baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Great Northern Tree July 31, 2012

Filed under: Allen Knob,Concreek,NORRIS,Uncategorized,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 6:21 am

One more map of Concreek, this time focusing on Green Stream and probably Parallel Creek, may come this next week, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

The island is Mayfly, the island is Dragonfly, the island is Damselfly. Three in one. Foreign One. The tall standing weeds concealed.


Thanks for that, Hucka D. I’ve decided to accept myself as an outsider artist and also illegal artist but also a collage artist. All three. Foreign One I suppose, again.

Hucka D.:

The island is you. It’s not The Island (on Concreek) but an island. But it has a one name. One name. Either of the 3 of 4, with the 4th hidden of course per tradition.


I think it may just be Foreign One, then, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Concealed. Breeze blocks.



I must think of when I turn into Whitehead and actually move into the woods at times. This will happen at Whitehead Crossing.

Hucka D.:

Among other places. Rock knows.


I must begin to focus again on Whitehead Crossing, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Tree. Rock. Flowers. Bloom. Blossom. Grass. Meadow. Rock Meadows. Rock’s Meadow.


Jeogeot captured in that rock. Grey Rock.

Hucka D.:

I like talking about Green Stream and Concreek and Whitehead Crossing. And Martin… er, Allen Knob. And Norris or NORRIS or norris.


Another Foreign One or 4-in-1.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Voice.


And the great tree to the north.

Hucka D.:

The tree certainly has stories as well. Another type of toy avatar, unknown for now.



Hucka D.:



Dunno. (pause) Speaking of unused pictures here…

Hucka D.:



Someone wants norris[ stream] for themselves. A Jesus Factor. Purification. Their own personal channel. Voice.

Hucka D.:



The name of the island indicated what forces controlled Concreek at any given time. THREE IN ONE. FOREIGN ONE. Hope is on that island. CONCEAL.


“Fade To Moss” Production Shots May 5, 2012

Filed under: Toy Avatars,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 12:35 am

Famed actor T-Bonz is the obvious choice to play Rock Meadows, perhaps the first human toy avatar, period, or at least it says so in the script. Here we see a production shot of the in-character T-Bonz looking over a grassy ridge next to his home away from home, a 2nd Rock’s House (not pictured but just to the right here).

Rock displays his amazing leaping ability by jumping about 3 feet straight up in the air to latch onto this dangling limb. An array of improbable, nay impossible superpowers such as this are a new twist added to the movie on top of standard Rock legend stuff.

Rock at the site of his own grave, which is not his grave in the movie, strangely enough (Gene Fade decision), but instead a monument to an unknown toy human avatar that supposedly came before Rock, perhaps even his father. It is one of Rock’s missions in “Fade to Moss” (still a working title for the film) to prove that this is wrong, and that *he* is the first toy human avatar. Instead his father would be the actual human named Sinclair from the Synching Creek Designated Mystery Area or the approximation thereof in the film. Fade would be the first to admit that the script is still being tinkered with quite a bit. A moving target as he describes it.

Photo shoot from the all important Rock-battles-the-insects Arena scenes, which occur in several places throughout the script. Below would be from an earlier scene in the film, where Rock successfully defeats a single praying mantis…

… but later on as his arrogance grows alongside his legend, Rock begins to challenge not one but several insects at once in duels to the death. His ultimate mistake came from importing Texan scorpions to up the ante.

The death scene. No mercy here from the bugs, as the scorpion alone injects enough toxin into Rock to kill 10 such “normal” avatars. But still it takes all 3 to do him in, and 3 days and 3 nights of fighting at that. Needless to say, the actual death struggle will be severely edited in the finished film.

Insects gathered around Rock’s corpse to gloat over their long awaited victory.

Afterwards actor T-Bonz gives the insects — most recruited from the neighboring woods and fields — some tips on how to gloat and fight and act in general. All are eager learners.

Another scene from the movie where Rock finds what might be the remains of a slipper belonging to his master Sinclair from pre-toy days.

We also have production pictures of T-Bonz visiting the actual Rock spacecraft that crash landed next to Green Stream just outside of Whitehead Crossing proper. T-Bonz suggests it get a fresh coat of paint, with Gene Fade saying he’ll have to check the budget.

An “actual” creep crawler found by the author this same day.

Another interesting phenomenon near the crashed ship: what almost appears to be a green fur lined tree. Odd effect.


Whitehead Crossing Map May 1, 2012

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 4:46 am

Points of interest:

Whitehead Crossing (yellow) – perceived center of the designated area, but perhaps only an original center, which then spread out.

Rock’s Meadow — meadow Rock settled in after first visiting and/or living in Whitehead Crossing (original) after his crash landing near Green Stream (site not shown on map)

The Arena (aka The Lyceum) — Rock supposedly fought insects here; alternate history places it as a great seat of learning called The Lyceum, where Rock *taught* insects, flowers, trees.

Rock’s Grave — Grave on edge of Rock’s Meadow where Rock is buried. Original name may have been Herman, changed to rocks because of rocks on his grave, and it was a cooler sounding name to have through posterity.

(Rock’s) Pot — Rock lived near this pot, or perhaps inside it? Teepot? He was also a known toker of drugs as well as a drinker. Legend says he only took drugs to kick his drinking habit.

The Rocky Trail — Trail named for Rock or alternately, Grey Rock that it passes through on its way from Main Path to Green Stream. Rock supposedly walked this trail, perhaps of golden bricks at the time, when he crash landed, reaching Whitehead Crossing. Obvious Oz resonance going on here if so — crashed ship = Dorothy’s house, Rocky Trail = Yellow Brick Road, Whitehead Crossing = Emerald City. And there’s even perhaps a parallel with the false Wizard in original creator Sinclair, who was unmasked by Rock before his move to Rock’s Meadow. Rock becomes a (Sharon-type) Stone in the process (Meadville, Greenburg, Sharron/Shannon as Emerald Univ. basketball player archetypes).

Crash site — not Rock’s crash site but another, perhaps Sinclair himself. There is a blue balloon in the area as well, continuing the Oz resonance. Sinclair was perhaps named Whitehead because of his tangled mass of white hair.

Direction Rock —

(Rock’s) 50 Bottles — Bottles fished out of crik (Whitehead Stream) by Hucka Doobie last summer, evidence of Rock’s strong drinking habit (later replaced by strong drug habit?). Subsequently used for building of Whitehead Crossing skyline.

Grey Rock — super sacred rock on top of another rock said to be oldest object in area. Said to contain all knowledge of Jeogeot, thus a Jeogerock. Called Joe at times (spirit). Joe talked to Rock, Rock-to-Rock. Joe taught Rock about a Second Life beyond our First Life, and a continent paradise awaiting us all there. Grey is a mixture of black (Aotearoa) and white (Yeot), combined to make grey (Noru or Norum or Norumbega).

[later it is clarified that Nautilus Island is the ultimate paradise within this Second Life.].

Knobby Log — an original bridge across Whitehead Stream in the area. Said to be coded with sacred knowledge as well.

5 Bottles — 5 bottles escaped from the 50 bottles to make an independent settlement, a family of 5 as it were and differentiated from the 50 that remain Borg-like. The resulting community was called 4 Sticks, and perhaps founded by Peter Soso, perhaps then known as Peter Zoso or Peter the Bozo. It is said Peter knows of the magic behind the overgrown mailbox Rock landed with at Green Stream. Peter is seen as a giant rabbit, and is assoc. with Sinclair — may be one and the same. Peter is from Grey Rock, and is said to have come from Second Life within (Norum). He might be a candidate chosen.

Mall Meadows — place of the Whitehead Crossing Mall, and where Bees and Mossmen often come to hang together. Mossmen live north of Whitehead Crossing (Red Head) and Bees west (Greenhead). The Mall is famous for its 5 shot iced lattes.

Soul Falls — cascades on northern edge of Whitehead Crossing area said to be placed of Judgment Day where soul is weighed (doubtful).


Hucka D.:

The magic of Gene Fade’s Operation 19 came into full effect when Rock crash landed his souped up mailbox (akin to a Goodmobile but gooder) near Green Stream. Sinclair, an Original Creator, had been countered by another carer of Toys with his own Toy Room containing Operation 19 itself. At the base of Operation 19, a microcosm, is Dorothy’s crashed house, you see. Rocky’s Trail, often “The Rocky Trail”, was the Yellow Brick Road carrying Rock to Whitehead Crossing — Emerald City — where he meets Sinclair, an original creator again. He unmasks him because he knows who he is — remembers. Sinclair has harnessed the magic of Grey Rock and Norum(bega) for his twisty turny purposes. The Tale wags the Dog and the Dog the Man. Afterwards Rock moves to his Meadow and begins the Great Coverup. He becomes like the masked Sinclair in this fashion. He is able to move freely back and forth between this meadow and Rock’s House in the Synching Creek Designated Mystery Area. This is through the *mailbox* and the power of Bozo and the energy of Pietmond. Yes Pietmond. Peter’s Mound. Rock may have even become Peter at this point, this mound.


Rock becomes a fully human toy avatar here? A miniature person in effect?


Nana April 30, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 12:51 pm

“Daring daylight conversation, Hucka D.”

Gene Fade:

I am here.


Hi Gene. I was going to talk to Hucka D. about Whitehead Crossing a bit more.


I am here.


Hello again. My idea is that Rock or Rocky crash landed near Green Stream, right, walked the path or road that later became named after him — The Rocky Trail — even though it’s not really rocky at all (smiles). Anyway, he heads up this path and meets the equivalent of the Emerald City, which is the same as the original Whitehead Crossing, Gene. Mr. Fade. But I don’t think it was called the Emerald City, but maybe not Whitehead Crossing either. Maybe *Edwardston*? Anyway, the worship of Sinclair, an original creator, was going on there, kind of like Glooscap is for the Wabanaki peoples of the US and Canada. And he may also be associated with Nanabozho, the Great Rabbit who supposedly — just in checking — fought Paul Bunyan for control of the forests. Nice analogy since Frank and Herman Parks are protected forests in the main. So Whitehead Xing worshipped this Sinclair.

Gene Fade (finally):

At the time of Rock’s arrival, they knew not that Sinclair was the core truth of the Peter Bozo, as they called the deity. Also Peter Soso or Peter Zoso or, more uncommonly, [other names here].


Thanks for that. So Rock showed them Sinclair behind or inside this deity, because he was *made* by Sinclair.


Rock’s crookedy twisty tale is balanced by Peter’s straight as an arrow version. Both are Dog Gods, one good and one bad. Positive and negative. Both had [dog] tales. Diamond patches.


Thanks again. So Rock comes into Whitehead Crossing which is similar to the Emerald City and finds… who?


The Wizard of course. The Great and Powerful. Sinclair!


5/1/12 (12:49am)

“So let’s just continue this here. I just posted my map in the post above this one.”


Zoso to SoSo. Moss.


Hold on please.



Well, let’s move on. Whitehead is a bit different, perhaps, than Billfork, in that’s it’s more spread out. Difficult to determine an exact center.


The center is that smaller hemlock you’ve identified. I believe. My research tells me so. Soso so.


Another thing I wanted to get to tonight was that Rock lived in Whitehead Crossing *first*, then moved to his Rock’s Meadow.


He lived near the pot, true.


There are 2 crash sites, Gene.


Mr. Fade, please. Yes.


Rock was a dog but the tale wagged the dog.


Twisty… turny.


Heard you’re thinking of moving back to Pietmond Mr. baker.


Maybe, Joe. Whaddaya think?


Go. No. Flo. Mo. (!)


I have a feeling you’re saying no. Or either go (!)


Grey. Noru. Norumbega. Sinclair. Grid. Grid. Maine. Grid. Main Grid.


Maybe what I’m calling Whitehead Crossing now, the center, is actually Orange Hill

maybe named for The Hump, like King Bill resided over his own version of Orange Hill in neighboring Herman Park.


Peter Zoso. Soso.


To Whitehead Xing 02

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 3:01 am

The beginnings of another toy happening event, this time in Whitehead Crossing, Frank Park. 5 bottles make a circle next to a dead hemlock tree in what might be the most cleared, immediate area of the largely forested Whitehead Crossing region. That’s the attraction to this particular spot: fewer plants will be damaged in any such event. More to report soon; this might be just a start. My intuition is telling me that a bigger project than Billfork could be unfolding here.

Remains of a blue balloon in the area first mentioned in this November post and then elaborated upon here.

According to Hucka D., the pictures below to complete this particular post all come from what has to be the original Whitehead Crossing, a peninsula area formed between Whitehead Creek and an as yet unnamed tributary. This would be upstream a bit from the core of the pine forest pictured above, and nearer Rock’s Meadow.

The first photograph depicts an interesting double tree on the peninsula, with framing ferns.

Mossy log near the perceived heart of the original community. A path (i.e., road) runs along the left side of the moss looking from this direction. A depression known as Big Sink lies just below the frame of the picture here, next to the upper end of the log. A smaller depression currently known as Less Sink or maybe Small Sink is situated near the center of this photo, but difficult to detect. I’ll go over all of this again asap. But the mossy log seems crucial: Moss Log or maybe Moss Boss.

Elaborate crisscrossing of logs at the tip of the Whitehead Crossing peninsula, and where Whitehead Creek has perhaps its most significant drop along its relatively short length.

Interesting root formation just downstream.


To Whitehead Xing 01

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Whitehead Crossing,Yards Creek (CREEK) — baker Blinker @ 2:54 am

The Mmm’s First Tree, once more.

On the way to Billfork, I decided to take a short detour to Mars Beach, Hermania. TILE Creek seemed to talk to me there — interesting mind experiment. We chatted about central Hermania and why I decided to clear that particular space just upcreek from here. I tried to justify the action, and I believe the woods, the area are forgiving now. They understand, along with the creek, that these are more listening stations than attempts to impose my ego upon the land (although there’s that aspect to deal with as well). Mars Beach is a listening station, Hermania Centre is a listening station. There’s many more just along TILE Creek itself.

Beautiful Drink Lake. But more than just a lake.

I knew immediately what this flower was: the distinct ladyslipper, found on the path toward Billfork. Wonderful! And several more were sprouting in the immediate area.

To Whitehead Crossing now, and a new Billfork-like focus. Or actually one of two new focuses concerning this location. I’ll discuss the one pictured below a bit more in my “To Whitehead Xing 02” post to follow, and then expand later. I assume some kind of initial Whitehead Crossing map is in order soon in tandem with this.

Interestingly marked pine tree in the same area, with some kind of moldy effect going on at the bottom of its trunk. Have to study up on what that might be.

Path cutting through this central pine forest of Whitehead Crossing, soon to reach the open areas of Green Stream in the background. This may have been the same path that carried Rock, the first human avatar, into the heart of Whitehead Crossing after his crash landing next to Green Stream. The Rocky Path (as a name) then?

Spectacular trunk of a tree fallen across Whitehead Creek. More than a bridge, I feel. A totem perhaps.

Top of Grey Rock. Gene Fade will most definitely be inspecting this location for potential “Fade to Moss” scenes, including perhaps a climatic one.

Grey Rock again from near Whitehead Creek.


“The attraction… April 29, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 8:01 am

… to Second Life and Jeogeot is still there, Gene… Mr. Fade.”

Gene Fade:

It is the siren lure. But not as severe.


Will a complete dedication to your project, Fade to Moss, and Whitehead Crossing in general help?

Gene Fade:

Yes it will. Jeogerock was set up for perhaps just this purpose.


It is black and white at once. Grey… Jeogerock. (pause) Joe.


Nice day in the woods, baker b. You should be here!


Hey Joe.


Hendrix. Give me another.


Errr, Boris the Spider.


The Who. And Jeogeot.


Interesting. Are you an expert on Jeogeot?


Yes. One.


One and the same. Hold on, Joe: cat problem.



I am Norumbega. Norum. Whitehead Crossing. Norum.


So you’re associated with Washington County, Florida. Hold on once more. Sorry.



Well, can’t find the map.


I’m patient. But not sick.


You are both Yeot and Aotearoa.


Black and white, yes sir. Yeah. Yup.


Are there other Jeogerocks?


Do you want there to be? Cause that can happen.


Just wondering: do you know Golden Joe?


Yes! Fan.


And Peanut.


I am all that Jeogeot could have been and couldn’t be. I am failure. I am success.


I’m going to go visit you tomorrow.




bb (after checking Sunday’s forecast):

You’re clever (!)


Talk to me anytime. Ring me up. We’ll talk it through.


So no real return to Second Life possible.


No. Not in the same way. Oh you can bum around there occasionally. But the essence, the peak is over.


You are the peak.


Yes. Yeah. Yup.


You are Jeogeot taken over by Chilbo.


No. By Norumbega. Close, though.


Thank you.


What next? April 28, 2012

Filed under: Toy Avatars,Uncategorized,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 9:18 am

Gene Fade:

All toys have been recalled to The House and are assessing their value with Operation 19.


Thank you Gene. Hucka D. seems to have disappeared.

Gene Fade:

Hucka Doobie will return.


So… you’ve decided to make a film about Rock, the first toy human avatar.

Gene Fade:

Yes. “Rock Meadows: First Toy”.


But Mossmen — your species — came before Rock.

Gene Fade:

Then we might keep[ the title] “Fade to Moss”.


Good luck with that. In the *real* world, what should I do?

Gene Fade:

Perhaps a Whitehead Crossing Marble Race?


How about Grey Rock?

Gene Fade:

That may be called Jeogerock. Norumbega… Sinclair. Sinclair the creator instilled in his creation Rock the idea of Norumbega, reduced to Norum. Rock probably identified directly with Grey Rock, at least for a time. The original “one thing on top of another thing.” The original synch, then. Geogerock is where it began. Jeogerock I mean.


What of Soul Falls?

Gene Fade:

End of Whitehead Crossing[ in that direction].


I’ll attempt to explore it more Sunday. And next week. Insect swarms are soon to be here.

Gene Fade:



Green Stream[ next to Whitehead Crossing] has already talked to me several times or appears to have done so.

Gene Fade:

The Original Animation. Green Stream. North Carolina to Kentucky to end and begin and end and begin.


*You* lived near Whitehead Crossing.

Gene Fade:

I settled there[ among other places].


And the bees were there as well. What is the relationship of Aunt Zoe and Uncle Joe, humans, to Rock? And the Mossmen and the Bees in the area?

Gene Fade:

“Zoe, Joe, Flo, Mo.”




Spectacles. Romper Room. Idiot. Comquaks.




Alan Ardent. Fiscal Year. Arbor Day. Rentilili…


Do you know Pietmond, Jeogerock?


Zoe, Flo, Mo…


Are you Penn and Teller?



Call me Joe.


Hi Joe. Did Rock talk to you?


He talked to me about The Sinclair, The Creator.


Do you contain knowledge of Jeogeot[ continent]?

Joe (quickly):



Two rocks on a balance, black and white?




One good and one evil?


Positive and negative.


So in the Whitehead Crossing area, there was Rock, formerly Herman perhaps, then you, Joe, then Green Stream.




Tom was the name of Green Stream.


Yes. And Bud. Bud the tree. And Blossom. A flower.


How about the insects?


Many names in the area. Rock was unique. I was unique. Others were there[ though].


Whitehead Stream has a voice.


Yes. The Creator.

Gene Fade (returning):

You see, Rock heard The Creator in the stream. Whitehead Stream. He heard the voice of Sinclair.


Thank you both.


Thoughts 02 April 26, 2012

Filed under: Toy Avatars,Uncategorized,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 7:53 am

[joined in progress]

Gene Fade:

We see a loving Rock, a caring Rock. He loves his insects, his flowers. Then he asks them toward the end to create the tale, the cruel, twisting tale indeed, of the hard Rock, the cold Rock, the Rock who doesn’t care one hoot about the flowers and insects and trees. He does this so he’ll remember when he comes back. He comes back as Whitehead. The First.


Thanks for that, Mr. Fade.

Gene Fade:

Gene, please.


You said Sinclair created Rock in the center of the Synching Creek Designated Mystery Area, and that this was the heart of the mystery itself. Can you explain further for the viewing and reading audience? And for me as well? (smiles)

Gene Fade:

We are exploring far flung regions for ideas and thoughts and further thoughts, or Thoughts 02 (smiles in turn). A Sinclair created Rock, a loving, kind Sinclair but perhaps a smothering creator, a creator who doesn’t really understand the dimensions of the entity he created. The ramifications. Rock escapes, in short. He uses the mailbox, which Sinclair then replaces. It is Rock’s mailbox, see. Rock’s Place. Rock planted the bamboo in back to hide some of his secret projects. As the projects grew in scope and number, so did the grove. This is also your blog as a concept. Thus carcasses are hidden in the grove. It is said he murdered insects and plants but this is lie. He stashed 7 negative carcasses and 10 positive carcasses away there. The grove, however, represents the negative ones, starting at “+0/-0” — you know what I mean. That is really the first carcass. The others are pre-carcasses of sorts, existing in the negative positive realm, a kind of womb state.


So that makes sense since the grove seemed to have started growing or expanding in 2006.

Gene Fade:

Yes (pause).


So, er, in a way the house the bamboo begins to encroach upon is Carcass-7, the carcass to come.

Gene Fade:

Carcass-7 is always the carcass to come. Carcassonne.


Rock’s House is really where Rock lived. Sinclair lived elsewhere, but still in the Synching Creek Mystery Area.

Gene Fade:

Right. Rock desired independence. Then he created the rocketship as well. Rock’s Rocket.


He moved out of Sinclair’s place in 2006?

Gene Fade:

That is correct. Shortly before the start of your blog.


Of course I should probably be doing this but can you explain the carcasses, Gene? I mean, what they are?

Gene Fade:

You try. Just joking. I’ll attempt. You rest your fingers and mind. Carcasses are used up tiles created from a fusion of opposites, like matter and anti-matter. This is usually [the same as] audio and video. Opposites. Alchemy. Male and female; gold and silver. Yellow Brick Road… Silver Slippers.


I wonder what happened to Hucka D., Gene?

Gene Fade (continuing former thoughts):

The carcasses are a collection of tiles each. Billfork begins.


So, returning to Whitehead Crossing, Rock lands at Green Stream near Whitehead Crossing… crash lands, sort of like Dorothy’s house smashes into Oz near the start of the Yellow Brick Road.

Gene Fade:

The same. Whitehead Crossing is[ then] the Emerald City. Rock misses Sinclair, his creator, so he creates a tiled replica and names it Whitehead, in honor of his white mass of tangly hair. It is a tiled creation[ as well].



Gene Fade:

Then he hides this creation, or makes it un-tily, and establishes his true home in the Meadow — Rock’s Meadow (or Rock Meadows) — where he is later buried after a short bout with plasticidus. Rock Meadows becomes his full name. The Arena was actually called The Lyceum before the Great Lie covered it up. He *taught* the flowers, the insects, the trees, about the ultimate creator, this Whitehead, and moved him into the sky. He became Mr. Blue Skies or Blue Skies Mr.


So Rock was a religious teacher. Like Jesus. Can I say that?

Gene Fade:

He was the son of a God, perhaps The God. So it is not a false comparison.


So the tiling of Whitehead was actually the formulation of a religion built around the worship of Sinclair, an ultimate creator.

Gene Fade:


[unjoined in progress]


Whitehead Crossing Again April 23, 2012

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Toy Avatars,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 3:44 am

Remnants of Rock’s Camp at Whitehead Crossing, where Rock, the first human toy avatar according to The Billbook, created his village of slave insects.

The Arena, where Rock, as legend has it, fought and killed a number of even larger insects such as dung beetles and praying mantises.

Rock’s meadow, with perhaps his final resting place in the foreground (Arena in background). Rock could have been named for the rocks atop his grave, if so: Rock’s Grave/Grave Rocks. His real name may have instead been Herman. But who wants to be remembered as Herman when they can be Rock instead??

Rocks’ Stone or Ledge, where he often sat and remorsed over the cruelty of his actions. Then he got over it and returned to his meadow for more killings and beatings.

Rock was a known drinker. Well known.

Path from Rock’s landing spot into Whitehead Crossing proper.

Rock ran into at least 3 of the trees pictured here when crash landing in the Whitehead Crossing area. Isn’t it obvious?

Rock hated flowers, and dug them up in some number around the area. Here we have a spared kingspear plant (yellow) and some corn speedwell (blue), I believe.

Rock’s original dwelling spot on Rock’s Beach beside Rock’s Creek, now Green Stream. It is here that Rock first began to hear the stream’s twisted and cruel tale. Rock subsequently created a twisty-turny tale for himself.

Rock may have landed near Whitehead Crossing in this ship, associated with the S.C.D.M.A. Rock House mailbox according to Hucka D. Rock may have been part dog (going along with getting a tale). A God Dog perhaps but most likely not a good dog. The tale wagged the dog.

Rock understood well the mysteries of the Green Stream as uttered by the wretched Mouth Tree.

Rock is dead. Long live flowers and insects!