baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Double Double July 27, 2012


New Town Open Space February 13, 2012

See title.

Even with the newest additions to 7 Stones I can’t help but think that I will return. Here.


Hucka D.:



No Pietmond, then.

Hucka D.:

No. That is in the past now.


Britain, Britain, Britain’s coming along smashingly, by Jove.

Hucka D.:

Nice. Edna is pleased. Her book is on the web in a different form.


She still doesn’t like me saying that I went to England before her.

Hucka D.:

No. Did you?


Yes. [Through] Baker Bloch. Remember?

Hucka D.:

No (smiles).


Oh yeah. That’s right. You were there too.

Hucka D.:

Still am. With the King.



There doesn’t seem to be much of a mythology being created in Lower Austra, Hucka D. At least in comparison to, say, Sunklands and Pietmond. Or even Norum. Or maybe even Teepot.

Hucka D.:

It’s similar to Teepot[, then].


I think I have to return to Sunklands, Hucka D. Or [else] Norum.

Hucka D.:

You must think, “out there.” (points out of window). Toy avatars and such.


Frank and Herman Parks.

Hucka D.:

They are prime.


Where should I explore first?

Hucka D.:

Norris. Then Allen Knob. Then Whitehead Crossing. Then Green Stream. Then Woods of Hawl. Then…


Around Allen Knob, then. Martin Falls as well[ on the side of Allen].

Hucka D.:

Yeah. Greenhead. Birthplace of Bees.


bb: What of Greentop and Greenup Gill?

Hucka D.:

Build Pietmond there. Rebuild it. Greentop on Greenup.


Hucka D.:

He can go to Greetop on Greenup through the collages in 7 Stones.


House Greenup[, then].

Hucka D.:

All of them.


Karoz wonders… January 26, 2012

Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 6:34 pm

… why Baker Bloch wants to give all this up, and that perhaps the giant spaceship in the sky is here to *protect* Pietmond.

Proof that the spaceship is actually there (Otaki Gorge sim at Second Life Grid Survey).


The Day The Aliens Came… January 25, 2012

Filed under: Dr. Blood,Lower Austra,Otaki Gorge,Petemond,Pietmond,Seven Stones,Unnamed — baker Blinker @ 7:18 am

They took the Norum Gallery, The TILE Towers, the Blue Feather Gallery first.

They planned on how to divide the town, keeping the Temple of TILE and also the Home o’ Fibs intact. “Is this what you want?” they asked the screaming citizens of Pietmond, incredulous over the open, gaping wound inflicted on their beloved community. “We can move you instead,” they told them. “You do not have to suffer,” they reassured. “We destroy the town or we move you.” There seem to be no either-or. Dividing the town meant to conquer it, to destroy it in essence. It was not a partial deal to strike. All or nothing[ it seemed]. “We will keep the temple intact if you decide to stay.” But we all knew it was a completely hollow promise. The whole sink stays together or it, um, sinks. “Choose,” they demanded.


I though the matter over. Pietmond goes as Sunklands goes. Is there energy still in Sunklands? Kidd Road? The Blackmount Rabbit Hole is still there. *Edwardston Station Gallery* is still there, recently brought up in this post from the Nordan Art blog. Is Pietmond like my Carl’s house in Up? Is it buying a Stairway to Heaven?

Dr. Blood doesn’t want the town moved, it seems. He wants the sink to stay intact, fulfilled, energized. MAKE A NEW GALLERY IN THE ROCKS. Pietmond? YES. Petemond! YEAH. I’m thinking of moving the whole, funtastic town to Lower Austra, perhaps to the twin villages in Mysten. Like black and white, or happy/unhappy. Or “M” and “N”. CAN YOU DO THIS THROUGH COLLAGE? You don’t want to end your existence without good reason. YES. MICHAELS. Do you know of TILE Creek and Norris Stream? YES. I must pack it up. NOT DECIDED. YOU COULD BE A PARADISE. *You* could be a paradise. FALLS.


Next to go probably was the Norris Castle/House/Gallery


Loose Thoughts…

Filed under: Dr. Blood,Hucka D.,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 6:25 am

“Pietmond really is attempting to live, Hucka D. A giant ship has come, spanning the whole town completely. It’s a protection.”

Hucka D.:

It’s a protection.



Yet I have a great desire to give it up and just “move” to Lower Austra, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Option. What are the advantages and disadvantages to either choice?


We talk once more whether Pietmond exists even into the coming month.

Hucka D.:

I’ll start, then. Pietmond has Pietmond Shirt and Skirt. Pietmond has…


… the Coolie Building. I believe that’s the equivalent [to Shirt and Skirt].

Hucka D.:

The Coolie Building it is, then. Can the Coolie Building exist in Lower Austra?


I suppose so, although it might be taken out of its natural context.

Hucka D.:

Your Table is set.


I would certainly save money — I believe — by just existing in Lower Austra. If I get bored there’s always neighboring Yd Island to explore. And Nautilus City. And upper Nautilus continent. And upper Maebaleia, even down to old Crabwoo. By the by, reader, Crabwoo is not an option now for a Pietmond replacement. No way… well, just no way.

Hucka D.:

And Monkey City. Monkey City! Freaky.


Yeah, keep forgetting that Monkey City is at the lower tip of Lower Austra.

Hucka D.:

It was the primary urban area of original Second Life, lemon style. It knew of the other Monkey City, even. Your Monkey City.



Hucka D.:



But back to Pietmond. I’d certainly miss the TILE Temple. And the Norris Castle or Gallery or House or whatever it is. The SoSo galleries [East and West] — they’ve been there for over a year now. Peter SoSo’s grave area of course.

Hucka D.:

Peter Gabriel is buried there. He is a timelord.


Cross of the Lamb and all.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Dr. Blood invited him and a select group of other variants to join the Sunklands initiative of Your Second Life. Dr. Blood is the Heart o’ Sunklands.


So Marty came from the direction of WESity.

Hucka D.:

WES City, yes.


Robert Plant Variant came down from the Sternberg region — Nowtown and Zen City and all. That would be more from the north or northwest. Marty’s WES City is west of Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

Peter G. came from the east[ then]. Norum. He was compensation for Karoz for the loss of his mother Sapphire, who turned when the LL grid came through. Turned again, I mean. 2nd time. Peter G. then showed up. Baby he was at first; toddler. Then learned to walk. Happy still. Then adolescence. Happy changes to The Monster at times. MessiaenSphere, the perfect sphere or perfect cube, lost. 60 minutes to an hour. One hour is perfection. Baby. Childhood. Innocence. Fourfold perfection. Rainbow sphere.


So Lower Austra is the Rainbow Sphere, the Wizard’s Cube.

Hucka D.:

Obviously. Color coordinated [even] (!)


It is Oz?

Hucka D.:

An Oz. Do you want to move there?


Well, er, that’s what we’re talking about, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Oh. What’s the problem?


Pietmond’s the problem, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Oh yeah. Pietmond. Hmmm. Why don’t you just get rid of it?


That’s what we’re talking about! We’re weighing the options. What would be the advantages and disadvantages.

Hucka D.:

Well there’s Pietmond Shirt and Skirt to consider.


I give up. Let’s talk about The Table, then.

Hucka D.:

The Table will exist in Happy.

Dr. Blood (quickly chiming in):

No. (pause) Unhappy.


Hi Dr. Blood. Will The Table exist in Pietmond?

Dr. Blood:

I sent the ship. It represents a sink. Sinking Ship.


Michael Allen[ type] Sinking Ship?

Dr. Blood:

Yes. I am Michael.


Hmmm. Ummm. (pause) Is it The Arab?

Dr. Blood:



So you sent the ship, parked it directly atop Pietmond, and then am telling me now that it belongs to Michael.

Dr. Blood:



I… I don’t know. Evacuation?

Hucka D.:

Hmm, could be, baker b. Pietmond is packing it up.


Going home.

Dr. Blood:

Going home.



But home isn’t Happy?


Coolie January 14, 2012

Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 1:36 pm

Coolie Building being developed in central Pietmond. Details soon.

In other Pietmond news, I’m abandoning the idea of further condensing the “Jeogeot Through Art and Word” exhibit to make it fit into the new Blue Feather Gallery. The project, now 1 1/2 years old, has probably run its course. So in with the Coolie Building and out with Jeogeot Through Art and Word.

In 3 weeks I must make another decision about Pietmond. Expendable, perhaps, is the whole Syncher’s Row (sorry Mike, Stegocat, and, well, me, baker b.) although I’ll probably keep the Norris Gallery around. Also going will be the whole Temple of TILE, the TILE Towers, and all of Pietmond Heights. Make a Pietmond historical museum out of what’s now the SoSo West Gallery. Might as well just start condensing now, or planning on it. Believe I can shrink Pietmond to the next tier rather easily by dividing the town cleanly in half and getting rid of the western side.

I also have the option, then, of buying a 4096 elsewhere.

The Galactic Gallery could return and even be expanded.


Carcassonne January 4, 2012

Filed under: Carcassonne,Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 9:13 am

“I am all Carcasses. I am all.”


Pietmond Review, 02 January 2, 2012

Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 4:09 am

Just outside the door on the second floor of the Home o’ Fibs holding part of the Kollage Kid exhibit is found more collages from Julie Sadler, who I befriended several years ago. This would be within the Norum Gallery, set up last year in Pietmond. I must study her influential Collage Clearinghouse Blog more for certain. We have moved up a step in complexity… the humor has largely drained away, leaving us less obvious meanings. A sentimental past peeks through each piece; one must contemplate longer and deeper. You be the judge.

“Gates and Fences”

“Females in Keyland”

In the “Baker Bloch in England” exhibit next door at the TILE Towers, humor has returned, often of a quite silly variety, like Baker Bloch feeling for rain in a huge hole in a chosen English “home” for his Second Life family of avatars. For Baker Bloch truly visited England in Spring 2010, staying in a total of at least three different locations in Wiltshire County over a month’s period. Mouse over the exhibit pictures in succession to glean more of the story.

We have also returned to the land of simple collages, mainly of a one image atop another, dissimilar or heterogeneous image variety. This is how the “visit” actually occurred: a collage of Second Life and Real Life images together to make a new whole, hopefully. I like the exhibit quite a lot; it’s a little different from anything else in Pietmond.

Moving on up the row of structures on this side of Pietmond, we next have the still uncompleted Blue Feather Gallery. At this point, I’m thinking about scraping the latest incarnation of the “Jeogeot through Art and Word” within (another, “different” exhibit) and inserting something else here. Perhaps a guest artist known in Second Life itself?

Part of the latest wave of seeming Jeogeot degeneration: the closing of the long established Park Galleries.

Pietmond Heights gives the appearance of a potential, separate tiny community within Pietmond itself, and in the second iteration of Pietmond, it represents its oldest part. Besides the “old” town hall (perhaps originally just the town hall of Pietmond Heights), structures within now include “Yippie TILE One On,” with Edna Million photos within…

… and “Cherry And/Or Berry”, containing collage images of Kenneth Rougeau also first seen in classic 2010-2011 Pietmond. Kenneth is still a developing artist, and I don’t think we’ve seen the best from him yet. The Alice series is a classic for sure, but it’s an early inspiration. In contrast to Julie Sadler and probably Kollage Kid, I’d put Mr. Rougeau in my class of artist, one either still developing (him) or one that understands the limits of his development (me).

So with that let’s move through one last picture of Pietmond Heights and its mysterious 1 prim rocketship…

… to the 75 meter high Big Boy Tower, one of Pietmond’s several empty structures or “eyecandy” constructs…

… to an overhead picture of what I’m calling Syncher’s Row, We’re now on the southwest side of Pietmond opposite the Norum Gallery/TILE Towers/Blue Feather Gallery complex in terms of the overall community. 3 galleries are found on this Row: SoSo West, SoSo East, and the Gallery in the Rocks, all exhibiting works by so-called Golden Age syncers, of which I am one along with Mike Casey and Stegokitty. Dr. Casey specializes in abstract digital art and not necessarily collage; Stegokitty is another very promising artist who doesn’t really have the time to focus on it as much as he would like. His primary emphasis is currently photography, but he’d like to create more collages. Which leaves SoSo East and my own works, all of a collage nature and from one collection of 100 collages called the Art 10×10 or just the 10×10. How do these works relate to other Pietmond art?

Well, first off I do not consider myself a dye in the wool traditional artist. I do not labor each day at a worktable attempting to find the right image cut out from a magazine or other source to put atop other, similarly found images. The Art 10×10 draws more, in many ways, from another, “writing” 10×10 that immediately preceded it (and of less success, I believe). I do not worry as much as most other artists about legality of images, and this stems from my synchronicity background and the necessity to cut across or intrude upon boundaries for the seeming sake of a greater, more wholistic good.

Syncher’s Row is composed of synchronicity artists who are most related to me…

… which seems to bring us back to the Big E, here seen from a high window in the Big Boy tower.


Pietmond Review, 01

Filed under: Otaki Gorge,Pietmond — baker Blinker @ 4:04 am

Big E has already moved to a newly bought 512 parcel now making up part of north Pietmond. A Big E Park has been established. Still studying the object for new angles of insights.

The below shot shows Baker Bloch in west Pietmond beside an as yet unnamed pool of water, with a recently purchased Fatima Ur created cottage next to it. Who lived in the cottage? Is it called Pond Cottage after the body of water it sits next to? Baker Bloch is perhaps thinking over these same questions while sitting at the spool table beside them. Hafta ask Hucka D. about all this asap.

Also behind Baker Bloch here is another new structure in Pietmond, a house of Tudor design but with nothing within as yet. It’s on the only rental land I have in the community, another 512 affair. I’ve been attempting to slyly expand Pietmond in various directions just to see what’s “out there” in a traceable manner.

A Pietmond visitor seeming to admire the spectre of Big Boy (tower) looming over him. Or maybe he is a Peter’s Grave worshipper like this woman avatar from late October.

Newly positioned Big E again photographed between the Temple of TILE (right) and House of Truth (left).

norris Gallery — still not complete. Do I have enough pictures or ideas or concepts, even, to finish it off? At any rate, I’ll post more about the rocks composing the Big Temple of Dongoba very soon, a kind of psychic double, as I’m sensing it, to the norris Gallery structure itself.

But the obvious center of Pietmond remains the Temple of TILE. Baker sits in the never finished Pod Pad, loosely planned originally as a music venue of some sort. Hasn’t panned out that way.

Baker Bloch seems to confer with Carcassonne about this lack. “*I* am the center,” it would probably say to this line of inquiry. Or *she* would, for Hucka D. indicates that Carcassonne is an alien of female persuasion, and possible from the Charon moon of Pluto. There is confusion still about the relationship between the province Sharon of Mythos’ Wazob and Charon the Plutonian moon (sometimes pronounced like “Sharon”). Are they, underneath it all, one and the same? Is Carcassonne an Ancient in Baker Blinker Blog terminology? Is she a glop being (Glop People reportedly lived in Sharon, Wazob in its own ancient times)? Ladyslipper or Slipperman/woman? Did she or her people create the Sharon province time/space loop I fell into as a teenage Wazobian/Sharonian explorer?

A nice complement to the unplumbed mysteries of the Pod Pad on the floor above is the Kollage Kid exhibit on the second floor of the temple. making up the majority of the Something To CHRO About Gallery which also spills over into the ajoined second floor of the Home o’ Fibs. Quintessential collaging, as I’ve promoted it; everything builds up from these simple, comic juxtapositions, often with a corresponding loss of innocence and also artistic quality in my opinion. More complex imagery often doesn’t equate with better artwork. Kollage Kid’s efforts act as a barometer for all other collage art in Pietmond, and perhaps all art period in Pietmond, including that of yours truly.

“I Remember the Incident at the Canal”

“Space Laundry”

Then also in the Temple of TILE, on the lowest floor still, is the labyrinth, another central object of Pietmond for certain. Does the Pietmond Labyrinth hold further clues into the nature of the Pod Pad directly above it? Probably.


Another December 30, 2011

Another small mountain conquered today. Didn’t take my camera unfortunately, because there were some very interesting nooks and crannies involved, once more. The amazing late 2011 surge of hiking finds continues (!) The highlight was perhaps the uncovering of what looks like a decrepit treehouse in the woods, perhaps a center for rope climbing activities. I’ll have to think carefully about what to call this mountain. I believe — I’m certain, actually — that the Mossmen culture was also tied into this mountain. Maybe yet another map is in order.

I also wanted to talk to Hucka D. about Big E tonight. “Hucka?’



Sorry, got distracted in googling the names of Korean Channel sims. Can’t seem to find a common outside (real world) denominator, almost as if the names were just made up… almost as if…

Hucka D.:

The alphabet anomaly of the Korean Channel and Big E was their only purpose, yes.

bb (after checking some more):

Yes. It seems. Tired of checking.

Hucka D.:

Hidden within TILE (Tyle?) is the tetractys, composed of 10 letters from T to, looping back to the beginning of the alphabet, C. TUVWXYZABC. Tetractys. Can be summarized by letters T-V-Y-C occupying positions 1-3-6-10 in that lion. Line. (pause)


Those are the 4 letters not found in the Korean Channel sims [letters beginning sims’ names]. They are instead the hidden tetractys or Realm of Numbers inside or covered by the Realm of Letters.

Hucka D.:

Yes (pause).

Baker Bloch in Kenfield.

bb (after another pause while exploring a bit of the Korean Channel):

I just don’t think there’s much there, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



I mean, I’m reminded of why Karoz fell into a portal connecting Jeogeot to Maebaleia after this.

Hucka D.:



Crabwoo is almost completely gone now, Hucka D. Only a shed and a bit of wood left.

Hucka D.:



All I have is Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

And Frank and Herman Parks, of course. Einstein (smiles).


And a bit of Teepot as well.

Hucka D.L



I am forgotten. I am alone.


Couldn’t get to you today. Found some more stuff in Frank Park, though. You know [delete peak name]?


No. I know only myself. (un-smiles)


You should get out more.


I have tributaries with different news. (pause)

Hucka D.:

Looks like that’s it.


Hucka D. has apparently left the scene, but I did also want to mention that Pietmond’s newly installed Big E is angled in the same direction as the SoSo East Gallery immediately below it. Relationship, then, between Big E and Oblong collages within SoSo East? Big E as related to 2001’s monolith (pictured in Oblong 10)?

Is Pietmond itself set to make an evolutionary jump?