baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

McGlumphed January 11, 2011

Filed under: Beetles, The,Carrcass+2,Lemmon,Marty,Uncategorized,WES — baker Blinker @ 6:51 am

“Close conjunction of population places Darwin and Casey in Meeker County, Minnesota. Last names of perhaps first and last Pietmond outside exhibitors.”

Hucka D.:

Meaning those not within your skin.


Yes. Then in Clark County, Illinois…

… the same two town names [appear] but on opposite sides of the county this time, instead of close together. Each has a township named for it, like Casey Darwin does in Minnesota.

Hucka D.:

Darwin pulls you out of yourself, your Pietmond. She even has a… I’ll let you speak.


She even has a West Coast Road folder, Hucka D. Energies unite.

Hucka D.:

Casey first and Darwin last. Evolution. Pietmond evolution [of Art Crawl galleries, SoSo first and Underground perhaps last]. Only way to go now is up [to the UFO].



Hucka D.:

Put the McGlumphy pictures in the Underground tomorrow. Sorry, Ms Darwin’s pictures.


It [Darwin-Casey conjunctions in MN and IL] really seems to define the limits of Pietmond itself, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

She is a Jeogeot artist. You are an artist of Jeogeot.


United in West End Shipping: WES.

Hucka D.:

Yes. How’s the search for Ancient Marty going. Blackbird?


Black and white. Red all over, I suppose.

Hucka D.:

Do you think… have you considered… that Marty is jacking you around?


I’m not really sure what that would mean.

Hucka D.:

Well… you’ve put things forth on the table. He hasn’t responded.


Not sure…

Hucka D.:

Lemon stand… shiny red Herman bike… Mash… Mashup.


I think you mean the mashup of a specific Herman bike with a lemon true tree. Fusion, really.

Hucka D.:

Yes, you can say that. Then both stolen. Big and little together. Mashup. Monster Mashup.



Well, let’s talk, if you don’t mind, about my visit or, now, visits to WES. Something I didn’t put in that last descriptive post: I met the griefer, apparently, and we talked a bit. She had a gun, which I found uneasy given the day’s events. She was only white mist, and when I told her to log out and log back in, and that always cleared the non-body problem up for me, she did and it didn’t. She remained an unknown, like a certain person that had captured Amereca’s complete attention was still a huge question mark. I think that has something to do with all this.

Another observation: there are several Crimean related sim names on the peninsula with WES, including — I’ve sent Baker Bloch over to Nightfield right now [to check the inworld map] — Cimmeria, primarily, but also Belit. I’ve done a bit of study on the others sim names of this mainland peninsula, but this is the only connection between two sims I’ve been able to come up with, mainly through the wikipedia article on Robert E. Howard’s Belit, where it is mentioned that her romantic interest, Conan the Barbarian (Howard’s most famous character), is a Cimmerian, which is the actual name of a tribe of people who lived on Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. Crimea is also an anagram of Cimmeria.

Hucka D.:

What’s your point [in all this]?


I should also mention that Belit is Conan’s first real love interest.

Hucka D.:

Let me help, then. The peninsula Stanlee is upon is like the Crimean Peninsula. Crime as well. A crime was committed there. Griefer attack. Seems to be two separate people but in reality only one. Gun was involved. This happen to Lemon too.


Oh, man. I didn’t understand the Lemon connection fully until now (!)

Hucka D.:

A man was being searched for but not the one who committed the crime. Instead it was One Who Zaps, see. Mashup is involved. You have found your Ancients. (pause) Lemon was stolen from us. Bike… lemon. Something very, very valuable to us all.



So a bit more: off the West Coast Road I’ve found not one but two peninsulas with a very narrow type of isthmus connecting them back to mainland. The first was in a larger body of water in Kusanagi, described in this earlier post. The second comes from Nightfield itself; in fact, if Baker Bloch stands up right now — I’m making him do this as I write — he can go to the window in front of him and *just* see this second, very similar type of peninsula. I’ll go ahead and take another picture of it while Baker is standing there.

Easy as pie. Anyway, this much smaller peninsula has the two lidded chest we talked about before, Hucka D., which you indicated at the time represents two eyes, similarly with two lids.

Hucka D.:

To see with, yes. The lids help protect. They are lids as well. They hide the soul… golden stairway to heaven… so forth.



I stopped to write an email to MC. I think he’s the one who’s been McGlumphed. I was just picking up on that.

Hucka D.:

Yes. A crime.


Anyway, I just logged in to my email account to write *him*, and see he beat me to the punch. I was going to ask him his opinions of Jung’s individuation process and the search for Self. This has to do with that double lidded trunk. Directly.*



Jung’s (1978) individuation is similar, if not identical, to the self-actualization of Maslow (1968; 1971). But why does the ego need to approach the Self, if it is to all end in death? Jung (1991) says “The psyche itself, in relation to consciousness, is pre-existent and transcendent “ (p. 91). So, while the ego is born, grows, and dies, in the same way as the body, the psyche itself, and especially the Self, is not under the same limitations. Jung’s eternal archetypal Self is probably the chief subject of disagreement with other psychologists, and one reason why mainstream materialistic psychologists fail to take him seriously. He is, however, taken seriously by today’s transpersonal psychologists.


WES, etc. January 10, 2011

Filed under: Beetles, The,Carrcass+2,Marty,Nowtown/Zen City,WES,West End — baker Blinker @ 3:06 am

Sad to say that most of what I’ve been calling Nowtown in this blog has become abandoned land, including this pool with an underwater bar.

However, the Brainwash Art Centre, snuggled underneath the rather towering green mount in Somerset, remains open.

Moving back to West End, Baker Bloch finds an inviting, cracked door in a house sitting right next to the blue-green pool with the double lidded chest full of gold buillion. He latches onto the idea that this represents an invitation to not only go within the house this one time, but perhaps many times — make this a home away from home for a spell, and a base to further explore the quite fascinating ins and outs of the West End community.

This is about the best view he can get from within of the blue-green pool. Can’t see the aforementioned chest from this vantage point, though, which lies on the opposite side of the small pool from here.

There *are* some great views of the giant coconut structure nearer to WES, though.

Looking up from directly beneath the mole statue commemorating the finding of the first sculpted prim. Right next to WES, as mentioned before.

Then some more details from WES itself.

As Baker Bloch walked away from the scene above after taking its picture, he turned around upon hearing a sawing noise to see the trucks just left behind enveloped in some sort of amorphous, blue blobby thing. Griefer attack?

More of the same then appeared in the skies in a different part of WES. *Two* coordinated attackers?

Baker attempted to remain calm while the sinister looking shapes gathered force around the town. He decided that ignoring it and going about his business there would be best choice to make. Below is a picture Baker subsequently took of a more interesting, corner building of WES (southwest).

Besides the one building on the eastern side with the lounging area, Baker found all buildings of WES devoid of objects, in continuing to poke around that night. The city appeared almost completely abandoned. If The Beetles were indeed in WES, it seems they have left the scene long ago; a dead city we have here.

The owner of West End Shippping (our “WES”), is Valin Frye, who use to run a popular SL dance venue called Club 9.13, doubling as its DJ. In checking his profile and information online, quickly found out that the club use to be situated in the Winchester sim on the Nautilus continent. Finding this former location on the inworld map, I was amused to see Winchester surrounded by a number of other MASH related names such as Radar, Trapper, Hawkeye, Klinger, Hunnicutt, Flagg, Potter, Mulchaey, McIntyre, Houlihan, Rizzo, and perhaps some others I’m not familiar with.

In his SL profile, Valin also quotes Peewee Herman from “Peewee’s Big Adventure” (“I’m a loner Dottie. A rebel.”), and lists having a lemonade stand and making lemonade as his only interests.

Random bits of unrelated information, it seems, but for various reasons I can’t fully disclose here, I think these are clues/breadcrumbs. Marty *has* been here!


Stan And Lee January 6, 2011

Filed under: Marty,Melodie Darwin,Petemond,Uncategorized,WES,West End — baker Blinker @ 8:59 am

(joined in progress)

“We might need a new spirit.”


West End spirit… cool.

Hucka D.:



Where I visited tonight, perhaps centered around West End town itself or maybe the Irish village off the West Coast Road as well.

Hucka D.:

Rent there. Explore. Talk to the sheep. Give them direction.



Hucka D.:

Sunklanders and West Enders traditionally didn’t get along. Then there were the Hillbodies… from the hills.


West End Hills.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Led by Chief Tonto, a baker. Chef Tonto. Tonka.


Maybe Pietmond would know more about what went on in West End.

Hucka D.:

West End City holds secrets, still. Two roads into West End; two cultures.


I suppose that land I was going to buy in the heart of the West End Hills would be the center of the native culture. Indians?

Hucka D.:

Indian village, yes. Nice curry restaurant.


Run by Curry.

Hucka D.:

Yes. You spelled that right for a change.



Hucka D.:



OK, Wanda, then. Wanda Curry.

Hucka D.:

Blem… Blem Hasslehorf. Pietmond knows.


I don’t think I want to go there tonight.

Hucka D.:

Oh sure.




Helli Ho. Organtis Mantra Wattup Hellio. Hellio. Hello.


Hi Pietmond. What’s up? What’s new?


Organto Helio Rumpus Gombcake. Cake. Re… right-e-o. Lilly pad ompus ronko white cake. Surup. Pancake. Peddals. Pett. Pet. White. Cake. Rumpus. Olean. Ti. Stanlee. Lee. Stan and Ledd. Lee. Ledd. Lead. Lea. Leaaaaaaaaaaa…

Hucka D.:

Pietmond becomes broke now. We better end.




Apparently The Beatles use to perform in Stanlee, Hucka D., although I’m not sure this is West End City.*

Hucka D.:

Yes. West End. Marty. Marty was from West End. That’s where he was recruited. He didn’t like Sunklands as much as West End. West End is where Marty lived and played drums bass. He came to Sunklands to work, is all. West End.


Quite fascinating, Hucka D. Is this pre-Big Ink incident?

Hucka D.:

Of course not.


What was so special about Sunklands?

Hucka D.:

They could escape the wholesale changes made by the Linden grid. They could retain Ancient energy. Ancient Rising. But West End was prettier. Still is. But the sinks have energy unique to Second Life. This is about energy, then. Ancient power… Ancient rising power. Power. Energy. Clean. Atomics.



Looks like this Melodie Darwin is doing some kind of picture tour of Jeogeot. Must add her to the blog links!

Hucka D.:

You are not alone. There are others.



Ah hah! Melodie’s blog (!)

* Appropriate snapzilla pictures here (from 2007):


Jeogeot West, etc., 02 January 5, 2011

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Melodie Darwin,WES,West End — baker Blinker @ 8:38 am

So now we come to what is or was perhaps the center of the *second* West End culture, again according to wise guy Hucka D. I suppose the name of this urban grunge style town would technically be West End Shipping according to the land description, but let’s call it West End City. For now.

So here it is, situated in the Stanlee sim. Very gray-brown, and taking up something less than 1/2 the sim’s area. Is this *really* where Marty lived (again, in Hucka -speak)?

I would return the next night for additional poking around, so I’ll save more blog talk re WEC for posts just above.

West End City lies at the western terminus of West Coast Road, adjacent to this mole creation celebrating their own culture’s discovery of the first sculpted prim. A more artistic picture of this sculpture by my new SL and Jeogeot pal Melodie Darwin is here, making the work look much larger than it does in virtual person.

In fact, my own discovery of this photo first alerted me to Ms. Darwin’s own, extensive interest in Jeogeot, as demonstrated in her several picture albums from the Snapzilla site (to date: “Circumnavigating Jeogeot”, “Route 10”, and “Route 9”).

Fabulous to find another, contemporary Jeogeot explorer!

Behind the mole statue looms this more interesting building that looks like a giant coconut.

Interior shots first — there’s my free waterfall again (!), presently set up in not one but two places in Pietmond (extreme eastern and western sides). Free plants all around the waterfall as well.

Also in the hollow coconut innards is this “transporter box”, apparently non-operational. Judging from extensive construction being shaped in the sky just above, it appears all this is still a work in progress, as they say. The parcel’s name is “u lu lo chu i,” and owned by Achila Sparrow under the group Zen Monster. Looks like Achila owns about 1/8th of Nightfield just west of Stanlee, and has used only about a third of her allotted prims in that sim so far.


In the northwest corner of Dreamtime, caddy-corner to Nightfield, Baker finds a small, furnished cottage for rent. He can’t enter the parcel, though — someone currently renting it and blocking access? A curiously small building surrounded by much larger structures, which is what attracted Baker to examine it more closely in the first place.

Moving back into Nightfield, Baker finds a strange, two lidded chest filled with gold on an islet in a very blue-green pool. The inclusive 512 parcel is owned by avatar Shandon Loring, who describes himself as both a real and virtual traveler of many times, places, and worlds.

Still in Nightfield, Baker finds this nice patio overlooking the ocean to take a well deserved break. But he could personally do without the fake snow; his user has seen enough of that in RL lately!