baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

*Another* Gallery (Sheesh!) January 31, 2010

Filed under: Blue Feather Gallery,Galleries, Baker Bloch — baker Blinker @ 1:02 pm

Preliminary pictures of yet another gallery I’ve set up, this time on the Aotearoa property with all the spare prims I had left from the recent remodeling. No name yet, but leaning toward Blue Feather Gallery if I keep it. Just thought of that, though.

It’s very spread out; the grassy part of the below photos is the extent of my 7680 sq. meter parcel in Aotearoa, and, as you can see, the gallery’s ground plan hogs up most of this.

Structurally, on my end, it’s a collage effort based on modules, as per my usual style. This time the module is that recently found, freebie industrial grunge residence by the Yd Island gallery owner Weston Graves. More on him here:

A couple interior shots.

I’ve been able to include the entire 10×10 art collage work (100 collages, again) inside, and also a considerable number of Edna’s photographs along the outer walls.

But the big question looming is: will I actually keep this gallery around? If so, then I keep the Aotearoa property and get rid of some others. Mogwa most obviously. Probably Yd Island. Probably the highest 1024 parcel of Pudding Hill. *Not* the lowest (!) *Maybe* the middle Pudding Hill 1024.

Stay tuned!