baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

4th RIVER Portal: Found!! (Hypothetically, which is good enough (Thank you map blotch mistake!)) April 21, 2008

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Spoon Fork (RIVER) — baker Blinker @ 8:08 pm

0-1 = 1.00 miles
0-1r = 0.50 miles

0-2 = 0.76 miles
0-2r = 0.76 miles

0-3 = 0.49 miles
0-3r = 0.26 miles

2-3 = 0.76 miles
0-4 = 0.76 miles
1-4 = 0.76 miles

3-4 = 0.88 miles
2-3r = 0.88 miles

4r-2 = 0.44 miles
4r-3r= 0.44 miles

2r-1 = 0.49 miles
2r-4 = 0.27 miles


2-3-0 = 3:2:3 = 2.01 miles

2-3-3r = 6:6:7 = 2.38 miles

2-0-3r = 6:2:7 = 1.90 miles

4-1-0 = 3:4:3 = 2.51 miles

4-0-3 = 6:4:7 = 2.11 miles

4-2r-0 = 3:1:3 = 1.78 miles

2r-1-0 = 3:2:4 = 2.26 miles

1r-3-0 = 2:3:2 = 1.32 miles



CNB Again

Filed under: Hidalgo County, NM,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 7:36 am

I know I’m getting a little behind in writing texts for these posts, once again, but I didn’t want to forget about Charles. Let’s give him a ring up shall we?



Hi Chuck. baker here.


Yes, hi baker.


We haven’t spoke for a number of days and thought I’d just check in and see how you are.


Oh, doing ok. I looked at the blog today actually. Where are these portals you speak of? Are they actual, tested portals between SL and RL possibly? I noticed one is in SL… that campfire bit.


Glad to clarify, at least what I know. There’s one that seems to act as a true, up-to-date and functioning portal between SL and RL, or there’s one that’s the main candidate in that category. This would be the first I describe on the [RIVER], the one where this river enters Frank Park from the west. It is the highest point of the river within the park, then, closest to the source. The second portal I described seems to be dead in comparison, at least as far as I can tell — and mind you I know *very little* of what I actually speak of here (laughs).


Yes (laughs as well). Well, I’m still not grasping it. Say I create a new avatar in SL. That Uriginal Blinker, perhaps. Now is there a place in SL that I can actually teleport into RL through that Frank Park portal? Perhaps that campfire you show in SL in one of the newer posts?


That’s the working theory, yeah. And there are resonances to back it up. I postponed discussing them so I could talk to you tonight.


Well thanks for that. Perhaps we can just use this discussion to talk about the resonance.


Ok, perhaps. What have you been up to?


I’ve felt a little under the weather lately. Still trying to get over a bout of flu. Harder to recover at my age, you see.


But you’re getting better now? You sound pretty strong.


Still weak, though (coughs).


Well, as you know, I’ve basically finished the Hidalgo series. Strange that I’ve been reattracted to SL, but my focus is now away from the mainlands. Take this new continent, Greta. Soon it will be a patchwork of homes, with little green space and no roads. No, I’ve decided now to focus on lesser continents that are not as much in control of Linden Labs. Like Azure Islands. Did you know, Chuck, there’s an Azure just up the road from you in neighboring Grant County, just below Burro Peak?


No baker, I didn’t.


I think it’s called Tyrone now. Azure is a variant name. There’re only two overall in the U.S., though.


Fascinating you know so much about tiny places like this. Do you take it as some kind of sign?


Well, maybe. Would you like to go to the Azure Islands with me, Chuck? Perhaps Caledon as well?


How about that portal. What’s Bart Simpson got to do with that? No… Homer. Is that the name of the father in the show, the overweight, slobby fellow?


Yeah, Homer. That was just part of Baker Bloch’s dream. I don’t think he was really on the tv screen in that house next to the proposed portal. But I believe it is a portal still.


Hmmm… when can we meet to look at it?


You know, Chuck, it might just be a good idea for both of us to keep a lookout at that portal area. Kind of take shifts checking into the place.


Sign me up. Or, I suppose, I should sign myself up. Where is a good place to meet inworld?


We could meet in Just Call Me Ernie Banks? which I think I’ll perhaps rename Just Call Me Mr. Cub. Maybe I should just rename myself Ernie Banks. Ernest Banks.




Yeah, short and sweet. But about the portal, I’ll just give you the SLurl and we can meet there. Sit on the porch… there’s two chairs. And also two fishing poles if you’re into that. I’ll show you the directly resonating teleport device… can’t be an accident. Two minds are better than one kind of thing. No commitments, though, Chuck. Won’t be insulted if you think the whole thing rubbish.


So the two campfire spots, this one in SL and the other one in RL, might be directly connected.


I don’t think they’re campfire locations, Chuck. Portals.


Ok. Portals. Are they connected, though?


There could be some kind of magic word that links the two. Like Hidalgo linked the Rodeo sim island with Hilo Peak. We never finished talking about your Indian connections, btw.


Oh yeah. Forgot about that.


I think we should check out the tv as well. Bloch’s dream may be a portent.


Maybe the tv is the portal.

(to be continued)


Frank Park Heart