baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“It seems… (Mossmen 02) March 24, 2012

Filed under: Toy Avatars,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 6:43 am

… like this is the first post of the BB Blog to delve in more detail about the Mossmen culture, Hucka D.”

[no answer]

And then this same fall the Mossmen story was enlarged through Mocksity, discovered in early October, 2008 Hucka D.

Grassy and Gene Fade, the only named Mossman still, visited Mocksity like they did Moss Most several weeks prior. I didn’t generate any text for those set of posts, unfortunately. I wonder what really happened there now?

Mocksity turned out to be deeper than Moss Most in terms of story, Hucka D. I believe you would indicate this is where the culture matured a step further — invited a whole forest to, er, join in its experiments. Broken off bit of Frank Park, a mixture of Real Life and Second Life framed through the standard sim, the atomic building block of the Second Life landscape.

An important Fall occurred there.

I found that broken off bit of Frank Park impenetrable for hiking and exploring purposes.

Then here we have some backstory for Gene Fade himself, supposedly born at this Jupiter Rock not too awfully far from Mocksity.

And he worked at nearby Notherton, perhaps selling some kind of sports caps at a 5 sided mall in this larger Mossman community.

And then comes the first post concerning the generation of the Wheeler-Jasper series of the 10×10, its last. As I stated before, more clues coming from that direction most likely about the nature of these beings.

Hucka D.:

Then they uncovered the RIVER portal system. They didn’t create it, though. Hi to you tonight, baker b.


Hi Hucka D. Who did if they didn’t? The Bill?

Hucka D. (after a pause):

They [Mossmen] used [the system], though.


How did they get to Whitehead Crossing, for example. Through the RIVER portals?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Unquestionably.


We have a large gap from 2009 to 2011 where not much was said about the Mossmen culture, at least in comparison. Although a small development occurred here

and then the first discussion of Meeting Rock, where Mossmen negotiated a philosophical treaty with other toy avatars

Hucka D.:

You can really date all this from the Meeting Rock meeting and not the Frank Park material. Herman Park is really where it all starts.


Thanks for that. (pause) And then some more backstory here

We should probably talk about how Gene Fade created Karoz in Second Life, an avatar he hoped would be able to safely walk the ultra-sacred Grandaddy Mountain by his virtual (ie, non-physical) nature.

Hucka D.:

Gene Fade came to Second Life. It was a grant project[ we’ll say]. He sired Karoz Blogger through Gypsy Purse, also in Second Life form. He could accomplish this, for one thing, because he was a rich man due to all that income from those Salad Bar Jack movies. But then he couldn’t get Karoz back out of Second Life and into Real Life. Karoz became independent from Gene Fade and attached himself more to Peter and Sunklands. He was suppose to mature then come back. He was raised in Norum. Sapphire was suppose to send him back. But then Linden Lab came and the toy avatars were forgotten, even erased. Karoz became independent of creator Gene Fade.


Why did Karoz believe he was from Chilbo, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Because he was according to his false memories, implanted at birth. He felt Sapphire wasnt’ telling him his true origins. She wasn’t of course, but not for those reasons. He was a unique creation of Norum, as was Sapphire. He turned from her precious Aquamarine into rebellious Aqua Teen. (pause)

bb (after another pause):

Well… let’s just leave all that alone for now. The whole Karoz thing. We know that Mossmen ultimately reached Whitehead Crossing at the base of Allen Knob. They must have thought of Green Stream (tributary of RIVER) as sacred, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Oh yeah.


Maybe it was a natural, final destination, like the Salt Lake region for the Mormons.

Hucka D.:

Read further.


Did Michael Too know about the Mossmen?

Hucka D.:

Yes! He saw them on occasion. Understandably they freaked him out. He did not and could not understand that they came from you, and put the proverbial two and two together. No, that’s what drove him away (!)


New territory here, Hucka D. Maybe dangerous. Not sure I can believe that.

Hucka D.:

No. He was driven away by something else, true. But wouldn’t it be neat if he actually saw the Mossmen on occasion [like I just made up]?


Perhaps. Probably. Not sure. Don’t want to scare him. You can’t talk about what actually drove him away can you?

Hucka D.:

Not at this time. You might as well say it was the Mossmen that did[, then].


I found Michael Too in the woods originally just after exploring Green Stream, Hucka D. (pause) So again according to my notes, Mossmen knew about the power of Gray Rock, which is the same as Jeogeot.

Hucka D.:

By this time, Granddaddy Mtn. and Karoz was shrouded in Myst of forgotten times. Jeogeot Rock or just Georock was a way to remember. One thing on top of another thing, the original. The theme now was toy avatars, and the humanoid forms were just about to be born. Whitehead Crossing is where all that happened. And Mossmen’s first introduction to The Bees through Greenhead.


Very, very interesting. Thanks for that story. And what of [nearby] norris?

Hucka D.:

Interaction of Michael Too and Mossmen. He built the temple for them (!)


The big one — was suppose to be a Mossman Temple.

Hucka D.:

*Was* a Mossman Temple. They actually lived there. OK, that’s another lie. But it isn’t in another way.


We’ll drop that[ subject], then. So was the first humanoid toy avatar really called Herman?

Hucka D.:

Yes. A whole second park was developed for it by Whitehead The Creator. This is of course Herman’s Park, now your Herman Park. The Mossmen knew nothing of this park before then.


More new development. Where do The Bill come in?

Hucka D.:

The Bill were more living dolls than toys. 5 in number they were. They were at Whitehead Crossing. They were at Allen’s Knob. They came in spaceships — goodmobiles. Then they moved to newly created Herman Park to develop TILE, the final stream. The ultimate stream.


Were The Bill created by Whitehead as well?

Hucka D.:

Yes. (pause)


Did they…

Hucka D.:

They created the first Mmmmmmm’s. From the genes of Mossmen, or a particular Father Mossman: Gene Fade. Appropriately named, then, don’t you think?


More new territory! I guess that’s one possible reason why the Mossmen and Mmmmmmm’s seem so oppositely polarized. They are two sides of one coin.

Hucka D.:

Mossmen lived impossibly long. Mmmmmmm’s improbably short. Humanoids were in the middle. Mmmmmmmm’s were not really so much created by The Bill as revealed, because they too were always there. They were Meadow Experiments.


Was Peter one of The Bill?

Hucka D.:

He was the one who held the secrets of Allen Knob in his hands, which is also Martin Mysteries. He knew of First Animation which took The Bill to Herman Park[ in the first place].


That was the name: First Animation.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Green Stream was Green Stream for that reason. I was there (!)


Allen Knob, through First Animation, was equalized with TILE Creek. Two became one.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Two became one. We better end.


Thank you.


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