baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

No Heart? No Heart. September 18, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Lisa the Vegetarian,Marty,Rubi Forest,Uncategorized,Unnamed — baker Blinker @ 7:10 am

“As you guessed, Lisa the Vegetarian had to go back in time to create Piepodt on Wealthy Mountain, baker b. And good evening to you.”


Thanks Hucka D. Same to you. So… the toy avatars should move over here from Jonesborough, in essence.

Hucka D.:

Is that what *you* want? I mean, Lisa V. wants this, in Timescape. And you should move back into a sink, although I don’t think the sink of Sikkima will be available long term. Maybe Malyshkin again.


Come to think of it, Gong is sort of protecting itself perhaps by being split between 4 sims. It’s not prudent for any one person or user to own the whole body of water.

Hucka D.:

You can study sinkology from Teepot, though, don’t you think? I’m kind of as confused as you are where to go now.


Unusual, Hucka D. Are you losing your powers of prediction?

Hucka D.:

May-be. We trying to latch on to a new energy and not sure where the helping hand from above is coming from. Above being the future here.


Sounds like the hand is that of Lisa the Vegetarian, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



The town that is being created in Timescape beside Quartz Brook on Wealthy Mountain, Hucka D…

Hucka D.:

Look for clues in the area. Trees are important. Not sure… go ahead…


Not sure I should move my bottles up there.

Hucka D.:



Let me review a bit. Lisa the Vegetarian dies in Jonesborough — attacked by dogs, the whole compound there I mean — and Marty takes over as leader of the acting colony. Acting leader of the actors, I suppose. But then Lisa goes back in time, in space — Timescape — and creates a new colony on Wealthy Mtn. when coming back to life. She has learned from her mistakes; the colony will be higher on a mountain now, more protected from potentially ravaging wildlife.

Hucka D.:

The rhododendron helps protect, yes. There’s only one way in and one way out, in essence.


Lisa the V. sees the future where she meets her one, true love, but it turns out this lover is death himself, a him from Lisa’s perspective. Appearing as well are robots which turn out to be “mere” Tinmen, Oz Tinmen that is, appearing as if in a play or casting for a play. Tin Soldier Men.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Good.


Trees are without heart. Not real. You have to kick them sometime for the hologram to turn on, as it were.

Hucka D.:

Future without a heart.


I think Lisa may have been killed by a fox-dog, Hucka D. Fox on the trot. Foxtrot. Perhaps of Christian persuasion.

Hucka D.:

She was killed by a Fox named Sikkima, the same as the sim directly below Rubi. The fox comes from a sink… Sikkima is related to the word sink.


Then maybe that’s where I should buy, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



I also think Lisa’s new town was called Newberg at first.

Hucka D.:

We go sideways into new knowledge[ here].


Sikkima has certain always got low ratings from me, Hucka D. But, really, there’s nothing left in the sim much.

Hucka D.:

You will not move to Sikkima, no. But be aware of the variant reality where you *are* there. Sik… sink. The 14th.


Hold on. I’ll get a picture while there’s nothing in that sink.

There’s another spirit [stuck] in the Rubi Forest, Hucka D. Searchman7 Resident — nothing in the profile. I wonder if it stands for Seaman — probably not. Kind of looks like a sperm…

Hucka D.:

Don’t go there.


Is it Lisa the Vegetarian looking for a new womb?




Hi Lisa.


Buy in Sikkima. I was killed by a trotting fox. I need a new colony. Sikkima. 14th sink. Please.


Don’t think I can afford it, Lisa… can I call you just Lisa?




Is this you and Marty?:


Yes. Marty took over when I was killed by the trotting fox. You turned around at Foxtrot today to backtrack to where you were suppose to go. Which was my mountain. Wealthy Mountain.


How did you make your fortune, Lisa?



Hucka D.:

Lisa must head off into the sinking sunset now, baker b. Quartz as in quartz of milk, I should add. Quartz of something something. One thing, Plastic Man, which becomes many, Plastic People.

14th sink.


I simply can’t see giving up Teepot at this point in favor of something else, even if terraforming is increased. There must be substantial fiction to Teepot. Rivalry. Yeosol. Yeot and Yeosol. Jeogeot mysticism — isn’t dead, then. No.


Loose Notes (Toy Avatars?) November 19, 2010

Meeting Rock was meeting place of primarily 3 types of Toy Avatars: Mossmen, Mmmmmm’s, and Marbles. 3 M’s then. The phrase 3Ms has meaning in and of itself (study).

Meeting Rock should probably have a tag in this blog. “Where is the 4th?” became a central question during an original or early meeting.

Debate: did the Quadrobeavs attend meetings there? Or the humanoid avatars, perhaps from Whitehead Crossing? How about the Bees from Greenhead?

Where were the Mossmen located? My feeling is that they came mostly from Frank Park, while the Mmmmmm’s resided primarily in neighboring Herman Park. But not exclusively for either party.

Mossmen have been claimed to originally come from Moss Most, a rock on the edge of Frank Park and Granddaddy Mtn. Mossmen were not allowed to tread on that sacred peak. Gene Fade, actor who played Mossman Solo in Salad Bar Jack in the River of TILE movie, decided to create a moss avatar named Karoz who could safely hike Granddaddy Mtn. to the satisfaction of all.

From Moss Most, the Mossmen civilization slowly, taking ages and ages, moved down RIVER into Frank Park. We now have additional information that RIVER is actually named Spoon Fork.

So Mossmen come from upper reaches of Spoon Fork but not upper upper reaches, which would instead be inside Granddaddy Mtn. territory. Or did they? (study, once more). That area was perhaps “X”ed out, like a crossed Spoon and Fork pictured above. No tresspassing on this sacred land, which was instead reserved for the Rock Gods or Gods of Rock. One such band of Rock Gods was called Sink Ark (debatable).

Well, if Spoon and Fork act cross with each other near the source, they must then cooperate near the mouth. And this is where Knife comes in, a 3rd, balancing force. This may be the same as the Portal System of RIVER (now Spoon Fork) described very early in this blog, actually.


Potentially important concept: Creepy Crawlers

Was this how the glop people of Sharon remake themselves or clone themselves? Did Mossmen have the same ability? Interesting that Creepy Crawlers is also called Thingmaker…

… since Mr. Dale Innis the blogging avatar, lives directly below the still extant Freakies Tree in Yalu, in the neighboring Hugh’s Rise sim directly west.

Lisa The Vegetarian is also obviously important. Obviously linkable to the idea of St. Lemon of Troy. Especially since she has been sainted herself in the meantime, after her death during what we can assume is an attack by dogs on the Jonesborough, Herman Park compound. St. Lisa The Vegetarian, then. or SLTV. Buried along with her saxophone. Left handed bass player Marty takes over as Jonesborough leader. Remaining toys loathing the day they decided to stick around after the end of the filming of that Salad Bar Jack movie. And just *where* is Salad Bar, er, I mean Grassy Noll in all this? Never paid his condolences. Too big a star with too big a head, perhaps?

Imp. as well: No writing comes out of Parson’s Vale on the east side of Great Meadow, Herman Park, just music. Sounds like my improvised music a bit but isn’t. Organized. Aotearoa. 2E2E.

Plastic People/Plasticman: Toy avatars are seen as plastic people first during reign of Lisa The Vegetarian, before she hands over rulership of Jonesborough (other places?) to Marty, who moves directly from Sunklands on the Jeogeot continent to take the job, becoming plastic himself in the process (*power* [Powerman] bestowed by Lisa?). Lisa admits to other toys that she comes from a 2 dimensional land which knows nothing of 3d until a closet portal was found. A TV is the key.

So… Lisa refinds or reopens the portal her father originally found while hiding from her 2 visiting aunts, allowing 2d toy avatars the power to become 3d. She is wealthy, perhaps connected with nearby Wealthy Mtn. (also in Herman Park). She finds a huge stash of crystals and makes money off it (Quartz Brook tumbling off side of Wealthy Mtn.). She teaches all 2d avatars the benefits of turning 3d and plastic. Avatar bodies are prepared.

Lisa’s father was the original Plastic*man* but then Lisa created a whole civilization of Plastic *People*. Beginning and end, alpha and omega. Man and People.

To do this she had to stabilize the black hole formed at the center of 3d at the time. It is a coffee cup, perhaps a Klein bottle. How to stabilize??

To gain needed wealth to make Plastic People, Lisa may have to cooperate with Powerman who is square shaped. Spongebob? (probably not).


Busy… April 7, 2010

Busy week outdoors and also within Second Life, for a switch. New gallery built: New Blue Feather Gallery; new woods created; new house apart from the gallery established nearer center of Chilbo.

The Sunklands I knew even last year is slipping away in chunks… Slippermen all. The Felix Meritis Monastery is closing in May, after over 3 years of existence. Also, if that isn’t enough, Pine Tree Square (sometimes called X-ville in this blog) is also shutting down about the same time.

And on a much more minor note, in a general way, I’m apparently pulling completely out of Aotearoa in under 2 weeks (although not Pudding Hill/Big Sink).

But on the other hand I’m very pleased about my closer attachment to the Chilbo community now, after months and months of basically ignoring the place. It’s growing at quite a rate, judging by the expansion of patented Chilbo sidewalks on the SL map, especially to the north and west of the central area. I can’t wait to re-explore more of the changing landscape.

And I’m back in Noru (!). This is important because many of my old home sims have simply vanished in the past couple of months, primarily Gliese of Azure Islands, my first, true Second Life home, and then also — almost as painful — Stephen of the Otherland estate. As far as long term homes in the past, then, I’m down to Rubi and Noru, and there appears no way that I will return to Rubi — blocked from being there, it seems. So that gives a little background to why I’m happy to return to Noru, albeit in a different location. Before I was near the northwest corner of the sim; now I rent in the southwest corner, nearer Chilbo and now clearly within a part of Greater Chilbo, where I wasn’t really before. That expansion I was talking about above has, yes, crept even into the south of Noru, 2 sims above the Chilbo sim itself. Cool that I have created some older maps of Chilbo for this blog for comparison.

So the Blue Feather Gallery has been reestablished, albeit in smaller form. It’s about 1/2 the size of its former incarnation in Aotearoa, where it housed the entire 10×10 of 100 collages, and then a whole bunch of Edna’s photos on top of that. The new version only contains 40 of the 100 collages, focusing in on 2 newer collections: Oblong and Wheeler-Jasper. Some Edna photographs also return in the reborn gallery.

As I said, I’m also excited about the woods underneath the gallery, which covers about 9000 square meters I would assume. About 1/2 is owned/rented by myself, with the other half belonging to a neighbor who I won’t mention yet but who appears to be *older than dirt*. He was around in Beta Second Life — how exciting it must be to follow Second Life down through the years starting at before the beginning (!). His woods are naturally must cleaner than mine, although they contain the same type of Linden pine trees. I also know the neighbor to the south of me, just over the line in Mujigae (1 up from the Chilbo sim, then), but I haven’t spoken to him since my move — know him, interestingly, from other places. Then I’ve met a number of other fine residents of Chilbo. Great place indeed! I look forward to staying in the area for at least another couple of months. We’ll see what happens.

I also have re-created the Big E Gallery on part of my rental area that doesn’t overlap the space of the Blue Feather Gallery. But I haven’t worked on it much. Thinking even of an open house for the Blue Feather Gallery, but not sure about that yet.

In *Real Life*, spent much of the last 4 days hiking around TILE Creek, or “CREEK” in this blog. Explored from mouth (well, almost) to source, and feel like I have a really good base to talk more about toy avatars and the g/p/r of TILE as well. Should be able to create most if not all the needed text to accompany my photos of TILE Creek tomorrow and Friday.

We haven’t even talked about what’s happening with the King! “Let’s bring in Hucka D. for a quick chat, perhaps.”

Hucka D.:

Good night to you, baker b.


Hello Hucka D. We haven’t talked in a number of days.

Hucka D.:

You’ve been busy, per the title. Good for you.


Carrcass-4 is coming up soon, I assume. Not sure if I can stay in touch with [Cayce] during that time.

Hucka D.:



The death of the saxaphone playing Lisa Simpson in the TILE Creek woods is sad, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

People make sacrifices for a greater good. Musical instruments are sometimes set aside. The dogs come and all is gone. Marty will take over now from Ms. Simpson as the leader of Jonesborough.


So this is the Sunklands Marty.

Hucka D.:

Yes. McCartney. Left handed bass player. He will continue leading the community. Carrcass-2 and Carrcass-3 are dead. They were already dead as they formed [tiled].


I was going to outline a white, chalk horse on the rock above where she is buried, Hucka D., but it didn’t seem to fit.

Hucka D.:

First half of life gone now. 50. Second Life begun anew. Blue Feather will lead. Marty is Blue Feather.


Marty and Blue Feather are 2 different toy avatars, though, Hucka D.

[Hucka D. does not answer.]


Very busy week all up and down TILE Creek, though. Bill Hill and King Bill was found (!)

Hucka D.:

Yes indeed. King of the Mmmmmm’s, or so he liked to think. He grew tired of the bickering between the Reds and Greenies. Tried to trick them into turning into each other through the Portal Tree. And then he built his hill by overturning *Third* Tree, which points directly to *Zero* Tree. He invited the Reds and Greenies to make peace on his hill. This would be even to the north of Meeting Rock, where the treaty truly took effect later on. Bill Hill is older than Meeting Rock, with not as much concentrated energy. It is the realm of King Bill and not much more, the fabled orange Mmmmmm. He usually talked through the Martin bug and stayed in the woods, around the mound instead. Good you saw the bug.


What took place on Meeting Rock, then?

Hucka D.:

A greater meeting: Mmmmmm’s, Mossmen, Human Toys, Quadrobeavs, and more. A great gathering. The 4th was incorporated into the 3. TILE was born.


So this is kind of a reversal of the Council of Nicea, where instead the 4th was cast out to reinforce the interlocking nature of the Trinity.

Hucka D.:

Wasn’t that just dumb in retrospect? Dumb males rejecting the female energy, the other side of themselves after all. Dumb and dumber.


A lot of people in this area would say otherwise, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yes, and that’s why all these living avatars hide out in the woods and meadows away from main centers of human inhabitation. One day they will make their presence known, though.



We should say good night.

Hucka D.:

Good night.


TILE Creek (Aka “CREEK”) 04 April 5, 2010

Filed under: Lisa the Vegetarian,Marty,Toy Avatars,Yards Creek (CREEK) — baker Blinker @ 3:27 am

Bill’s Hill or “Bill Hill” seen through two large pine trees that, in effect, act as a gateway.

The martin bug found near the two pine trees mentioned above. He said that Bill was not available for consultation now, and that I should look to inner guidance until the great guru of the Mmmmmm’s was once again taking visitors, perhaps in a month or so. As I think I briefly explained before, the Martin bug is only other sentient, talking creature presently living in the Good Meadow or the Realm of Bill. and is King Bill’s right hand man, er, bug.

Then we move on up TILE Creek to the place where a number of toy avatars rezzed into existence year before last, to take part in the storyline of the Salad Bar in the River of TILE movie. Mysteriously, the big white tile that was barely exposed at the time has now become much more so. What was called Rez Rock then appears directly above this tile (actually, this “tile” appears to be a part of an old porcelain commode, but just play along with me once more, if you don’t mind dear reader or readers).

The Wilderness, talked about a bit in, for example, this November 2008 post. This is where the armies led by Hucka Doobie and Grassy Noll, past versions, clashed with each other in the last battle of the last war ever fought among toy avatars. Grassy Noll’s army moved up from the south, at Jonesborough. Hucka Doobie’s army came down from the north and New Hope. The Wilderness, made up of endless tangles of rhododendron set among towering hemlock trees, fills the void between the two. To this day, it remains a wilderness, and unsettled out of respect for those who were slain. The psychic implications of this battle are still being felt in the region even today.

Then of course I had to visit Jonesborough while in the area, and check in on the toy avatars that have chosen to live there. Remember I just mentioned psychic implications of past wars? Well, my new theory — formed just as I’m typing these words — is that the tragic death of assumed leader Lisa The Vegetarian (soon to be sainted, I’m assured), a saxophone playing heiress of some fortune, is an example of just such a residue effect. We can cobble together some of the story of this important toy avatar from this post and also this post. It appears from past research that Lisa The Vegetarian may have been the actual entity to create the portal allowing toy avatars to settle in the TILE Creek area, using the most advanced scientific research and methods vast quantities of money could buy. More on that story later.

The immediate cause of the tragic death of this important toy avatar is attributed to wild animals, perhaps foxes or even coyotes. Below we have pictures of the funeral, attended by most of those who survived the attacks, which also killed others of the community.

The 4th Beetle, Marty (variant of The Beatles’ McCartney, as in Sir Paul ), throws in the first handful of dirt over the corpse, interred along with her beloved saxophone. He also becomes the defacto new leader of the ravaged community. Can they pick up the pieces after this horror? Hucka D. has indicated to me that, yes, they can, and he’ll help. But first, advances must be made at Whitehead Crossing in neighboring Frank Park. Again, more on that soon.

As I head back to the car, I decided to take another photo of King Hemlock beside TILE Creek, which the fallen Tree of Bill directly points to. And while I was walking past, a dog emerged from the woods right at the top of the fallen tree. Probably means something.