baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Pudding Hill Gallery Complex: Some Prelim Pics… January 22, 2010

Filed under: "E",Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery,Galleries, Baker Bloch — baker Blinker @ 11:03 am

Newer, smaller version of the Big E Gallery (right) and the newly placed Edwardston Station Gallery (left) with added tubing. Both are situated on non-adjacent 1024 square meter parcels in the Pudding Hill sim.

Ground view directly underneath 30x30x30 Edwardston Station Gallery, with small cabin and pool and some trees. This is right next to another registered gallery called Tryad Mesmeriser’s Sculptures. More on that proximity soon.

Ground underneath Big E Gallery. Giant waterfall extends from the top of the gallery all the way down to the hillside, forming a small pool. No structure here; didn’t have enough prims left. 😦

3rd and lowest 1024 parcel I now rent in Pudding Hill, also owned by LaMa Estates like the one with the Edwardston Station Gallery. This same parcel is what Hucka D. has called Vortextra, perhaps the most important location of any in Sunklands as a whole, the center of it all. I’m calling the parcel “Sunklands Central”. Very excited to be renting there. 🙂

“Sunklands Central” with Edwardston Station Gallery floating in the sky behind it.

ESG and Big E Gallery again, looking down now.


Big E Gallery: Cutting Edge, 02 December 19, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery — baker Blinker @ 10:19 am



Big E Gallery: Cutting Edge, 01

“Hucka D., I think I’m going to try something a little different for this photo oriented post. Ready?”

Hucka D.:

As I’ll ever be.


Let’s start, then, with the Wall of Ass. on the 15th floor, right at the top of the Big E.

Hucka D.:

First off, you need to clarify the difference between the Big E Gallery and the Big E.


The Big E is a 50 meter high giant E within the Big E gallery, which is a 60x60x90 meter rectangular box. The Big E Gallery takes its name from this “E”, which is fully visible within a large transparent section of the west side of the gallery. You can see it here. The Wall of Ass. lies on the next floor above the transparent section.

Hucka D.:

Alright. What’s in the Big E now? I know you had this set up at your Something To Chro About gallery in Healy this past summer.


It’s still a bit of a work in progress, Hucka D. The “Where are we on that?” exhibit occupies all the side floors below the first floor of the “E”. That exhibit, also housed in the CHRO gallery at one point, summarizes my SL existence up until my essential move to Jeogeot in May. That’s a dividing line.

Hucka D.:

True enough. You became a Jeogeotine, then. You found your true place in SL. S U N K L A N D S.


And this is what this cutting edge part of the Big E Gallery is all about. The continuing story of Jeogeot as I am experiencing it, and recording it through this Baker Blinker Blog.

Hucka D.:

The Big E within the Big E Gallery — still think you should call the overall gallery the Big Schwa Gallery, baker b.


I’ll think about it.

Hucka D.:

But the Big E is filled with the history of your interaction with the Jeogeot continent up to the discovery of Sunklands just past the first of August. Is that right?


Yes, because the Big E exhibit in Healy was set up at that time, just before I discovered the Sunklands, or Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

The move to Jeogeot in May was a pivotal point for you baker b. Sunklands is a part of that, but Sunklands is beyond the Big E, as I’m gathering.


We should also add that the Big E is a direct symbol of the Korean Channel of Jeogeot, which, first, Karoz was exploring in May-June 09, and then Baker Bloch took over to explore the rest in June. This switchover from Karoz to Baker Bloch is the same as the front (schwa) and back (e) of Big E itself. So in this way Karoz is the front of the E as it faces the outside from the gallery’s transparent part of the wall, and Baker is the back.

Hucka D.:

I’m assuming I can glean the nuts and bolts of this Korean Channel story by following the posts in this blog concerning that subject, earliest to latest.


Should be able to.

Hucka D.:

Now I’m looking at these [presently], and remembering how Karoz went up the Korean Channel, usually starting at the lower right sim of Xilted and moving up the coast, until one time he fell into a portal connecting Jeogeot with the next SL created continent of Maebaleia. The specific post I’m looking at is here. It looks like in the next post related to the Korean Channel subject, Karoz does manage to hike all the way up to the top of the channel, but this one where he moves to Maebaleia seems to be the switchover you talk about. Suddenly he finds himself in what we call the Blue Feather Sea of Maebaleia, its largest inland body of water. And then soon after this, as described in this post , he finds the Big E itself in the waters of the Blue Feather, a “dramatic re-creation” as it is called.


But it looks like *you* told him to call it this. And told me the same, thus the title of the post.

Hucka D.:

Anyway, Karoz didn’t immediately recognize the names of the sims on the Big E, because he was looking at the “e” side and not the “schwa” side, which he was much more familiar with, having hiked most of those sims now a number of times.


The phantom side he was able to pass through to enter the interior of the Big E appearing in the Blue Feather Sea is the same one shown in the photo below, baker b. And that’s a picture of the Shamon island (Shamon Island?) to Baker ‘s right, and almost the same size as the 2d version that appears on the cube face in front of him. Since Karoz’s visit to this island, it has become the office of Head Mole Michael Linden. You can see some of his stuff in the photo here. You need to think about that further, baker b. This island basically lies on the line separating the 2 sides of your Big E… my Big E as well.

So that’s step 1 in our examination here: to explain the two sides of this “e” and how it is divided between Karoz (front or schwa side) and Baker Bloch (back or e side). The next several posts of the Korean Channel subject of this blog give additional tidbits of this story. In this last and latest post on the subject as grouped in this category, we have the same top of Big E pictured — the Shamon island. This is a division between front and back.

Also we should explain Karoz’s limited circle of influence as superimposed on the Jeogeot continent as a whole. Here it is explained as Dark Side of Oz within Oz as a whole, and also Psychogumma within Psycho as a whole. We know this is the length of an album (Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and Ummagumma respectively) within the length of a movie (The Wizard of Oz and Psycho), according to your early audiovisual synchronicity finds, starting with your unique take on Dark Side of the Rainbow as contrasted to the normal definition described in The Definitive List.

*Which* serendipitiously brings us to the next big subject: rabbits!



We will continue, Hucka D. Now if you travel through the entire Big E or Big Schwa inside the Big E gallery — all 10 stories — you emerge at the top at the Wall of Ass., the first part of which is pictured below. Baker Bloch is staring directly at the representation of St. Lemon of Troy, the patron saint of Sunklands perhaps. This is to the far right of the Wall of Ass. Above it is a picture of Jack Nicklaus, once greatest world golfer — since usurped by Tiger Woods. We’ll get to Tiger in just a second. The transition between the two would be the *clothing* of Sunklands, formerly naked if not shivering. That would only come about…

Hucka D.:

When Chilbo itself was formed. Chilling the land. Clothes were needed afterwards. But this would, of course, still be Chilbol or Chilbolton or Chilbotown and not present Chilbo. Pre-Linden (grid), then.


I suppose the nakedness would be revealed as bad, then, by St. Lemon of Troy. It reminds me of the Garden of Eden, and God making Adam and Eve ashamed of their nakedness. As I’m reading now (in an online article), this climate was created after they partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Hucka D.:

Direct link there, baker b. Keep going…


Well, St. Lemon, um, wrote his epistles or letters, which unfolded like a golf game through 18 holes. The playing of an 18 hole game of golf was like clothing oneself.

Hucka D.:

When *Woods* plays the 18 holes. Perfection. Better than Jack. Jack was seen as old and in the past. Nakedness. Something to be left behind and be ashamed of. The Great Bear or Golden Bear. But is this right? Was St. Lemon of Troy right to provide the good avatars of Sunklands with this knowledge — this fruit?


The lemon is the fruit in this case.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Lemons and limes. And oranges. Not apples?

bb (reading):

“Nudity on the beach is prohibited by…” Then it ends. Is this “God”, then?

Hucka D.:

The Bible is not God’s word. It is God’s word as interpreted by Man. It *covers* an older truth, just like Adam and Eve were themselves covered. Like the good avatars of Sunklands, then called Sinlands by some, or Sinklands. Sinking, sinking… gone, in their opinion. Lemon pulled them out, gave them clothes. Plaid was popular.


Let’s move, then, to the picture to the left of the “naked Nicklaus” where Tiger takes center stage. The picture was shot in what’s called the Redd Zeppelin, pointed out to me by Bacon Hellershanks, who is the gallery owner directly before Baker Bloch in this Art Galleries of Second Life list, now with way over 600 galleries included. Looks like in the meantime, though, a Badgirl Lyne has inserted herself between Bacon and myself — owner of Taijitu. Interesting. I gotta run over to Bacon’s gallery sometime soon and give him a 5 star rating, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Macon bacon.


Back to the Redd Zeppelin. I inserted a picture of a red clad Tiger Woods between Lennon and Marx, Groucho in this case. Karoz is staring directly at this central picture. We know that Lennon-Marx is a direct representation of the Rabbit Hole, Hucka D. (pause) Below this picture we have, then, a rabbit, or the figure of a rabbit. This is the cover of the Donnie Darko DVD. Or the official movie poster, I suppose. Within the figure of the rabbit we have the stars of the show, um, showing through. To its immediate right, we have a picture of an older Peter Graves, old like Jack Nicklaus, and also with a red shirt like both Jack and Tiger Woods. He has Donnie Darko rabbit eyes. Peter Graves stands for Peter’s Grave.

Hucka D.:

That would be correct. Peter Graves is Peter’s Grave, the one in Otaki Gorge. Peter’s Mound. The 18th hole.


Perhaps strange that in this blog I haven’t been able to complete the needed text for either of the Otaki Gorge related set of snapshots, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Then below Peter Graves and also Donnie Darko you have a picture of Peter’s Grave or Peter’s Mound itself, except the palm tree, the pin of the 18th hole if you will, is replaced by a mailbox that the Donnie Darko rabbit is standing next to. I think this collage was created on Halloween, baker b. A Halloween gift[, then].


Donnie Darko first encountered Frank the rabbit on a golf course, Hucka D. Don’t remember if the hole is named, though. He also finds the numbers written in magic marker on his arm when he wakes up the next day on the same hole. 28064212. Suppose that should be written 28:06:42:12, because it is a time. The time of the cycle of the moon, and the same as the time that Donnie Darko has to save the world by making sure he is himself killed. Moon, then, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

We should move to the next picture in your blog post.


Hucka D., I’m wondering if Peter the Rabbit, or the Peter buried in Peter’s Mound or Peter’s Grave in the Otaki Gorge, is the same as St. Lemon.

Hucka D.:

No. He’s not.


Oh. Peter lived in Noru, though?

Hucka D.:

We should move into the elements of this picture. We now see the maps of the Rabbit Hole, for there are 2 needed since it is located in 2 places at once — Jeogeot and Maebaleia (continents). So although the bottom map says “Second Hole” here and the top map has “Rabbit Hole”, they are actually one Rabbit Hole, or two entrances to the same hole. This is how St. Lemon himself moved from Maebaleia to Jeogeot to spread his word of anti-nudity and so on. His revelations.


The Revelations of St. Lemon of Troy, then.

Hucka D.:

Correct. The Bible. The Babble. King James Version of the Necronomicon. Mad Arab.


Alright… On the lower map there is a 41 or 47 pictured as well not far from the Rabbit Hole, part 2.

Hucka D. (correcting):

There are no “parts” to the Rabbit Hole. Only the whole hole.


That’s fine. The Maebaleia hole version, then. Is this a 41 or a 47?

Hucka D.:

It is both and neither. But, certainly, you were suppose to make the association or ass. with the Room 47 of The Rabbits. That’s coming up in an instant.


The reason we know this *has* to have something to do with Lemon, is because *Lenin* was born in Ulyanovsk Oblast in reality (or First Life), and the Rabbit Hole is in this same sim in Second Life.

Hucka D.:

First and Second Life at least.


This same play on words is created in the album How Can You Be In Two Places At Once by Firesign Theatre, Hucka D. Lennon is substituted for Lenin on that album, as Groucho Marx is for the communist Marx. Red or Redd equals communism, then, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

And Dr. Zhivago.


Then, to complete the pictures shown in this snapshot (below), we have a shot of the Rabbit Head in Villeneuve, more recently discovered (on Yd Island). We have already made the association between this mysterious Rabbit Head and the same pictured in the Donnie Darko movie poster, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

They are the same. You still only have 1 month to plumb the mysteries of Yd Island. You better get hopping!


Thanks for that reminder, Hucka D. I’m also starting to think that the Rabbit Head of Yd Island represents the rabbit of Donnie Darko *shot* (in the eye). That’s the reason for the red oaks on the island. A theory, anyway.

Hucka D.;

Next picture!


Well, here we see two stills from David Lynch’s INLAND EMPIRE, one of the Laura Dern character just before she dies in the movie — well, the movie within the movie. And then one of 3 rabbits, also a type of movie within the movie, I guess. A *very* complicated movie, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

It’s the greatest movie in the history of cinema, baker b.


You know, Hucka D., I don’t really doubt that too much. It’s as good as any.

Hucka D.:

There’s one other… guess we shouldn’t go there[, though].


Anyway, Laura Dern’s character has just been stabbed with a screwdriver, Hucka D. A *hole* has been made, and reinforced in other ways in the movie. Pomona is mentioned by the Asian whore while the Dern character is dying within the movie within the movie. This is, once more, the Rabbit Hole.

Hucka D.:

And Courtney Love’s Hole. They lived through it. I want to say that cuss word again…


Go ahead.

Hucka D.:

Nah, you go ahead.


The Rabbits of David Lynch’s INLAND EMPIRE mysteriously resided or reside in Room *47*, Hucka D., the same number that *might* have appeared near the Rabbit Hole of Maebaleia. Like you said, that ass. obviously should be made, even though it may look a bit more like a 41 than a 47.

Hucka D. (repeating earlier thought):

It’s both. And neither.


Then there’s a Courtney town in Love County, Oklahoma, Hucka D. “Courtney Love” again. We also know now, thanks to ESBUM, that The Rabbits lived or live in Oklahoma, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:




Oklahoma is Tiger?

Hucka D.;

It was red and it had something to do with the telling of time.


We better tackle the rest tonight, Hucka D. Let’s start from the far left, the end that matches the far right. This is a picture of St. Lemon of Troy again, but with the “lemon” behind his head now instead of front. According to [our] former thoughts, Hucka D., this lemon was shifted from front to back around a 1000 years after the saint’s death by citric acid overdose. Wonder if this has something to do with a front and back 9 now?

Hucka D.:

Yes, this is the front and back of the same representation. St. Lemon then enters First Life as St. John of Patmos. And this is where we can insert the Bunny Boy mythology in as well. This also reinforces that the bunny in question is a Bozo, baker b. It is from Sirius indeed. The Bozos knew about that as well as the Dogons.


Deep water there, Hucka D.! We better back up a bit.

Hucka D.:

Not as deep as it is on Sirius, my friend. That rabbit is from Sirius [I tell you]. 28 days to figure it out, baker b.


Well, we have to finish this post first before I can explore more of Yd Island, Hucka D.! So to complete we have the album cover of “Introducing Lemon” by Cheer Accident, but, as you might put it, no accident indeed that the album was named this, and with a picture of a man holding a trumpet in Sgt. Pepper style garb.

Hucka. D.:

No accident, no. [Not chance.] But Lemon or Lennon is instead holding a french horn on the Sgt. Pepper cover. It is instead neighboring Ringo Starr who is the trumpeter in the band. As Paul is the “I”, or the *Eye Star*, *see*, then Ringo is the “E” after the “I”, and then Lennon represents the “T”, transposed to a “V”. George is the “L” to complete. VILE. Or VEIL. But it’s also TILE, baker b. And that’s where [your] temple must figure in. Sgt. Pepper is the entrance to the temple. Solomon’s, but also others. Like yours. Deep.


And “love” is also pictured on the back of the Aoxomoxoa album by the Grateful Dead to complete. I should also clarify that the Beatles, to me, obviously want to imply the word LOVE through their hand positions on the back cover of the Sgt. Pepper album, Hucka D., with Ringo the “E”, Lennon the “V”, George the “L”, and then Paul as the completing “O”, the beginning and the end, or alpha and omega. I and O. IO.

Hucka D.:

And *we* better end as well. Thank you for talking to me about this, baker b.


You’re very welcome. Thanks very much to you as well.

And we thank *you*, Fleep!


Big E Gallery — Creating More Space December 16, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery — baker Blinker @ 5:38 am

More on this soon. Just some new visuals now, basically.

This is my Wall of Associations at the top of the 50 meter, 10 story “E” inside the Big E gallery. Had a lot of fun collaging all the various pictures taken for my blog together — never done anything quite like that before (again, I’ll most likely have more to say about the associations involved quite soon). Big E is dragging me into elevated places that I haven’t explored previously in SL, in a mental way that is. And, I guess, also a physically elevated way, since this floor is quite high in the overall gallery.

More rather stunning visuals within. You can see a bit of the sky now from the bottom of E.

A square trapped Hucka Doobie stares up with Baker Bloch on this one.


Review: Big E Gallery December 15, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery,Toy Avatars — baker Blinker @ 11:02 am

Not much time tonight for a new post, once again. Want to quickly review progress on Big E Gallery.

Now have the equivalent to the Edwardston Station Gallery, The Gallery at the Temple of TILE, Where are we on that? exhibit, and the old Big E Gallery inside the new and greatly enlarged Big E Gallery in Aotearoa. I’ve also included a small exhibit on Pieland (using photos and props from my Big Island house in Comet Archipelago), and have also devoted 2 large rooms next to the ESG to pre-10×10 baker b. collages, 10 in number. The rooms are open to the 40 meter waterfall inside the temple — quite nice!

I have about 80 more prims to work with, and have deleted all ground structures except the Chilbo created cottage that’s always been on the property since I started renting it, although it’s moved a tiny bit east since Oct. I’ll have to carefully monitor lag within the Big E Gallery since there’s *so* many objects in the area, and a number of scripts now (teleporters, notecard givers, hovertext, url givers, vistor’s counters (2)). I’ll attempt to reduce the size of picture textures when possible, following the lead of the Ruins in the Woods exhibit and also the new Ozland pictures.

A quick Ta Do list, then:

The Big E exhibit within the Big E Gallery, that is, the Jeogeot oriented exhibit within the 50 meter high E itself, has been unlinked and is open to the public, whenever they show up (I’m believe the gallery has had only a couple of visitors, at best, so far). Trouble is, the gallery/museum’s story ends at the beginning of my Sunklands saga at around mid-August. Do I fill up, now, the rest of this “E” with the story of Sunklands? Or do I put that story somewhere else in the gallery, perhaps higher up. I’m leaning more toward the latter.

Also I want to review all blog pics since August to see what else I want to upload into SL and mount onto a prim within the gallery. Thinking of the Corisica Prime-Pennsylvania map for certain, and also, er, more on Big Island/Pieland/Comet Archipelago? Picture of Orion’s Vale.

New Yd Island mythology is still developing, and could become a very important link between SL and toy avatars. Theory goes that the Mmmmmm’s have direct links with Yd Island through their traditional homeland in Herman Park. I’ll have time to develop this over the X-mas break, as well as re-reading the blog for further ideas about the future of Sunklands, and how to display its history within the Big E Gallery. Very excited, still about the gallery for certain (!) A bit more wiggle room in terms of prim numbers for another exhibit or 2.

“Let’s just end with Hucka D. Hucka?”

Hucka D.:

Greenup Yd is around the corner waiting to speak.


Bring him on in if you wish.

Hucka D.:

X-mas is around the corner as well. X and Y.


You got all your X-mas presents bought, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

I have one present for me that I haven’t bought. It’s a new virtual reality, hot off the press. Called…


Lemme guess… Farmborough.

Hucka D.:

Close! It’s called “Paradise Falls”. No, it’s called “Greentop Yellow Belly”. Wait…


You work on that, Hucka D. How about Greenup Yd tonight, then?

Hucka D.:

S U N K L A N D S (Hucka D. spells this out, with distinct gaps between each letter)


You’re emphasizing that I must think more about Sunklands now?

Hucka D.:

Parsons Vale. SL-RL connection. Toys. Mmmmmm’s.

Greenup Yd:

I am wanna be uppyland venture package remark unit proxy it’s a day long event sponsored by uppyland venture package. We’ll be having roast beef for dinner… diner. Intil uppy ergle wanna be uppy fur that (!)


New Ubertemple > Big E Gallery (“Biggie Gallery) December 14, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery — baker Blinker @ 12:37 am

Views from Route 10, etc.

I had to delete the Victorian house and also the Slum econo apt. No big surprise there… wish I could keep them long term at *some* location!

Already some really nice vantage points inside the Big E, like this waterfall + giant tree on floor, um, 13 I think.

The Big E itself from the back. Actually this is the front of the “E” I suppose, since the other way it would be a Big Schwa. But it’s just too much trouble to call the gallery that… it’s Big E. All of those ramps blocking the view have since been removed. See here for a comparison.

Inside the E Gallery… Baker continues to wonder about his ultimate relationship with Chilbo. And Jeogeot as a whole. And Sunklands, then.

The 40 meter falls within Big E. Baker Bloch sits in the upper of 2 rooms devoted to his pre-10×10 collages, all created, I believe, in the 1980s and 1990s.

The evolving, or I suppose devolving ground situation. Cottage is only structure left now. I like the new, giant tire in the middle of the waterfall, though, a type of bridge so that Baker can more easily walk from one side to the other.

Baker at the waterfall again inside the Big E, surrounded by his old, old collages.


Sinks, Forests, Glyphs, Older Pics… December 12, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery,Otaki Gorge,Sunklands,Yd Island — baker Blinker @ 5:25 pm

Otaki Gorge sink from Big E. South.

Big Sink from Big E. West by northwest.

Not shown: Aotearoa sink *directly* north. Hard to see, even, from the upper levels since it’s so close.

Baker Bloch at a rezzed treehouse on the Villeneuve property, overlooking the nice forest dominating the sim and toward Rabbit Head (unseen here).

Glyphs at The Measure again.


Some old photos to close this post, first of the original ground gallery of Baker’s on the now chopped-to-pieces Azure Island No. 1, former largest of these islands and about the same size as Yd Island. This was also the first gallery called the Edwardston Station Gallery, although that name eventually came to be attached exclusively to the complete set of 10×10 collages.

Closeup of Karoz. Now why have an “ordinary” looking avatar when you can make a Karoz??


Ubertemple: Continued Updates (And Will Be Continuing…) December 9, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Yd Island — baker Blinker @ 9:17 am

View of underneath of (New) Ubertemple in Aotearoa from top floor of Slum Econo Apt structure sitting near west line of my rental property there. Kind of a dark picture actually; you can barely make out the top of the Victorian house straight ahead.*

Switching to Villeneuve and a new, cool location Baker Bloch just found last night in biking around. Rabbit Head is just behind the 8 sided tower Baker is staring at. The “Billfork” arrangement of stones is just below. He will be coming back here — very scenic.

Shot in Ratzenberger again, I believe, looking up toward the top of the Yd Island ridge and two evenly spaced protuberances according to camera frame, with a lonely spot of grass in the center just in front of Baker here. That’s a big mall hovering above, the one that takes up the whole of Crespo to the immediate east of Ratzenberger, and in the basic center of the island as a whole.

Shifting back to Aotearoa, then, and more Ubertemple views. Below has Baker Bloch staring down at a new, small cemetery on the property, essentially encircled by the Natilus cypress trees mentioned before.

Cool views abound already within the temple itself, but some, like this, are hard to capture in a snapshot, in part because of the glaring colors (red-violet, for one, always shows up fuzzy in my snapshots). But in the center, where Blochs is staring at again, you’ll see a blue table with a light on it. That’s near the entrance to bottom floor of the Edwardston Station Gallery in the temple, but no easy way to get to it from where he’s standing. Thought it photo worthy.

Just re-created Ruins in the Woods exhibit featuring Edna’s newer photos, and described already in this November post. Next up, I suppose, could be the reinsertion of the OzLand photos also mentioned in that post series.

View down from center of this lowest floor in the Ubertemple to the Victorian house. I like the way the views often represent interesting, new angles now into the surrounding landscape… not straight on looks.


* Actually very similar to the first picture in this October 9th post, taken right after I originally moved to the property.


New Ubertemple Preview, 02 December 8, 2009

Filed under: Big E Gallery — baker Blinker @ 10:00 am

Baker Bloch uses the teleporter (pictured in the center of that last photograph in the below post) up to the interior of the New Ubertemple, specifically the proposed entrance to the new Edwardston Station Gallery.

A big difference now: The *center* of the 30x30x30 version of the Edwardston Station gallery is part of the center shaft of the entire 60x60x90 structure, and is 70 meters high in itself. This is the same, central “Tyle Cube shaft” that appeared in the original Ubertemple of Neith. See here for a comparison.

Christmas tree w/ train at the bottom of the shaft, also like in Neith.

Otherwise, the ESG has changed in more subtle ways from its enclosed 30x30x30 version.

“Mysterious” protrusions and openings have appeared on most of the formerly uninterrupted brick walls.

I’ll obviously have more to say about the New Ubertemple soon enough, but for now I suppose I better talk to Hucka D. a bit tonight. (note to regular readers: I’ll catch up with text generation for the blog posts in the next several days).


New Ubertemple Preview, 01

Filed under: Big E Gallery,Edwardston Station Gallery — baker Blinker @ 9:57 am

In one of those complete aboutfaces that readers of this blog have come quite familiar with, Baker Bloch decides, no, he’s not going to let the Aotearoa property go (there’s a longer story on that), and, in short, there’s now a New Ubertemple on the property as of just today. Now, long run, it’s probably going to be too big to manage, but short term, it may be perfect, kind of a holiday structure.

Below, Baker Bloch looks up toward the bottom of the New Ubertemple, which sits approx. 30 meters above the upper ground level of the Aotearoa property. Description: it is a 60x60x*90* rectangular prism shape, composed of 12 old b_hivia modules and the equivalent of 3 Temple of TILE modules. It’s sort of a direct continuation of the structure I’d already had as a skybox on this property before its deletion today, and described in this earlier post a bit. The difference: it’s not a cube any longer, as I said, but has gained an additional 30 meters in height. The formerly empty interior has now been filled with 3 30x30x30 cubes, with the center cube now — this is the key of the new construction — being the same as the 30x30x30 Edwardston Station Gallery, such as presently set up as well in Villeneuve.

First some more new landscaping details. On the northeast corner of the lot, mainly, I decided to plant some Linden sculptie cypresses that I hadn’t used previously. These may be deleted soon, because I only found out after planting even more than shown below that the smaller ones take up 3 prims apiece, and the bigger cypresses of this kind take up a whole 7 prims. But they are kind of pretty — different anyways.

What a monstrosity. This was probably the inevitable consequence of keeping the Aotearoa property, seemingly a fated move, at least for the month of December and possible beyond. The New Ubertemple was destined to be created here, in one of those “for better or worse” kind of deals.

The sidewalk from my very early days in Aotearoa has returned, along with the linked Victorian house and Econo slum apartment. Nothing inside either structure, yet. I should also mention, if you haven’t guessed, that the original Aotearoa Edwardston Station Gallery has been deleted. Perhaps it will return soon enough when I get tired of the New Ubertemple. We’ll see on that.