baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Caught Up, Review… October 31, 2009


> Further exploration of Big Sink and development of that mythology, as it reacts to “separate” mythologies of Chilbo and others (Korean Channel, Nowtown/Zen City/Sternberg) on the Jeogeot continent.

> Soon to be creation of another “Carrcass-1” in “RL”. Blog must be used as generator of energy, as it was before in late 2008.

> further exploration of Jeogeot in general. I don’t think a return to Noru will be made now (could certainly be wrong); I want to stay in Sunklands for the present. As I’ve found out (return to Azure Islands, return to Kerchal Forest in a more minor way, return to Rubi through Horisme), it’s difficult to repeat the past. I could attempt it with Otherland again — not sure it would work. Azure I.s are right out of the picture now.

> more RL explorations in Nov. and Dec. Focus? Denville (town) maybe. Beach Mtn. maybe. Granddaddy Mtn. Maybe just Blue Mtn. (town) itself, where I live. Or Boulder (nearby smaller town). Advancement of toy avatar mythology continues in ways through marbles and Denville and Key Rock/Castle Rock.

> which brings me to the tree seed (GA). In thinking about it further, not sure there *was* a giant tree in the heart of Sunklands, on that sw parcel of Pudding Hill sim Hucka D. has indicated. Think an *attempt* to plant a seed was made there (by Plant himself?), but “failed”. The seed, I believe, was brought from Rubisea on the Maebaleia continent, perhaps by the Bakers (Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker). The trip to Rubisea may not have been merely a honeymoon, or perhaps they just acquired the seed or seeds “by accident” during their honeymoon there. Were they, then, planning to move to Sunklands anyway?

> I think at least one of the seed was of a giant persimmon tree. Golf and drivers/woods were connected in some way. Wheeler 02 collage may represent a depiction of this giant tree or giant projected tree (Redwood in Wilsonia, CA on the collage). If so, then Wheeler 08 may also be important since the same “driver” is in it. The seed was the same as the marriage of Baker Blinker and Baker Bloch — their union, and also a symbol of Rubisea itself, the smaller inland sea, that is. It was known that it was also a “red c”, or a red note, perhaps middle c. From this c or seed, all 12 (or 13) notes of the chromatic scale were formed. In the Lake District of Maebaleia, this would represent relationship between Rubisea (c) and Blue Feather Sea (all 12 or 13 notes). Blue Feather Sea is about 12-13 times wider than Rubisea. Blue Feather Sea, then, is just a future version of Rubisea, demonstated by turning the geographic relationship 180 degrees.

> study Rabbit Holes of each continent… more to be found there I have a feeling.

> Blue Feather Sea of Maebaleia then represents the entire tree that sprang from the seed (Rubisea). Baker Bloch (and Blinker) found this out in Rubisea during their honeymoon. Baker Bloch especially was fascinated with the mythology. Thought he and Blinks must be some kind of Adams and Eve, but they called themselves AAron and ABigail. (Hucka D. states they were also married on Valentine‘s Day)

> the seed (or 2 seeds or perhaps even more) of the persimmon like tree was taken to Sunklands on Jeogeot. An attempt to plant was made. 9 months later, perhaps, the Black Hole was formed instead — Vortextra. The second seed, a non-Persimmon tree as it turned out, was taken to the Chilbo sim, eventually. This represented a successful planting, but on a smaller scale. It was not actually the Rubisea seed (Rubiseed? Ruby Seed?).*

> The Bakers (and others) planted the seed that was to become the tree, knowing that it was a Manifestation of God. The hole that instead formed was seen as the death or suicide of God. Negativ in impact, without the “e”, though. TILE was born from this hole, the 4 colors that split off from God. One could only understand The One through The Four. The first temple [of TILE] was there at Vortextra.***

> through Vortextra, a wormhole was affected between SL/Sunklands and RL/Mythos. There it appeared in the center of The Federation. It was identified with a Rat Hole. The Rat Hole. One doesn’t enter such a thing lightly.

> Not sure how exactly the Triva Ratsuit contest figures into this yet, or what the exact relationship between Big Sink and Big Island is.

> The relationship between Rubisea and Blue Feather Sea is like Key Rock (key, or seed perhaps) and Castle Rock (12th on this list, as Key Rock is first — another 12 to 1 relationship. Key Rock at Denville also seen as “note” or “seed”, with entire ridge it’s on (Castle Ridge or Castle Rock), as the whole scale, once more. 12:1. Study key holes in 10×10 collages as well.

> I am where I am suppose to be.

* A third seed, perhaps, was not planted but used for divination purposes, to predict the shape of the virtual reality obviously on the horizon. Spoon, knife and fork aspects were also involved here. Cutlery. I also think the Persimmon regiment figures into the Sunklands mythology somewhere.

** Another doctor who studied forks (in roads?), perhaps Dr. Blood or related to him or a comrade, performed the divination of the seed, as well as the splitting of the seed itself. Operation on the seed. (Blood Seed?) Anecdote was confused with Antidote.

*** Hucka D. has since indicated that the front of the Temple of TILE in *Rubi* sim, where it found its peak manifestation in *this* reality, was a bleedthrough of that alternate but more real, to him, Temple above Vortextra. He states I must study the Rubi-Silver front of the temple in more detail. Joplin is missing, he’s indicated. He further says this is the missing *Joplin Tree* that should have grown from the seed where, instead, the black hole of Vortextra formed.


“Tell us about the arrival of The Bill, Hucka D.?”

Hucka D.:

They arrived in black spaceships dressed all in black. Their mission was simple yet difficult. Remove the dead. They are pictured in Greenup 03. They wore black hats and black suits. They were from Lyra/Vega.


They came for the 3rd Seed. 3rd Life?

Hucka D.:

The 3rd Life was removed, yes. Marble. Castle Rock – Key Rock. 2x3x4. It was cut by knife. Inside was knife as well, not spoon not fork. Maybe all 3. Difficult to divine now. All 3 possibilities were glinty silver in hue.


The seed bled?

Hucka D.:

Yes. To the surprise of The Bakers and everyone else who were unpriviledged enough to watch. Except probably The Bills. So named because of their hats? No. Yes?


The Bills were not cruel, though?

Hucka D.:

Not really. Cold, though. Sterile. Icy a bit. Stare.


When Vortextra formed instead of a tree, as expected — as what had happened in Rubisea, The Bills were called in. They were also from the area of Rubisea.

Hucka D.:

Correct. Ruuster. R110.


They were called in to see what went wrong with the planting. Plant.




We’re very late today with our usual middle of the night dialog.


Hucka D. thought it wise to go ahead with it, though.


*Was* there a tree in the center of Sunklands?


Was and wasn’t.


In *your* reality?


Ummmmmmm…. no.


Did you know The Bill?


Kind of. They made a mound which was a mountain.


Is this the same as Petemond or Pete’s Mound?


May be.


Is it this mound?

Hucka D.:

There’s Marty (smiles).


Even further thoughts:

> The death of “God” (Joplin Tree) could only come in the very center of the center of Sunklands, or the center of Big Sink. Big Sink ironically also called the smallest of sinks, or a Peewee Sink. This is the influence of the central hole, though, negativ in impact but not negative.

> Hucka D. states that a particular region of Blue Feather Sea represents its “seed area”, with direct resonance with Rubisea. He states this is in the sims of Shax and Asmodeus, but mainly the former. More soon on that.


Hucka D.:

This is the seed of the Plant.


Brief Talk… October 23, 2009

Filed under: Denville (rl town),Toy Avatars — baker Blinker @ 9:42 am

“Hucka D.?”

Hucka D.:

You have your Edwardston Ground Station and your Edwardston *Sky* Station now, all in one.


One in all. (smiles) I missed Edna’s photos. Now I have the great bulk of ’em back.

Hucka D.:

This *might* be the new temple. Lag is better taken care of here. Prims spread out more. Lag spread out more.


What about Chilbo?

Hucka D.”

I will answer that (non-facetiously). Chilbo was born at the Pie Hole. Pudding Hole… They camped there. The usual thing happened between 2 youths with time on their hands and privacy within the tent. Chilbo was born.


But just an idea, then.

Hucka D.:

A young woman named Alice and an older gentleman named Kerchal, then fairly sane as sanity goes. She saw him as Santa Claus.


Is Kerchal a Mossman? Gene Fade, perhaps?

Hucka D.:

As you have picked up on, Gene Fade is not Karoz’s father. A greener variety of Mossman was, as yet unnamed. He is pictured, though, in Jasper 09, next to the unopened portal. Portal between Chilbo and Crabwoo. Red and Blue-green. Parrots.


Pudding Hole seems to be a key… speaking of which: Key Rock.

Hucka D.:

Yes, good. Let’s talk about Key Rock, which may be the same as Castle Rock. Marbles were there. Again, as you’ve visualized now, marbles were alive and well in your parents house, which you also know as Bridee [but not the parents]. They were in the wall between the Living Room and the Den. Thus: Denville [because it was usually warmer]. ESG… sorry, EET was set up there. A rock was lodged inside the wall, a construction error. But in the bigger picture: no error. The marbles knew this was key. In fact, inside was a key. It was a key rock, literally. It was the key to the house itself, and colored blue. They also called the rock The Pocketbook, because that’s where a key should have been. It took them many months to dislodge the rock and many more months to open the two halves and find the key. A myth began that the key opens the rock, so hard it was to pry. A separate field of mathematics was opened and developed to address the prying loose of the rock. Another one for the opening of the rock. Many things were born from that rock for the marbles. The Marbles. First one, then another took turns locked inside the now key-less rock. It began to be called Castle Rock, for the inside was much larger than the outside. Key Rock and Castle Rock in one. Two halves of 1 thing this Key Rock was. Inside was Void. The marbles had to artificially widen the wall so that the rock would drop to the ground, but only in jumps, for they didn’t want it to fracture either.


Did they see the rock as another marble?

Hucka D.:

*Yes*. Originally they thought it was a misshapen form of themselves, and thus perhaps sentient or frozen somehow. Voodoo.


How did the marbles roll around inside this wall? Even before finding Key Rock, I mean.

Hucka D.:

Wood panels. Small extensions. Not unlike your Monkey City, really. These were wild marbles, as you know. They called the marbles you had in your room the slave marbles… tamed, domesticated. Spoiled. Unable to look out for themselves. Even forgot they were alive. The wild marbles also remembered that. Key Rock helped. They thought it might have been super-alive, even. 4th dimension. 3rd?


You say the key was blue?

Hucka D.:

Because the key was blue and opened the house , the whole house became blue for them. They realized the association between the key and the house, although not in a total manner.


Did they know that the key opened the house itself?

Hucka D.:

I’m not sure it did, although that would be a logical assumption. Then there’s August involved.


August The Rat?

Hucka D.:

Augustus, yes. Only spoke Latin, though. Marbles didn’t understand him. He was in the kitchen a lot. Underneath the floors and in the walls and in the ceiling, I mean. Not the kitchen itself much.


Was he a mouse or a rat?

Hucka D.: [not directly answering]

He ate a marble once, so hungry he was. But he passed it intact.


Thanks for that disgusting detail. (shakes head)

Hucka D.:

You’re very welcome.


What about the second, younger group of marbles I found in the basement, Hucka D. The marbles that couldn’t have been there, yet they were.

Hucka D.:

Those were the wild ones who sacrificed their freedom to get in contact with the older, tame marbles. Big Blue Eye, Big White Solid, and so on.


Bob Underston.

Hucka D.:

Underston, yes. The most famous of the Oldies. But many marbles races and contest had dinted him, as it had all the older masters. They were put to pasture by the new, sleek and fast tamed marbles. Or so you thought they were tame. They were different. Magical.


They still remembered they were alive.

Hucka D.:

… and taught this fact to the older, damaged marbles.


They taught them this through the analogy of the Marble Race.

Hucka D.:

It was understood that there was a 3rd Life beyond this life but also a 2nd Life. The Second Life.


They were avatars (!)

Hucka D.:

Yes. They recognized they had users and made the link. They broke the programming.


You say 2 whole fields of mathematics had to be created to, first, move the rock and, second, to get it open.

Hucka D.:

And then a 3rd to make it work in the manner it was created by its own user. For they were correct: the large, misshapen rock was a marble in a sense, because it was alive like them. But it had a special role, a special kind of aliveness.


What of Key Rock in Denville?

Hucka D.:

It is a direct manifestation of this rock in your dimension. Your county is the same as your [parent’s] house, you know.


Were there, I don’t know, 2 separate groups of marbles, one involved with Key Rock of Bridee, and one of Key Rock of Denville?

Hucka D.:

The two sets of marbles were actually one set of marbles. Same users, slightly different game. Key Rock was the same between the two. Key Rock had to be opened in each case. Hole-In-Rock. Put-In-Bay. Pudding Bay.


Not understanding the Pudding Bay part, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

It was a Key Rock that was a Castle Rock. (pause)


Thank you. We better end.


Key Rock (Castle Rock?)

Filed under: Denville (rl town),Toy Avatars — baker Blinker @ 1:59 am

Key Rock juts above the immediate surroundings. Maybe 25 feet high. Looks a little like a fist as well (not as much like a key… but it is). This was supposedly the center of avatar marble events in the county I live in. Toy avatars live or lived in Frank and Herman Parks, also in the county and only a few miles to the south. Could there be an immediate connection?


Key Rock looks very different depending on the viewing angle. From the north it’s quite pointed.


Very different textured rock just behind Key Rock (“front” is first picture of this post). Are these some kind of hieroglyphs?


A flattish rock attached to the back of Key Rock. Is this a former marble hangout? Notice the regularly spaced ferns.


Key Rock from the back. Looks very different from the front.


A tunnel runs underneath the base of Key Rock. Hucka D. has indicated this tunnel was the center of a struggle between marbles living on the north side and south side of Key Rock. The tunnel connects the two sides.


To me, there seems to be additional, natural divisions in the small but complex Key Rock environ — more than just the 2. I speculated/ruminated about 3-5 separate marble tribes surrounding the rock. In wandering a nearby, lower peak, found this football which may give an additional clue. Was it 4, then? 4 Square, with marbles grouped according to colors. Like the 4 fold division of TILE into red, green, yellow and blue, and Key Rock uniting all. This would go along with Jung’s ideas of the 4-fold mandala as more stable than divisions of 3, 5, etc.


This same, beautiful fall day, when the mtn. colors were just past their peak, I also visited another, larger rock, also located in Denville but on a different ridge, which has older and deeper meanings. Use to. Now a road has been built to its formerly secluded base and essentially ruined the magic. It is the place that the Rainbow Sphere was born — always will be magical in time/space because of that. More on that story another time perhaps — I call it Diamond Rock. But now I was so depressed upon seeing the road that I decided to only include a picture looking away from the rock and toward Beach Mtn over the newish golf course named after the rock formations now behind me. At least the top of Beach has been preserved, and in a very special manner. Darkside too… for now.


When I hiked back down from the ridge through open woods to my car, found this realtor sign when I emerged back on the road. Castle Rock? That’s the alternate name of Key Rock I’d already selected, but for other reasons. More mysteries in this.



Notes October 15, 2009

Filed under: Denville (rl town),Toy Avatars — baker Blinker @ 4:39 am


I wish to talk about Middlebourne next to The Jug (“middle”) asap. Perhaps mention Sistersville and annual marble festival there (think it was held in Sep. already).

Perhaps go to the festival and tell about marbles “living” around Key Rock (only Key Rock pop place in US is in WV as well, but in southern part of state).

* Maybe the marble track proposed at Key Rock in Denville will be a symbol of the windy Middle Island Creek, called the longest creek in the world in this article…

Map of loopy Middle Island Creek provided here as well…

* Perhaps play around with idea that Key Rock is also called Finger Rock, as in middle finger. Perhaps devise a ring to put on this finger. Is this ring the fuchsia diamond?? Made by Karoz?

* Fuchsia diamond, then, perhaps made (or cut or faceted) by Karoz, the “carver”, for a wedding. Middle finger, though, is not ring finger, which would instead be the 4th finger instead of the 3rd. Fashion an “artificial” fuchsia diamond ring for Finger Rock, then?

Flickr site of someone from Sistersville:

I *luv* this set and the comments. Probably not, but could be genius.

Apparently I’ve stumbled upon at least a faintly famous flickr personality. Called the “Mark Twain of Flickr” in this review. I can kind of see it!

Castle Rock, WV seems to have the alternate title of Key Rock.

Castle Rock and Key Rock are also found in this list of fake rocks…

Key Rock is the cheapest on the list at 10 dollars and Castle Rock is 12th cheapest at $65.*

Free ad for the good folks at Rock It! then…


Reminded that Rocket Boys was set in WV as well. Made into a movie called October Sky, which is an anagram of Rocket Boys… no way I could have guessed that!


* If this list is an octave of 12 notes starting at middle C, then Key Rock would be midde C (like Middle Island Creek, Middlebourne, and The Jug in the middle of Middle Island Creek as well), and Castle Rock would be B# next to the higher C above it. Minimum dimensions of Key Rock at Rock It! are same as marble block from Marble Falls sent to Washington to become part of the Washington Monument: 2x3x4 (except *12* times less tall being inches instead of feet). Marble again, then… a pattern.


Picture of fuchsia diamonds from this blog. Make up part of 65 prims available at Hucka D.’s old homestead, Cabron, before its deletion from the grid. 65 again, then, just like the price of Castle Rock in the fake rock list above. And prims in SL are the real money behind the Lindens.

Is Key Rock the same as the fuchsia diamond? There’s now more reasons to believe this, but too complicated and all secrety and stuff to go into more in this post.


Peter Cross? October 12, 2009

Filed under: Denville (rl town),Hucka D.,Marty,Plant — baker Blinker @ 8:57 am

“Ok guy… guys?… I’ve made the cross and put it up on top of the skybox. You fellows there?”


I am beginning to take over again. We can talk about my probability line again now, if you wish. I would suggest it, though.


Hi Plant. You and Marty still buddies?


Through thick and thin.


I’m having a little problem with my co-worker. Want to talk about that?

Plant (a bit agitated):

Alright, alright. 5 minutes, though. Then to my project.


Well, how do you deal with someone with that kind of syndrome?

Hucka D.:

I will take over for 4 1/2 minutes. You be kind to them. You recognize their limitations. You work within those limitations. You see the advantages of working with someone like that. You give him a cookie now and zen.


We don’t have any money.

Hucka D.:

Neither do they. Yet you take a 15 minute break each morning…


I’m not going start buying food…

Hucka D.:

Coffee every now and zen might be nice.


I bought him a map.

Hucka D.:

Right. Ask him about his birthday. Ask him about war. Peace and war. Obama. McCain. Palin. The price of eggs in Nebraska. Don’t think about the syndrome when… well, it irritates you understandably when someone continually talks about themselves.


Yeah [duh].

Hucka D.:

This is a dilemma. Maybe you should talk to [delete name] after all. Map out a future for the lad.


I have more pressing matters this coming week. I’m behind.

Hucka D.:

Anyway, here’s Plant back.




I suppose.


Good you made the cross tonight. You found Key Rock as well. Giant key, it is. Hucka D. and I are both excited at this new development. Aren’t you excited?


Yes. (smiles)


Key Rock will unlock the dimensional doorway. (pause)*


Between RL and virtual life?


Yes. Toys are there. Marbles this time. 3rd life. Give it a read.





You still there Plant?


Couple more minutes, then cooked.


How did you and Marty sort things out?


Tui is in control now. The bird, not the person. But the person is… (pause)


Birdsong is the key, then.


You remember the third part now. The Beatles part.


Something about Ringo Starr. I can’t remember details.


You then have the triangle complete: Birdsong, Gilmore, [Beatles]. The VHS tape. Maybe you should bring it up to Gary.




Dean has obviously moved on. That’s good. You’ll see him this week.


Nice. Back to Key Rock.


You will “live” there when you get older. The blue feather you found was the key. Birds again. Blue feather… blue drake.


So Blue Drake is involved as well… makes sense.


So you have tube, throat, warbling, birdsong in general, Key Rock, feather-key… put pictures of The Bird’s place in this blog as well.


What of The Rat?


Everyone will listen to it, of course. Saw-chee, Chesaw. Left behind. Gone but not forgotten and so on.


Obvious that I had to move back to the mainland, Mr. Plant.


You have your instructions and guidance.


Thank you both.


* Key Rock was discovered by myself just today, hidden in a tangle of forest on the ridge atop Denville that I’ve already provided pictures for in August. This is the first time I’ve been back to this ridge in the meantime. I will attempt to go back, perhaps this weekend, and take more pictures. Begin to map out the intricracies.

I should also add here that the Key Rock area is kind of a poor man’s alternative to Dark Side, perhaps (Darkside was another intended goal that day that I didn’t get around to visiting). But it’s considerably closer to my house and also more accessible in general… I think. The ridge is more protected as well… special.



RL “Denville”, 02 August 27, 2009

Filed under: Denville (rl town) — baker Blinker @ 3:06 am

The west end of Castle Rock ridge. I suppose this could be called Castle Rock proper. If I’m reading associated text correctly, looks like this was the planned site for an actual castle (?) Again, if so, I’m glad this plan didn’t go through, although I don’t suppose development on this ridge can be put off forever. Such high value real estate! But maybe I could be wrong and the ridge will be protected. Doubt it.


A viewing platform on the western tip. Incredible!


Perhaps mysterious bricks — originally yellow??



Heading back east to the large open meadow described in the post before this one.



And then to the ridge’s east side, the top of the old ski slopes. In the distance you can see what I call Diamond Rock (jutting rock in center of 1st photo below), which someone has built a road up to, as I’ve found out since these photos were taken. Diamond Rock is the place I “discovered” the Rainbow Sphere, according to legend. Diamond Rock is on a different ridge than Castle Rock Ridge, with its since discovered Key Rock.



3d map of the old ski slopes.


Another view of Diamond Rock from the streets of tiny Denville.



RL “Denville”, 01

Filed under: Denville (rl town) — baker Blinker @ 3:00 am

I’m writing this text a *long* time after posting the photos. Almost 2 months later. Since then I’ve discovered Key Rock just behind the blue feather I’ll talk about below. Major discovery; could be the source location for the 3rd, large group of “toy avatars” in the general area after Mossmen and Mmmmmm’s.

Below is the largest open space of the ridge I’ll now call Castle Rock ridge. This is where I found the blue feather that seemed to point to deeper things at the time, a hunch proven correct in the meanwhile.


This rock, on the east side of the meadow, has become more important — it is on the same hump as Key Rock.



The immediate area of the discovery. The “junk” here is mainly refuse from a ski resort on the east side of the ridge, since closed.


Another view of the meadow/open space. Great view of Granddaddy Mtn. from here, as you can tell even through my limited photography skills.



A second open space lies just west along the unpaved ridge road. More incredible views. Looks like this use to be a small quarry. Glad they shut it down when they did.



Wires, perhaps ones used as part of the blasting operations.
