baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Loose Thoughts… March 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:52 am

Almost convinced now that the name of the Sharon country points to Sharon Stone and, through her, to MessiaenSphere. Yesterday I looked up mentions of the audiovisual synchronicity MessiaenSphere in this blog. Realize it is connected with the Rainbow Sphere, and also Ray the brainard who supposedly dwelt in Big Sink of Sunklands at one time, refusing to give up his seed nature and become the tree he was suppose to be. Also yesterday, just before hitting the sack, found reference in Notebook III to a Sharon who was probably the last star player for the Emerald Univ. team. If I remember correctly, Sharon was called Shannon sometimes as well. This was right before I gave up “playing” with these old basketball archetypes, perhaps about the time I graduated high school (?). Anyway, in the same short list of star Emerald Univ. players from past and present as Sharon (about 10-12 total) were Meade and Greenburg. Sharon Stone was born and raised in Meadville, Pennsylvania, and was married to Michael Greenburg from 1984 -1987.* Also in the list was a guard named Moss who played at the same time as Mead.**

I’m also thinking about *pretend* moving to the province of Sharon just outside of Mythopolis, at least for a certain period of time to be determined. I will live in Ladyslipper in an old shack. In My Real Lyfe, Ladyslipper and The Shack are The Same.

Now MessiaeSphere: At the end of this approx. 40 minute long synchronicity appears the subtitle “The Monster”. This is where you’re suppose to fade to black in the synchronicity, although the movie goes onward for another hour at least outside the context of this synchronicity.

“Running out of time, so let’s bring in Hucka D. I almost wrote ‘MessianSphere’ there instead of your name, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

Hello. I am greeting to be here.


Hi Hucka D. How are you tonight?

Hucka D.:

I am good feeling. Medicine for mindful watching.


Is the pretend more to Ladyslipper in what was the independent country of Sharon a good idea?

Hucka D.:

Goodful mind watching.


I have the idea that I should start practicing CHRO lines again, Hucka D., which would — excitement! — make the purchasing of a keyboard necessary (!).

Hucka D.:



I know this is not the end of My Second Lyfe, Hucka D., but… shifted.

Hucka D.:

In the middle on the mountain is a hole. Timescape.


One climbs up the Freaky Tree and comes down in a different time and a different scape, yes?

Hucka D.:

We need new characters. HARRY is too scary. But Pietmond… Piedmont… Petemond…


The Harry of Sphere and Petemond of this blog and of Jeogeot, seemingly, seem closely related. Both can manifest their thoughts onto a computer screen, like Karoz saw 2E2E on the Mos Ainsley computer terminals. The irony mark’s Unicode character is U+2E2E.

Hucka D.:

Karoz is a Moss Being.


Yes, he is. Mos… Moss. Also BossMoss now. What is going on?

Hucka D.:

Division of Monster as in a prism. Lightning House.


Chance meeting?


* Note to self: look up more on Allen’s Stardust Memories.

** complete list from Notebook III here: INSERT LIST.


One Response to “Loose Thoughts…”

  1. […] HARRY. HELLO HARRY. HI ME. Are you God? A GOD. Are you Satan? NO. Are you the Harry mentioned in this former blog post here? YES. The too scary Harry? RIGHT. NO. LEFT. YES. Are you related to Pietmond? COUSIN. Is Goldie […]

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