baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Various February 16, 2012

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Korean Channel/Inland Sea,Lower Austra,Seven Stones — baker Blinker @ 5:49 am

Played around with inserting a new, hexagon based temple in 7 Stones, but decided it was just too much. Similar in color and design to the Temple of TILE just behind it from the perspective of the below shot.

Lit skyscrapers at the northern terminus of Route 13 (west side of Lower Austra), next to the haunted house (left) already pictured at the end of this mid-January post. Don’t remember the skyscrapers when I took that earlier picture, though. New creations? Or just overlooked at the time? Anyway, I thought it photo-worthy.

This same night I took a nifty ride on a rather large roller coaster just down the western coast from the haunted house/skyscrapers, in Ghergie I believe. Hafta return here; great, free fun.

Then it’s on to the Jeogeot continent to visit another place I’d already been to before, namely a nature beauty spot in Onnuri. Sadly the owner has obviously neglected this formerly nifty parcel, so much that the water in the lake has drained out and not been refilled. I decided to put the water back this night, and also rezzed a tiny cottage (duplicate of Baker Bloch’s House Orange from Pietmond, etc.) on the southwest edge of the encompassing, square 4096, perhaps a kind of caretaker’s home.

Interesting gulch below the parcel… reminds me in some ways of the great gash called Piers Gill on the side of Lingmell Fell in the Lake District (pictured in a number of “Art 10×10” collages).

Btb, I found that I also took pictures of this particular locations during happier times less than a year ago, but neglected to add text to the post.

Baker looks back toward the just created cottage from over top of a long, mysterious body of water in a neighboring parcel. The resulting “lake” is about the same size as the one Baker just created, and you can presently see them both on the inworld map of Onnuri (that SLurl will take you directly to the orange front door of the cottage between the two).

Another Jeogeot location visited this particular night is the Xilted sim at the lower end of the continent’s central Korean Channel, a subject with its own sub-category on the Baker B. Blog here.

Baker Bloch can see living next to the green, green (and protected!) hills of Xilted. Should the moles populate the hills with Linden grass and other vegetation? A debatable matter, but I don’t think it could hurt. We’ll see if these type of presently empty, Linden owned spaces that make up the vast channel are upgraded in this manner in the future, a type of effect already present in certain spots around the immediate vicinity of the Lordshore Bridge spanning a bay in its lower part.


Biggie Island January 7, 2012

“It was an island specifically set up to study the E. Big E. Biggie Island.”


Thanks for starting, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

You’re welcome.


Soooo. Is this where man changes to… sorry, monkey changes to man?

Hucka D.:

This is Monkey City.


I believe I have a bead on this[ line of inquiry], Hucka D. The E was lying on the ground when found. Later? The key is finding the island itself on the Big E, or half the island that is in the Korean Channel — the Pleiablo sim. A tiny bit also intrudes into Wylder.

Hucka D.:

That’s the part you can’t see. That’s what they, the “monkeys”, had to figure out. What happened to the missing bit. They had to find it on another part of the map, and that’s when it all begin to fall apart. Sorry once more…


That’s all right.

Hucka D.:

Fall into place, I meant to say. Sorry (playfully adjusts sides of bee mouth).


Now to clarify for the reader, just beyond this island is where Karoz fell into the portal connecting Jeogeot and Maebaleia. He entered the Blue Feather Sea from the Korean Channel. Here’s the post:


Karoz’s Inland Sea is the same as our Korean Channel.

Hucka D.:

Correct. Karoz created the fuchsia diamond, 32 primmed, and flung it into this sea as a young lad, still Sapphire’s precious Aquamarine and not yet rebellious Aqua Teen. Or maybe this is where all that started, the rebel forming or shaping. Being molded. Bill.


Then he also found this same “E” in the Blue Feather Sea. Here, again:

Hucka D.:

This is what Chilbo was looking for. Or should have been looking for. The wave has crashed; bit too late now. Maybe for Jeogeot as a whole. But there’s the new energy.


Yes: Simple.

Hucka D.:

New indications. Biggie Island may be related to the ultra-mysterious Rodeo Island as well, don’t you think?


May be, Hucka D. The Bee. May be.

Hucka D.:

This is where monkey changes to man. Insert Oblong 10 and 11 or 11 and 10 please.



The map of the Isle of [Man] is superimposed on top of the monkey in Oblong 11 (second collage), while in Oblong 10 the island remains behind him. Is *this* Biggie Island, then?

Hucka D.:

Yes (!)


And the monolith is obviously the “E” itself in this case. It would look that way from the channel, except sideways.

Hucka D.:

The dark, opaque spine of the E, you mean.



Hucka D.:

Who found it… monkeys?


Whatever, when it was found monkey symbolically changes to man, and Isle of Man is superimposed on Monkey[ City?]. Green Gables peak of the Lake District is highlighted as well, since the island sits atop it in Oblong 11.

Hucka D.:

And Oblong 10.





Hucka D.:

So the key is the Box of Oblong passing between the 2 monoliths in Oblong 11, both the [mirrored] graves of St. Burl of Ives. The mirrored part is the “e” side and the “schwa” side of the Big E itself in this case. On this case.


When Monkey realizes the relationship of the front and the back of the E itself, then it is passed through, like the green Oblong box containing, er, all the letters of the word OBLONG within, according to our analysis at the time.

Hucka D.:

I wasn’t around then.


Oh, right. Even S.F. wasn’t around at that time. Just a little before.

Hucka D.:

A bit. Bite.


The green Oblong box is also obviously representative of Ireland, the Emerald Island. The gravestone just to its left in [Oblong 11] is one of Ireland[ surname], and similar in size and shape.

Hucka D.:



So we have moved beyond Isle of Man to Ireland, heading more westward. And Ireland is on the map in Oblong 10, the northern part anyway.

Hucka D.:

The southern part would be behind the mountain. The green Oblong box is the southern part behind the mountain moved forward, just like the Isle of Man[ before it?].


Mysteries of death itself? What happens when a Man dies?

Hucka D.:

Don stepped outside. 21.


The mountain the monkey and his dog are on is S.F.: Seathwaite Fell.

Hucka D.:

None other.


Carrcass-6 has a lot of Irish stuff in it, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

And Carrcass-5. Carcassonne.



Hucka D.:

Carrcass-5 and 6?


All. Front and back. Side and side. Man and Monkey. Too. All. Two. All.


Additional thoughts for tonight:

When the Big E was found in Haebyon, it was kept a secret because when “monkey changed to man”, they knew it was from the future. The future should not be tampered with — the Big E was there because it was locked into the formation of the Korean Channel in the future (early 2008). It was eventually taken to Meddletown (?) Oh… *that* makes sense because of 2001-Echoes (!).

And strangely I’ve just been in contact with Mike Johnston mentioned therein after several years. I think he would like *this* synchronicity.

Here’s the whole category on Meddletown on this blog:

It’s all starting to piece together. More soon!




Korean East, 03

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea — baker Blinker @ 7:43 am



Korean East, 02

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea — baker Blinker @ 7:10 am



Korean East, 01 January 6, 2012

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea — baker Blinker @ 9:19 am



Korean January 5, 2012

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:17 am

Article about the Korean Channel from the Simple Wunderlich blog, called Jeogeot Bay within.

This is just a note: in the post, a very interesting building in the northwest corner of the Giyeok sim is mentioned. I’ll quote:

It consists of several parcels, one is the “XEMOR – Art Gallery”. It is owned and created by Romex Torricelli and set to The Sun and Moon group. The parcels are claimed Sep 2007 (!). Not all parts of the building are open to the public.

In recently reinvestigating the Korean Channel I too ran across this building, but found it to be on banned property. Now it appears that only part of the building may be private. I’ll have to go back.

So much more could be done to the Korean Channel. It could become a Linden paradise.

Hucka D. (quoting from end of the Simple Wunderlich’s post):

“’26 hours on a day,’ eh.”


Alphabet again.

Then upon visiting XEMOR once more, Baker Bloch still couldn’t find a public entrance…

… but then wised up and checked the parcel owner’s picks. Success!

Some quite amazing art here. Reminds me of Ernst and Matta.

Superb! Pictures from the Korean Channel itself on floor 2 of the XEMOR Gallery…

… and of XEMOR itself, it seems.

XEMOR from the Korean Channel. Wow. I might have to buy that one for L$500. Or have Baker Bloch buy it for me.


They obviously have a deep love of the virtual landscape around them, Hucka D.

Stunning stuff on the top 2 floors as well (3 and 4 of the gallery). Here’s a shot of the gallery itself from the bottom.

Unkiosked as well. How many fantastical “unregistered” galleries are like this in Second Life? I’ve run across quite a few already. And it makes me think that this gallery, this land of XEMOR, is part of an ancient energy running along at least the center of the eastern part of the Korean Channel, which might also include this Cheosan gallery, likewise sans kiosk. And the defunct The Art Gallery Shaped Like A Woman also (formerly) in Cheosan.


Baker finds a small paradise, somewhere east of the Korean Channel in a hidden bay. Hidden.


Another December 30, 2011

Another small mountain conquered today. Didn’t take my camera unfortunately, because there were some very interesting nooks and crannies involved, once more. The amazing late 2011 surge of hiking finds continues (!) The highlight was perhaps the uncovering of what looks like a decrepit treehouse in the woods, perhaps a center for rope climbing activities. I’ll have to think carefully about what to call this mountain. I believe — I’m certain, actually — that the Mossmen culture was also tied into this mountain. Maybe yet another map is in order.

I also wanted to talk to Hucka D. about Big E tonight. “Hucka?’



Sorry, got distracted in googling the names of Korean Channel sims. Can’t seem to find a common outside (real world) denominator, almost as if the names were just made up… almost as if…

Hucka D.:

The alphabet anomaly of the Korean Channel and Big E was their only purpose, yes.

bb (after checking some more):

Yes. It seems. Tired of checking.

Hucka D.:

Hidden within TILE (Tyle?) is the tetractys, composed of 10 letters from T to, looping back to the beginning of the alphabet, C. TUVWXYZABC. Tetractys. Can be summarized by letters T-V-Y-C occupying positions 1-3-6-10 in that lion. Line. (pause)


Those are the 4 letters not found in the Korean Channel sims [letters beginning sims’ names]. They are instead the hidden tetractys or Realm of Numbers inside or covered by the Realm of Letters.

Hucka D.:

Yes (pause).

Baker Bloch in Kenfield.

bb (after another pause while exploring a bit of the Korean Channel):

I just don’t think there’s much there, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



I mean, I’m reminded of why Karoz fell into a portal connecting Jeogeot to Maebaleia after this.

Hucka D.:



Crabwoo is almost completely gone now, Hucka D. Only a shed and a bit of wood left.

Hucka D.:



All I have is Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

And Frank and Herman Parks, of course. Einstein (smiles).


And a bit of Teepot as well.

Hucka D.L



I am forgotten. I am alone.


Couldn’t get to you today. Found some more stuff in Frank Park, though. You know [delete peak name]?


No. I know only myself. (un-smiles)


You should get out more.


I have tributaries with different news. (pause)

Hucka D.:

Looks like that’s it.


Hucka D. has apparently left the scene, but I did also want to mention that Pietmond’s newly installed Big E is angled in the same direction as the SoSo East Gallery immediately below it. Relationship, then, between Big E and Oblong collages within SoSo East? Big E as related to 2001’s monolith (pictured in Oblong 10)?

Is Pietmond itself set to make an evolutionary jump?


Big E December 29, 2011

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 7:54 am

Tonight worked on setting up a 25 meter high version of “Big E” to Pietmond. Logical place to put it: on this small knoll beside the norris Gallery and behind SoSo East. The former version, placed in various locations such as First Stage Noru, Biggie Gallery in Aotearoa, and the Blue Feather Gallery of (2nd Stage) Noru, was instead 50 meters high.

Actually, the Big E made its first appearance in a Healy gallery exhibit, summer 2009.

It was interesting to re-texture the 4 prim object with the various Korean Channel sims, one per each 10×10 meter surface or tile for a total of 29 surfaces (note: the back spine of the Big E, composed of 5 additional such surfaces in theory, remains untextured and partly transparent). The Korean Channel itself, created in 2008, contains 30 sims instead of 29, so one has to be left out of the mix in the translation to Pietmond’s Big E. This turned out to be Darcy’s Harbour, one of two not in the core 14×2 block of 28 sims making up this channel, along with neighbor Darcy’s Cove to the immediate east.

14×2 Korean Channel core block with “Darcy’s Jut” (Darcy’s Cove & Darcy’s Harbour sims), pictured along with the Mos Ainsley related sims found off the east coast of Jeogeot

Each side of the Big E/Big Schwa shows sims (squares) stacked 5 high, for a total of 10.

The top of Big E simply continues the bottom of the Korean Channel core into the next 2 sims up, or side-by-side Shamon and Demien.

As the surface above and on top of Zebrasial acts as a direct continuation of the Korean Channel sims to the north (Shamon), so the surface below Zebrasil likewise continues it to the south (Ichelus).

Looking from the other side of the Big E, the same would go for the middle prong of the “E” involving Myatzo (top), Fenstar (middle), and Wylder (bottom).

And then the bottom jut of the E is similar but a with a (literal) twist: Heirsch is indeed the sim directly above Lordshore in reality, and Darcy’s Cove is also the immediate western neighbor of Heirsch in same. However, Lordshore and Darcy’s Cove only touch corners in the actual Korean Channel and do not directly border each other.

Like the top of the Big E continues the bottom core of the Korean Channel up into the next 2 sims, the bottom of same continues the *top* part of the Korean Channel into the next 2 sim *down*, or Norvan and Locksley.

I had to use the “Disable Camera” option to get this picture, since the bottom of Pietmond’s new Big E actually sits on the ground.

Then the final 4 surfaces of the overall Big E, are filled out with the remaining “middle” sims of the Korean Channel, or, in this particular setup, Redzillion, Qui Quon, Lemongrass, and Bestimax working our way from top to bottom. These are also all water sims, or ones whose land is completely submerged by the Korean Channel itself.

A bit confusing, I know, and Hucka D. has stated that there was a whole sub-category of the TILE philosophy set aside for the study of the Big E, which includes the various ways the Korean Channel sims can be positioned upon its tiled surface. In reviewing the setup, it certainly seems logical enough to exclude Darcy’s Harbour, a water sim which is perhaps “hidden” within or latent within the similarly named Darcy’s Cove sim.

I also re-read some of the posts from the Korean Channel category of this blog tonight, or what was initially called Jeogeot’s “Inland Sea” therein.

Big E from the 2nd floor porch of the House of Truth, whose little gallery of pictures tells some of its back story.

heart of Pietmond from Big E

Big E from across the heart of Pietmond


About Jeogeot… August 22, 2010

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Korean Channel/Inland Sea,Otaki Gorge — baker Blinker @ 8:42 am



Roamings… August 2, 2010

Ol’ Biking Baker revisits what he originally thought was the highest point of Jeogeot in Yalu, near the eastern edge of Sunklands. Now he knows the highest point, the so called Mt. Jeogeot, is most likely in Noul a number of sims further east.

The big “Freakies tree” is still there, but the colorful grove of smaller trees that may have represented vegetative forms of the Freakies themselves, is gone. Is this actually where Bossmoss, perhaps the brother of Gene Fade The Mossman, lived? Or — maybe — is Bossmoss another *avatar* of the real Gene Fade of Frank Park, as Hucka D. has claimed about both Karoz Blogger and Bracket Jupiter. What odd thoughts I sometimes have!

Baker Bloch in The Measure sim again. I’m writing this a number of days after visiting — I believe at the time Baker Bloch and family were contemplating a move back to Yd Island…

Yes, here’s another snapshot from Yd Island of a nicely textured stream that quickly empties into the sea surrounding the island after forming.

Back on Jeogeot, and not far north of Noru in Chieut — actually the sim directly north of Noru — Baker, while biking around the extended neighborhood one night, finds this very dense, very regimented grove of trees located in a shallow gorge, a mixture of winter pines and fall oaks. Might be a part of some obstacle course, but Baker can’t quite figure it all out that night, and I haven’t been back since. I’ll put it on my ta do list.

We’re now back on the Nautilus continent, but far north of Yd Island at the southwest extremity of that landmass, on the northern border itself. The castle towering above Biking Baker here is the one that Hucka D. claims is actually Ruuster’s castle. I’ll attempt to say more on that soon, because it represents yet another confusing subject that I don’t have time to clarify right now.

Again on Jeogeot, this is a cave next to what we’ve identified as Mt. Jeogeot in Noul. Baker thought it worthy of a snapshot at the time.

At the lower end of Jeogeot’s Korean Channel in very green, rolling hills of southern Xilted. Baker’s just hopping around tonight, apparently, revisiting old hangouts.

Interesting window view of Xilted from a bordering rental unit.

New-ish viewing park in Lordshore just west of Xilted, created sometime after my initial visits to the Korean Channel in spring/summer 2009. And now there’s a huge bridge spanning part of the lower piece of this channel, probably 400-500 meters long or so. Another report I’ve added to my ta do list.

Old structures in Noru, since deleted. The Blue Feather Gallery now sits on the ground instead of the Edwardston Station Gallery (right), with the Big E (left) now “inside” that gallery. Things change so quickly in SL!