baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Special December 17, 2011

“Sinkology is a word to be thinking of tonight, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

You want to open up a [small] college in Pietmond, as I understand.


Maybe. Branch of Crabwoo U. in Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

Don’t you think Peter[ SoSo] should be involved, then?


Again: maybe. Sunklands doesn’t seem quite dead, now. I’ve reexamined the Lill Burn Valley sim recently, for instance. It’s much different than in the days of the monestary, but not necesssarily a degenerative form.

Hucka D.:

Yes. It has degenerated. Become deenergized. That’s because the present tenants do not realize the power of the sink.


Oh, and quite interestingly another artist has interacted with my old land in Blackmount[ in another of the 6 Sunklands sinks].

Hucka D.:

Yes, that was another way to get your attention. Waterfall down to the pool that engulfed your camp there. Elevator — sorry, teleporter had to be raised above the water level to effect a proper transport [to the Edwardston Station Gallery]. The artist will examine all this. She needs to know about the power of the sinks. Sinkology. Sink in.


The theory goes that the Pietmond labyrinth — just outside the proposed building for the new college branch — plugs a similar flooding hole in my town. Plugs from above instead of on one side, as in a normal dam of sorts. But this type of flooding won’t occur in Pietmond as long as the labyrinth is in place. The Blackmount sink has been ruined in that way.

Hucka D.:

Yes. The artist will examine all of this. It is an Eerie Pond.


What of the other sinks? Second Sink or Oolamoo/Drews seems totally deenergized.

Hucka D.:

Not quite. Things could change there.


And Aotearoa, the one closest to Otaki Gorge and Pietmond, has basically always been empty since I found it almost 2 1/2 years ago. The center, I mean. That’s the location of the original Pietmond, I suppose.

Hucka D.:



But up on a hill above the sink, and not in the sink itself, unlike Pietmond.

Hucka D.:

Unlike Pietmond. And the last?


Big Sink. The strangest of them all, perhaps.

Hucka D.:

You know where Big Sink comes from.
You know it was created from the Big Ink incident in Far Past. You have Kidd Road as a new mythology bit. Big Sink still has energy. Kidd Road connects Big Sink with Blackmount.


I think I’ve theorized that *you* created Big Sink and perhaps all of Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

Yes. And then the 2 on the Corsica continent. They’re connected. Smaller Sunklands there. Not really a region but just a connection, as in a Klein Bottle. Nevertheless, Corsica is built around this center 3-dimensionality. And Maebaleia has its own sinks, but shallower and nearer the coasts. Crabwoo itself has a sink [Super Bowl = name?], the 13th discovered. And then Heterocera may have a legitimate sink in Sikkima, one you virtually lived next to for a number of months but didn’t recognize as such.


But no region like Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

There’s the Pond District on Heterocera as well. And the Lake District of Maebaleia. Corsica has the Plane of Bill and its bumpy little granite mountains dotting the landscape. But it all centers around Chasm Deep and partner Egg Hill Sink, the one Sachie lived in and energized. Still energizes.


Synchronicity, yes.

Hucka D.:

An egg is an eye. Orion’s Vale has its own, central eye, like Pietmond and Otaki Gorge.


Suppose it does. Or did. Is Orion’s Vale the most similar sink to Otaki Gorge?

Hucka D.:

In terms of who lived in each: yes. Two artists.


And Chasm Deep has a collection of artists living within now: the Metaharpers.

Hucka D.:

Join their group.


Maybe I’ll have an avatar devoted fully to the study of Sinkology, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



Maybe a professor of Sinklogy.

Hucka D. (guessing further):



Yes. Maybe Wilsonia.

Hucka D.:

Maybe Karoz.


I need a Sunklands museum. A place of study as well. Special Collections.


Around Asha, 02 October 19, 2010

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 6:49 am

More Corsica hills, this time along the northern edge of Peter’s Plateau, in Cloudrider.

Interesting “fishing area” in Lusca.

Details of subterranean water passage at same…

… including someone who was unfortunate enough to get stuck down here. Looks like he died while networking (?)

More interesting areas to the immediate south of this parcel. Baker must come back and check this whole region out in full.

Then continuing to move east into the the largest granite plateau of the continent, Baker soon comes to what has been called the Asymmetrical Village in this blog, an ironic name since it borders the sim of Symmetry.

The rabbit barista found in Baker’s initial visit to this village a little over a year ago has now vanished, or has else pulled a “Harvey”.

Ooops, perhaps that’s not the expression I meant to imply.

Then just over the granite ridge to the south lies the Edwardston Station Gallery in Orions Vale. Very nice.


3d (4d?) Corsica — 1st stab October 18, 2010


Corsica Prime equals both state of Pennsylvania and Elephant combined. One obvious overlap or key of linking two coordinations is Elephant, Pennsylvania and Alexei Panshin.*

When Peter moved to Corsica Prime from Big I. in the Comet Archipelago (5th or 6th child of purple alien Hucka Doobie), he came to find or create GREEN. He established the central circle of the klein bottle shaped continent first, where the 4d cross is made. He knows that the stem of the bottle before it enters the interior of the bottle in our 3d translated model would be the same as the “Elephant’s Trunk”. He creates the Ephant sim and mtn. to mark the trunk. He coordinates Pennsylvania with Corsica Prime through the Egg Hill sink: this is the CENTREING. Egg Hill =s (weakened) eye. Ear is strong, in contrast, like an Elephant’s Ear. Chasm Deep becomes where the continent folds back on itself in the 3d model. Egg Hill sink is at least a remnant version of the circle marking the crossing of the bottle back on itself. This crossing also shows up in Peter’s Hill (gleaming white) cross, and like Egg Hill sink, is representation of an eye and also directly connected, likely, to Hackpen Hill white horse which is All White Horses — alignment between *4* white horse eyes. 4-in-1 or 4orrin1 or Foreign One (because it is so odd it appears “foreign”, another play on words).

Peter’s first and perhaps even greatest work (?) is the Great Plane of Bill, a twin of sorts of Ephant’s Trunk. First elephant must be reduced from granite topped mountain size (Billyfant) to hill size, just below mtn. but still not mtn. (Greentop). On this hill lies an ant, which is Baker Bloch which is Martin which is Peter. Ant is opposite of elephant in size, but yet is included in the eleph*ant*’s name. This downsizing of Mountain to (Mole) Hill is the beginning of Peter’s great mission in Corsica: to create a Plane of Bill that twins Billyfant, the stem of the bottle. The Mountain that becomes a Mole Hill becomes mobile as well — ability to move about because of slightly decreased size. Like Howl’s Moving Castle, but a less bulky, trimmed down version (like I just bulked down the Blue Feather to move it directly atop Greentop Hill). Actually, the Blue Feather comes from Howl’s Moving Castle as well: when Howl becomes completely covered in blue feathers he will not be able to change back into human form. But his face remains unchanged when Sophie finds him near the end of the film.

Peter’s creation of the Great Plane of Bill comes about when the Linden grid passes through the region, after it has just passed through Comma Islands with the permission from Bracket Jupiter and his queen (Stephie McQueen).

“Circle” (cross) of Peter’s Plateau region which also seems to include Egg Hill sink (also Greentop?). In this circle, Peter answers the question of, “What came first, the Head or The Trip?”


* Preface to Farewell To Yesterday’s Tomorrow here, signed by Panshin in Elephant, Pennsylvania:


E(le)phant’s Trunk October 15, 2010

Why didn’t I see this before? E(le)phant’s Trunk!

Ear of Beer, which is probably same as Chasm Deep sink, is a representation of an elephant’s ear hole, and Corsica Prime’s central granite plateau that Egg Hill and Chasm Deep sinks are depressions within is the ear flap. Hints: both are gray.

Nose of Rose!

The Eye (of Rye) is displaced, but nevertheless has been matched to Ear of Beer through 1/9th “Martian” sims.


Why did The Bill design the Elephant’s Trunk/Nose of Rose of Corsica Prime, and the granite central plateau as an elephant’s ear? Something to do with memory? Horton Hears The Who? (elephants have keen hearing). Continued memory of SL when it is done and gone?

Additional thoughts:

Egg Hill sink, then, could represent the weaker eye/seeing capacity of the elephant (eye is shaped like egg, after all).* Eye of Rye is merely to double Ear of Beer/Chasm Deep sink, and to point out its significance.

Weak Eye/Weak “I”

Black and white statues (of “Peter”) in the center of the sink, in the new Edwardston Station Gallery, are sound (black) and sight (white) themselves. As the series are from Jasper County with Newton co. seat, Jasper =s domination of sound over sight for elephants. Jasper “encloses” Newton, and not other way around.

Study: Horton *Hears* The Who (and also complementary The Point of The Wall).


* Peter’s Hill and its white cross might also represent the elephant’s eye, since white=sight here.


Final thoughts for tonight: Peter’s Cross *is* the (white) eye, as related to the 1 White Horse are All White Horse idea of The King in Wiltshire. Is he still there with his Queen? Link: both are crosses, especial the eye of the white horse at Hackpen Hill. Peter must have had this knowledge as well.


“Gallery Jack” Updates October 13, 2010

Well, as soon as I write that the 10×10 and the Edwardston Station Gallery are splitting into 3 separate collections, it all comes back together again. It’s a little wacky looking, but I think it works in its own, special way, shall we say. I present to you the 3rd (final?) version of the Edwardston Station Gallery, amalgamating the 10×10 series housed in the former, various collections once more. We still have the 3 formerly independent structures — House Greenup, SoSo, and Gallery Jack — but now they’re stuck together, as it were, 3 things that don’t really belong together that nevertheless seem to need each other to complete themselves.

Some interesting details of what use to be called SoSo, now perched directly atop the old Gallery Jack (a name which was “new” for about *1 day*).

Adding SoSo into the mix was the final touch, and I *just* had enough prims to do so. Immediately before that, I had also replaced the smaller Victorian house already on the land with the somewhat larger House Greenup, last seen on the Greentop property (which I still own).

Below is a better look at the mini-forest located to the east of the new Edwardston Station Gallery. Still hidden within the trees is the tiny bar with the great view of the surrounding forest. Probably should get a name for it.

I guess it was silly of me to think that the 10×10 should be exhibited in 3 separate, smaller galleries, and that somehow the series themselves were splitting off into combative groups of some sort. But there was a logic to that determination. Let’s see if Hucka D. wants to briefly talk tonight.

Hucka D.:

Nice job baker b. 3rd version, yes. How could you have guessed — once more?


*No* way. The 3 structures seem so different. They *are* different.

Hucka D.:

Yet they belong together. Finish up Floydadada soon, and we’ll work some more on interpretations, then. Unlike some of your subject matter, like Mythos, the 10×10 interests me considerably. More the art 10×10 than the writing 10×10, but both as well.


Should I join up with the Metaharpers now?

Hucka D.:

A possibility. You *could* make more art.


I’m going to keep exploring Corsica, Hucka D. Oh, I forgot to add the most important thing…

Hucka D.:

The most important along with the new Edwardston Station Gallery.


Well, that might be true. But it’s the idea that the Corsica continent is 3d in nature, or possibly 4d. It is simply different from other SL mainland continents in this way.

Hucka D.:

Not really. But as I said before, this is where SL and RL intertwine. Heterocera is still most closely bonded to Corsica. That leaves Jeogeot a bit to the side. At least for now.


But I know what all this is now. The Plane of Bill… Comma Islands… Egg Hill and Chasm Deep sinks…

Hucka D.:

You must then find Bill Hill.


My thinking is that it may be Greentop, my own hill that’s perhaps the highest hill on Corsica before it becomes a granite topped *mountain*. A Mole Hill…

Hucka D.:

… instead of a mountain, yes. Well, you may be right, then. (pause) What next?




Gallery Jack October 12, 2010

Filed under: Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Gallery Jack,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:08 am

New gallery holding *part* of the 10×10, actually the majority of it but not all of it. Here’s what seems to be happening: the 10×10, the original Edwardston Station galleries holding it anyway, seem to be fragmenting into several pieces in the last month or so. We can now follow this progress through, first, the creation of SoSo, then House Greenup, and now a brand spanking new one I’m calling Gallery Jack, the largest of these fragments. Not sure if I have the time or energy to explain all this in a blog post tonight, or if I really, fully understand it myself so far, but, whatever, the 10×10 seems destined in the immediate future to be split into 3 separate collections according to the above galleries. The full 10×10 will still reside in the Edwardston Station Gallery in Rubi, but that’s no longer my land.

Let’s just move to some pictures of Gallery Jack and maybe the basic concept will clear up. This new gallery, like the larger of the 2 Edwardston Station Gallery structures in Otaki Gorge currently (soon to be removed, I assume), sits right in the center of an identifiable mainland sink as I’m defining them in this blog. But in this case we have not a Jeogeot/Sunklands sink, where 6 of the 8 known examples exist that I know of, but a Corsica continent example. I’ve recently discussed what lies at the center of the considerably larger of the two identified sinks of that continent, or the Chasm Deep sink. What lies in the middle of the other? Well, Gallery Jack now. That’s right, I own larger pieces of land in the center of 2 of the 8 mainland sinks, 2 of the smallest mind you, and perhaps even the 2 smallest. But still… odd, don’t you think, that I could buy really cheap land seemingly exactly where I should buy land anyway. Gallery Jack lies in center of what I’ve cryptically termed Egg Hill sink, stumbled upon back in September 2009. It’s a blog subcategory, so you can follow the progress of my thoughts concerning it here.

To some pictures, then. The gallery really revolves, as it were, around two rather crudely made statues I’ve named Newton (white) and Jasper (black). Together, and working in harmony, they create the archetype JACK. I won’t go into details about this right now.

The gallery itself, which I’ve modified a bit, was created by Moard Ling, and offered as part of a huge selection of freebie structures, objects, textures, avatars, etc., etc. at Freebie Folly in Llimeta at Skidz. The 2 statues are also Ling creations, although they didn’t come with the gallery originally. I found several examples of Ling’s statues, including the two used in the gallery, in a mall just below “Peter’s Hill” topped by a white cross, the highest hill in the immediately vicinity of my Greentop. I’ll attempt to write about finding this statue not far below the cross later on this week, in conjunction with pictures already posted to this blog. For now, we’ll leave it as an uncovering of a stark black and white constellation of objects, which directly transfers to the 2 black and white statues in Gallery Jack now.

More angles on the 2 statues, the first being through an approx. 5 meter diameter hole in the top of the rectangular Gallery Jack.

Shot up toward the green foliage textured ceiling through the statues, showing the inverted Mole Hills (yet another Ling creation) I decided to adhere there. These mounds actually change shapes at random. Collaging heterogeneous “stuff” together in SL is so much fun, hehe! And also, I suppose, this inversion of a hill would also relate to the name Egg Hill sink, come to think of it, which would more logically be called Egg Hole sink. And to be complete, the concept of “Mole Hill” has also been mentioned at times in the blog. You can do a search for the phrase yourself to see what comes up.

Keeping in mind that Gallery Jack and its inverted mole hills, et al, lies at the very epicenter of this Egg Hill sink, of course.

On either side of the main corridor of the gallery, in 6 distinct, large rooms, lies the 6 individual series of the “Art 10×10” that are exhibited within Gallery Jack. The rooms are “sealed” once you enter them, meaning that the entrance to the room is transparent on the outside, but appears as part of the wall on the inside. I’ve marked them in red so that you can also make your way back out of the room once inside.

Great view of the surrounding, granite mountains from a westward facing window in one of these rooms.

In the central plaza of the structure, framed by the giant black and white statues (Newton and Jasper) already discussed, are plaques with all the names of the various series in the gallery, telling you which stairs to use or direction to go to get to them.

To the east: Hidalgo, Wheeler and Yale.

To the west: Rose Hill, Jasper and Newton.

But Gallery Jack isn’t the only structure I have on my Orion’s Vale/Egg Hill sink land. I’ve also inserted an offangle, tiny bar in the heart of the mini-forest I’ve created there, just to the east of Gallery Jack. A bar bare footed Mr. Bean once again serves as the “barwoman” of this new establishment.

And finally we have steps on the very east end of the property leading up to a grassy parcel containing a tree that represents a relic from a past time paradise within the sink/valley. This abstracted walnut oak tree once held a picture of an egg in its branches.

One could assume this is the origin of the name Egg Hill sink. But that might be incorrect.


To Orion’s Vale, 02 October 11, 2010

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 8:55 am

Before leaving the Circuit La Corse to head east to Orions Vale, Baker snaps this picture of another Mole creation: a roadside “Video Phone Booth”, which you can actually make a call on. On the particular one Baker is checking today, there are several channels to choose from, each featuring a particular avatar “receiver”. Nice.

Making his way up the granite slopes. This would be in Jormungandr, if I’m figuring correctly.

Much more uneven ground encountered on the east side of Twilights Bound.

Then it’s just a hop and a skip over the ridge line for a great view of Orions Vale with this particular draw distance, before all the buildings and ugliness within rezzes in. Hey, just kidd’n new neighbors! 🙂

Finding a central swath of the Egg Hill sink up for sale, it didn’t take me long to start buying up all the land there and setting up structures, including what quickly transformed into a tiny bar in the middle of a small forest.

Then for the rest of the land bought that night, it was on — also quite rapidly — to bigger things. Eventually what happened is the creation of an entirely new version of the Edwardston Station Gallery. An early permutation is pictured below, complete with a central fish tank since removed. For the record, there was also a giant fish tank that use to center the Egg Hill sink on the very land I bought this night. I include a picture of it in this very first post of mine concerning the sink from September 2009, before I even had a proper name for it.


Depth, Power October 3, 2010

Filed under: Chasm Deep,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Hucka D.,Peter G. — baker Blinker @ 7:12 am

“The power, the *depth* of Chasm Deep may be too deep and powerful to tap into properly. It may overwhelm, causing disorganization instead of the opposite. A certain critical mass can be reached, but it is difficult. Cooperation must be powerful… deep. It hasn’t occurred yet. They’ll have to start all over, in essence.”

Hucka D.:

Well… you know how that goes, he he.

bb (laughing as well):

Yes. You just start all over. It’s only virtual pixels. Save what is good, throw out what is bad. And be merciless.

Hucka D.:

They need to let the Metaharps themselves tell them how to tap into that energy. All of them, together, can do it. And it can be the most powerful and deep thing in Second Life itself, if accomplished. Much more potential power there than Otaki Gorge. But, to them, they can learn from *you* and your smaller sink. Don’t you think?


I suppose so. Just simple lessons. And, of course, that the energy at the center of the sink exists in the first place. And the relationship with Orion’s Vale, which is *really* in trouble (raises eyebrows). I don’t think Sachie could be pleased with the degeneration of that area.

Hucka D.:

No (pause). So are you going to hold on to Otaki Gorge even now?


Yes. I suppose I should. Don’t you think?

Hucka D.:

Yes. What of Baker[ sim]?


I guess it will have to go, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Shame. You must pick and choose poisons from now on. But too many options, as you said, are better than too few.


An old man, going a lone highway,
Came at the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm, vast and deep and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen stream had no fears for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“You are wasting strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day;
You never again must pass this way;
You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide”
Why build you the bridge at the eventide?”

The builder lifted his old gray head:
“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,
“There followeth after me today
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.”



Moving down the water John is drifting out of sight, It’s only at the turning point That you find out how to fight. In the cold, feel the cold all around And the rush of crashing water Surround me with its sound.

Rael manages to grab a rock, pull himself to the surface and catch his breath. As John is carried past, Rael throws himself in again and catches hold of his arm. He knocks John unconscious and then locking themselves together, he rides the rapids into the slow running water, where he can swim to safety.

Striking out to reach you, I can’t get through to the other side. When you’re racing in the rapids There’s only one way, that’s to ride. Taken down, taken down by the undertow And I’m spiralled down the river bed, My fire is burning low. Catching hold of a rock that’s firm, I’m waiting for John to be carried past. We hold together and shoot the rapids fast.

But as he hauls his brother’s limp body onto the bank he lies him out and looks hopefully into his eyes for a sign of life. He staggers back in recoil, for staring at him with eyes wide open is not John’s face — but his own.

And when the waters slow down The dark and the deep have no-one left to keep. Hang on John! We’re out of this at last. Something’s changed, that’s not your face. It’s mine!




It happened in 1930. I did not know if I was alive or dead, but I went to the other side. Pea pod peaple were lined up with numbers. Pre-borns. John as #9. Then Lily… she led me. Golden globes. I was here. I knew what Lamb was. Lamb[ County].


At the time Plant X was being designed, power plants were usually named after their location. During the initial stages of the design process, no location had been selected, so engineers referred to the generating station simply as “Plant X” and the name stuck.

Pluto’s volume is about 0.66% that of Earth

Once found, Pluto’s faintness and lack of a resolvable disc cast doubt on the idea that it was Lowell’s Planet X. Estimates of Pluto’s mass were revised downward throughout the 20th century…. Lowell had made a prediction of Planet X’s position in 1915 that was fairly close to Pluto’s actual position at that time; however, Ernest W. Brown concluded almost immediately that this was a coincidence,[40] a view still held today


Note to Science: try to stop using the word “coincidence” as blanket coverage for any unusual confluence of events encountered.


Ratcliff & Bracket/Comma Islands: Another Link? (Another Link!) June 20, 2010

“Hi Hucka D. We must get cracking tonight.”

Hucka D.:

Thank you for inviting me back. I see you found the intimate relationship between Magicland and Ratcliff. They are one!


Amazing. In this post from June 12th, I put forth the new theory that the hole of Ratcliff was centered on Mickey’s Market instead of the middle of the back alley behind the central group of stores. I just used the little collage made the night before (6/11), superimposing Ratcliff with a massive sinkhole just formed in Guatemala City, to determine this — art/pictures influencing theory again.

But it was only when I returned from our vacation in West Virginia yesterday that I understood the Mickey Mouse head shape of the front of *Mickey’s* Market, after all. The same shape is found at the entrance to Magicland in Bracket, purposeful Mickey Mouse in that case.

Soooo… what’s up with this, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

What do you think?


I think there was a hole at Magicland as well, and that the two holes are really one hole.

Hucka D.:

That is right. Ratcliff was there as well. Or Ratcliff and Magicland at once. They are opposites combined into one. Like dissimilar tiles. The hole linked, the hole made each realize the presence of the opposite. This was a reaction to the wedding between the King of the Stans and the Brackage Queen as well. The hole was formed… Ratcliff and Magicland coexisted in the same psycho-physical space in Bracket/Sesia. More parallels can be found. Scout around each location!


I have a feeling if Bracket Jupiter kept hanging around Magicland, as he did tonight (he chatted a bit with a user playing the genie from Disney’s Alladin movie — see below), that he might get banned from the premises.

Hucka D.:

We’ll see!


What is the purpose of this hole?

Hucka D.:

To create a collage of opposites that can’t possibly be in Second Life, so a hole is created to First Life.


Within Magicland, I am in enemy territory, as they say.

Hucka D.:

Not any more than in Ratcliff[, though]. We must shift to the waters to the south of the Queen’s Island. (pause)


I suppose you want more of my own theories.

Hucka D.:

Give it a shot.


OK, I think there was a segment of the Queen’s people, the Brackage, that didn’t want the marriage between the Queen and King of the Stans to take place — which we now know opened the Bracket/Sesia hole.

Hucka D.:

We’re going to be talking quite a bit more about that hole. But continue…


The seas harbored the resistance movement to this union, which wanted the Brackage to stay separate from the Stans [still]. Mermen were involved; a bunker was found. And then, another really quirky twist, statues of the Queen were found in this sea, the most intact one immediately below the Fivepenny sim. Hold on…

I’ve included the SL map with the picture of the Queen’s statue. This is the same image used to represent the Queen in Wiltshire County, England, Hucka D. She appears there, for instance, in a collage made for this post from March, when The Bakers (Baker Blinker, Hucka Doobie, and Baker Bloch?) first discover the King and Queen’s whereabouts in this English county (Temple Farm). I didn’t know about this statue just off the southern shore when I also assigned the northern and western of the 2 Comma Islands to this same Queen’s reign. You were there, after all, in your bee avatar form.

Hucka D.:

Do not mistake this: I am still there (!).


At Temple Farm.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Both Baker Blinker and I are still in England, guests of the King and Queen. This same Queen and King.


Hmmmm… but it seems too coincidental that ujiyasu and I would both be attracted to that Fivepenny Hill and both hike up the hill to look around at the landscape.

Hucka D.:



And there always seems to be a crowd of avatars around that hill, Hucka D. You can see all the little green dots [representing avatars] in that map just above. For the reader or readers, the Fivepenny Hill itself is represented by a gray, shaded part of the sim [in its southeast corner]. I take a picture of it here for this blog, and ujiyasu has it here.* Is Fivepenny Hill some kind of center for the resistance movement against the King + Queen union?

Hucka D.:

Yes. And still is [in ways].


Hmmm… and then the Queen’s intact statue only about 200-250 meters away in the Houltbergen water sim [marked by the yellow circle on the same map]. Looks like she’s staring not at Fivepenny Hill, though — which might be just *too* weird, after all — but directly perpendicular to this, at right angles to it, I mean.

Hucka D.:

The statue was turned away from the Fivepenny Hill at a certain point in the Comma Islands saga you are re-developing. This was to help break the resistance movement; a symbol of its bracking. Breaking, I meant. Instead it was turned to point to Corsica Prime.



War never took place, you said. Between the 2 Comma Islands.

Hucka D.:

No. The King and Queen made sure of that. Or Queen and King. Instead a hole was formed. The Hole. Good work uncovering!


The Linden grid then passed through the Comma Islands safely to cover the rest of the Cosica continent. Much like ujiyasu is blanketing the continent presently from west to east in her [blog] journal. Fascinating.

Hucka D.:

Your Japanese friend is the Queen as well [in ways], as is Nish Mip. Fellow explorers, with different styles all. You must remind ujiyasu of Sachie [Bade]’s old realm in what you call Egg Hill Sink, mostly in Orion’s Vale, though. Corisca Prime is still Pennsylvania. That was a result of the hole as well. All this fits together like perfectly made tile. It all tiles. It All Tile. Corisca is a bit different from other SL continents in that Real Life or First Life peeks through more easily there. That’s because it is newer than most.


Thank you. Dawn is bracking and I guess we should end.

Hucka D.:

Have a good Monday.


You too, Hucka D.


* And, yeah, in the map shot ujiyasu took for her blog, there are still a number of avatars next to this hill (!)


New Digs, Valentine’s Day, 2010 February 15, 2010

Filed under: Chasm Deep,Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 8:28 am

It’s almost 1/4th the size of the Aotearoa property I just gave up, but I kind of like it. Could this be a new home sweet home? It sits right on the lip of the largest sink outside Jeogeot’s Sunklands: Chasm Deep on the Corsica continent. I’ve already discussed it a bit here and mentioned it in other places in the blog as well, usually in conjuction with another, smaller sink on the Corsica continent I personally call (paradoxically) Egg Hill or Egg Hill Sink. In fact, I had a chance to instead rent property from LaMa Estates (my current, sole landlords) right near the center of Egg Hill Sink, the second and perhaps last obvious dry sink on not only the Corsica continent, but on *any* continent outside Jeogeot. I was all ready to plop down my money on the latter when I visited again and noticed about 1/2 the properties surrounding it didn’t allow direct access. So I decided on the Chasm Falls location, since it didn’t seem to have any such restrictions in movement there.

But I thought I’d start with a snapshot from the lip of another sink, Sunklands’ Oolamoo-Drews (aka Second Sink) and the nice waterfall cascading down the ridge there. Baker rented a rock cottage (since replaced) near the top of this falls last summer.

Much more modest in size is the new waterfall on my Timescape sim property.

Here you see the standard Victorian house to the left that I invariably set up on any new property, and, to the right, the handy little 4 prim cabin that I also decided to rez to act as a secondary structure on the land. The 2048 square meters involved in this case, as you can probably glean from a close study of the above photograph, make not 2 side-by-side 1024 squares but, instead, 2 side-by-side 512s followed by a 1024 square stuck onto the lower part of the west 512. A bit of an “L” shape, then.

Below, Baker sits on a rock on the edge of the 1024 just mentioned, providing a view of the small waterfall set up on the eastern of the 2 512s. The waterfall actually fully bisects the 512 north to south, with the cabin then set up on easternmost, otherwise isolated portion of the property. Interesting setup, and one I’ve not used before in any way.

Oh, and I can’t recall renting totally granite property before either. 🙂

The only way to easily access the cabin is to walk across the rocks at the top of the small waterfall.

Mouse view of the waterfall taken while Baker sits on a rock near the entrance to the cabin. You know, in Second Life, as in Real Life I suppose, it’s often the small things that really matter.

A view from inside the cabin down on property I don’t rent.

But certainly the vista of most note from the property is this spectacular view down into the Chasm Deep sink itself. Big do’ins down there it looks like. In fact, from the land description it appears someone is building a whole damn town inside (“Chasm City”).

As they say: stay tuned!