baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Around Asha, 02 October 19, 2010

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 6:49 am

More Corsica hills, this time along the northern edge of Peter’s Plateau, in Cloudrider.

Interesting “fishing area” in Lusca.

Details of subterranean water passage at same…

… including someone who was unfortunate enough to get stuck down here. Looks like he died while networking (?)

More interesting areas to the immediate south of this parcel. Baker must come back and check this whole region out in full.

Then continuing to move east into the the largest granite plateau of the continent, Baker soon comes to what has been called the Asymmetrical Village in this blog, an ironic name since it borders the sim of Symmetry.

The rabbit barista found in Baker’s initial visit to this village a little over a year ago has now vanished, or has else pulled a “Harvey”.

Ooops, perhaps that’s not the expression I meant to imply.

Then just over the granite ridge to the south lies the Edwardston Station Gallery in Orions Vale. Very nice.


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