baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Prep… March 11, 2010

Filed under: Wiltshire (RL UK County) — baker Blinker @ 6:55 am

“Baker Bloch’s starting to clean up the farmhouse Hucka D. Sweeping and causing a lot of dust. But it’s a great location, he’s determined. Close to the railroad for day and night walking. Close to the Battlelake Forest… close to the Salts Hole where he can go back to Second Life if he wishes.”*

Hucka D.:

That window is closing. He must choose (!)


Should I keep renting the Huntsman cottage until a choice is made?**

Hucka D.:

Nah. Rent in your X-Ville again. Explore around Nowtown/Zen City once more. Sternberg as well. You must gear up for Carrcass-4. It is coming.


I’m reading up quite a lot on crop circles, especially as related to Wiltshire (County), Hucka D. This summer, I think Baker Bloch will do a considerable amount of camping in various spots around the heart of Crop Circle Country there.. around Alton Barnes, then.

Hucka D.:

Choose your hillocks and then go, yes.


I think you want to say Baker Bloch also can use a time machine to go back to the past and see former crop circles.

Hucka D.:

Yes. He can. That’s your next assignment (one of them).


How does Baker Bloch and family “magicalize” the River Key, Hucka D., if that’s what needs to be done?

Hucka D.:

He pours the water from the well into the river.


Hucka D., I’ve noticed a connection between a crop circle appearing next to a famous windmill in Warwickshire last year and symbols surrounding River Key and Baker Bloch’s move there. There’s actually a key that appeared in the same field as the enneagram-type crop circle.

I believe this stands for MessiaenSphere or, better, the same archetype behind MessiaenSphere and also Dark Side of the Rainbow/The Rainbow Sphere.

Hucka D.:

It is the relationship of 3 (equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle) and 4 (4 sails of the windmill the triangle is directly “pointing” to). “Where is the 4th?”


Hmmm… that discussion has also come up relative to Meeting Rock in Herman Park, as we’re calling it now.

Hucka D.:

The triangle is 2d by itself, although it implies a 4th (4th angle of the 3d object behind the triangle: the tetrahedron). 4-in-1. 4orrin1.


Even the location of the windmill, Chesterton, implies Oz since the primary US Oz festival takes place in Chesterton, Indiana, one of only 2 such named places in our country.***

Hucka D.:

*Your* country.


There is a hole in the Kansas side of Dark Side, Hucka D. 2 minute hole. 2:00… 200, like the number of motels in 200 Motels. 2 Turtles, now 2 Turtle Doves. So happy together. Kansas City Life is the thing that really makes the Kansas 1/2 of Dark Side of the Rainbow or Dark Side of Oz perfect… this overlap, I mean. The Oz 1/2 in contrast, remains imperfect… 200 or 200 seconds or 3:19, reduced from 3:20, is *The Key*. River Key, that is. That’s the same, symbolically, as the key in the crop circle field in Chesterton, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yes. You better take aim for the bed.


Thank you.

Hucka D.:

Baker Bloch already needs a break from house cleaning duties. Send him to the heart of Crop Circle Land already… Alton Barnes. Give him some camping gear already… perhaps that free tent in his inventory. And Karoz, Baker Blinker, Wilsonia Foxclaw, and yes, me too, will move in soon enough. We are the Modern Munsters.


Yeah, I was thinking about that. Baker Bloch is kind of Herman Munster; Baker Blinker is Lily, obviously — even has the same complexion; you’re both Eddie Munster and Grandpa, queerly enough (maybe); Wilsonia Foxclaw is Marilyn Munster, and then Karoz is kind of the unknown factor who would probably be the equivalent to a brother for Herman Munster.

Hucka D.:

Yes, you are doing fine, baker b. You are splitting into Baker Bloch and Baker Blinker again in the real world. I am entering the real world again in my true, bee form. We will set up a home for our family once more, like we had in Azure Islands. Except better.


Will the avatars return to Second Life once they’ve transitioned?

Hucka D.:

As long as the Salts Hole is connected to a resonating portal in Second Life they all can return. You better study your collages on that place, then. And make new collages — keep on keeping on.




* It’s also exactly 1 mile between the center of the farmhouse rectangle and Salts Hole, fwiw.

** The Huntsman cottage Baker Bloch found in roaming around the Mt. Jeogeot area about a week ago is directly linked to the Salts Well… more on that soon!? But I also think Hucka D. is implying here that other locations in Second Life can be linked to this well in a virtual reality-reality reality fusion of some kind.

*** More seemingly pertinent text from that article here:

The crop circle of July 9th at Chesterton Windmill is suggesting the numbers 3 and 7. Each side of the implied tetraheadron has 7 segments for example, and this shape leaves 3 equal segments in the circle. I also found the numbers were implied heavily when I tried to replicate it on paper (and I relearned a lot of basic mathematics while I was at it! 🙂 . Dividing the implied 3 dimensional shape into 14 (based on the tetrahedral number sequence) seems to account for the slight bend in one of the lines that is duplicated on all three sides, for example.

The numbers remind me of G.I. Gurdjieff’s ‘Law of Seven’ and ‘Law of Three’, the two main cosmic laws in his teaching. [(Fourth_Way)] These two laws are represented on the Enneagram [/Fourth_Way_Enneagram] and according to Gurdjieff, can describe most things from ‘any natural whole phenomenon, cosmos, and process in life or any other piece of knowledge’. The law of seven can relate to the material realm, and explains why ‘life’ never goes in a straight line. The law of three, on the other hand, relates more to psychological matters.

The interpretations of these ‘human’ constructs are pretty wide-ranging, as the ‘Enneagram Personality Type’ derived from the teaching shows. Something concrete that really sticks out from it though is the cyclic number 142857 [(number)].

1/7 = 0.142857 142857…

2/7 = 0.285714 285714…

3/7 = 0.428571 428571…

4/7 = 0.571428 571428…

5/7 = 0.714285 714285…

6/7 = 0.857142 857142…

Click on the wiki link to find out more about this utterly fascinating anomaly of a number! This crop circle, for myself, is suggesting a different kind of Enneagram, perhaps one that could actually be constructed in 3 dimensions.

Chris Thomson (Updated Thursday 16th July)