baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

I don’t think… March 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized,Wiltshire (RL UK County) — baker Blinker @ 9:07 am

… the Queen and King aren’t going to come back from Swindon, Hucka D. It may be death to them.

Hucka D.:

They will return and they will be better than new. You’ll see.


But for now they’re gone, man, gone.

Hucka D.:

Look in the dump. At the dump.


Are they building a new town within or just outside Swindon town.

Hucka D.:

At the dump. Yes… perhaps.


Baker Blinker found or soon will find the Silver-Rubi map in the basement of the Temple House. Arkansas, of course.

Hucka D.:

She will find the Diamond, yes.


The perpetual diamond of the dog’s tail of Synchpatch?

Hucka D.:

Yes. Permanent. 10. Perfection. Diamond. Arkansas. In the basement of the house.


Is it a Canary? INSERT PICTURE.

Hucka D.:



It’s the Queen’s, then.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Yellow. Y.


Is it *cursed*?

Hucka D.:

Might be.


Why did you as Hucka Doobie change back into a bee form when the Queen and King left?

Hucka D.:

Because I was back in Arkansas[, then].


Where is the Billfork Diagram?

Hucka D.:

Billfork is the same as in Arkansas Diagram.


OK… is the Martin the 9th beyond the 8th?

Hucka D.:



How are the White Horses linked?

Hucka D.:

You better log off. You know Baker Blinker will find Silver, Rubi, and Diamond in the basement. Esbum is not locked up in the basement like Norman Bates’ mother. I don’t think.


She might be.

Hucka D.:

Anyway, the Queen and King are at the dump of Swindon, making amends. Resurrection.