baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

We better start, Hucka D…. February 28, 2010

Filed under: Hucka D.,Jeogeot Continent,Toy Avatars — baker Blinker @ 10:02 am

“As the title says…”

Hucka D.:

So it shall be. You’ve found the old BossMoss place and the Freakies tree. Freaky!


So it is true.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Insert your picture of the tree here and then the Freakies-who-became-trees-themselves.



This is the tree in Yalu sim that Hucka D. indicates is parallel to the Freakie’s Tree of 70s cereal fame.

Comparison shot of the 70s cereal Freakies tree below.

Hucka D. seems to be backing my idea up that the Freakies themselves have somehow transformed into trees in my Second Lyfe, and planted themselves beside the main (composite?) Freakies tree.


How did the Freakies transform themselves into trees, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

They became older than dirt. Insert the next related picture and speak!

The very top of the mountain the Freakies tree and trees are situated on is owned by one Bippie Camel, who you can see below describes his rl self as not only older than dirt, but present before it was created.

Hucka D.:

Continue! I like not speaking!

Just later on, when checking out the Yalu sim on the always helpful Second Life Grid Survey site, observed that their logo was a ball of dirt with some little green plants beginning to sprout out the top.

The ball is in the design of the Taijitu, which we’ve already determined in this blog to stand for, among other things, the direct, spacial relationship between Jeogeot (remember that in Yalu we’re talking about the highest point of Jeogeot, and also about its center spot) and Maebaleia.

The top of Jeogeot in Yalu, owned by Bippie Camel, is also claimed through The Camels group, composed of Bippie and what appears to be a former partner who owns the group title, “The Baker.”

In a Snapzilla search for pictures from the Yalu sim, came across one where a Mini May is riding on the back of what appears to be, at first glance, an ice skating camel.

The caption: “Only Mini would ride a camel on an ice rink.” The shot was taken in June 2007, almost a full 2 years before another Camel, a human this time named Bippie, claimed land in this sim.

“Think I’m done now, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

A key is the camel, of course. 1 hump or 2 humps, just like the mtn. itself may be 1 humped or 2 humped. Older than dirt this mountain is, just like the owner of the top. It is implied — don’t you think? — that this owner has set himself up as an Adam, also formed from dirt and dust. If Adam is a camel, then the creation of Eve from his rib may be the transformation of a one hump camel into a two hump camel. Two from one. The Camels, then, are but one Camel now, like the Two Bakers are but one baker — you (“The Baker”).*


Is Hugh Rise, if that is the name of this mountain, a part of Sunklands?

Hucka D.:

You know that it is not, although it appears on your Sunklands map on the right hand side, above Second Sink, which was your intended goal for this weekend. You didn’t quite make it there, but you found something new and something perhaps even more important. You found the home of BossMoss, who may be the same as Mossman. BossMoss, the head of the Freakies, and Mossman are actually cousins, and rule the two peaks or humps of the ridge that makes up the highest collective point of Jeogeot. One hump becomes two.


What’s Camel got to do with it?

Hucka D.:

Bippie? A carrier. (pause) And the Taijitu dirtball from the Grid Survey site is also 2 humped, you see. Yin and yang; lighter and darker dirt or soil.


I suppose the Freakies tree in Second Lyfe would also stand in for the Tree of Knowledge in Adam’s Garden of Eden, Hucka D. You’re not suppose to eat of the fruit of that tree. Perhaps that’s what happened to the Freakies! (causing their monstrous shapes)

Hucka D.:

They seemed to have made the mistake of becoming trees themselves. But I think they wanted to. They are possibly happier now. Second Lyfe beyond their existence as cereal.

And then a final picture: that of BossMoss, perhaps the cousin of our Mossman (!)


* Hucka D. here is referring to, of course, Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker, the two sides, animus and anima, of the rl baker b. (“Me”.)


Jeogeot: Japanese Explorers February 27, 2010

Filed under: Jeogeot Chilbo,Jeogeot Continent,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 4:01 pm

I know I’m becoming woefully behind in my text generation for this blog, but I still thought it time to credited 2 newer SL explorer friends for their most excellent research, and some I’ve been using this morning. Because, yes, according to Kou Umaga’s Jeogeot category from his fabulous Rabbit Sky Pirate Adventure blog (don’t know how he finds these things!), a central rise of Jeogeot, peaking at about 158 meters according to both our calculations, represents the highest point of this southernmost Linden continent. This is the peak I just explored last night, and, noticing the elevation, remembered something about Kou mentioning the highest part of Jeogeot being about this height. It’s a very interesting spot, just west of what we’re calling Sunklands in this blog. Specifically, the peak lies in the Yalu sim, near the corner of Yalu, Hugh’s Rise (west), Huntsman (southwest), and Ungseokbong (south). I won’t give the SLurl because it seems to lie on private property, but it’s easy enough to find.

The map at the top of Kou’s Jeogeot category’s 1st page shows the elevation and general spot of the rise (just south of the continent’s likewise central Korean Channel).

For the record, as far as I can tell the highest spot inside Sunklands itself is — I’m going to trust Kou’s map without going inworld to check — about 132 meters. This would be in the Mount Owen sim, I’m guessing, somewhere along the southern border, and between Big Sink and Blackmount Sink. Keep in mind that Jeogeot residents can terraform a range of 4 meters up or down from the original level of their land, often making exact calculations of various “official” elevations difficult or impossible.

Sometime soon, I also want to list the various lowest elevations of the 6 Sunklands sinks, just for the fun of it.*

Kou’s Jeogeot section of his blog also gives SLurls for rezz zones on the continent along major routes and waterways. These don’t interest me as much personally, given that I simply “wear” my basically only means of artificial locomotion (modified Arcadia Asylum bicycle), but to others traveling or attempting to travel around the continent in different, varied ways, they may be super handy to know. He also includes the SLurl of 4 infohubs on the Linden landmass, along with 1 hotel presently. Then following this — presently again — are published 17 individual posts on his own various Jeogeot explorations, mainly using established routes but sometimes straying off more beaten paths as well, as I tend to do most often. For each post, it seems, Kou also provides a map of the trail he beats that particular day or set of days.

My basic complaint about Kou’s blog — no fault of Kou’s, of course (!) — is that it is in written in Japanese, and although you can use the often handy google translator provided in the right hand frame of the blog site to convert the text to any number of languages, the English translation at least is, well, let’s leave it as “sketchy”. Maybe other language translations are better using this tool. But at least I can get the *gist* of what Kou is saying (kind of), and his wonderful pictures and maps speak for themselves aside from any native tongue barriers.

One of my favorite posts from his Jeogeot category is this one, where he travels through the very heart and soul of Sunklands, including Lill Burn Valley, Big Sink, and all the way east to Second Sink even. Nice… very familiar landscapes here.

This post is also especially interesting to me, since Kou makes a rather concerted effort to explore and explain the environs of what I call Nowtown and Zen City, birthplace (seemingly) of our Little Robert Plant Variant who had a quite prominent place in this blog the second part of last year.

Which nicely segues, as it turns out, into a discussion of a second Japanese explorer/blogger I also had the great pleasure to discover and befriend this past year a bit, who I know as simply Ujiyasu. The @YAMATO blog describing her various SL explorations, throw in a good helping of RL related posts as well, is here. As it turns out, Ujiyasu also discusses in some depth about the Nowtown/Zen City locale in one post of her blog, which I made several replies to at the general time of its publication. Ujiyasu, like Kou Umaga, also has a Jeogeot category (in a drop down list this time). As I’m looking at the blog right now, I also notice she has links at the top for major categories discussed therein, which includes Jeogeot as well. Now although her exploring schedule is rather new compared to, say, mine (looks like all Jeogeot related posts date from this year), she’s methodically carving up the continent in these posts into handy, digestible bits for easy reading, as well as talking quite a lot already about other mainland areas such as the ever popular Heterocera and its SLRR (and just to note, since I forgot to mention it above, Kou also has mucho information about other mainland continents as well on his blog).

Of particular interest to me in the Jeogeot ramblings so far is Ujiyasu’s coverage of Chilbo. I’ll just go ahead and give links to the 6 part series (so far):

Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.1
Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.2
Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.3
Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.4
Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.5
Jeogeot : Chilbo vol.6

Admittedly there’s a bit of language barrier to overcome in understanding much of the @YAMATO blog for English readers such as myself, but not quite as much as with Kou’s Rabbit Sky Pirate Adventure. And, once again, many fine pictures are presented to help guide one through the various journeys, as well as supplemental maps.

Hats off to both Kou and Ujiyasu for their hard work and effort!


* I went ahead and did this last night. Surprisingly, it looks like one of the smaller sinks, Lill Burn Valley is actually the deepest at about 30 meters above the bottom of the world (water level usually lies at 20 meters). Big Sink is at about 35 meters elevation, and Aotearoa, Otaki Gorge, and Blackmount are all at around 45 meters. Second Sink or Oolamoo-Drews Sink — hold on, I’ll have go inworld to check (drum roll): looks like about 35 meters or so as well, just like Big Sink. Listed out in order of depth, then:

1. Lill Burn Valley – 30 meters
2. Big Sink – 35 meters
2. Second Sink/Oolamoo-Drews Sink – 35 meters
4. Aotearoa Sink – 45 meters
4. Blackmount Sink – 45 meters
4. Otaki Gorge – 45 meters


Checking In…

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 10:11 am

“Seventy-six is the number of Frank and Herman Parks collectively. Good you found Seventy-Six Falls in Kentucky. Aaron is nearby. Jacob is nearby the other Seventysix (in Missouri). Aaron is near Settle’s Ford Conservation Area in Missouri (with its 6766 acres). Austin is nearby Aaron there. Lots of “A” towns in the area, baker b. AAAAA…


I noticed that.

Hucka D. (listing them out):

Adrian, Archie, Altona, along with Aaron and Austin. Altona probably stands for atonal, like Schoenberg. Archive, I mean Archie has come up before. East Lynne.*


“Well, anyway, I know Wheeler is from Sepisexton, which is the same as 76-ton which may be the same as Philadelphia, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

1-10 years old he lived there, this Wheeler. Henry Wheeler. (pause)


AAron, along with Abigail, is the original inhabitant of Wazob overall, according to mythology. AA — Aaron and Abigail. Abigail, like Eve, may have been formed from Aaron, though. The “Aa” beginning the name may be a symbol of the two A names together. Then “b”, the second letter of Abigail, follows “a”, the second letter of Aaron. They lived in the Rye subprovince of Britonia. Wheeler, as a Confederate himself, may have studied this mythology. Did he see through it back to Millaw?

Hucka D.:

Yes. (pause)


Anything else tonight?

Hucka D.:

Go to Meeting Rock as soon as possible to take pictures. Take BossMoss if possible. It’s a freaky place.


Thank you.


* A review here:


Hugh’s Rise To Noguri, 02

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Norum — baker Blinker @ 9:23 am

Baker decides to press onward this night, eventually running across the familiar sites of Noguri, near his old home in Noru and on his general route to the Korean Channel in those days. Seems so long ago! (but only last spring and summer)

The peaked, magenta building in Noguri discussed at some length in posts of those days. I eventually compare it directly with the similar shape of Wordsworth’s grave picture in the Wheeler 09 collage, one of several Noguri objects resonating with images from that particular collage…

New additional to the valley: a jizo wood statue standing just north of the magenta structure mentioned before, on “Noguri Reclaimed Adfarm” land.

This northern Noguri waterfall, now mostly deleted for some reason, was also seen as having direct resonance with the waterfall pictured in the Wheeler 09 collage. This same waterfall. completed version, is presently set up on my rental property in Timescape.

Park area in Noguri with the now partially deleted waterfall in the background. Very nice. This is the same property that once contained the pond with a parrot perched on a bench next to it — that parrot being yet another Wheeler 09 identified resonance.


Hugh’s Rise To Noguri, 01

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent — baker Blinker @ 9:20 am

In Hugh’s Rise now just west of Mooter, heading up and up. New, beautiful land to explore… always exciting.

The whole hillside here is filled with interesting looking places, including the forested area pictured below…

…a neighboring property with kinetic art…

… and, last but not least, as Baker keeps ascending and ascending, the very tip top of the rise, just over the border of Hugh’s Rise in the Yalu sim now. Baker checks the elevation at the top: 155 meters. That rang a bell: didn’t Kou Umaga’s blog mention something about 155 or so being the highest elevation of the continent as a whole. In checking, I find this to be so. How exciting; Baker Bloch’s stumbled across what appears to be, er, Mt. Jeogeot! Now this is a modest summit compared to those 300 meter plus skyscrapers in Heterocera that I attempted to walk all the way across summer before last. But still it’s a pretty big find, given the size of Jeogeot, perhaps the largest of mainland continents. Here is the highest point on the largest continent of Second Life. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?

Colorful grove of trees found at the top. More of the story on those in a post just above!


Aotearoa To Hughs Rise, 02

Filed under: Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 9:14 am

Soccer field in Kiore (Maori word for Polynesian or Pacific Rat) just north of Aotearoa. Unfortunately Baker Bloch contracted a slight knee injury while hiking the high slopes of upper Heterocera last year, and is unable to play organized sports any longer.

Just east of the soccer field, a tiny avatar wheels an empty wheelbarrow around his property, seemingly. My mistake: it’s just an animation, devoid of inhabiting soul (i.e., user). Today, about a week after Baker Bloch’s pictures here, checker-behinder Karoz finds that the elf thingie has disappeared in the meantime. Just making note of this and moving on…

… to a nearby pond of about 50 meters length, one of the few accessible “beauty spots” in the Kiore sim. But still not too pretty; Kiore, dovetailing a bit with its rat derived name, is not the most aesthetically pleasing of sims on the surface.

Witness this… actually, I like the disrepaired school, but it also looks like there could be a number of Kiore rats inside, you know.

In Matamata now, on the edge of the Stonebender shopping village, comprising perhaps over half of the sim.

Baker decides not to enter the village, however, wanting to keep moving northeast beyond known lands such as this (explored a bit last year). He pauses at a landscaped pond area on the property before departing.

In Mooter now, moving northeast once more on a Linden protected route. Unknown lands ahoy!


Aotearoa To Hugh’s Rise, 01

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 9:10 am

This day, started my adventure, once more, in Aotearoa. Intended goal: somewhere northeast, perhaps Second Sink but perhaps just Northeast itself.

What I believe are bullets manifest sometimes right outside my Aotearoa cottage window when I go home, but quickly disappear, as if an illusion. But the photograph below proves otherwise.

Baker Bloch can also spot, from his comfy chair in the same cottage, the top part of a tree just beyond the west side of his old land. Yes, his land use to extend from the the other side of the cottage here up to that tree: 128 meters. Had to give it up, though — didn’t I?

I love the view into this empty sink. So spiritual and calming.

Tired of vegging out in the cottage, Baker Bloch pulls out his trusty bike and begins to circle around the sink, finding this lamb on the northern side. Lost little lamb… on unclaimed territory. Created and owned by a Miki Gymnast and called a Shaun Teleporter. If the little fella was ever actually a teleporter, it is no more. Just found this article about the creator/owner on the Not Possible In Real Life website, no longer active. 😦 Looks like Miki also helped design a Klein Bottle in 2008. Amazing the number of super talented individuals you find in SL. What her, in contrast, very simple and unassuming little lamb is doing in Aotearoa on abandoned land is anyone’s guess.

Glancing back a couple of times at the Aotearoa Sink while biking generally northeast.


Wanderings… February 25, 2010

Biking on the Linden protected passage called the “Circuit La Corse” west of Timescape, once more.

Amazing empty scapes on the central, granite “dome” of the continent, where I plan to explore more soon.

Sculpty trees that hadn’t rezzed in yet. Still look pretty neat in this unpotentialized state; Blochs thought it worth a snapshot.

When Baker went over to the Aracadia Asylum library in the Cheomna sim on official business, a familiar looking statue greeted him in the courtyard. It’s the Buford P. Slum creation found in the Rosewood sim of Corsica not 1 or 2 nights before. He should have known it was an AA work with a name like that!

Baker meditates beside the grave with the blue rose at his Aotearoa home (tombstone yet another AA creation) before starting another night of wandering.

Baker had noticed this ground lighting just west of his home before…

… tonight he found the source: an aquarium just beneath the surface left behind by the former owner of the now abandoned land, accompanied by 2 potted plants.

Old service station, now on route 9 several sims north of Aotearoa.

Negotiating a narrow passage.

Wow!! When Baker decided to visit Blackmount once more while in the general vicinity, a giant pyramid with a capping eye had since been created in the Mt. Owen sim just south of Blackmount’s famed Rabbit Hole…

JOKE… the above shot is actually a trick, perspective photograph. The pyramid is there, true enough, but only about a meter high, and hovering about 30 meters off the ground near the center of the Blackmount sim. Baker likes to set up those kind of trick photos now and then, like with the huge waterdrop above the firey lava of Fyre Maven.

Baker was able to trace the origin of this eye-and-pyramid back to this parcel in INSERT, also on the Jeogeot continent and designed as an homage to the late writer-philosophy Robert Anton Wilson.



Loose Thoughts Again… February 24, 2010

Blackmount… tomorrow. Catch up.

I’m unsure when the new SID’s 1st Oz related interview will start up again. I know it will happen, though. I’ve named the Aotearoa parcel I just reclaimed (rerented) SID’s Place, and, as I said before, inserted the “place” itself as a skybox. But I’m not sure if I want to start that next, take notes on St. Nick of Barkley’s history of Mythos (from a Sharon-centric perspective), or work more on the theories behind the 10×10 collages, revamping Floydada and perhaps Floydadada in the process.

I’m leaning toward the St. Nick related project, as, also, I know it will take a turn into toy avatars and the Blue Mountain mythos (the second mythos, after Mythopolis’).

Hucka D.:

Ensoulment is a key element. St. Nick of Barkley had strong opinions about this. Mythos, or rather Wazob, decided against the use of avatars in its environment. Sharon, influenced by the remarkable discovery of the glop people from Uranus-Neptune-Pluto, tended toward the opposite, but, as a whole, caved in when uniting with Wazob in the end — being *absorbed* into the collective consciousness that called itself Wazob. You must think of Sharon and Wazob, then, as has been determined. Predetermined.


What is the relationship between St. Nick of Barkley and St. Ned of Barton, Hucka D.?

Hucka D. (lightly tapping pollen ball hand on chin):

I would think the same as in Sunklands?


A definite link between Jeogeot and Wazob has been made Hucka D. Sunklands is obviously, in some way, directly linked to Sharon through the timescape.

Hucka D.:

Yes… Timescape.


We know that Ray the brainard, actually some kind of extraterrestrial seed, decided not to drop down the hole (in the center of Big Sink — plugged, then), and become 1-3-6-10. Become a tree, then. He remained a selfish, egocentric seed. Intelligent but emotionally warped.

Hucka D.:

The (Big) Sink was plugged. Water filled… no, water did not fill. It’s a dry sink. You know the difference, now. A Lake District could not be formed. This is in contrast to Maebaleia, where you have no dry sinks but many lakes. A key lake to study, then, would be Yeot, because it is the smallest lake of Jeogeot and *almost* a dry sink, sort of close anyway. That lake itself is a Go piece, egg-shaped. Egg Hill to Egg Hole.


St. Nick would know a lot about Second Life itself, then.

Hucka D.:

He allowed Wazob to come to this virtual reality as a separate continent, surrounded by water this time. A fulfillled or more fulfilled planet situation in that way. But, in another way, not as fulfilled.


I remember Grassy giving a report about Mythos versus Second Life earlier on in this blog, Hucka D. Guess I should look that up.*

Hucka D.:

I can wait.


“Hucka D., what is the relationship, if any, between Wheeler in this blog and St. Nick of Barkley?

Hucka D.:

Different time strata for the most part. Wheeler is the first ruler of the Confederation that wasn’t the ruler of the Confederation. He discovered backwards time. He discovered the tachyon. Wheeler into Wilson, Wilson into Wheeler. Titusville.


He is from Olive… Sepisexton to be exact. 76-ton, then. Like Philadelphia. Then Tin is involved here as well. Gold from tin.

Hucka D.:

Wheeler was a somewhat different avatar type person in Mythos, or… (pause)


Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker together, animus and anima, represent Britonia, the capital of the Confederation and also, later on, the whole of Wazob. But they have a pet companion that is the same as Spring Squirrel, originally Swamp Squirrel. This is like Skillet, and BB and BB together are Ozmo.


bb (quoting):

“The Elders of the Mmmmmm’s determined that no toy avatars are from Mythos.” Is this still correct in your opinion, Hucka D.?

(Hucka D. does not answer)


I think I’m going to have to name that perhaps central rock in Herman Park something, Hucka D. The one on the edge of the meadow, and on TILE Road.

Hucka D.:

I know the one. Meeting place of Mossmen and Mmmmmm’s. Perhaps most centrally important location for toy avatars as a whole, then. Meeting Rock might be good?


Maybe that was an original name anyway. (pause) Maybe “The Measure”?

Hucka D.:

Gateway between Herman Park and Yd Island, just left by you in Second Lyfe. Might be a good idea. Quadrobeavs also involved.



Did the toy avatars know about Yd Island? I suppose they would.

Hucka D.:

The (contrast) between the Mossmen and the Mmmmmm’s is very important. A council was held at Meeting Rock. The marble avatars were also discussed or discussed themselves. But they weren’t disgusting (to the Mossmen and Mmmmmm’s). They represent 3rd life or Third Lyfe beyond First and Second, or inside First and Second, like fitted china dolls. The Third is the last.


Were the marbles from Key Rock and Castle Rock or Castle Ridge?

Hucka D.:

*Yes*. 1 to 12 or 13. Baker’s Dozen.


What does St. Nick of Barkley have to do with the toy avatars?

Hucka D.:

He was able to contact them in Sharon. Or allow the negotiation for such contact.


The glop people were *toy makers*? Or created themselves as (plastic) toys?

Hucka D.:

Plastic men and Plastic people, one in all, all in one.


Hucka D.:

It was much later in the Simpsons’ family history. Lisa and Bart remember their father’s adventure in the 3rd dimension that fateful day. How he got back is anyone’s guess; last we saw he was entering a pastry shop after landing in a garbage bin. The Black Hole swallowed him whole, in pieces.

Bart had his memories too of having a 3rd dimension, briefly. Lisa wanted to re-create. She, as a rich woman now, hired a top scientist who made a breakthrough. This was the transition of plastic *man* to plastic *people*. One to many. Saxophone is key.


Thanks for that. Meeting Rock appears to be named New Sigma, Hucka D. Not sure what Old Sigma would be, then.

Hucka D. (repeating):

Saxophone. Knower of Tui or 2E. Unicode. Uniko. Code. Mythos. Bible. Birds were at the meeting as well. From New Zealand. Atonal from Latona.


It was contact with an extraterrestrial delegation. Like in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind.

Hucka D.:

Third again, yes. Close Encounters of the 3rd Dimension.


Here’s a link to your SID’s 1st Oz, Hucka D. Why is the lemon tree also an apple and an orange tree? 3rd again. Apples and Oranges. It seems to be like First Tree for the Mmmmmm’s. The place their Goodmobile from, maybe Pluto, landed.


There’s a topic we could discuss in the interview:
1) Arnold Layne
2) See Emily Play
3) Apples & Oranges

The progression of Walt SIDney through 1-2-3.

Hucka D.:

We must end soon, but the yellow bricks of the yellow brick road are also compared to lemon (shaped rocks) in SID.

What do we know *now*. We know that contact was made in Herman Park, perhaps in the Herman meadow on TILE Mtn., perhaps in the valley below in the TILE Creek Valley, which is the same as Yards Creek in the Great Mundane. The Mmmmmm’s preserve the mythology of SL’s Yd Island and the Rabbit Head of Ratzenberger.




* See here:


Loose Thoughts… February 23, 2010

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Big Sink,Hucka D.,Otaki Gorge,Second Sink,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 8:25 am

Should be able to catch up w/ Blackmount Sink post text generation tomorrow. Now pretty established in Aotearoa. I believe this might be the first time I’ve lived in one location over 4 months, about 4 1/2 months now. Yes, I would think it has to be closing in on a record. The 4 main places I’ve lived in SL are Gliese (Azure Islands), Rubi (Heterocera), Noru (Jeogeot) and Aotearoa (Jeogeot, Sunklands), all residencies of about 4 months duration except, as I said, for Aotearoa now. But I live on a much smaller parcel in Aotearoa than before — 1536 sq. meters as opposed to 7580. Just a minute ago, moved “SID’s Place” from Villeneuve to Aotearoa. That’s the skybox I found on Yd Island where I still plan to hold the new SID’s 1st Oz interview. Hucka D. and I will be involved. Must gear up for that soon.

I think I want to reexamine Second Sink next a bit more, just to balance everything out. Check this out (below): amazing juxtaposition of the rabbit heads and Peter’s Mound (his grave), all in Otaki Gorge and the only things clearly visible in that sim (minus the highway) from my new south facing porch in Aotearoa, using my regular draw distance of 96 meters. Consider: this was the same porch from which you could see the *Rabbit Head* of Ratzenberger while SID’s Place still existed in Villeneuve (it was deleted there about 20 minutes ago), but you had to use a longer draw.

View looking west from the same porch, toward the east lip of Big Sink in Moa.

I have a feeling Hucka D. doesn’t want to talk more about the Greenup series tonight, but could be wrong. Don’t think he’s around yet. I haven’t mentioned in this blog about my upcoming show in the new Ahren Art Gallery, owned by Linnea Ahren. Fabulous person! I’ve really enjoyed working with her now almost, I suppose, about 2 weeks so far. She’s kind of new in the gallery business, and has never put on an exhibit. But she’s really doing her research, and she’s inspiring me to take a good look at the way I present my collages, and reexamine some procedures and decisions. It’s my first exhibit as well.

I’ll have more to say about all that soon enough. Opening will be March 2. I also really excited by the fact that it’s a type of charity event for the Arcadia Asylum Recovery Group, with 1/2 the proceeds from the exhibit (which will run 1 month, approx.) going to this group.

OK, I guess it’s perhaps time for Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

You now make your home in *East* Peterborough, for that is the actual name of the town. Not Pietmond or Piedmont or Peter’s Mound.


I think it would still be Pietmond, Hucka D. I believe we already decided that.

Hucka D.:

Not any more. Not after the break of small east with big west, like your Edwardboro and East Edwardboro. You have broken the magic of Aotearoa cleanly in 2. You must think of why that had to happen.


I suppose a shift to rl is mostly involved, Hucka D. Hiking season will be here in 2 or 3 weeks.

Hucka D.:

You give up virtual Yd Island to focus on the *real* Yd Island — the meadow in Herman Park. You must read over the Quadrobeav Mythology again. Toy avatars — what’s that all about. Frank and Herman, Einstein! (quoting the name of one of my collages).


Where’s Sapphire these days, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Oh, she’s around. St. Nick of Barkley as well. You just needed a balance. Peterborough will give you that.


Balance to Big Sink.

Hucka D.:

Yes, precisely. You cannot and must not become the new Brainard. Yd Island Macro-Hole is sealed up and that’s all A-O-K now. Your presence is no longer needed (on Yd Island). You are totally sink boy now.


Yes, I suppose so, Hucka D. Throw in the Chasm Deep lookout as well. I kind of like it there; not sure I want to give that one up.

Hucka D.:

You don’t have to. Of course. It’s always a situation of balances and relationships. Just like with the sinks themselves, especially in the past and pre-Linden days, of course. Before the advance of the Great Mundane.


The sinks seem pretty alive to me, Hucka D. Remarkable stories each and every one of them is telling!

Hucka D.:

Yes, but it’s you that’s coloring the story book. You have the magic wand that brings back the past. To a degree, of course; it can’t come all the way back. It’s all a balance. You must think about St. Nick of Barkley. I think he wants to publish what you thought was your own “Notebook I.” Interesting, eh?


Yes, if it happens.

Hucka D.:

He wants to write a history of Mythos, from a Wazob viewpoint of course. You haven’t thought about Dr. Blood in a while, baker b.


Hucka D., next time I’m in Mythopolis I think I’ll go over to the old Sharon location and take some pictures. Hike around there a bit again, before the poison (ivy) comes out. Maybe even this weekend — nah, better wait till I’m actually down there with mom.

Hucka D.:

Right. Jeogeot and Mythos have melded. There’s also Wilma.


That’s kind of mom in a way.

Hucka D.:

She has been freed — temporarily. She still lives in the house of Ruuster. Black and white, dark and light. Yin and yang. Eonground.


You mean Eunhaeng.

Hucka D.:

And Einsky. Eonground and Einsky.


Wilma still taking to that talking rooster in the side garden, Hucka D.? Is that Ruuster?

Hucka D.:

The focus has shifted to St. Nick of Barkley, and what he would write about Mythos and, yes, also Jeogeot. Jeogeot and Wazob. He is in charge of diverting the toy avatars from SL as well. He helped shape the decision that Mythos would not be made up of ensouled avatars.


It could have been the Be All End All, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

In ways it was… is. You never moved to Blue Mountain, you never… well, it goes on.


I would have eventually found Jeogeot anyway.

Hucka D.:

Yes, and made the link (with Wazob). Sunk into Sunklands. All that was inevitable in this life.


It’s just how I want to take it further now.

Hucka D.:

Yes. I would recommend crawling into the skin and bones of St. Nick of Barkley. Many questions there. Why would he write a history of Wazob? Denunciation of course! He would also examine the chromagraphic language in his book. Part II, or so. Definition of the limits of the Mythos sphere. Why the Bruce and Cline expedition sealed up the pole, or poles of that planet — made it spherical. Relationship, of course, of Mythos and Rion, the source or origin planetary system. Why were the toys diverted, and why those particular toys (Mossmen and Mmmmmm’s)? Glop people — are they the same as these Ancients, perhaps from the Moon and Pluto at once?


Hucka D., can I ask some questions about particular events in Mythos history?

Hucka D.:

A couple for tonight. Then we must end.


St. Nick of Barkley is going to write about Vortextra — Mythos’ Vortextra, I mean.

Hucka D.:

That’s how he got the name of the (Big Sink) hole (smiles).


It has to be a rat hole in a manner of speaking.

Hucka D.:

You must look at St. Nick’s bias or prejudice about writing on Mythos and Wazob in particular. He wants to skew historical facts, because he understands that’s how people like him can shape history. Actually mold history, like clay or putty.


He’s going to say Sharon had everything it needed, without Wazob involved. There was no need for the merger.

Hucka D.:

He’s going to make a stronger link between Sharon and the Glop People, which may be the same as the Ancients from Moon/Pluto, yes. Ensouled avatars.


Like you yourself, then.

Hucka D.:



I’m going to look at Notebook I again, then, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Right. What I would suggest. And Floydadada, and Floydada. The grave on your property should be that of Floydada.


Thank you.

Hucka D.:

You’re welcome.