baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

4 Characters… November 6, 2009

“Hucka D., take a look at the last 4 characters of this transmission from a screen at the Mos Ainsley Space Base. This was taken in May by Karoz. Its “2E2E”. *Now…* take a gander at what Petemond said for this blog near the very end of part 18 in mid-August. Here’s the post, and I’ll just cut and paste the quote I’m talking about here, which is the last line he said.

Ickle dickle do de dum don’t da. Weiner eeple to two e two e.

This is the same thing (!) — 2E2E equals “two e two e”. Is the terminal somehow generating the text of what Peter said??? Very interesting coincidence even if not!

And can we speak of the probable relationship between this “coincidence” and the “Ruins in the Woods” exhibit now showing at the Temple of TILE in Aotearoa?”

Hucka D.:

Crabwood has a deeper intensity than Chilbo. Already a debate has occurred between 2 [foundations] about the role of Sunklands in future development. A friendly debate, of course, for this is Chilbo. You are a focus, and through you The Residents… all residents. Of Jeogeot I mean (smiles).

Chilbo has a chance to open up to a quite considerably larger scale. Beef up… up a notch… and so on. You have played a small role in their thinking, mostly unconsciously but there. The powers have decided… well, there’s obviously 2 ways to go. Up or down. “Up” leads to a greater responsibility for Chilbo in a Linden run grid. Chilboans and Lindens will move forward more hand in hand. “Down” leads to increasing isolation for Chilbo, a condensing toward its center and small town perfection. Chilbo will shrink to eventually just Chilbo, and then probably just wink out of existence or turn into something totally new. This is the wave breaking now, baker b. Sunklands plays a small role in this as I said.


What’s this got to do with the transmission on the screen at Mos Ainsley?

Hucka D.:

Go back there…


… Knew you were going to say that.

Hucka D.:

This is a message from Petemond. Petemond came into existence after the death of Peter the rabbit. He was refound. And… that’s not the last time Petemond said that phrase. Check please.


Ok. Yeah, I vaguely remember something else. Later on, when I was considering buying land in the Egg Hill sink of Corsica Prime.



Yes. Found it. This was immediately after the Corsica incident, as it was then called by you seemingly. But that was Peter, not Petemond, although the 2 seem to be 1 and the same.

Babble de boble hop tielly de winkle teu, e teu e.

Hucka D.:



There it’s “teu e teu e”. Phonetically identical, though. And, again, this is the last thing Peter or Petemond said that night. This was still considerably before my move to Aotearoa, so the New Zealand influence couldn’t have been so strong. Speaking of “e”s I have one snapshot to share with you tonight, maybe another in a minute.


Hucka D.:

Black and white; on and off. Karoz stares at the “e” from one direction, Baker Bloch the other. This is also the choice Chilbo faces now. Which way to look at the “E”. Do they look through Karoz’s home body eyes or do they share, in part, Baker Bloch’s more western-type Sunklands vision? The Korean Channel is a division point. Does Noru remain the limit of Greater Chilbo? Karoz is Noru. Karoz is Chilbo. And… what do you do with Karoz now? His fate hangs on the fate of others [as well].



What does this have to do with the “2E2E”?

Hucka D.:

That is a bird. Language of The Birds. Uniko, da.


Why was it on the monitor at Mos Ainsley?

Hucka D.:

Obviously someone is trying to get in touch with you.



I think this has to do with The Residents as well.

Hucka D.:

Plant is unavailable tonight. We better end.


Thank you.


Loose Notes, Then Chatting? October 14, 2009

In Aotearoa skybox, I’m sure I’ll put some version of Big E or Big Schwa, displaying my involvement with the Jeogeot continent starting in May of this year. Obviously since I’m now rooted in the heart of Sunklands territory for a while (Xmas? beyond?), this story will continue. Started with Karoz taking over exploring tasks from Baker Bloch for a spell upon move to Noru. Focuses were Chilbo (south) and Korean Channel (northwest). “Best route” to the Korean Channel (and also Chilbo in a more minor tone) were explored. Karoz eventually switches from Chilbo circle to Crabwoo circle in “middle” of Korean Channel, and simultaneously, exploring switches back to Baker Bloch. Crabwoo seen as inadequate double to Chilbo on the Maebaleia continent. Meanwhile Blood Dr. is finished… so much information since May! Little Robert Plant Variant is “born” between Crabwoo and Chilbo, in effect, and is found to have been raised in Nowtown, next to Zen City on the west coast of Jeogeot. Next he moved to Sternberg, where he was suppose to meet Page and form Led Zeppelin, variant style. Instead he found out he was both 18 and 59, and was instead given the tube that represents the Zeppelin career, already completed. Page chose not to join. Blochs had to explore Nowtown [instead of Karoz] because of pay bans there, but it was fate. Rubisea then discovered on the Maebaleia continent. Hucka D. claims it was original SL land, and where Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker were “born”, perhaps.*** Represents 1/12th or 1/13th of Blue Feather Sea which Crabwoo is situated upon (one corner anyway). Is original ur note of SL, the Red C or Red Sea, thus: Ruby Sea or Rubi Sea or Rubisea. Unexplored connections between Rubisea and the Rubi Forest. Has light (sunny) and dark (moon, werewolf) side. Represents anima and animus in ways, like Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker to me. Light half in Blue Drake sim, thus origin of story that Blue Drake is source of Blue Feather (Sea). Original note, again, which turns into the 12 notes [or 13; Baker’s Dozen] of the Blue Feather Sea. Feather is bigger than bird/duck in this manner. Later Bluedrake connected with yellow duck of Boulder in RL. *The* Blue Drake. Connection between Rubisea and Rydal Water of England’s Lake District made, as well as Grasmere L. for neighboring, larger lakes (but still considerably smaller than Blue Feather Sea itself, the largest of the inland lakes of Maebaleia).
Robert Plant Variant is then found to have gone to Sunklands after moving away from Nowtown/Zen City and/or Sternberg. Sunklands is below Sternberg, and also X-ville and Y-borough briefly mentioned in this blog. Y-borough is Crabwoo-like. Plant may have also lived in Quetzal for a spell. But Sunklands then becomes a focus for a time, with Baker Bloch renting in, first, the westernmost sunk (Lill Burn Valley) and then the easternmost (Oolamoo/Drews). Speculation about this eastern sink, the second largest, harboring The Arab that R. Plant talks so much about with his oh so loud mouth. I still think this is true — get to that more in a minute. Baker Bloch sinks or disappears into Sunklands, and I speculate that my time in SL is basically done, except for some gallery maintenance. Then whole Corsica Prime-Pennsylvania stuff arose, and I was back in the thick of SL things. Resonation focused on what became Egg Hill Sink, found fellow collager had lived in bottom — fish bowl in center. Parallel sink directly south in Chasm Deep sim mostly. Two, I believe, are linked in a Klein bottle type relationship — that’s how they were formed. Original site of Petemond in Egg Hill Sink? This may be wrong now, but *Centerville* was certainly in the upper sink of the two (Egg Hill). Connects with K.C. Life a/v synch in that Centerville is in exact center of this 2 movie synchronicity, with Kansas all around. Kansas here obviously is same as Pennsylvania — even 2 states are involved. This is pre-SL in many ways. Klein bottle situation between the 2 involved sinks is pre-SL, and probably disappeared when the Linden grid was superimposed on the landscape.
Briefly contemplated buying land in Egg Hill sink before fully understanding relationship with Chasm Deep sink and Klein bottle relationship.
Then the whole Big I./ Comet Archipelago story came along right after this, another big chunk of information centered by the Trivia Ratsuit Uncyclopedia entry. Big I. used to seal up runny (Pennsylvania) mess of Corsica Prime. Corsica Prime becomes a row of 12 notes in 4 permutations: original, reversed, inverted, reversed inverted. This continues idea of Blue Feather Sea as 12 notes of scale (7 and 5). Sealing of Corsica energy on Big I. is connected with West Virgnia state and The Jug. The Jug represents memory of Egg Hill Sink and Chasm Deep sink as a Klein bottle situation. Also identified with Blood Dr. and Dr. Blood, which is the same as Blood Doctor and Doctor Blood, also from Pennsylvania (Blood Rd. and Blood Settlement, later Marienville, and the connection of Corsica, Pennsylvania into all this). Sim named for Philip Dick works help identify central axis of Corsica Prime and its 2 central sinks. Big I. mythology developed to contain sealed up energy of Pennsyvania via Blood Dr./Dr. Blood through hole on island asssoc with Rat, formerly Saw-chee apparently. Story of Chesaw and Saw-chee playing Trivia Ratsuit to save the world from penguins, and start up virtual reality in Pieland (original name of Big I.). Big I. is surfacing of Pieland into SL grid. Locked into place through Comet Archipelago. Friend Flynn moves to what was originally called Chesaw Island, and where Chesaw lived before moving to Big Island. Chesaw I. rumoured to have a Money Pit, but the pit was the hole on Big I. instead, also identifed through Flynn as resonating into Tron’s Flynn and Tron itself. A 3rd Life was seen beyond Second Life inside the hole. Sealed up to protect, assoc. with Cthulu mythos through Derleth, but also connections to SL friend Headburro Antfarm. A way to connect stories. Hucka D. claims to have lived on Big I. as well, but in form of purple obese alien, or perhaps just pregnant alien. Has 5 kids, named after fingers on hand. The Arab brought her and 6 others to Big I. She went “native”. She was like Mary Ann of the crew, and so identified with Kansas, it seems. Middle was key (named after Middle Finger) because he retained memory of The Jug/Klein bottle. This seals up memory of Peter, who at least formed Sunklands on Jeogeot, and perhaps the 2 Corsica Prime sinks as well, similarly dry ones. Corsica Prime [through Pennsylvania] becomes the symbol of Pinky, or One Pink. Which may also be the same as Big I. (?).
Scene shifts back, then, to Jeogeot as Baker Bloch purchases land in heart of Sunklands, in Aotearoa. Largest sink seems to have been created by Dr. Blood, or Blood Dr. No, Dr. Blood. Who may be the same as an Aorta??
But the big sink and what it means is key. And the Big Sink (same as Big I… may be a connection (!))* has been corrupted, perhaps beyond repair since it spans so many sims and belongs to so many avatars at once. Some of the smaller sinks have been repaired (Lill Burn Valley, Otaki Gorge, Oolamoo/Drews, at least 1/2 of it).
Theory: to heal the 2nd largest sink totally and not just in part, Saw-chee has to don the rat suit and loose the Trivia Ratsuit game to Chesaw. The wall between Oolamoo and Drews is this game, perhaps. Anyway Dr. Blood created the largest sink [apparently called Big Sink now, associated somehow with Big I. through “Big Ink”], or was its culmination. Sunklands was created in 2004-2009. Sealed up by Klein bottle relationship between Doctor Blood and Blood Doctor, which seems to be the same as the relationship between the 2 sinks of Corsica Prime.
Dr. Blood also has something to do with the original blood red color of Rubisea on the Maebaleia continent, fed now by Unnasty Branch and quite pure and clear in contrast to previous times.
The collage 10×10 was created at the same time as Sunklands of SL. The sinks literally did not exist in complete form until at least 2007, maybe 2008. Before my entrance as Baker Blinker/Baker Bloch into SL, Sunklands was not solidified. Only at this moment did it cystallize as it appears now on maps.
Forgot to even mention the 2 rabbit holes further linking Maebaleia and Jeogeot, and, more specifically, the Rubisea area (Lake District) and Sunklands. Study difference between “wet” and “dry” sinks.**
Collages find perhaps their true home in Aotearoa in new and hopefully improved Edwardston Station Gallery (beyond “borg cube” original nature, as culminated in Horisme version just before b_hivia creation in Noru). Introduction of collage 10×10 into scene is another way to heal Sunklands.

Hucka D.:

I have nothing to add much except to saw that my 5 fingers were all black children, poor, and barely with clothes. But we lived on a tropical island so not much care there. Middle is a key, yes. They’re all keys.


I loved them so. I spoiled Pinky. He always went wee wee wee all the way back home when he ran into mainland money trouble. He grew up to be Dr. Blood. He grew up to be Peter. Peter formed Sunklands, not you, baker b. Baker Bloch. You created the collage 10×10, though. Tell me how that works again sometime.


I’ll attempt it soon. Thanks.

* a transitional archetype between Big I. and Big Sink may be Big Ink, but we’ll see about that.
** Hucka D. indicated to me that both rabbit holes, which are, in effect, one rabbit hole, are created by the Ancients that I encountered in various ways at the beginning of this blog (Baker Blinker and Shakenstein, Baker Bloch and Mr. Low).
*** Hucka D. has since indicated to me that this is where Baker Blinker and Baker Bloch were *married*, or where they spent their honeymoon. Lake District.


Chat Chat… September 16, 2009

Filed under: Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Hucka D.,Norum,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:31 am

“Still thinking about moving back to Azure Islands, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

I know. Head.


Reopen the Edwardston Station Gallery. Stick it up in the air somewhere. Good life.

Hucka D.:

As you’ve picked up, you must think hard about leaving Noru. What are the consequences to Karoz?


Karoz, of course, will live on the islands with Baker Bloch, Baker Blinker, and you. It won’t be permanent, though. After that I’ll move back to the mainlands somewhere.

Hucka D.:

But not Noru.


What’s so special about Noru?

Hucka D.:

Karoz grew up on that land. You already deleted his house.


Well, it wasn’t in the right position on the property anyway.

Hucka D.:

You better think about all this.


I like it on those islands. It’s an escape, true, but a needed one. Only so much mainlands at one time. Then I’m thinking about moving to the Snow Region. You can get land there pretty cheap. Or just have a rental there. (pause) It’s just an option I have right now and I think I should follow through on it.

Hucka D.:

Karoz doesn’t like it. He wants to start exploring around Noru again. Why don’t you just claim that island you’re interested in as your own and [merely] explore there. That way when other settlers come in and ruin it, as they will, you can move on without any commitments.


I think it would also be nice to live there for a spell, Hucka D. I’ve almost picked out a spot.

Hucka D.:

In Head.


You can say that.

Hucka D.:

It’s all in the Head.


I could live in both places for a month but that seems wasteful, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

So Baker Bloch accidentally drowns on Linden Memorial Island, then is reborn on Head Island. That’s not a good name.


Thinking of Valdese, actually. I think this is where Baker Beach is born. Why does Plant call me that, btb? You know?

Hucka D.:

He’s thinking of Synchpatch in the future. I think you, or Baker Bloch, need to talk to Karoz about this before deciding. You just set up your b_hivia, or finished the description posts anyway for it.


No one visits.

Hucka D.:

No one visits anything much in SL. There are only a limited number of avatars. People like wars and competition and games too much to make their own reality in such freedom, without constraints.


Otherland jipped me of some money, Hucka D. I’d declare war on them if the original owners were still around.

Hucka D.:

So you’ll keep the Healy gallery.


Suppose so.

Hucka D.:

And the option to rent in one additional location.



Hucka D.:

Talk to Karoz.


I could even rent in Chilbo.

Hucka D.:

Sunklands… keep looking.


So… Peter from Petemond originally lived in Egg Hole or Egg Hill* sink on Corsica Prime before moving to Jeogeot.

Hucka D.:

Through the Klein Bottle type situation you’ve already touched upon, he could move freely between Egg Hill and Chasm Deep. This was called Titusville, originally ruled by Titus One. You met him in Elemetary School, actually. Forest Hills.



Hucka D.:

King Kent. Another One.


Des Moines?

Hucka D.:

The name was decided over a game of dominoes.


I like that.

Hucka D.:

Thank you.


What of William Almon Wheeler, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Time runs backwards there. Backwards and forwards. Two sides of one object, you see.


Wheeler-Wilson again, then.

Hucka D.:

And Wilson-Wheeler.


Well… Titusville, eh?

Hucka D.:

Well, yes. You look inward and outward at once. Toward Ozma in 1 direction. That’s where you must focus. And to do that you must keep in mind Egg Hill Sink. Look to the stars, baker b.


Thank you.

* Hucka D. is telling me that Egg Hole sink is more correctly called Egg Hill sink, and states there’s a more direct relationship with Egg Hill of Centre County, Pennsylvania that I presently know about. Hucka D. also acknowledges that Egg Hill sink will probably not catch on, and the name will remain Egg Hole, because people will have problems thinking of a hill as an inverted sink.


Which Came 1st: The Dr. or the Blood? September 15, 2009

Filed under: Chasm Deep,Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 6:56 pm


Hucka D., I have a number of reasons to believe this man and a road he built in the early 1800s in northwest Pennsylvania represents what we’ve been calling Dr. Blood, at least in part. First we have a Mr. [Cyrus] Blood — not a dr., though… I’ll get to that in a minute — whose name in this book is connected to what would eventually become Corsica, Pennsylvania. It was there he discovered that, despite a prearranged deal, no road had been blazed to his new home, Blood Settlement, in Forest County to the north. So he cut one himself; cut may be involved in this tangle as well, since when one gets cut, one bleeds.

I think the “dr.” in Dr. Blood perhaps is not a doctor but a *drive*. It’s not Dr. Blood but Blood Dr. Drive like a road. Or perhaps the fact that Blood was obviously driven to found a new county. In my American Heritage dictionary, there are two definitions of “Dr.”, with “Drive” being the second.

Hucka D.:

It’s both: Blood Dr. and Dr. Blood. Thought I’d fill you in before you get too far in forgetting the doctor part. Peter.


Appropriate quote, then:

Cyrus Blood was the pioneer of Forest County. He brought his family into this wilderness in 1833. For years his farm was called the ” Blood settlement.” When he settled there the region was full of panthers, bears, wolves, wild-cats, and deer. Mr. Blood was a powerful man, of great energy and courage. He was well educated and a surveyor….

Ambitious to found a county, Cyrus Blood made several visits into this wilderness, and finding that the northern portion of Jefferson County was then an almost unbroken wilderness, he finally purchased a tract of land on which Marienville is now located, and decided to make his settlement there.

It was understood when Mr. Blood purchased in Jefferson County from the land company that a road would be opened into it for him. In 1833, when Mr. Blood arrived where Corsica now is, on the Olean road, he found, to his annoyance, that no road had been made. Leaving his family behind him, he started from what was then Armstrong’s Mill, now Clarington, with an ox team, sled, and men to cut their way step by step through the wilderness twelve miles to his future home. Every night the men camped on and around the ox sled. When the party reached Blood’s purchase, a patch of ground was cleared and a log cabin reared. In October, 1833, Mr. Blood and his five children took possession of this forest home….

The pioneer path or trail was opened by Cyrus Blood from Clarington to Blood’s settlement. This was in the year 1833. The pioneer road was this ” path” widened and improved by Blood several years later.

The road was cut from Clarington at the southern edge of the forest wilderness to Blood Settlement, now called Marienville. Today, Highway 899 follows the old path. Suspiciously again, the only Highway 899 community marked between Clarington and Marienville on these two township maps…

… is Redclyffe, red like the color of blood. And perhaps the next closest marked community to this road between beginning and end, Roses [near Marienville], is another name traditionally assoc. with this color. There’s more I could add here, but I’ll stop at that. What say you Hucka D. the Bee?

Hucka D.:

If so, there will have to be two dr.s overlapping each other but still separate. Another mobius strip like paradox, like your Klein Bottle situation with the sinks on the Corsica continent, perhaps.


I had to cut that road of associations as well, beginning with the realization of the Corsica-Pennsylvania overlay. And this realization was perhaps directly triggered by the fact that Corsica, Pennsylvania itself had already been mentioned in this blog.

Hucka D.:

You better look at that again Dr. Blood, ahem, I mean baker b. And remember the Rubi Forest-Corsica Island Forest overlap. Diagonal and all; red as blood. More recently reinforced in other ways as well. Look for where various paths cross. Where do they point?



And also there would be a reason one might call it Dr. Blood instead of Blood Dr., since, if the above model is correct, Dr. Blood is simply Blood Dr. turned inside out, like the walls of a Klein Bottle would be inside-out [in respect] to each other above, upon contact with the 2 Corsica sinks.

Hucka D.:

This is where SL begins to end, beyond the beginning of the end, actually. Believe I said that already.


This reaches back into the past from the future, I think. Blood Road was actually formed because of Blood Drive in the future.

Hucka D.:

And Dr. Blood. Don’t forget the good doctor.



Filed under: Chasm Deep,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 8:50 am

“Peter wishes to speak in prose now apparently.”


He’s already said good night and good day to me, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

And more to come.


No use in wondering, I suppose.

Hucka D.:

The title of the Petemond blog will be “Uniko, Da.”


“Uniko, Da.” That’s not too bad, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

The language of synchronicity, of collage.


Yes, I see.

Hucka D.:

Fascinating that “i” turns to “y” here, eh?


Well… a whole world there.

Hucka D.:

That’s the point.


What about Azure Islands? Did Baker Bloch drown in the Linden Memorial Island stream to be reborn on his 1/4th tropical sim?

Hucka D.:

Yes. He became Wanna MacWoopie.


Interesting name. Now he, and I through him, want to “scrub” AA, as we’ve said, to make Devil God and evil good.

Hucka D.:

Castor and Pollution. Already a blog link, actually. I think.


I can’t find it, Hucka D., although I noticed it’s been made into one of those Zazzle mugs, like already used in “Max…”

Hucka D:

The blog must be scrubbed. Soap is needed.


We’re fast approaching the end of section 19, Hucka D. Started off slow but has really picked up steam in September with the Corsica continent related material.

Hucka D.:

Not over yet. Peter must move to prose — to be understood — and you must move toward poetry. Through Peter. Or Petemond.


Returning to Sunklands for a moment, if I can…

Hucka D.:



Ok, now originally we, or I, thought Petemond was in Sunklands on the Jeogeot continent. But I couldn’t figure out where. On the hill above the sinks? — say near Arrowtown [sim]? — or, well, I suppose I decided it had to be on the hill above the sinks instead of inside the sinks.

Hucka D.:

Now you know better. Centre… Centreville. Deserted town. Village Green. 2 minutes wide in every direction. Center of Second Life which is Kansas City Life. Seed.


This is also where Karoz’s Fuchsia Diamond came from.

Hucka D.:

Uniko, Da.


Alright, then. So I suppose Peter took… how did Karoz get from Corsica to Jeogeot or visa versa?… and how does Maebaleia figure into this? Lots of continents Karoz is visiting in the past/future all of a sudden. Is this possible?

Hucka D.:

More than that: it actually happened. Karoz has his limiting circle, no? It’s centred around the Noru properties. He’s like a dog tied to a stake in someone’s backyard. That’s why you had to come in; between the two of you, you split the Korean Channel in two through the sacred “E”, or what Karoz sees from his direction as a “Big Schwa.” Why? Because this is Chilbo influenced, this circle of his. You are beyond Chilbo though… Baker Bloch, I mean. Karoz, in the middle of this channel, magically finds himself transported, then, to Maebaleia and the Blue Feather Sea. He symbolically takes the Big e/Big schwa with him. Crabwoo, however, is found unsuitable to live in or own a gallery in. Yet at one time it was different. Karoz had his jeweler’s shop there. And at that time he found Rubisea and the depot to other star systems.



Hucka D.:

And further. Lyra. Vega.



Hucka D.:

A triangle confining black and white. Good and evil. Castor and Pollution. Bridge separates the two.


Karoz became absorbed?

Hucka D.:

Yes. We were all there, though. Remember?


You were plastic, more 3d.

Hucka D.:

That was right after Dr. Blood had finished operating and sewn up his patient. Good work baker b.


We were more real at the time. Now we’re flat-ish again. More 2d. I don’t have descriptions accompanying my text any more.*

Hucka D.:

So you understand you must return.

(to be continued?)

* googled “large hole small hole” for images and quickly came up with this jug. Thinking now that the 2 sinks in Corsica, one large and one small, are related the Klein bottle (or jug): they are actually part of one object that “passed through” or is passing through Corsica Prime.



Corsica, Etc. September 14, 2009

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Hucka D. — baker Blinker @ 7:30 am

After some additional thinking on the matter, I don’t think I’m going to buy property on the Corsica mainland continent, although I’ll certainly leave the option open to rent there, especially somewhere around Egg Hole or PKD name related sims. And I must admit that what I’m calling Asymmetrical Village in Zap Cannon, where Baker Bloch met a bunny barista, is cute as a button. I might hang there some as well. But as far as Egg Roll goes, I think its glory days in SL have come and gone. A creative soul has already come to SL, lived in this hole for 9 months or so, used its obvious powers for the purposes of good (creativity; light) over evil, and then moved on. Admittedly I thought I might be able to swoop in and rekindle the power, or continue it in some manner; set up the 10×10 series of collages there and so on. Question: does the energy of Egg Roll basically come *from* this certain avatar who I’ve already named in this blog, perhaps warping or bending virtual time and space in the process and marking it as a *center*? Or is the power independent from this soul? I think more the former than the latter now, [and] I also think that past can be affected by future.

Long story short is that, bottom line, I won’t *buy* in Egg Hole — almost 100 per cent sure of that.

Turning to other ramifications of Egg Hole, past/present/future, I am thinking — almost certain of this as well — that it was(/is/will be) the site of Petemond, which has also been called *Center*ville in this blog, or directly associated with this concept. In searching back through blog posts, see that Centerville is first mentioned in this post (“Third”) from the first month of the Baker Blinker Blog. Hucka D. mentions the audiovisual synchronicity Kansas City Life has been/will be the first such work played in Second Life, and at a particular treehouse in the sim of Gulquac (unfortunately, no longer there), and also mentions Centerville as being in the exact center of this synchronicity timewise. There it is described also as a *hole* (2 minutes in length) that is analogous to some kind of hole in Second Life itself (identified with K.C. Life as a whole).

Hucka D.:

I look really good in that post. That’s still me, of course, inside.


Hi Hucka D. I was just going to talk about the rebis from the next post up in the Centerville keyword search.

Hucka D.:

Go ahead, then.


Well, hmmm, this seems to be the post where I first recognized you disappeared from SL for a spell. Do you remember that? I think it involved Rodeo… sure about that, actually. (pause) Hucka D.? Well, I guess he left me alone for now to keep talking about the Centerville posts. I think what I’m most interested in in this post is the idea of the alchemical rebis, or two-in-one, like conjoined souls. In this particular case — in the Centerville of K.C. Life — it represents “opposites” Lou Reed (audio) and Frank Zappa (video). In reality the two did not get along at all… that’s why they are joined here [in the a/v synchronicity or mashup].

Hucka D.:

Sorry to interrupt again but I see you are reading over dialog between you and me and about SID’s 1st Oz, baker b. I understand that synchronicity significantly better now, of course. The shards… But I am interested in Ozma as the missing piece more, and also Alma. Alma is the savior of SL?


I was thinking more an Illuminated Arcadia Asylum, or Illuminated AA as I called it in the title of the last post here. That’s the true direction I need to go now. I plan to delete all but b_hivia and some plants directly underneath it in Noru, and play around with this “illumination”.

Hucka D.:

I think I would like to see that very much!


And Esbum would be happy as well for me to do this, if she were still around.

Hucka D.:

She’s here.



Hucka D.:

No, I mean she’s around. In the aether and such.


Oh. Anyway, that’s what I’m going to do, I believe. Going to scrub the prims clean of textures before I start to collage and manipulate, though. To reduce lag, you see.

Hucka D.:

Nice idea. Of course that’s one of the advantages of my beehives. They are low lag.


Right. Not much going on in the way of textures and tortured prims for certain.

Hucka D.:

Why don’t you keep reviewing Centerville from past posts. I’ll step out of the way again if need. Sorry to interrupt again…


Ok. So I think Egg Hole is where the Fall of SL I mention therein is reversed, or can be.

Hucka D.:

But you’re not going to live in Egg Hole now. You’ve already indicated that above. Let me check… yes, you just wrote that above in this post.


Aaah, Hucka D. “Delete name” is perhaps first mentioned in the blog in this post. We now call this entity Peter. Peter the Rabbit and so on. Sorry Baker Blinker slapped you at the time Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Tis ok. Recovered now (laughs as he pretends to adjust bee head).


Nice. So in this post we admit that what we’re now more freely calling Peter invented or created Second Life… sorry, Kansas City Life.

Hucka D.:

Maybe both.


In this post, you mention Centerville is Lemon World. Interesting that Open Beta just started in the Blue Mars virtual reality, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:



Yellow? (pause) Never mind. Hucka D., I’m also going to go back to studying the Okinu glyphs.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Good.


I may have to [return] to Sansara, then.

Hucka D.:

Yes. You’ll go back. Rent. You already do.


Yes, with Healy. But I’m talking about around Okinu.

Hucka D.:



Yes, Darkside also figures into this. Temple of The Moon.

Hucka D.:

Definitely. Dark Side of Oz, after all. (pause) Why was that hole made in the middle of Dark Side of the Rainbow, then? The Kansas 1/2, I mean.


I don’t know. What are your thoughts?

Hucka D.:

That’s the Egg Hole. That’s Petemond.


As I’ve already indicated in this post, I believe. See above.

Hucka D.:

Oh yeah. Well, it’s good to say it again. It has to do with your new friend. You are not alone now. There’s a creator with similar power working in SL. Of course there are many such creators. But not collagers as well. Collagists can graft two dissimilar things and see a commonality. You often call this synchronicity, like with K.C. Life and Reed and Zappa.



Hucka D.:

Collagists have an advantage. They can draw events seemingly far apart and see a relationship. They can practice it, become quite good at it. Psychic energy is heightened. But there is darkness here as well.



Hucka D.:

There has to be a light twin and a dark one. One more in the past, you see.


Petemond still acts as the unifying framework. Peter… Petemond. I suppose they are the same now.

Hucka D.:

Through the cross of 44 years. 4 seasons and 4 episodes into the beginning [sic?]. Egg Town.


What is inside the darkness?

Hucka D.:

Less illumination.


Is this AA as well?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Start scrubbing!


Thank you.


AA (The Illumination of?) September 13, 2009

Filed under: Chasm Deep,Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 10:30 am

The word “Eggtown” is not directly referenced in the episode, resulting in online speculation and confusion.[15] According to Lindelof and Cuse, it has been “the most questioned title of the show”.[16] Jeff Jensen of Entertainment Weekly suggested that the title was a reference to the ancient cosmic egg concept or the chicken or the egg causality dilemma,[17] while John Kubicek of BuddyTV guessed that it was a shout-out to the children’s book and film called The Easter Egg Adventure, which depicts roosters attempting to steal Easter eggs from the animals of a place called Egg Town or that it was an allusion to the Great Depression slang term, which was used in the 1930s when describing a bad deal.[18] Lindelof and Cuse confirmed that the episode was primarily named as such because Locke fries eggs for Ben’s breakfast and secondarily because the story deals with Kate’s possible pregnancy


“This is your Babble, baker b.”


So it’s the same as the LOST Bible.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Scrambled. Aligned. Scrambled.


44 as well. Peter, then.

Hucka D.:

The Easter Bunny. Primeval atom.


I also found this place in a brief exploration of the Chasm Deep sink last night, the larger of the 2 on the Corsica continent.


Hucka D.:

Also: the world egg.


Can I ask about the Fuchsia Diamond, then, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

It is from Eggtown. Centre. 2 in 1, 4 in 1. Pink.


Oh, and also West Virginia. I have the idea that I must return to West Virginia to seal up all this Pennsylvania runny mess that has been opened in the meantime. I must turn river back into creek.

Hucka D.:

You must seal up the Middle. Jug. Klein Bottle. Hare. Rabbit Trap.


Thank you.



Chatty Chat… Maybe… September 12, 2009

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Hucka D.,Petemond,Plant — baker Blinker @ 7:29 am

“Hucka D., you there?”


He will be here in a moment.


Did you get the oranges you needed?


Yes. Baker’s dozen.


You take them back to Sunklands with you? Isn’t that where you live now?


No. I live in aether.


You don’t know anything about this Egg Hole sink, do you?


Peter is here.


Already?? Well…


Hold on… (pause) Just a moment-o… (pause)


Plant? (long pause) Hucka D.? (pause) Peter?


No one seems to want to talk to me tonight. Well, I’ll just chat by myself. I’ve made a decision about the properties. I’m going to stay in Noru, unless something drastic happens. But I wanted to talk to Hucka D. tonight about Egg Hole first before making any final decisions down the road. Went to Egg Hole tonight… energy was, well, interesting. 2 in 1, 4 in 1… “Hucka?”… Foreign One. “We are all foreign to each other. What do you say, Hucka D.? Isn’t that true? Foreign One. The Arab.” (pause) Well, anyway, I think I met The Arab tonight. Obviously when you meet someone so important you begin to talk about saving the world.

Hucka D.:

Saving the world?! That’s a good one.


There you are Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Sorry. Fog was thick tonight. Delayed me.


Was that The Arab?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Good one.


Does he have a secret book?

Hucka D.:

Yes. It’s called The Babble.


What’s in this Babble?

Hucka D.:

The fact that Aaron is [centre] child. No… wait. Abigail… Aaron. It has to do with two brothers. Yes, that’s it.


But this will go down as the day I met The Arab in Egg Hole. Who told me not to buy land there.

Hucka D.:

I can’t say that definitely.


“Don’t go there”, he said to me.This Arab.

Hucka D.:

Might just be Grassy babbling. Babbling Book… Brook. BROOK.


Why does he not want me there?

Hucka D.:

He’s protecting something.


What if I just march in there and claim it anyways?

Hucka D.:

You will… (pause)


I will what? Be killed? I don’t think so. Not in that world.

Hucka D.:

Something has happened, though.


I cannot save this world. The Arab is blocking me. Foreign One. 4n1.

Hucka D.:

Blog within a blog. You are doing well on that, at least.


At least? but: thanks.

Hucka D. (echoing bb):

You are being blocked, baker b. Why?


I think it’s just the limits of this world.

Hucka D.:

This is where the world begins to end, a little beyond the beginning of the end actually. For you’ve already reached — let me see — page 156? Yes. The Corsica Incident.


That’s in that Babble you speak of?

Hucka D.:

Right here in black and blue. Peter holds a key, though. He’s the wildcard; no surprise there.


I suppose we’ll have to talk to him tonight.


Wamp um. Willy do won’t Weeeeee! Horace de lightly go round and round and… (pause)


Peter — like you’re going to answer — Peter, do you live in or around the Egg Hole?


Willy wee wampum wight. White. Wascal.


Hucka D., you gonna help me with this tonight? (pause) Well, Peter… do you know The Arab? Thought I’d give it a shot.


Illi de wampum wight wascal. Da Uniko. Da Uniko.


Do you want me to learn Uniko?


Uniko, da.


Is this Babble written in Uniko?


Babble de boble hop tielly de winkle teu, e teu e.

Hucka D.:

That’s it for tonight baker b. Sleep well and don’t turn your lights out, haha.


Thanks for that. Good night to you as well.


Good night.



Good day.


Peter, did you put this picture of an egg in the Hole?


Hucka D.:

The Arab has been put on the backburner, like Centralia… Centreville. Centre. Aaron, Abigal, Centre.


But is it…? This is how I talk to Peter, isn’t it?

Hucka D.:

Yes. If you want to. Peter is sort of a dick as well, but you might be able to put up with it. You put up with me and my dickiness.


Peter as a Dick. Interesting.

Hucka D.:

Do you think I’m cocky? I think Edna said so the other night.


You’re a bit of a know-it-all.

Hucka D.:

You can communicate with Peter the Dick through the magic rectangle, no? Do you wish this?


I’m not sure I want to take that path still. What is Uniko?

Hucka D.:

The Language of The Birds.


I’ll have to have the option to rent, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Why do you need all that stuff in Noru anyhow? No one visits there. Learn from Peter instead. It’s all a big rollplay anyhoot, baker b. Why not seize. A moment. You can always rent later on and set up all your stuff again, your b_hivia, your Temple of TILE explaining how all your little avatars, including me, the biggest prick of them all, came into being, who they fell for in a vainglorious way, and, yes, sometimes how they died or left this world. Remember Esbum The Assimilated? I could be next, baker b.


You?? No, I need you still. Is that what…?

Hucka D.:

You have a provided window. Peter needs this as well. He has trouble talking, if you didn’t notice. Petemond… Peter. He is more a poet than a poser… proser. Prosaic. You aren’t. But now you know about Peter…


… the rabbit.

Hucka D.:

So what if [they] think VALIS sucks. In ways it does. Dick’s brain was fried by then [scrambled]. Pink beams and all. The aliens are the key, though.


…. another key.

Hucka D.

No. (pause) The same.


Hucka D.:

And do it for Edna as well (smiles).


Hucka and EH… September 11, 2009

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale),Hucka D.,Petemond — baker Blinker @ 6:58 am

“Hucka D., should we talk more about Egg Hole now?”

Hucka D.:

Peter is here.


Should we talk to him. then?

Hucka D.:

In just a moment. Do you know who Peter is yet?


Plant, I believe, insinuated it was me. Or Baker Bloch… can’t remember.

Hucka D.:



Me in the future?

Hucka D.:

Past. (pause) Future.


What is the Egg Hole? Never mind, I think you’re going to say, a place of rebirth.

Hucka D.:

Do you want to talk to Peter still?


Oh alright.


Illi nix stasi omaha right-o wagabond… waggy… waga… (pause)


Hi Peter. Can you understand me tonight?


Wixel proxy omaha nebraska sca night-o rumble… rum…


That’s all so very interesting. Is that Uniko?


Uniko, da. Uniko.


In this blog, Peter, Uniko has been described as the language of synchronicity.


Illi nix stasi omaha nebraska sca illi uti teu uti teu.


Hucka D., you may have to help out here.

Hucka D.:

Do you want me to translate?


Could you please.

Hucka D.:

Go ahead Peter.


Illi nix stasi omaha nebraska uti teu nixi ix facksion da.

Hucka D.:

He says, I think, that the Egg and the Hole work together. He mentions balloon. Omaha. A group.


Ancients? Is that their craft?

Hucka D.:

Peter is in the future so it’s hard… you should keep trying to make meaningful contact, though.


Should I *live* in Egg Hole, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

You see two paths. One where you do; one not. Imagine, then. You set up b_hivia on the 2048 that is the same as Sachieland. Was the same. What then?


I think it will have to be [just] the Edwardston Station Gallery, Hucka D. Just the 10×10 by itself this time. And then maybe a ground house.

Hucka D.:

Do you think you can understand Peter better there?


I don’t know. Hucka D., you say Peter is from Egg Hole.

Hucka D.:



But then you also say he’s from Sunklands on the Jeogeot continent. And also Noru, where he lived next to my house at some undetermined point.

Hucka D.:

He was in all those places, yes.


Well… I have several weeks to decide.

Hucka D.:



So are Marty and Plant going to still be around, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Lemon as well. And Peter and Petemond, of couse.


What is the difference between the two, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Peter is The Cross.


Is this a Christian symbol?

Hucka D.:

Grafted. 1886, 1930, 1974, 2018, 2062.


44 years between each manifestation, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Centre. That should be all for tonight.


Thank you.


Loose Thoughts, 03… September 10, 2009

Filed under: Corsica Continent,Egg Hill Sink (Orion's Vale) — baker Blinker @ 3:23 pm


Carl Jung defined two events that have nothing to do with each other in a rational, cause-and-effect way, but obviously still relate in a meaningful manner, as synchronicity. Observing and describing such unrelated yet meaningful couplings in Second Life forms a significant part of this blog, and represents probably its most important component or driving force. Just the posts I’ve created from the last week are chocked full of such synchronicities, some little and perhaps trivial and unmeaningful in the end, some not so little and not so unmeaningful, most likely. In the latter category I’d add the following:

Having seen so much of the SL-RL resonance I’ve recently been researching consistently point to the smaller of 2 sinks on the Corsica continent, or on the main island of the continent I’ve been calling Corsica Prime, it was a natural step, then, to research more on this sink. As the whole sink is basically contained within 1 sim, Orion’s Vale, I decided to start there. In googling “Orion’s Vale” + “Second Life”, only a few hits showed up, and all from the same blog about SL avatar Sachie Bade, called “Sachie Bade’s Second Third Fourth”. Given that few blogs link to my main blog here, the Baker Blinker Blog, image my surprise to find out that Sachie not only seemed to provide a link to my blog, but also changed the name to the correct, currently most used Baker: Baker Bloch!

Also included on her short list of blog links was Headburro Antfarm’s, and I decided to im him inworld to see if he knew Sachie. Perhaps that’s the explanation for the 2 links together here, I tried to rationalize. But, no, Headburro didn’t know the person/avatar, although he liked her blog enough to make a link to it from his own blog, as I did the same from my blog.

Let’s take a closer look at “Sachie Bade’s Second Third Fourth,” then. What does Sachie Bade have to do with the Orion’s Vale sim and what we’re now titling, at latest call, the Egg Hole sink? Well, its because she use to live inside this very sink. In fact, her Orion’s Vale parcel represents the first virtual land she purchased, in December 2007 when the continent was still being developed and her land was positioned near the working frontier of the grid. How amazing it would be to live in such a place at such a time.

As I’m reading the blog, it seems that Ms. Bade lived in Orion’s Vale at least from December 2007 to March 2008, and perhaps up to a year. If we go to the beginning of the blog, we get the story laid out in some detail, starting with the post “Land Ho Ho”.

To me, it’s a quite amazing post, as is another one called Mainland from March, 08, which fleshes out her reasons for choosing mainland over estate property. It almost precisely mirrors my own thinking on the subject. I also like the idea that after an extended search in other places, Sachie ended up buying the first parcel she visited, the one in Orion’s Vale. The one in Egg Hole.

Unfortunately, Sachie doesn’t write as much prose posts in her blog now, although her poems are super nifty (influenced by flarf, as she states in another excellent post entitled “A Motion Is Bad Coldhearted”). A post from Feburary 2009 states she has moved away from Orion’s Vale, but gives no details except to say that, thanks to the proceeds from the sale, she now owns a snow palace and, “a waterworld that would make Kevin Reynolds and Billy Corben jealous.”

Then there’s her wonderful flickr pictures related to SL, which presently focus on aviary adventures. I’ll probably have more to say about those in a future post, actually.

But why link to my blog, then? I found myself still asking. At some point I clicked on the “Baker Bloch Blog” link on her main page, and was surprised at not going to the Baker Blinker Blog, but the Baker *Bloch* Blog. Yes, he has one too, but it’s not a blog I’ve advertised a lot. It deals with the 10×10 of 100 collages, with very limited text involved. In studying her blog further, found out that Ms. Bade is also a collagist — aah, that would explains it! Still, she’s probably the only person in the metaverse who links to that particular blog. What are the odds I’d run across this “by accident”?

I’ll have more to say about “Sachie Bade’s Second Third Fourth” and Egg Hole very soon!

(to be continued)