baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Big Island, Bliss Gardens, Otherland, Rabbit Hole September 27, 2009

Baker on the northern point of Big Island in Kopff, looking toward smaller island to the north.


As Baker stands on a knoll in-between all these island, his kopf, er, head just juts above the water.


‘Nother sunset scene on Big Island, probably in Kopff again.


This night, Baker desired a little more pizazz from his landscape, and thus teleported over to the always impressive Bliss Gardens Center. Now this is mostly just some basic terraforming, and playing around with the natural water level to create pools and such, but it’s still quite aesthetically pleasing, and there are some things for sale dotting the mainly barren landscape, like treehouses and giant pumpkins. Most of the things for sale at Bliss Gardens are instead found in the 5 sim skybox. Moving on…






… to Wilsonia Foxclaw in Otherland, specifically the very valley in which she was “born” in the context of this blog last January. I had thoughts of having her re-explore a lot of Otherland, but I think I’ll put that on hold now. Still, isn’t the sunrise blessed landscape incredibly pretty here?



The centered, full moon looking out of the amazingly deep Rabbit Hole in Blackmount.



Bliss Gardens… July 17, 2008

Filed under: Bliss Gardens — baker Blinker @ 7:12 am
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This has got to be one of the most impressive places in SL (!) Waterfallpalooza!

It’s impossible to convey in a picture how high the below waterfall actually is. You just have to see it to experience the magnitude. And all of this within the 4 sim cave itself, although the roof of the cave is a bit beyond the range of Blochs’ draw distance here.

Outside the cave there are many more Bliss owned sims worth the time of exploring.

Damn, there’s some beavers! (sorry)

I don’t know what these little dragons are drinking but I think I want some. 🙂

Weird moment: Baker Bloch didn’t know this very night that S-Bum would find her own hobo or bum related tent in the Afar area, another Arcadia Asylum creation. The tent Blochs finds is not an Asylum creation, but it is certainly related in spirit.