baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Piedmont Chatters… January 30, 2010

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Hucka D.,Otaki Gorge,Sapphire,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 10:22 am

“You are correct. Peter’s Mound was forgotten upon the move up the hill and the founding of what was first called Peter’s Mound, then Pete’s Mound, then Petemond and then Piedmont, as the forgetting escalated past a threshold event. It was then thought that Peter was buried in the small graveyard you have uncovered on your property in Aotearoa. You are also right about that. Obviously Lark’s gallery gives additional clues, specifically that Peter was from what you call Outer Space, an Ancient Astronaut like the Japanese Dogu. And still in a way, Baker Bloch is also Peter; he sits on a prim cube just as the Dogu in the [wikipedia] photograph propped up by the same. Gold cube. Pyramid topping. Lacking in the Big E in Pudding Hill. Red, green, blue but no grounding yellow or gold.”


The Big E is going to have to go away entirely.

Hucka D.:

Yes. (pause)


I have the pyramid [of similar colors] anyway.

Hucka D.:

Right. That means the Aotearoa property must go. Probably. Tough, though. It’s a great setting.


That’s what I was going to say. So lemme get this straight. Peter is a rabbit, or a rabbit avatar. Like our friend [delete name].

Hucka D.:

You can say it: Kou. But it’s not Kou himself, but merely the separation of two who know Jeogeot, another dark and light situation. You must bury the rabbit but then forget where it is buried. Then remember again. You want to speak of Peter’s Cross, then.


Yes, the cross seems to be to be a karmic wheel of the zodiac, entrapping and inducing forgetfulness (of the original burial ground). This is my guess where Piedmont was established — built around. The east-west arm of the cross is the same as the 40 meter pathway connecting the Victorian house and the slum econo apartments in Aotearoa. And these are, in another way, Virgo and Pisces, in that order.

Hucka D.:

You can keep the waterfall but you must get rid of the Big E. Make it an archived exhibit, like “Where are we on that?”.


The interview will take place in Pudding Hill (regarding SID’s 1st Oz)!

Hucka D.:

Yes. You can keep the waterfall. And, of course, the Edwardston Station Gallery, the cube version. That’s OK.


So you’re saying I should move away from Yd Island.

Hucka D.:

Yeah, why not? You are not attached to that mythology any longer. The Micro-Hole has completely balanced the Macro-Hole. Sapphire was is will be born and moved to Jeogeot. Your days on Yd Island are not longer needed.


And the Mogwa rental too, I assume.

Hucka D.:

Why not?


Right. Everything in Pudding Hill.

Hucka D.:

Sunklands. Jeogeot. More on the cross, please.


It looks like to me that the cross was formed, and then the north-south axis was lost. Only the east-west arm is left, the Virgo-Pisces arm or axis. Gemini-Saggitarius — air-fire — is eliminated. Correct? Sir?

Hucka D.:

It becomes Piedmont, like Alabama.


Is Sapphire here?


Ummagumma. Psychogumma. Meddle. Down, town. (pause)


Hucka D. is advising me to leave Yd Island, Sapphire.


Yes, good. Focus on Jeogeot. Piedmont began during my rule of the continent. It was one of the first communities on the west side, perhaps the first. Peter’s Mound is older. Ancient. Astronaut.


I’m going to have to give up that property.


You know what was there. Peter’s Cross, up from Peter’s Mound. Then arm removed and forgetfulness (ensues).*


* I think Sapphire and also Hucka D. might peripherally be referring to the removal of the *leg* of the Dogu statue pictured just below, instead replaced with a cube that looks like an SL prim cube. Removal of the leg means the removal of the north-south axis of Peter’s Cross.


Otaki Gorge, Petemond/Piedmont, Dogu, So On…

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Otaki Gorge,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 10:14 am

In revisiting Peter’s Mound the other night, Baker Bloch finds a, ahem, block or prim cube on the very top.
In checking the land ownership of the mound (finally!), Blochs finds that it actually has 3 owners, MORE TEXT SOON.

Aerial palm tree marking the spot of Peter’s Mound is still in place. Hucka D. has compared this to a flag pin on a golf course, and the grave itself as the 18th or final hole.

As it turns out, Peter’s Mound is almost directly south of the little graveyard I set up on my Aotearoa property, recently revised to include this small, blue pool — Blue Pool, as opposed to White Pool now on another part of the property. As you can see, I made one of the 3 gravestones of the cemetery fall into the middle of the new pool. Pool of The Dead, then, as well.

Baker then moves back to Peter’s Mound and the cube prim perched on top to check exact lat/long/elevation numbers.

The place which would be about a sim’s length directly north (256 meters north) is here in relation to the small Aotearoa cemetery.

Closer look at the submerged tombstone.

And then when researching Aotearoa, Otaki Gorge and some of the surrounding sims as well using the ever so handy Second Life Grid Survey site, discovered that there was another gallery set up almost *across the road* from my Aotearoa property that I hadn’t noticed before. I thought: surely this small gallery hasn’t been there all the time! Now I’m not the most observant of chaps, but I was still relieved to know that the gallery, called Lark Art, had only been there for a little over a month. It’s been a busy December and January for me, with most of the activity taking place away from Aotearoa (until very recently).

I took a snapshot of Lark’s photograph that most captured my attention of the handful within (as I said, it’s pretty but quite small, and set up on a 512 parcel): a partially submerged dogu statue titled “A Being From Outer Space.” You can read all about the dogu here, and possible connection with “Ancient Astronauts” here.

Picture of Lark Blackheart’s tidy gallery on the northern edge of Otaki Gorge, same sim that contains Peter’s Mound, mind you.

Relationship between the lower, central part of my Aotearoa property and Lark’s art gallery using a 96 meter draw. So close!

Below is wikipedia’s picture of a dogu figurine. According to their article on the subject, most such figurines contain missing arms, legs, or other body parts, some of which have been purposely broken off. I couldn’t help notice the resemblance of the gold cube substituting for the figurine’s leg to a Second Life prim cube with default (plywood) texture. In Lark’s photograph, this particular leg of the dogu, if it exists, is buried in the sand of the beach it has washed up on. Chance? Maybe not.

I also think of the submerged tombstone newly added to my small Aotearoa cemetery, submerged just like the dogu pictured in “A Being From Outer Space” hung just across the road. We’ll see how all this plays out further soon enough.