baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

LMI; Korean Channel (Top) June 18, 2009

Filed under: Korean Channel/Inland Sea,Linden Memorial Island — baker Blinker @ 4:56 am

Karoz visits the Linden Memorial Island for the first time, and is impressed (!)


A cardinal in the Rookwood sim. Nice to see a number of birds flying around in the trees here…


… and the profusion of wildflowers.


Meanwhile, Baker Bloch is exploring the upper reaches of the 30 sim Korean Channel Karoz seems to have lost a bit of interest in lately.


Here Blochs is in Sacrelle at the very northwest corner of the channel, with its interesting cluster of elogated islands. Baker Bloch stands on the largest of these below, which also happens to be the one closest to the southeast corner of the sim.


Baker Bloch is counting about 7 total islands in the cluster, with a number of other peaks whose tops lie just underneath the water’s surface as well.



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