baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“Benwheelerword” January 23, 2009


“So Hucka D., this *may* be the first of the new series, what I’m calling the Wheeler-Jasper series. Probably is. Can you help me with an interpretation, once again?”

Hucka D.:

Certainly. That is one of my most important roles here. To help you interpret your collages. You start, though.


Well, this is a fairly simple one to start, if it is the start. You have a “Mossman” sign held up by three posts and flanked by two humans to the left, then you have an actual Mossman to the right, which may be the same as Gene Fade, perhaps the last Mossman around. But in a draft of the collage, there were 3 Mossmen instead of just the one. The other two, though, were, in the final draft (perhaps), covered by what amounts to be another picture, a picture within a picture, which I’m not sure has happened in the art 10×10 so far. This pic-within-pic is about as simple a collage as you can get. It’s just two photos of trees, both looking up the trunk toward the top, with one inverted vertically in respect to the other. The trees are — can I say this?

Hucka D.:

Go ahead sir. You must.


The colorful tree at the bottom is a palm tree. The one, the non-chromatic one, at the top is a willow tree. I think this now represents the Temple of TILE, or the Gallery at the Temple of TILE, since I just inserted both a willow tree and a palm tree in the front center of the temple. You can see both here — willow tree is on the ground floor, or part of the Sky Forest of the temple/gallery and can be seen better here. But in terms of the location in relationship to the temple, the two trees are reversed in the collage, palm at the bottom and willow at the top. In the temple this situation is inverted, with the palm tree directly above the willow tree.

Hucka D.:

What happens if you turn the gallery/temple upside down?


Well, all the many avatars within enjoying the art would fall out!

Hucka D.:

True enough. They’re not bolted down, unlike the art itself and everything else in it, including the trees. Nothing would happen to the gallery/temple, though. Only the avatars are effected.


There was a sharing of two Otherland galleries just yesterday Hucka D. A little over 24 hours ago. 2-in-1, since we’re the only two “galleries” on Otherland.

Hucka D.:

Very different galleries, though. So do you think that collage picture within the collage picture represents, as well, another Mossman? A second Mossman in the picture?


Hmmm… well, Mossman does have communion with plants according to the Heman mythology. He can turn into a plant himself if needed for superhero purposes.

Hucka D.:

The collage within the collage covers two Mossmen, though. You can see at least 3 feet below, although only two arms to the side — and no head atall. A queer juxtaposition.


Odd. The sign indicates “Mossman”, and now there’s only 1 Mossman in the picture where before there were 3. The sign was collaged in when there were 3 Mossmen, though. It seems to dictate the final state of the overall collage, then, and the needed inclusion of the collage within a collage — the melded palm tree/willow tree.

Hucka D.:

You had to essentially finish your gallery before you could begin the Wheeler collage series. (pause) You should go back to Egan.


I will Hucka D.! (pause) So the collage within the collage represents the finished gallery/temple, since the central willow tree and palm tree were two of the last things added.

Hucka D.:

Yes. It is the “finished” gallery. The entrance or door into the collage series itself. The space for this collage and the ones to follow had to first be firmly established. Like a nest for eggs.


Is the temple/gallery also a Mossman in some form and fashion? Two-as-one?

Hucka D.:

The gallery is now finished. There are truly two galleries in Otherland now. Two-in-one. Yes.


Did Mossmen build another Temple of TILE?

Hucka D.:

They built the Ubertemple. In Mocksity.


But was there another temple in Notherton?

Hucka D.:

There can be.


Notherton and Otherland seem — are — directly related. Overlapping?

Hucka D.:

Mossman bridges the ordinary and reversed worlds. Two-in-one. Plants.


I also think this has to do with TILE in some fashion or form. I believe the colored and larger palm equals TILE, perhaps, and the non-colored willow tree is the regular Pythagorean tetractys, composed instead of non-colored elements. This would be 10 non-colored elements for the top and 26 colored elements for the bottom. The bottom, the palm, is TILE — Letters. The top is Numbers. Like the symbiosis of The Rainbow Complex and SID’s 1st Oz.

Hucka D.:

You better end soon.


Thank you Hucka D. We may talk again tonight.

Hucka D.:

Correct. Goodbye.


5 Responses to ““Benwheelerword””

  1. […] already has been here and left. Palm tree and Willow tree in one. Your Gallery. Mossman. Wilsonia. Wilsonia […]

  2. […] Sure. You’re calling this “Willows Diamond” right? Without any apostrophes. Is it, then, Willow’s Diamond or Willlows’ — plural — Diamond? There are two willows in the picture. Or are there? This is a return of the willow from collage #1 of the series, Benwheeleerworld. […]

  3. […] “Willows Diamond” both appear together in the first collage of the Wheeler series, “Benwheelerworld”. At the time, we speculated that they must, together, represent the new gallery in Stephen itself, […]

  4. […] Hidalgo (3/17/08 – 4/17/08) 12: Wheeler (1/23/09 – 2/20/09) 13: Jasper (2/23/09 – […]

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