baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Another Baker February 26, 2008

Filed under: Solomon Sea — baker Blinker @ 8:38 am
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As Baker Blinker is perhaps indisposed for a considerable amount of time, what with being merged with that same colored cup creature as seen in the last post here, and apparently on a different planet separate from the main Second Life grid even, it seemed necessary to create another baker avatar to replace the first. Thus Baker Bloch is born. Here Baker #2, hereafter just Baker or Baker Bloch, is seen just after materializing at the magic bench formerly visited by Baker Blinker. The multihued pea pod is nowhere to be found, but this Baker has a more specific mission than the first during his initial visit.


Having some time to kill before his meeting, Baker explores some of the underwater realm near Isle of Baker, including this scenic protrusion of rock at the meeting place of 4 sims.


A 1 minute late baker baker shows up at the prearranged rendezvous area after 3 hours and 20 minutes of exploring. A mysterious, pointy orange entity, whose shape should be familiar to the reader by now, waits impatiently atop an exposed area of tiled floor within the ruins.

“Mr. Low I presume,” Baker says in greeting.



3 Responses to “Another Baker”

  1. […] Baker Bloch was born in SL on Isle of Baker. OK, maybe I should rent there, hehe.   Leave a […]

  2. […] Baker Bloch was born in SL on Isle of Baker. OK, maybe I should rent there, hehe.   Leave a […]

  3. […] been over 9 years ago since he was first rezzed by me, his user baker b., on this island, awaiting the original assignment from creepy Mr. Low who has since reappeared in the “Collagesity 2015-2016 Winter” document. He looks over […]

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