baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Otherland Prelude, 1 January 7, 2009

Filed under: Otherland — baker Blinker @ 1:19 am

Baker Bloch in an icy realm looking for a good fishing hole for the family outing. That’s his plan anyway.


Then just over a hill, kind of in a northeast direction, lies another iced over lake, but with too many houses surrounding it for his need, he feels.


Bake continues to the west in the quest to find the perfect fishing hole. He runs across this rather interesting house with a mixture of hobo-like and modernist textures. The wallpaper with the couple mutually kissing an octopus (left) was kind of freak’n him out, so he didn’t linger here long.


I mentioned that Otherland seems to be getting in on the underwater embellishments as well, probably mirroring what the Lindens are doing in Nautilus City and also other areas (Bay City, Nautilus continent, Moon Base). The Otherland sim of Xabbu seems to be the center of such activity, with this large, domed structure in the center of the center of the sim, in turn, seeming to be a more pointed epicenter. The work doesn’t appear finished, though.


More underwater snapshots from the Xannu sim… there’s definitely a fairly different underwater aesthetic going on here than in Nautilus City, Bay City, and other mainland locations. I want to say it’s less refined, but, as I said, the work seems to be unfinished… And certainly it’s much less extensive than the Nautilus City creations.



Interesting reflections in the water Baker Bloch comes across in further explorations of the island archipelago.


Somehow, unexpectantly, he makes his way back to the beach bungalow visited several nights before.



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