baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Don’t Forget The Bill October 14, 2010

Filed under: Grassy Noll,Hucka D.,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:59 am

“Hucka D., a thought is that the Great Plane of Bill is the green plane cutting through the entire Corsica Prime, including both Egg Hill and Chasm Deep sinks, then.”

Hucka D.:

200. Motels.

Grassy II:

Once isolated or trapped in the granite at the center, Grassy collects in two sinkholes, yes. Centerville and Hygiene.


Making Chasm City the same or equivalent to Pietmond or Piedmont. Or Arrowtown. (pause) Interesting that you call the Plane of Bill Grassy, Grassy.

Grassy II:

I am.


Are you and Hucka D. the same? Twins?

Grassy II:



Moving on, though. I want to talk about the 3d[ or 4d] nature of Corsica[ continent]. Hucka D., you ask me to think about the Head and The Trip, which seems similar to the egg and chicken paradox.

Hucka D.:

Yes. (pause)

Grassy II:

When the continent turns inside out, there is Pennsylvania. Corsica.


Finally turns inside out.

Grassy II:


Hucka D.:




Well, let’s back up. Egg Hill sink is a representation of Centerville, or the Centre[ of Pennsylvania].

Hucka D. and Grassy II (jointly):



It also stands for Second Life itself through Kansas City Life, which, quite early on in this blog, Hucka D. claimed was created by Peter.

[no reply]


The Egg Hill sink, the green surrounded by gray granite, one of the two sinks of the continent that can be identified in that way, is the same as the center of K.C. Life which also represents Second Life. But it is not the first two-in-one. But it is. What I mean…

Grassy II:

What you mean… (pause)

bb (continuing):

What I mean… is that Chasm Deep sink is the first *legitimate* two-in-one, not Egg Hill sink. But really Egg Hill sink is. Both are created by Peter. (pause)

Hucka D. (muffled):

It is difficult to get information from the degraded Plane of Bill. You are looking for 5 young lookalikes named Kane[ Cane?].


Michael Caine? A plank of wood cane?

Hucka D.:

They are all Bills, like hat bills. They are The Bill.


It looks like the 6th is a famous basketball coach, Hucka D. Who holds the devil with an apple stuck to his face and an apple at once. Glued?

bb (looking at Greenup 02 in House Greenup as Baker Bloch):

The Martin descend into the Valley of The Bill to find them. *A* martin, giant in nature, creates The Bill on The Mound in its center. Bill’s Mound. Bill… Billville.

Hucka D.:

Billville, Indiana, correct. Just below Brazil and on both Brazil East and Brazil West maps. (pause)


Brazil, hmm. But Peter was also called a martin in this blog, Hucka D. And Grassy.

Grassy II:

I am The Bill.


He was the 5th or 6th himself, separated from his siblings named after fingers on Big I. in the former Comet Archipelago.

Hucka D.;

A good boy he was. I loved him so. So so.*


It was created in the central Diamond[ region]. Lucy in the Sky with. The Great Lakes of great America. Michigan.

Hucka D.:

I’ve said nothing else.


I’m looking at Greenup 05 now through Baker Bloch’s eyes. Or [from]behind his head, actually. Almost always I look over his shoulder and not through his eyes, which would be the same as Mouselook. Lennon is bigger than the rest there. Lennon… Lemon controls the contact with The Bill. He creates the mound.

Grassy II:

I am The Mound.


The mound is grafted or collaged into the Greenup Valley of England.

Hucka D.:

That’s where Baker Bloch must go. Can he just walk into the collage yet?


I don’t think so.

Hucka D.:

Can you try? I mean do you want to try?


That’s where it will happen[, then].

Hucka D.:


Grassy II:



I’m using Mouselook to look at the collage now. It’s fuzzy. Not highly resolved. Created in 2004, you know. The original bitmap is not very big. Doesn’t translate nearly as well to a Second Life prim [as] the later collages, especially Hidalgo and Wheeler-Jasper series collages.

Hucka D.:

This is the place.

bb (continuing to look at the rest of the series in House Greenup):

baker b. is already there, though.

Hucka D.:

Collage will put you in that place.

bb (after a pause):

Sorry, I had to do some quick gallery maintenance while Baker Bloch was there. (continuing to walk around…) I really like the central courtyard of that space, guys. (another pause) The whole place is a lot of fun. Egg Hill sink, eh?

Hucka D.:

You must not forget the Plane of Bill[, though]. Greentop. Greenup. The Bill. Mound. Plane. (pause) Goodnight (smiles).


Thank you.


* Hucka D. later claims that his Peter, his “so so” loved son, is both black and white. This doesn’t seem to have as much to do with color as in race, but black and white as yin-yang opposites. But also the figure of Black Peter comes into play here, and as we’ve seen, a “Black Peter” exists just below the glowing white cross on top of Peter’s Hill, and a copy of which now is placed in the center of the new Edwardston Station Gallery in Orions Vale. Stranger and stranger this Second Life is getting (!)