baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Roaming… February 7, 2011

In southern West End (east edge of hill country), found this car with grass growing all over the driver’s side that I thought worthy of a photo. Or Baker thought worthy.

I was just teleporting around looking at available, mainland property to rent this night through the Marly Tomsen site, and came upon a parcel on the east lip of the Finnsteraarhorn sink, the largest of the two, identified sinks of Maebaleia. Turns out the land had just been bought by the Clarity Homes group, but while there I took some long shots of the sink itself, now basically empty since the whole, namesake sim is up for sale at about 2 lindens a square meter. If I were a rich man…

But I was also reminded of how shallow the sink was, actually, entering from the west (angle of below picture). You could perhaps still come up with a good case that it’s not a sink at all, although I’d still argue for legitimacy.

Then I also found land for rent right next to my old property in Blackmount, which is also tempting. Hmmm… While there I took a trick shot of the sink, seeming to contain a large pyramid that is actually a much smaller version hovering above the sink, only about a meter high.

But then, strange thing, one of the next properties I visited through the Tomsen site, perhaps the next one, was quite near another pyramid shape, this time a gold version with the top removed. But, see, very similar to the split pyramid in Blackmount with the all seeing eye at the top. Baker Bloch is, in this way, merely standing in, as it were, for this eye.

For the record, the Blackmount pyramid is at about the 145 meter level, or about 55 meters above the ground, and owned by Jefferson Steeplechase, as Baker Blinker is checking right now. It’s called an “Illuminati pyramid,” with a description, “From the Robert Anton Wilson Memorial”. And I found a landmark to this memorial right at the top of the creator’s picks (Xelin Trilling), which Baker Bloch has already visited before when originally finding this Blackmount pyramid several months ago.

Then,*guess what*, Baker Blinker is presently finding, in teleporting to that location, that the memorial appears to no longer be there but her alter ego, Baker Bloch has, believe it or not, more recently visited this parcel anyway for different reasons: it’s in Kusanagi and owned by the FTL group, where he, in exploring the West End Road, was looking at eyelashes to go with his dead *eyes*, but deciding that it wasn’t a match at the time. Eyes again, even, like the All Seeing One at the top of the Wilson related pyramid. There *must* be something to all this, don’t you think? I mean, SL is small-ish, but it’s not *that small. 🙂 And Kusanagi has already come up in other synchy blog stuff, as described in this post from last month.


Where? February 4, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized,West End — baker Blinker @ 8:37 am

“Just testing to see if Hucka D., by chance, is back.”



Ready now.


Hi Chester.


The moon is full now. Mowing Mooing. Complete. Olive. Oliver. Olivier.


Chester, do you know Hucka D.?


Oliver is in da house. Da House.


Is this the same as Blue Feather Douglas, the great Crabwoo lawyer? The one who became absorbed into the game/philosophy/religion of TILE? (pause) The one who built the temple on the Blue Feather Sea? (pause)


Er is will doth devine. Wrinkle Postle womp rattle beetle fiddle rankle wop. Feelie upper under glowclothe unitas. Bart Starry Night upper wonder stevie craft religion. Postal stamp rattly oblong wratchet… ratchet. Feeling USA upper pitcher star…ry night. Fandan… go. Real time religion upper wonder starry night religion practice feely upper. Religion practice wonder star upper night sky religion starry wonder. Night wonder. Nightflight. Night. Night.


Chester might have been indicating Nightfield, so I logged in as Baker Bloch and hopped over there. Why didn’t Blinks answer Baker Bloch back?

But there was something definitely different in Nightfield: a sand creature with scary, flopping arms had been added to the neighboring pool with the 2 lidded chest of gold bullion.



“Dearest Blinks,” January 22, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized,West End — baker Blinker @ 7:49 am

I am writing to you from Nightfield on the west end of Jeogeot. I know you aren’t inworld much any more, but I wanted to tell you that I believe Hucka Doobie has left us a virtual message, just like he did Violet this past summer. I am sending you a copy, so when you log in next time you’ll see — besides the amazingly annoying number of gallery notices I don’t know how you put up with, SMILE — this notecard; and also the prim Hucka Doobie gave me. Maybe he gave you the same map at the same time. Dunno. Have you spoken to him since England even, by chance?

Anyway, I don’t often find a functional writing desk where I can actually create notecards so I thought I’d take advantage of the opportunity. Hope you are doing well. Please write back!


Quick additional note, Blinks: I forgot to add that the map Hucka Doobie gave me is the same one he gave Violet last year. It’s the one with “Goodnight” and “Violet” highlighted on it. As you will see there are now some additional villages highlighted, and in different colors from the original violet. The ones I want to specifically talk to you about are Sentinel and Dewey. In West End there’s a road called West Coast Road, which I’ve recently done a lot of poking around on. It begins in a sim called Dewey. If extended to the west coast, it would most likely end in a sim called Sentinel. This is what I think the map highlight means.

But the central town on this map is probably not Sentinel or Dewey, or Goodnight or Violet either. Instead it is Gold. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting just southeast of a blue-green pool of water that contains a double lidded chest on a tiny peninsula I believe represented the Crimean peninsula of Blue Earth. This has something to do with the golden fleece sought by Jason and the Hugonauts [sic]. It is the golden brick road at the beginning of the Stairway From Heaven. Did you know there was also a red road too there? Do you know what I’m talking about?

Whatever, I’ve found another type of narrow necked peninsula on West End in a different sim called Kusanagi, where the Secret Goldfish theatre use to be, now in Extropia. More gold; I was sitting in a sim precisely caddycorner to Kusanagi when our user baker b. found reference to this while researching the WWW for keyword “Jeogeot.” Not much came up, he said. Have you talked to him recently as well?

The meaning of Rex and Van on that map is unknown to me presently.

Again take care and write when you can. In fact I’ll just leave you a landmark to the very desk I’m writing from right now so that you can use it to write me back. As I said — rare opportunity — taking advantage of the ability to send notes.

Nightfield is an interesting place. Just last night I could have *swore* I heard the music of Marty in the distance, specifically a song called “Uncle Albert”? Do you know that one?

I miss our old conversations, Blinks. Heck, I miss Hucka Doobie even though our user talks to his soul entity [in] the Blue Earth blog all the time. *Please*… write me back. We need to talk. I want to show you what I’ve found here on West End if possible. I need to see you again is all. Together we are Britonia. baker b.

I’m worried about Hucka Doobie.

Hopefully we’ll be talking very soon,

Yours in heart,
Baker Bloch


Baker puts down the feather pen. He teleports up to the terrace and looks over the rail once again, down to the blue-green pool and the 2 lidded chest full of gold bullion. He sees the seal as well. Gray Seal… Yellow Brick Road [which is also a Red Brick Road]. Even the monolith, it appears and as he is thinking about it now, from the 2001: A Space Odyssey movie. It’s almost a tableau in and of itself, like the ones he just visited in the West End Hills at the Prog Rock Museum. IT IS SYNCHRONICITY.

He misses Baker Blinker. Maybe they should have gotten married after all, despite what their user said. Why did Hucka Doobie send him the map? Was he saying goodbye to him, and perhaps Blinks as well, through the map, like he said goodbye that night to Violet [Baker Bloch himself never saw Violet again]?



Misc. January 18, 2011

Filed under: Sunklands,West End — baker Blinker @ 11:30 am

Sin City, Mount Owen sim, is no more, but, perhaps queerly, there’s still a type of sim sized city there, albeit mainly empty for now. Baker sits in Club Underground at its northwest corner, about the only establishment that seems finished in any way, shape, form. Interesting that a Beatles poster is prominently displayed on the wall behind where Baker is sitting. Or not.

The next night Baker runs across the Prog Rock Museum in Kazzkark while exploring around the West End Hills.

The picture below finds him enjoying a Tales from the Topographic Ocean themed panorama, one of the many tableaus on the property. Nice; this album has always numbered among Baker Bloch’s user’s very favorites.

Overhead shot of the museum.

Back in Pietmond. Baker sadly wonders how long it will last. He’s worried that his Second Life existence may be coming to an end soon, at least the most active phase. Is he wrong to fret so much? Maybe just a bit of a SL break is needed.

But it’s tough now to *remember* what went on before the full impact introduction of virtual reality.

The quick emergence of Sin City as a past/present/future influence seems an omen, a portent. I’m not sure the Sunklands sinks, even headed by a healthy, operational Otaki Gorge and Pietmond, can successfully contain this grossly felt gravity.

I feel dragged down, defeated. I must walk the labyrinth more. I must believe that Pietmond will keep on keeping on. I must.


Jeogeot Art Line? January 15, 2011

Filed under: Jeogeot Chilbo,Jeogeot Continent,Sunklands,West End — baker Blinker @ 8:52 pm


(joined in progress)

“Is Sin City, then, Las Vegas?”

Hucka D.:

Well… Clark is a rather common name for a county. But: yes.


Let’s see. I’m checking wikipedia and there are 12. And then 5 more Clarke counties, with the “e” at the end of Clark.

Hucka D.:



What does it mean?

Hucka D.:

You tell me.


Well, I think it is an electric projection of Chilbo from present to past, as we discussed.

Hucka D.:

Queen City. Queen, yes.


And that it also represents a cubic block of red information, like Jasper perhaps, or coated with Jasper.

Hucka D.:

Jasper caddy-corner to Clark, yes.


And Pietmond would be a partial remedy. A town sent… a town… a tow… atom. Pietmond atom.

Hucka D.:

Pietmond is an atom, yes. The smallest and the largest at once. In one. Like Casey and Darwin far apart in Illinois, as far apart as you can get, and then as close as you can get in Minnesota [for same]. This is the atom, yes. Pluto. Sub-atomic, even. No, just an atom, the smallest. A town sent. Teepot was a town sent by Pietmond, is all. That’s why it was expendable.


Thanks for that. I have a feeling sin is my use of illegal elements for the Art 10×10, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

True enough, we’ll see. Say.


I am Red Man because of this.

Hucka D.:

You are Jasper. You are Jack. A religion pit but beyond. TILE. 4. 4n1. Foreign One.


Because I am also Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

Pietmond is *you* but you are not Pietmond.


Because others are involved.

Hucka D.:

Each space of Pietmond has its backstory. Norum didn’t come from the fact that there’s really no room within for a practical exhibit.


Because there is.

Hucka D.:

It is what it is in hyperspace-time. But the reaction to this is: Red Man. There goes Red Man. He does not belong with me. He is different. Red Man. Jasper Red Man, but that’s more your line.


Thanks. Jasper Red Man, then.

Hucka D.:



The Art 10×10, after all, comes from the Writing 10×10. I would readily admit I’m not a steady, practicing artist, Hucka D. Obviously I’m more a writer at this time. In the past I was more a musician, but that’s been gone a pretty long time.

Hucka D.:

You became a writer with the [Writing] 10×10. You are a writer. You are a work in progress writer but still a writer. Where are we on that?


But that’s part of the red block that is Sin City.

Hucka D.:

Yes. *Your* Sin.


And then I was thinking when getting up about the action of the 6 sinks against this central “evil”, shall we say. Turning Sinlands into Sinklands and then just Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

Skinlands before as well. Naked and shivering they were. St. Lemon came ’round and said, this is not right. You shouldn’t be playing golf around these holes with no clothes on and your naughty bits all exposed and such. And so plaid was born as a primary golf fabric. The tree was cut down. You couldn’t see the tree for the Woods, and so forth. Jack. Jack was gone, man.


Jack was Red Man as well in the Wall of Ass.

Hucka D.:

We saw enough ass in those days to last a realginary amount of time.


There’s that word again (!)

Hucka D.:

Realginary, yes. The primary atom of Second Life. Red Man. Realgimary. Can’t resolve apart. Casey and Darwin. Pietmond.


Smallest becomes the largest?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Realginary.


I’m trying to take all this in… WES…

Hucka D. (interrupting (because he can)):

Sunklands is covered in red now, like a blood tablecloth. Red Man. Ao… Oa. But it’s just a tablecloth and easily removed. It’s all just putting one thing on top of another. But from the outside, from one perspective: this is what has happened. You might as well be a newspaper or an embarrassed skunk, see.


I don’t suppose inviting [delete name] to exhibit in Pietmond would be a good idea.

Hucka D.:

Not really, no. And he knows it as well. You’ve already agreed to this. In Realgination-land.



Hucka D.:

You must see the limits of Pietmond. Its limits are the limits of Clark. You have Casey on one side in SoSo and Darwin on the other in the Underground. But really they are west and east, and then center as well if you shrink, shrink, shrink and attempt to eradicate/reduce to nothingness. But you can’t because the smallest avatar, the atom, is 1/4 meters high, as you know now from contacts within Ratcliff Court. Where are we on that?



And then there’s the idea, realginary idea I suppose, that the peninsula with WES on it was not called “Crime” but “America” (!).

Hucka D.:

Yes (!) Linking Jeogeot to America directly. Crimea is America. Anagram of.


But this obviously has to do with America’s Art Line, then, as well. On the 39 degree latitude line. Like Jasper County itself.

Hucka D.:

Illinois, yes. Caddy-corner to Clark there, true. Casey and Darwin. Ernst… collager. Martin. Moonshine.


Then Sin City must be Cincinnati as well, Queen City after all. Cin = sin, as my friend Flynn has been speculating on.

Hucka D.:

Among other things. Cincinnati is Black Heart. Black Rose. Red Heart Black Heart Rose Heart.


Cincinnati’s baseball team is the Reds.

Hucka D.:

What does this tell you?


Electrical discharge, like with certain crop circles. Along a line. Electric line. WES is involve, then, as well. On what we know now is the America peninsula.

Hucka D.:

And so you know what happened in WES. The agreement.


Between Jeogeot and America?

Hucka D.:

Between Jeogeot, Wazob and America, yes. (pause) Conference. Yalta. End of War. 3rd becomes 4, man.


So here’s Baker Bloch back at the Nightfield house that may have been the very place where the agreement between 3 superpowers was made. Four? The double lidded chest on the island that we know now represents the Crimea peninsula is directly below, perhaps left behind on purpose as a sign. That the bridge over this same small pool appears sometimes as red and other times as gold is another pointer toward the alchemical gold at the end of the stairway to heaven, which is also red through the rubedo, the final stage of the alchemical process. Red Lion lies just next door to Nightfield, with a gold lion holding a shield with a red lion at the entrance to its largest structure.


A Crime. January 14, 2011

Filed under: Beetles, The,Hucka D.,Lemmon,Marty,Residents, The,Uncategorized,West End — baker Blinker @ 8:02 am

“Hucka D., we either go further into the depths of the Crime Peninsula — bad name, don’t you think? — or we back away now and try something else.”

Hucka D.:

Try something else. Or not.


There’s just not much of an energy base to talk about Jeogeot on my own.

Hucka D.:

You can always return to Sunklands. That’s you home, after all. Home away from home.


Something about West End, though. Marty, of course, and The Beetles as a whole.

Hucka D.:

How did the “R” of Ringo shift to the back of the name to make Ingor?


I guess that’s the whole, variant process, Hucka D. Like George Harrison there was called George Harris’ Son.

Hucka D. (listing them out):

So there’s Marty — McCartney; Lemon, he’s Lennon; then the two I just mentioned. We just mentioned. And they played in WES.


Yes. We have pictures as proof. From 2007.

Hucka D.:

Can I see one?


I suppose so. I can dig one or two up real quick. Suppose the creator won’t mind at this late date.

Hucka D.:

Is that Ingor playing the drums there? He looks very red. Like a Red Man red.


I think that’s just the guy who took the picture. Stefano Sternberg… interesting name in itself, since there’s a Sternberg city nearby. Here’s another picture of WES by the same guy:


Now a question becomes: Is this the same city as West End Shipping? We know it is WES. (pause). Ahhh, we have Stefano caught in a Chilbo t-shirt here, Hucka D. (!)


And it looks like he may have owned a place called the Berlin Bar in Mujigae in Greater Chilbo. But it [Chilbo] would have been quite a young place in Spring 2007 still, the time the bar seemed to have opened. (pause) Furthermore, it looks like he checked out The Cavern in WES just before this bar opened, Hucka D. Perhaps it served as some sort of inspiration. (pause to look at more snapzilla photos) That’s about all I’m getting out of this, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Have you figured out what happened yet?



Hucka D.:

WES, yes. WES.


One thing: I was just thinking tonight it’s about as far away from Chilbo on Jeogeot you can get in both a physical and spiritual way, yet now I know there’s a direct connection through Stefano and The Cavern/Berlin Bar.

Hucka D.:

Center becomes West. West becomes Center.


Maybe WES was becoming a rival to Chilbo. Maybe Chilbo didn’t like it. Maybe they took care of The Beetles.

Hucka D.:

The Beetles were in trouble, true.


Maybe this is about urban areas of Jeogeot, like WES, like Chilbo… like Sternberg for that matter, where Little Robert Plant Variant supposedly got his musical start.

Hucka D.:

Interesting name, as you said. Why were all attracted to Sunklands?


I believe it was indicated that Plant and The Beetles were invited into Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

*Everyone* was invited. WES, Sternberg, Chilbo… everyone. It was a central watering hole. Center becomes North, South, East, West. Compass directions. All in Sunklands. Sink in.



Sunklands was a way to preserve the past. Ancients.

Hucka D.:

It’s not The Beetles. It’s The Residues.


Variant Residents band (?)

Hucka D.:

Two WES’, superimposed on top of each other. Two lidded, if you wish.


Band on the Run?

Hucka D.:

Yes, on the run. Marty should have seen it coming. Another Beetles on top of the other Beetles. It was his dream to start over in 1970 and do the bar circuit again. He couldn’t do it in Real Life — he came here. Split occurred. But in order to do this he had to make an agreement with The Residues.


I’m getting confused over the role of all these bands. Sternberg, in that snapshot above, played drums in WES and pretended he was Ringo.

Hucka D.:

Sternberg was Ingor. Red Man.


Sewing out tunes? Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields?

Hucka D.:

Bee-tles. McCartney. Lennon. Wisconsin, Florida. You must return.


Thank you.


Crime Peninsula?

Filed under: West End — baker Blinker @ 7:55 am

A central bus stop in West End Shipping (aka WES).

Baker looks down from a neighboring house to the blue-green pool with the 2 lidded crate talked about elsewhere in this blog recently.

A look at the entire sim of Nightfield using a long draw distance. For some reason the neighboring sims wouldn’t rez in this, er, night — meaning?

Shot of blue-green pool and house Baker is sort of camped out at now.

Baker decides to explore the neighborhood on foot, and soon runs across a red lion in the sim of Redlion at the entrance to a privately owned castle.

Nice seaside residence in Barsoom, just west of Redlion (in turn, just west of Nightfield).

Air dice. Baker tries to roll but can’t.

Yet another building in West End as a whole owned by the United States of America USA or United States of America SL group, this being in Dreamtime (south of Redlion). Admittedly I’m unsure of what all of it means yet, but I promise to do more research. I know that the groups has created a large city in West End previously unmentioned in this blog, but noted by other Jeogeot explorers such as ujiyasu, and also chronicled in Dahlia Jayaram’s The Great Balloon Adventure: Jeogeot, specifically pages 16-20 of that online publication.

Baker gets pretty excited upon seeing this building perched on top of Cute and Punk designs in Cimmeria (below Nightfield), thinking it reads “Westville Hospital”. However as he moves closer the name resolves into West*nile*, not Westville. Probably not some kind of remnant of ancient WES, then, or connected in any way to West End Shipping he doesn’t suppose. Still, a worthy mistake to note, which may turn out to be connected to the serendipity web of West End at any rate upon further review.

Back in West End Shipping itself, Baker is disappointed that this backdoor entrance isn’t functional. Only one way into town when walking, then, and its on the opposite side of where he is now.

Nice view of West End land in Armon Gill and points east from an unfinished, open building on the east end of Ezquerra. Could this be Baker’s new squatting spot?


West End History Bit: Extropia’s Goldfish January 13, 2011

Filed under: West End — baker Blinker @ 4:36 am

The Goldfish is a centre for all things filmic and fanciful, taking direct inspiration from First Life 1940s blends of art deco and Hollywood cinema. The building existed outside of Extropia once under the same name in a small region of Kusanagi, Jeogeot known as Shirow Street. The design of the cinema hasn’t changed much since this first incarnation, and it’s the board’s memories of this place which fostered the idea of transferring it to Extropia.

Kusanagi is a sim in West End just north of the West Coast Road, and, in fact, is caddycorner to the sim Baker Bloch was sitting in at the time his user’s discovery of the Goldfish-Jeogeot link quoted above. Making it doubly odd, I suppose. I promptly sent Baker over to Kusanagi to explore. More reporting soon on that, perhaps.

I’ll have to study up on Extropia more, now.

Oh… and we have here another West End-gold link as well. 🙂


McGlumphed January 11, 2011

Filed under: Beetles, The,Carrcass+2,Lemmon,Marty,Uncategorized,WES — baker Blinker @ 6:51 am

“Close conjunction of population places Darwin and Casey in Meeker County, Minnesota. Last names of perhaps first and last Pietmond outside exhibitors.”

Hucka D.:

Meaning those not within your skin.


Yes. Then in Clark County, Illinois…

… the same two town names [appear] but on opposite sides of the county this time, instead of close together. Each has a township named for it, like Casey Darwin does in Minnesota.

Hucka D.:

Darwin pulls you out of yourself, your Pietmond. She even has a… I’ll let you speak.


She even has a West Coast Road folder, Hucka D. Energies unite.

Hucka D.:

Casey first and Darwin last. Evolution. Pietmond evolution [of Art Crawl galleries, SoSo first and Underground perhaps last]. Only way to go now is up [to the UFO].



Hucka D.:

Put the McGlumphy pictures in the Underground tomorrow. Sorry, Ms Darwin’s pictures.


It [Darwin-Casey conjunctions in MN and IL] really seems to define the limits of Pietmond itself, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

She is a Jeogeot artist. You are an artist of Jeogeot.


United in West End Shipping: WES.

Hucka D.:

Yes. How’s the search for Ancient Marty going. Blackbird?


Black and white. Red all over, I suppose.

Hucka D.:

Do you think… have you considered… that Marty is jacking you around?


I’m not really sure what that would mean.

Hucka D.:

Well… you’ve put things forth on the table. He hasn’t responded.


Not sure…

Hucka D.:

Lemon stand… shiny red Herman bike… Mash… Mashup.


I think you mean the mashup of a specific Herman bike with a lemon true tree. Fusion, really.

Hucka D.:

Yes, you can say that. Then both stolen. Big and little together. Mashup. Monster Mashup.



Well, let’s talk, if you don’t mind, about my visit or, now, visits to WES. Something I didn’t put in that last descriptive post: I met the griefer, apparently, and we talked a bit. She had a gun, which I found uneasy given the day’s events. She was only white mist, and when I told her to log out and log back in, and that always cleared the non-body problem up for me, she did and it didn’t. She remained an unknown, like a certain person that had captured Amereca’s complete attention was still a huge question mark. I think that has something to do with all this.

Another observation: there are several Crimean related sim names on the peninsula with WES, including — I’ve sent Baker Bloch over to Nightfield right now [to check the inworld map] — Cimmeria, primarily, but also Belit. I’ve done a bit of study on the others sim names of this mainland peninsula, but this is the only connection between two sims I’ve been able to come up with, mainly through the wikipedia article on Robert E. Howard’s Belit, where it is mentioned that her romantic interest, Conan the Barbarian (Howard’s most famous character), is a Cimmerian, which is the actual name of a tribe of people who lived on Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. Crimea is also an anagram of Cimmeria.

Hucka D.:

What’s your point [in all this]?


I should also mention that Belit is Conan’s first real love interest.

Hucka D.:

Let me help, then. The peninsula Stanlee is upon is like the Crimean Peninsula. Crime as well. A crime was committed there. Griefer attack. Seems to be two separate people but in reality only one. Gun was involved. This happen to Lemon too.


Oh, man. I didn’t understand the Lemon connection fully until now (!)

Hucka D.:

A man was being searched for but not the one who committed the crime. Instead it was One Who Zaps, see. Mashup is involved. You have found your Ancients. (pause) Lemon was stolen from us. Bike… lemon. Something very, very valuable to us all.



So a bit more: off the West Coast Road I’ve found not one but two peninsulas with a very narrow type of isthmus connecting them back to mainland. The first was in a larger body of water in Kusanagi, described in this earlier post. The second comes from Nightfield itself; in fact, if Baker Bloch stands up right now — I’m making him do this as I write — he can go to the window in front of him and *just* see this second, very similar type of peninsula. I’ll go ahead and take another picture of it while Baker is standing there.

Easy as pie. Anyway, this much smaller peninsula has the two lidded chest we talked about before, Hucka D., which you indicated at the time represents two eyes, similarly with two lids.

Hucka D.:

To see with, yes. The lids help protect. They are lids as well. They hide the soul… golden stairway to heaven… so forth.



I stopped to write an email to MC. I think he’s the one who’s been McGlumphed. I was just picking up on that.

Hucka D.:

Yes. A crime.


Anyway, I just logged in to my email account to write *him*, and see he beat me to the punch. I was going to ask him his opinions of Jung’s individuation process and the search for Self. This has to do with that double lidded trunk. Directly.*



Jung’s (1978) individuation is similar, if not identical, to the self-actualization of Maslow (1968; 1971). But why does the ego need to approach the Self, if it is to all end in death? Jung (1991) says “The psyche itself, in relation to consciousness, is pre-existent and transcendent “ (p. 91). So, while the ego is born, grows, and dies, in the same way as the body, the psyche itself, and especially the Self, is not under the same limitations. Jung’s eternal archetypal Self is probably the chief subject of disagreement with other psychologists, and one reason why mainstream materialistic psychologists fail to take him seriously. He is, however, taken seriously by today’s transpersonal psychologists.


WES, etc. January 10, 2011

Filed under: Beetles, The,Carrcass+2,Marty,Nowtown/Zen City,WES,West End — baker Blinker @ 3:06 am

Sad to say that most of what I’ve been calling Nowtown in this blog has become abandoned land, including this pool with an underwater bar.

However, the Brainwash Art Centre, snuggled underneath the rather towering green mount in Somerset, remains open.

Moving back to West End, Baker Bloch finds an inviting, cracked door in a house sitting right next to the blue-green pool with the double lidded chest full of gold buillion. He latches onto the idea that this represents an invitation to not only go within the house this one time, but perhaps many times — make this a home away from home for a spell, and a base to further explore the quite fascinating ins and outs of the West End community.

This is about the best view he can get from within of the blue-green pool. Can’t see the aforementioned chest from this vantage point, though, which lies on the opposite side of the small pool from here.

There *are* some great views of the giant coconut structure nearer to WES, though.

Looking up from directly beneath the mole statue commemorating the finding of the first sculpted prim. Right next to WES, as mentioned before.

Then some more details from WES itself.

As Baker Bloch walked away from the scene above after taking its picture, he turned around upon hearing a sawing noise to see the trucks just left behind enveloped in some sort of amorphous, blue blobby thing. Griefer attack?

More of the same then appeared in the skies in a different part of WES. *Two* coordinated attackers?

Baker attempted to remain calm while the sinister looking shapes gathered force around the town. He decided that ignoring it and going about his business there would be best choice to make. Below is a picture Baker subsequently took of a more interesting, corner building of WES (southwest).

Besides the one building on the eastern side with the lounging area, Baker found all buildings of WES devoid of objects, in continuing to poke around that night. The city appeared almost completely abandoned. If The Beetles were indeed in WES, it seems they have left the scene long ago; a dead city we have here.

The owner of West End Shippping (our “WES”), is Valin Frye, who use to run a popular SL dance venue called Club 9.13, doubling as its DJ. In checking his profile and information online, quickly found out that the club use to be situated in the Winchester sim on the Nautilus continent. Finding this former location on the inworld map, I was amused to see Winchester surrounded by a number of other MASH related names such as Radar, Trapper, Hawkeye, Klinger, Hunnicutt, Flagg, Potter, Mulchaey, McIntyre, Houlihan, Rizzo, and perhaps some others I’m not familiar with.

In his SL profile, Valin also quotes Peewee Herman from “Peewee’s Big Adventure” (“I’m a loner Dottie. A rebel.”), and lists having a lemonade stand and making lemonade as his only interests.

Random bits of unrelated information, it seems, but for various reasons I can’t fully disclose here, I think these are clues/breadcrumbs. Marty *has* been here!