baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Tiny Mice/City I’m In August 6, 2011

Filed under: Carrcass-6,FairChang,Hucka D.,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 7:37 am

“Hucka D., I’m becoming more and more interested in this Blue Feather Douglas figure. Check this out:

Hucka D.:

That’s his Earth-side self. He didn’t like it when he found out that’s where he came from. But you put him there… here.


Thanks for that. But what about *Pietmond*??

Hucka D.:

What about… never mind. I know what you are talking about. I put it there. The painting.


Fascinating. I assume this is done from outside time-space.

Hucka D.:

Yes. I live in The Jug. We must talk of SID’s 1st Oz sometime. A nice long chat about it.


But the next carrcass will be about Pietmond and Crabwoo and SL mythos in general as I’ve developed it through this blog.

Hucka D. (after a pause):



Carrcass causes the mythos?

Hucka D. (more emphatic):



Let’s see… Blue Feather’s infatuation with TILE parallels Oliver’s fascination with farming. He wants to escape the city… Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

No, the painting is the clue he must *go* to Pietmond.


But Blue Feather, in another very odd way, is a timelord. Both Peter and Blue Feather Douglas in SL are timelords, in essense.

Hucka D.:

Probably taking your lines again but here goes: in the last ever Green Acres episode [“The Ex-Secretary”], Oliver calls NYC to attempt to track down the only person in the world, apparently, who can fix his pocket watch, given to him by his father and a priceless family airloom.


Heirloom you mean.

Hucka D. (turning red):

Yes. Anyway. Anyhoot. The pocket watch is priceless because it shows Oliver to be a timelord. But his ex-secretary of the title can’t remember the name of the watchsmith.


Is that what you call them? A person who fixes watches and clocks?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Maybe. But at the end of the show the… oh, just said that. The real name, the one she couldn’t remember, is Yana. But all this may never be in a carrcass because Green Acres Season 6 may never be released to DVD.


Oh it has to be. What about “The Blue Feather”? [not being released]

Hucka D.:

Peter is a timelord… Blue Feather Douglas is a timelord. You are not alone. Blue Feather attempted to escape the Maebaleia continent-prison but becoming Little Robert Plant Variant and taking the golden Zeppelin tube to Nowtown. He would have replaced him had you not done something about it. Sunklands would have been nonactivated. Pietmond would have never come about.


Maybe the tube is like the pocket watch, then.

Hucka D.:

Little Robert Plant Variant avoided this fate, this possession, by joining the Sunklands Initiative and giving up the tube. This led him to Peter and eventually to Pietmond. In a way; in a manner. But Plant was in the Big Sink by now, totally purified. He had found God/Not-God.


All this seems to be central to the whole SL mythos of mine, Hucka D. Blue Feather Douglas founded Crabwoo, was a lawyer just like Oliver Wendell Douglas, and then turned to metaphysics instead and TILE in particular. Something about finding Biggie in the Blue Feather Sea.

Hucka D.:

Blue Feather Douglas became the chosen son.


But he was trapped on Maebaleia because of the separation of Earth — continent — from the Moon — satellite islands.

Hucka D.:

Gypsy trapped him, yes. Gypsy Purse. Blue to green to red to yellow. Kimball wanted a yellow purse to match his… something.


What is usually missing in a Piet Mondrian painting, Hucka D., is the color green.


Wandering in the chaos the battle has left,
We climb up the mountain of human flesh,
To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life.
A young figure sits still by a pool,
He’s been stamped “Human Bacon” by some butchery tool.
(He is you)
Social Security took care of this lad.
We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower.
A flower?

Narcissus or Narkissos (Greek: Νάρκισσος), possibly derived from ναρκη (narke) meaning “sleep, numbness,” in Greek mythology was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the waters and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.[1]



It’s perhaps the first really strong hint that Peter was actually, really the candidate chosen to protect the Sunklands Initiative, Hucka D. I’ve got to get that Season 1 asap.

Hucka D.:

Hold on… there’s Flutterbys to talk about. Pink Box. Blue Box.


Yes, hold on…


Box March 12, 2011

Filed under: Carrcass-6,FairChang,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:36 am

“I may have found another “Pink Box” Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

You think so.


Flutterbys… that’s the key. It’s mentioned in a Genesis track off “Foxtrot”. Here.

Hucka D.:

“Supper’s Ready.” You are preparing. Fair chance that you will make it to Uniontown by sunset, brother.


Fairchang could be the next step, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

And Black Peter is mentioned in the comments on “Supper’s Ready”. Peter in black, that is. Just so you’ll remember. Probably stepping on your lines again. Apologies.


That’s fine, Hucka D. I have my work cut out for me.

Hucka D.:

You better find out what Peter’s virtual reality looks like.




“OMG, he really *was* here.”

Fantastic Mr. Fox??


Big Sink > (Sinncity) > Blackmount, 01

Filed under: Big Sink,FairChang — baker Blinker @ 8:59 am



‘Nother… January 24, 2009

Filed under: Burning Life Island,FairChang,Otherland — baker Blinker @ 9:57 am

The new location of the Otherland archipelago, after its apparent move halfway across the grid last summer, is on the extreme southern edge of the SL grid, below about everything else. One noteworthy exception to this rule is the presence of another large set of contiguous sims just to the east of Otherland, with almost all containing the first name of “FairChang”. We’ll call this, then, the Fairchang archipelago — or just FairChang — for lack of a better appellation now.* Baker has been making some tentative forays into this quite large cluster of sims, which, unlike the more sprawling Otherland archipelago, are bunched tightly together in a rough circle-ish shape. Although one must also call the FairChang group of sims an archipelago like Otherland, another obvious difference is that there are fewer multi-sim islands in the Fairchange complex, and none at all close to the size of the largest Otherland island, or what I’ve been calling Otherland Island #1 in this blog. The Fairchang archipelago is currently made up of 67 contiguous sims, and contain many hundreds of islands.

In what’s called the Fairchange Lost Isle sim near the northwest corner of the archipelago, Baker Bloch comes across this huge steampunk looking — well, what’s really a small, enclosed city I guess you could call it. Baker walks around inside a bit, but shortly suffers from a bit of claustrophobia and has to teleport out. It’s very “cagey” feeling in there… not the kind of environment he prefers. But it apparently is an interesting space to some, because according to my map there were quite a number of avatars on the sim at the time, although Blochs didn’t run into any of ’em during his brief visit.


Back in the Otherland, Baker decides to visit what turns out to be the only other registered sl art “gallery” in my home archipelago, called the Normanisan Strait Gallery and run by a Danish woman named Betty Tereaud. The setting is an underwater location in a sim directly south of my home sim of Stephen, near what I call Otherland Island #2. After Baker Bloch’s visit, he im-ed Ms. Tereaud, complimenting her especially on the outside sculpture. Below is a snapshot of how some of the art appeared to Baker Bloch at the time.


Weird thing is, I didn’t discover this only Otherland “gallery” by sheer chance. It’s name appeared on the kiosk located at my own, er, Baker Bloch’s Otherland gallery. Hmmmmm… “Normanisan Straits” I found myself saying aloud. Isn’t that the name of an Otherland sim? Sure enough, a glance at the SL map gave proof that this was so, leading to my immediate visit. Ms. Tereaud was nice enough to repay the visit later on that night with a trip to my own gallery.


Returning to the subject of the FairChang archipelago, Baker Bloch found this underwater series of passes in FairChang Laguna and couldn’t help but take a couple of snapshots, such as the one below of the main entrance…


…and this one of the central “pirate ship” of the complex, complete with a giant squid (!)


In yet another FairChang sim — can’t remember which one — Baker Bloch comes across this interesting rectangular shaped gorge filled with sea shells.


Finally, that same night Baker Bloch finds himself looking for the estranged Esbum all the way out on the now almost deserted Burning Life island. I’ll have more on that search very soon.


* a small bit of research turned up this website on the archipelago