baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Sapphire Happened What To… March 4, 2010

Filed under: Hucka D.,Wiltshire (RL UK County) — baker Blinker @ 7:13 am

“What happened to Sapphire, Hucka D.? It appears to be just you and me once more.”

Hucka D.:

More are coming. In the wings (as it were).


I think Emerald Center is a dead end of sorts. Ro-Sheen’s Coffee House is nice but not nice to make some sort of exploring base.

Hucka D.:

That would be Yeot. Balance to Aotearoa. Have you rented there yet?


No. I didn’t know you really wanted me to, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Do a series on Earl Dinkin’s galleries. That… (pause)


I want to think of the Sharon-Sunklands linkage more. That is a lead.

Hucka D.:

Carrcass-4 is coming up, baker b. You are gearing up. You must leave the safe confines of Your Second Lyfe now in a manner. Dead ends will keep coming up, pushing you in a certain direction, a Carrcass-4 direction. And *hiking*. My oh my the snow (you guys) are getting!


Sick, sick, sick of it.

Hucka D.:

Spring soon. Go to (Mythopolis’) Sharon. Time for a break in First Life… Lyfe.


The parallel to the Sampson’s Stones aren’t there in Emerald Center any longer. But you do have those different sized “atoms”. Maybe that has something to do with the interlocking spheres of Messiaensphere. LMNO and then P, last pea in the pod. Baker Bloch, you have said (at one time).

Hucka D.:

That pea is the key. P key.


It’s 199 seconds long, or 3 minutes and 19 seconds. An Oliver from Atlanta, in thinking about the Booker T. Archive a considerable number of years ago now, looked down and saw a key with the number 319 on it at the same time he was wondering if the Archive had any lasting value, I believe. The key… the value. 319. 199 seconds. 200 almost… the equivalent anyway.

Hucka D.:

Your P Pod landed in Billings, Montana, but also Billings, Mythos, just outside Sepisexton or 76-ton. You become Wheeler.


Billings, Olive is where Mythos’ Wheeler was supposedly born.

Hucka D. (trying to stifle a yawn but unsuccessful):

I’m trying to keep awake now while talking about your Mythos. It’s difficult. Wheeler was born in Billings. 1-10 years old this town was under (yawns) rule of Wurme… yellow (yawns again). It’s no use.


Can we talk to Wheeler again? Like we did last fall?

Hucka D.:

Wheeler is the first ruler of the Confederation who isn’t the ruler of the Confederation. Notebook II is before you were heavily vested in comedy. That’s the weakness… that’s why I yawn. I like the Mythos section of the 10×10, though. The Philip and Chas Show. Entertaining.


I am attempting to judge the value of such writings as Wheeler-from-Billings in Notebook II… actually, sorry, Notebook III now we’re at.

Hucka D.:

True enough that you will write a history of Mythos. Maybe Wheeler should purchase a freakmobile.


Good idea! (laughs). Mine should be on the way.



Does Wheeler truely go beyond the Einstein-Shoenberg-Freud mobius strip, Hucka D.? Beyond Moses? Maybe Mosses now?

Hucka D.:

What means “beyond Mosses”, baker b.?


Schoenberg dead ended at Moses and Aaron, Freud at Moses and Monotheism, and Einstein at, well, Unified Field Theory.

Is Gill’s Pier a led-to Paradise, then, Hucka D.? This would be 2051, 44 years after the death inside Pier’s Gill in 2007. Peter’s death.

Hucka D.:

The mouse shall play to children von Trapp. Planets all. Ozmo as sun-moon.


Assuming that M-N is red-green and L-O is blue-yellow, then P is always hidden in combinations of the 4. P is always hidden… the 200 (3:19 or 199 seconds). P is the Key.


Hucka D.:

The well, the key, was locked to the villagers. They broke the Locke. The key was denied so they broke the lock. They became the key. The villagers of Purton Stoke. 8-sided was the well house. Martin flew from a perch. The well provided wellness.

Key lime pie, 306×319



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