dr. Blood:

Good evening Mr. Baker Bloch.

Hucka D. (correcting):

That’s the user of Baker Bloch, also called baker. baker b. He is the user of Baker Bloch and also Baker Blinker, although she rarely makes appearances anymore. How’s that going, baker b.? The Blinker experiment? Why don’t you tell Dr. Blood all about it while I run to the bathroom.


(pause) Well, OK. Dr. Blood. Nice to see you tonight, first off. Well, Baker Blinker had a makeoever recently to make her more attractive as an art gallery owner and manager. See, Baker Bloch…

Hucka D. (interrupting):

I’m back. You finished?


Not quite.

Hucka D.:

Dr. Blood doesn’t have much time. Why don’t you ask the most important question first. Would that be the Aotearoa-Otaki Gorge-Pietmond thing you just mentioned?


Perhaps. But I guess I’m wondering more about Dr. Blood. Is he the same as Redman?

Hucka D.:

That’s going to be your question? Remember you might only have one tonight.


Well, let me rephrase. Who is Dr. Blood actually?

Dr. Blood:

Time’s up.