baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

No Heart? No Heart. September 18, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Lisa the Vegetarian,Marty,Rubi Forest,Uncategorized,Unnamed — baker Blinker @ 7:10 am

“As you guessed, Lisa the Vegetarian had to go back in time to create Piepodt on Wealthy Mountain, baker b. And good evening to you.”


Thanks Hucka D. Same to you. So… the toy avatars should move over here from Jonesborough, in essence.

Hucka D.:

Is that what *you* want? I mean, Lisa V. wants this, in Timescape. And you should move back into a sink, although I don’t think the sink of Sikkima will be available long term. Maybe Malyshkin again.


Come to think of it, Gong is sort of protecting itself perhaps by being split between 4 sims. It’s not prudent for any one person or user to own the whole body of water.

Hucka D.:

You can study sinkology from Teepot, though, don’t you think? I’m kind of as confused as you are where to go now.


Unusual, Hucka D. Are you losing your powers of prediction?

Hucka D.:

May-be. We trying to latch on to a new energy and not sure where the helping hand from above is coming from. Above being the future here.


Sounds like the hand is that of Lisa the Vegetarian, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



The town that is being created in Timescape beside Quartz Brook on Wealthy Mountain, Hucka D…

Hucka D.:

Look for clues in the area. Trees are important. Not sure… go ahead…


Not sure I should move my bottles up there.

Hucka D.:



Let me review a bit. Lisa the Vegetarian dies in Jonesborough — attacked by dogs, the whole compound there I mean — and Marty takes over as leader of the acting colony. Acting leader of the actors, I suppose. But then Lisa goes back in time, in space — Timescape — and creates a new colony on Wealthy Mtn. when coming back to life. She has learned from her mistakes; the colony will be higher on a mountain now, more protected from potentially ravaging wildlife.

Hucka D.:

The rhododendron helps protect, yes. There’s only one way in and one way out, in essence.


Lisa the V. sees the future where she meets her one, true love, but it turns out this lover is death himself, a him from Lisa’s perspective. Appearing as well are robots which turn out to be “mere” Tinmen, Oz Tinmen that is, appearing as if in a play or casting for a play. Tin Soldier Men.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Good.


Trees are without heart. Not real. You have to kick them sometime for the hologram to turn on, as it were.

Hucka D.:

Future without a heart.


I think Lisa may have been killed by a fox-dog, Hucka D. Fox on the trot. Foxtrot. Perhaps of Christian persuasion.

Hucka D.:

She was killed by a Fox named Sikkima, the same as the sim directly below Rubi. The fox comes from a sink… Sikkima is related to the word sink.


Then maybe that’s where I should buy, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



I also think Lisa’s new town was called Newberg at first.

Hucka D.:

We go sideways into new knowledge[ here].


Sikkima has certain always got low ratings from me, Hucka D. But, really, there’s nothing left in the sim much.

Hucka D.:

You will not move to Sikkima, no. But be aware of the variant reality where you *are* there. Sik… sink. The 14th.


Hold on. I’ll get a picture while there’s nothing in that sink.

There’s another spirit [stuck] in the Rubi Forest, Hucka D. Searchman7 Resident — nothing in the profile. I wonder if it stands for Seaman — probably not. Kind of looks like a sperm…

Hucka D.:

Don’t go there.


Is it Lisa the Vegetarian looking for a new womb?




Hi Lisa.


Buy in Sikkima. I was killed by a trotting fox. I need a new colony. Sikkima. 14th sink. Please.


Don’t think I can afford it, Lisa… can I call you just Lisa?




Is this you and Marty?:


Yes. Marty took over when I was killed by the trotting fox. You turned around at Foxtrot today to backtrack to where you were suppose to go. Which was my mountain. Wealthy Mountain.


How did you make your fortune, Lisa?



Hucka D.:

Lisa must head off into the sinking sunset now, baker b. Quartz as in quartz of milk, I should add. Quartz of something something. One thing, Plastic Man, which becomes many, Plastic People.

14th sink.


I simply can’t see giving up Teepot at this point in favor of something else, even if terraforming is increased. There must be substantial fiction to Teepot. Rivalry. Yeosol. Yeot and Yeosol. Jeogeot mysticism — isn’t dead, then. No.


Rubi, then Blue Feather May 2, 2011

Filed under: Crabwoo,Rubi Forest — baker Blinker @ 8:31 am

Patirubi Resident: Is she destined to line the Great Rubi Forest with floating island art? May-be. Break a leg, PR!

Out of Rubi and into the Blue Feather: maze of Arcadia Asylum sewer tubes found on the western shore, in Murmur. Don’t know if the sim is named for the REM album or not; strange, if so, given all the surrounding sims have Russian associated names.*

Below finds us looking from inside a rock at the tubes. Draw a bit further back and they become hidden within these same rocks once more.

View from underneath.

Baker sits in the middle of the main junction of tubes in the complex. Tubes to the left and back lead down to the beach area from whence he came; tubes to the front and right lead up to a room filled with green sewage not pictured in this post.

Two additional tubes lead off from this room, then. Below, Baker finds a rock impasse in the longer of the two…

… but which is suppose to lead to this manhole (central dark dot) about 100 meters inland, on a grassy hill above the shore.

The main entrance to the tube complex seems to be from this nicely landscaped area where Baker presently sits at a tiki bar. No time for drinking tonight, though — more exploring to do.

Baker finds an additional entrance to the tube system hidden by rocks from the tiki bar area and partially underwater.

One tube jutting into another tube. Such a familiar sight for Baker, given he created the same type of overlap with the various turns of the Useless Tube, last seen in Pietmond.

Looking from this entrance back into the Blue Feather Sea. Baker can make out the splotchy sea floor patterns found in Miccall just south of Murmur, a protected sea sim.

Baker couldn’t resist. He heads into Miccall. Many more mysteries may lie within its waters. He still follows in the steps of super intelligent but perhaps also super wacky Blue Feather Douglas, Karoz’s maternal grandfather.


* Hucka D. later relayed to me that the tube system, in slightly modified form, also existed in pre-Linden Maebaleia, and was known as the Russian Matrix, not to be confused with the Rushian Matrix I assume. He promises more info soon on that.


About… November 20, 2010

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Kahruvel Forest,Rubi Forest — baker Blinker @ 9:55 am

Rubi’s Temple of TILE: still there!

Heavily logged Forest of Kahruvel, but actually still quite a wilderness of sorts. This view comes from Stinson, looking east toward Cowell.

Still in Stinson but out of the forest proper, Baker discovers a small island to the north covered top to bottom with a single type of non-Linden tree. Here’s the name of the tree according to the description: “-/_ & !< Tree" No joke. Baker’s currently counting about 50 such trees on this approx. 100 meter long by 50 meter wide island.

Back in the Kahruvel Forest, Baker encounters a mysterious sphere with no apparent purpose except to befuddle.

His mind saturated by Sansara perplexities, Baker decides to head back home to Sunklands, emptying his thoughts by staring into the the void that is the Aotearoa sink.


Thoughts… June 24, 2010

Filed under: Comma Islands,Norum,Rubi Forest,Temple of TILE,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:47 am

Played around quite a bit with the Rubi properties today, but ended up back with the old look of the temple and grounds. Main element I was playing with: Tower of TILE. Attempted to add it to the corner of the Temple of TILE — 2 diff. things, mind you, which I thought might be one thing and still could be — but it didn’t fit in. Then attempted to add it as a stand alone structure like I had it on the old Noru property. Didn’t work either; for one thing took too much attention from the Temple of TILE.

I have enough prims at Rubi to sell a 1024 and get by (west end), but do I *really* want to do this? Have to think hard about that one; give it consideration.

Then “extra” 1024 in Noru *is* for sale still. No buyers yet.

The main point of attempting to move the Tower of TILE to the Rubi properties is so that I could better justify giving up the Noru property and the Blue Feather Gallery itself. Since the conversion didn’t work, I may have to rethink giving up that gallery. All I can do is experiment now. 🙂

Logically if I did reduce a 1024 at both Rubi and Noru, that would give me 2564 sq. meters to play with, throw in the additional 512 now used on Comma Islands. That’s a fairly big chunk of land — thinking of buying it at 1 linden per sq. meter (which you can commonly do with non-shore land now). Would cost a bit over 10 bucks, then. Possibilities: Yeot or thereabouts; Comma Islands; Pudding Hill (probably not). What to put on it? Maybe just *live* there.

*Now*, what if I got totally rid of the Noru property and reduced the Rubi property to a 3096? That would still give me 1/2 that, a 1536, to do something with.Smaller version of the Blue Feather? I’m not sure I can give up the 1024 at Rubi, though.

The Temple of TILE may be basically finished. The Edwardston Station Gallery with the 10×10 is probably finished. That’s my 2 main structures in Rubi. Well…

This weekend I want to explore the Comma Islands sea more thoroughly.



Thought I’d just add some new updates to this post. First, decided to keep, for now, the “extra” 1024 in Noru after all, and have *re*erected the House of Truth upon it.

Besides Rubi and Noru, I also have the larger of the 2 Victorian houses I own set up on the northern of the 2 Comma Islands, in the Intromoto sim. Hucka D. has recently states that I-as-Baker-Bloch use to live there in pre-Linden times as well. Hmmm…

*And*, a crazy thought crossed my mind yesterday to buy in or near Yeot again, perhaps another 1024. Am I moving too fast on this land acquisition? Maybe. 🙂


Thoughts… June 22, 2010

Filed under: Norum,Rubi Forest,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:05 am

Fairly sure (this could change tomorrow, though) that I’m going to give up the Blue Feather Gallery, probably at the end of June. I already have the isolated 1024 parcel up for sale (L$2048 — any takers? hehe). Thought of also selling a 1024 section (west end) of my 4096 Rubi property but then realized I shouldn’t.

Further thoughts on this? Noru doesn’t have enough energy to sustain my projects separate from Chilbo, and I think it is.

Instead I thought I’d simply go around to various galleries, highlighting one per month as my “Blue Feather” gallery of the month. I believe this would be better. Have also given up the idea of promoting my own work through the Blue Feather. Lost cause.

Again, this could change. Instead my focus will be the Temple of TILE and Edwardston Station Gallery in Rubi as far as structures go. Have even enough prims to remodel the ESG sometime in the future on the Rubi property.

I’m more an explorer and storyteller than a patron of the arts in general. And I’m simply having a difficult time getting needed contacts in art circles; inability to join — for reasons beyond me — key art groups to promote my gallery. Don’t know why this is; I’ve tried through various alts now, even. So I’m strongly inclined to say: the heck with it. I’ve had no sales through the current exhibitor, no fault of theirs I’m sure. The heck with it.

In brighter news, I’m *really* pleased that the mainland mythology I’ve been nurturing coming on 2 years (since my move to Rubi in Aug 2008) is still developing and expanding at a quite healthy pace. Each continent has a story now of sorts. What gaps to fill in? Is a return to Sansara in some form, a continent I’ve neglecting basically for well over a year now, in the works? And what of Jeogeot — is it still my “home” continent? It doesn’t seem to be so now, but could be wrong. Return to Sunklands? Maybe sometime.


“Hucka D.?” (pause) Doesn’t seem to be around tonight. Logging in.


Greater Pond District Water Levels June 11, 2010

Filed under: Heterocera continent (Atoll continent),Pond District,Rubi Forest — baker Blinker @ 6:56 pm

Karoz did quite a bit of teleporting around today to find the limits of a conjoined set of sims whose water levels go above the usual 20 meter level. Included in this are all but one of what I’ve identified as the Pond District sims proper (Or, Tethea, Achlya, Sesia, Pruni), with the exception being Monema.

Click to enlarge the map.

Also notable is that one of these sims with a higher-than-normal water level also has terraforming limits far exceeding the usual range of +4/-4 meters. This would be Notata, caddycorner to my home sim of Rubi.

Interesting as well, at least to me, that both of my current properties on the Heterocera continent (marked with pins on the map above) lie just outside this range of high water sims in Rubi and Monema.


South of Rubi, 02 June 10, 2010

Filed under: Heterocera continent (Atoll continent),Rubi Forest,Slosser,TILE — baker Blinker @ 3:16 am

The stream that flows from the large lake in upper Grote eventually passes over this really nice, Linden protected waterfall situated just below the south Grote sim line in Zephyr. Sucker’s about 100 feet high; nicely layered.

In taking the above snapshot, Baker stands on the bridge pictured below, to the south of the falls. This would be a part of Route 1. Passing under the bridge, the stream that has recently tumbled over a large precipice now quickly reaches the Linden sea in central Zephyr.

More aerial view of the Zephr falls. Lots of trees on either side of the gorge. Nifty.

An establishment on the west side of Slosser, the sim just west of Grote which also contains, in its northeast corner, the Lost Gardens Retreat mentioned in the post before this one. The main reason I visited this place tonight — or sent Baker Bloch there — is to check out the TILE colored circles on the inworld map in this location. Turns out they’re what’s called Skybox Bubbles, rentable for 150 lindens a week.

It also interested me that these colored bubbles lie directly south of my Rubi property, which similarly shows up now on the inworld map as 4 squares of, left to right, blue, green, red, and yellow, due to my own skybox. Also, both 4-color arrangements are in the southwest corners of their sims as well as being due north and south of each other.

Could mean something — not planned by me atall.

There are actual houses in a skybox much further up in the sky for rent as well. Not my style, though, but Baker thought it worthy of a picture, if only for the colors.

Now here’s a place much more to my liking, also in Slosser but much nearer the Zephyr Falls. And as it turns out, it’s owned by the same avatar that runs Lost Gardens Retreat: Bjorlyn Loon. This small parcel is notable — and the reason I visited it in the first place — for having an official Linden body of water on its premises, pictured with a lounging Baker below. Hope he’s not trespassing, and, at any rate, he didn’t stay long — just long enough to take a picture to record the pool and surroundings for this blog. The pool is about 25 meters long, less than 10 meters wide, and quite shallow. It seems to contain exactly 2 fish, a 2lb perch and a 1 lb Rudd, according to their descriptions. The elevation here is 50 meters, which is the water level of the Slosser sim and the reason the official Linden pool of water could be here in the first place.

Green Man sculpture found on the premises.

And there’s yet another Linden water pool in Slosser, somewhat larger but not situated in as pastoral a setting. Like the one described above, this pool is very near the lower border of the Slosser sim. As far as I can tell, there are no other small pools of water like this in the area. The Pond District, in contrast, contains 6 such Linden “ponds” at last count. So I hesitate to call this a second Pond District, although it is certainly interesting to find such water in sims outside our Pond District.

The below picture shows the relationship of these 2 pools of Linden water with the Zephyr Falls (right). The smaller of the 2 pools is essentially hidden by mostly brown colored cypress trees in the middle of the photo.


South of Rubi, 01

Filed under: Heterocera continent (Atoll continent),Rubi Forest — baker Blinker @ 2:43 am

The Linden road that runs west and south of Rubi. Still haven’t found out any official route number for it — probably doesn’t have one.

This road is prettier than I remember. More trees. Example below.

Not far at all from my Rubi property, probably oh about 350 meters at best, is this quite amazing park just off this apparently unnamed route that I’d been to before, but now seemed more extensive. It’s called Lost Gardens Retreat, owned by Bjorlyn Loon. In checking today again behind Baker’s initial exploring, Karoz is finding that two nature areas ajoin each other in this area, the other owned by the SL Public Land Preserve Group. Their group charter:

To preserve SL wilderness and beautiful builds for the enjoyment of the general public. Over 75,000 m2 available on 31 parcels. Join openly, no invitation, for a one-time $5 fee to set prims! Help keep SL Nature free and accessible by supporting our parks and recreational areas. Donate camping fee $20/day to help pay tier. Free vending in TechHeaven in Thyris! Lots of fun activities, pick up the landmarks card in Carlisle at Botany’s Grove.

The pictures below, however, all come from the Lost Gardens Retreat, which features a large, multi-tiered aqueduct and numerous waterfalls, among other highlights.

Lost Gardens Retreat offers a considerable number of scenic vistas to take in the scenery. Below the meditating Baker here lies a large-ish lake mostly in the Grote sim. This is where all the water flowing within LGR ends up.


New Temple of TILE… June 4, 2010

Filed under: Rubi Forest,Temple of TILE — baker Blinker @ 8:45 pm

… I’m getting closer!


Around Rubi, 02b

Filed under: Heterocera continent (Atoll continent),Rubi Forest — baker Blinker @ 9:32 am