baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Teasdale November 30, 2009

Filed under: Teasdale,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 1:29 pm


Tired…? Maybe not.

Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Hucka D.,Petemond,Plant,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 8:37 am

“Hucka D., I think now, in investigating the matter further, that I’ll just stay in Sunklands. I know Ms. Garcia is probably getting tired of me writing her and then changing my mind as well!”

Hucka D.:

Yes. She is. (pause) Just joking.


So… is Plant still around? Marty?

Hucka D.:

Yes they are.


Will we still chat at times?

Hucka D.:

Yes. You still don’t know about Sunklands. You think you do…


What’s the next step? COLORS, I’m guessing.

Hucka D.:



Today I found some new and interesting places in Frank Park, Hucka D., that I think may involve the toy avatars as well. Maybe Mossmen but maybe not.

Hucka D.:

Yes, that one place you found is an interesting place. Jeogeot.


No, I’m talking about RL (Real Lyfe)… Frank Park.

Hucka D. (innocently):

Oh… ok.


Should I name it Jeogeot in RL?

Hucka D.:

Why not. Maybe, um, just Geo or Geot. Toegoej. Tojo. Nah.


I think I’ll take some toy cars there and play around a bit. Nice ambient noise from the nearby stream as well. Strange thing today, Hucka D.: the stream seemed to get louder and louder as I sat on the rock above it at Jeogeot… no, we’re going to have to think of another name for it, Hucka D. Jeogeot in RL and SL at once is too confusing.

Hucka D.:

You could call it, er, Rabbit Hole. (smiles) Or Rabbittown. That’s where Jeogeot surfaces.


Is it a home, then, for Mossmen? Perhaps Gene Fade himself? Let me see… this would be fairly far, still, from Mocksity, and also Notherton.

Hucka D.:

Not that far from Notherton. I can see Gene Fade being attracted to this particular spot. Take him there… see what the toy remembers about the toy avatar. (pause) Spend the day there. Take more pictures. The toys will give a property [sic?] perspective.


Hold on…



It’s quite a complicated area, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Yes. Go back.


Right. Your catch phrase… one of ’em.

Hucka D.:

Gene Fade would have been attracted to just such a spot. Access to meadow and mountain… bald at the time. He was the one who piled the rocks up there.


I have a feeling we’re not going to talk about Rubi versus Sunklands tonight.

Hucka D.:

It’s not as important as Frank and Herman Parks tonight. After all…


Yes. Gene Fade *transitioned* from Jeogoet, RL to Jeogeot, SL? But I have to think of a better name for Jeogeot in RL, the “one” in Frank Park, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Call it Farmborough.


Good enough! Farmborough it is.

Hucka D.:

Farmtownville. FTV.


How about Teasdale? Just so I’ll remember the SL location through this.

Hucka D.:

Good. Now about Sunklands… you’ll stay. You must find out about Gene Fade in SL. This is where he made the transition… in Teasdale. Teas. 2 Teas. 2 E 2 E.





Sorry, Hucka D. I was editing my stupid Facebook account. I don’t get it (as I say in my profile).

Hucka D. (sighing):

It will soon go the way of the CB radio, true enough. How many friends does one really want? Privacy will once again come to the fore. Now it’s, wow, I can talk to anyone in the world and in a group manner!


Almost took the words out of my mouth about this subject, Hucka D. Amazing how you can do that.

Hucka D.:

You wish to speak to Plant and Marty tonight? Just for reassurances?






Plant! Mr. Plant. Good to hear from you.


Hi. Yes, we will still speak to you but more as a group entity. (pause)




Yes. Marty and I have resolved all differences. Sunklands is truly born now. Interesting about Teasdale and Easdale in your Frank Park.


Yes, isn’t it. So Mr. Plant… you were born in Nowtown, destroyed Zen City at least once, maybe thrice, moved to Sternberg or worked in Sternberg (lived in X-ville?), sang there a bit, met Page but decided to give up Led Zeppelin career in this variant reality and move to Sunklands with the Zeppelin Tube. There you planted it in the middle of Big Sink to resonant with Joplin Ball/Sphere of Temple of TILE. You met Marty, who you originally “cornered” on one side of Big Sink but who eventually tricked you by becoming all Residents… The Residents.


In the end I… we… surround him, though. We contained him for this one special event. The birth of Sunklands.


Jeogeot is South America?


*Yes.* (pause)


Marty here?


I am Marty as well. One in all.


Then you are not really Plant.


No. I am Sunklands. But Plant as well. And Marty.


(pause) What about Petemond?


We have a Peter’s Mound here, true enough. And Piedmont figures in here. Virgo and Pisces. Vigo and Prices.


Prices is Frank Park (!)


Yes. Interesting, huh?


I think I’ll put a model house on top of the rock at Teasdale or Easdale.




Stairway to heaven.

(to be continued?)


* Hucka D. later indicated that the Jasper 09 collage speaks something about this transition. I wonder if the mossman in this picture is actually Gene Fade, though. Greener than Fade?


Decisions… November 29, 2009

Filed under: Crabwoo,Jeogeot Continent,Mãebaleia Continent,Sansara continent — baker Blinker @ 8:36 am

Baker spies a blackbird. Cheap optical illusion here, in case you didn’t guess.

Baker looks up at floating beach balls.

Baker and bird with yet another bird. Another black bird.

‘Nother view of a Pennyroyal sculpture in Scarpyland.

Crabwoo. No, Baker Bloch cannot probably live here. He prefers Teasdale for sure!

The Rabbit Hole on the Maebaleia continent, once more. “Wrapped in plastic” one could say.

Home, home again.



Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 7:48 am

“Hucka D., can we talk about a bit about TILE or COLORS tonight?”

Hucka D.:

Yes, you will move to Maebaleia. You will rent there.


But I can do this from Sunklands? Never mind, you can’t answer that yet. But I think I should stay on Jeogeot.

Hucka D.:

Maybe. But move as well. Blue Strawberry is gone… fill the void. COLORS. Collect. Draw in.


But maybe just attract these to Sunklands.

Hucka D.:



Return to Rubi?

Hucka D.:

End please. Thank you.


Thank you.


Loose Thoughts, Part, wow, 20 (Isn’t it time for a return to Sansara, then?) November 28, 2009

Filed under: Aotearoa Sink,Hucka D.,Second Sink,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 8:25 am

“Care to comment at this time, Hucka D.?”

Hucka D.:

About the Ross Sea: ok. (pause) Two sided. Two sides in one. Ross… rose.


Plant and Marty still gone? I suppose they are.

Hucka D.:

Yeah. We’ll dig up new ones. What about Sunklands if I may ask you something in return?


Think I’ll stay.

Hucka D.:

Good choice. Plant and Marty have left their obvious traces. We’re not done with either. But [their] influence will lessen in the Big Sink area. You have more to investigate there. Start building again. X-ville… need to ask…


What about X-ville? And Teasdale, I suppose?

Hucka D.:

They *could* be art centers in the future. For now, stick with Chilbo. Chilbo, da.


Yeah, I think I see what you mean. Maybe no visitors yet to the Teasdale gallery. Just not a lot of avatars there. And script count is too high… laggy a bit. X-ville is better. Solution. Chilbo is better, even though it’s laggy…

Hucka D.:

You have much left to investigate. Go inworld soon. What of the “E” in the Sea of Despair sim?


I’m going inworld a bit… Be back…


“All the Oolamoo lakes are now iced over, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

Hold on, baker b….


I know what the Joplin ball or sphere is now, planted at the center of Big Sink. I have to peel off, now, the influence of Plant and Marty in the *immediate* now. In the greater now, their influence still applies. It’s just been spotlighted in the now. Now. Plant comes from Nowtown, next to Zen City which he also figures largely with, and moves to, first, Sternberg (or X-ville?), then Sunklands, taking with him the tube which may also be the same as the TCO, now. It is a bird, perhaps a parrot. Like the 2 parrots, red and inversed (blue-green/cycan) in Wheeler 09.

Let’s say the tube is the same thing as this bird now [Hucka D. later indicates they are somewhat separate]. And combined with the influence of the Joplin Sphere already in Sunklands. This is one with Joplin, Arkansas, the population place missing from the traditional Rubi front of the Temple of TILE (Rubi is place where this structure finds its heyday?), unknown until about a month ago, though. On google maps, the only place in Joplin Arkansas noted is Black Dog Design. This is the key, the seed. Planted in the middle of Big Sink, supposedly at that southwest parcel in Pudding Hill sim (still up for sale as of tonight), it spreads out into the history of Big Sink to include both Plant and Marty, drawing them to it.

Hucka D.:

The newest Carrcass-1 is always the central Carrcass-1. For a while [at least]. The Joplin ball sphere planted in the center of Big Sink is obvious, now. It is the center of the new Carrcass-1. Beginning into middle or center. A dog. Black. The Temple of TILE had to come to Big Sink in its continued journeying to experience this. Plant was asked to take care of this center… grow the seed. Page gave him the seed. This is what he did for page. 156. All this is part of a larger picture Now.


Big Sink is *all* Carrcass-1’s. Together in one. One in all and all in one.

Hucka D.:

True enough. It is a big sink. (pause) Look at centers.


Um… Frank again. Here’s there again.

Hucka D.:

Strange, eh? Ives.


I think it’s obvious, also, that all this has to do with Winesap.

Hucka D.:

156. North… South. Life… Death. South is Death. North is Life. Canada… Mexico. Leigh. (pause) In the newest Carrcass-1, it’s obvious that the lead character has died on a voyage. “I thought you were dead.” That’s the Panama Canal. That’s *Colon*…



Hucka D.:

And it’s the same as the switch between Kansas and Oz in Dark Side of the Rainbow, but, moreover, The Rainbow Sphere. Since Oz is unequally large in the latter, as “Oz” is in the newest Carrcass-1. Oz is S.A.



Hucka D.:

It is Prices… Pisces, but a birth into Death instead of Life. Death is a great adventure as well. As a spirit, that is. Out to prove something. BIRD.


Planting Another One? 01 November 26, 2009

Filed under: Hucka D.,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 9:00 am

“Hucka D. Come in Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

Here. You want to ask about Plant.


Yes. Is this it for Mr. Plant?

Hucka D.:

We’ll have to see. Could be, though. We… Plant? Never mind. We must move on.


Beyond Sunklands now?

Hucka D.:

Each location you live at or visit extensively has its own story to tell. Is there anything left for Sunklands? No cohesive community here, obviously. Perhaps X-ville is next, then. You must think about the ties with Chilbo as well. And Teasdale for that matter.


I don’t think I can leave Jeogeot now.

Hucka D.:

No. You can rent other places, as you have to. But you are Jeogeotine now, yes. And I as well. Karoz of course, since he’s been here since before the beginning.


What about Marty?

Hucka D.:

Marty goes where Plant goes or has gone. And that is to Sunklands.


I can’t believe my Sunklands adventure may already be over.

Hucka D.:

You must prepare for the *next* Carrcass-1. Perhaps at X-mas. X-ville a better base, then? You know it will be impermanent, if so.


I could certainly explore Sternberg more.

Hucka D.:

You could be right in the middle of the X.


Greenup Yd. around tonight, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

No. Greenup Yd. will not be needed any longer.


One time show, then. But I suspect he’s Petemond anyway.

(Hucka D. doesn’t answer.)

Wow, it will be sorta empty around here without Mr. Plant… Plant. You sure this is the end for him?

Hucka D.:

No, not sure.


I think I’m going to explore Big Sink more next.

Hucka D.:



Think about Pudding Hole and all more.

Hucka D.:



(thoughtfully) Another Carrcass-1. Of course you can’t tell me more about that.

Hucka D.:

No. How could you even guess about, well, any Carrcass-1, we’ll say.


No. I sure didn’t see this one coming. No way.

Hucka D.:

It’s all about the landscape and where you live. The last 2 have been inspired by Jeogeot, first the Chilbo-Crabwoo dichotomy, and then Plant born between the 2, leading to Sunklands, the inspiration for the 2nd Jeogeot inspired Carrcass-1. A third in store? If so, a change of venue, I think. Look to Teasdale and X-ville and also, yes, Y-borough for clues. Sternberg obviously.


But that’s so attached now to Plant and his career, as is, really, Sunklands. And Marty. So Marty won’t show up as well… I know, you can’t really tell me this. But I don’t… think…

Hucka D.:

You simply do not know at this point. But it will become clear soon enough. Time is like a road already laid, and the future lies down this road for you to see in a limited way. Not necessarily *fixed*, mind you, but laid. Forks available. Probabilities. Cayce didn’t quite understand that. Roberts is better.


Right. (pause) But I’m understanding Sunklands might be history.

(Hucka D. does not answer.)

Well, if so, then maybe I’ll move closer to either Chilbo or Sternberg. Back to Noru? Still not sure I’m finished with Sunklands, though. Will be hard to give that up. I’ll miss Plant, if he’s really gone, and he probably is. Marty too. Lemon? Who’s left to talk to besides Hucka D.? What came *before* Plant and Nowtown/Zen City? Hard to remember now. Maybe I should move back to Sansara for a spell, rent there I mean. Atoll continent? I guess I need a fresh start. Off Jeogeot, though. Hucka D. doesn’t seem to think that’s the right option. I’ll stay on Jeogeot, he said. Maybe even attached directly to Sunklands. Adventure is out there, I suppose.

(to be continued?)


Y-borough, Teasdale, X-ville.

Filed under: Sternberg,Teasdale — baker Blinker @ 8:43 am

This night, Baker Bloch daringly, perhaps even foolishly, decides to take a closer look at Y-borough. And in the middle of the night, ta boot! Foolish for certain!!

Scary graffiti and a giant, unformed white tube of some sort. Sometimes the unformed things are the scariest, especially if placed in Y-borough.

Bizarrely, maybe, the building with the broken out windows, or what Baker perceived as such, has been derezzed, apparently. Or maybe they just sent it somewhere to repair the windows. Most likely, whoever owned it just wanted to get the heck out of here.

Then it’s back to X-ville, looking better, better, better!

Baker briefly contemplates renting a 4096 parcel at the main crossroads of X-ville (“could *this* be the true home of the 10×10?”, and so on), but circumstances shift his attention back to Sunklands soon enough. He is leaving open the option of renting in X-ville itself, though.*


“Did you make her?” November 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:15 pm

Has unique relationship with The Beatles’ “Flying”. Can you guess it?


The Beatles Play The Residents Play The Beatles…

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:06 pm

Mashup before the term was invented.


“Was that Paul?”

Filed under: Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 5:00 pm

One of the more intriguing pieces of evidence for the Paul is Dead enigma.

Compare with evidence in this page, esp., perhaps, concerning 1st photo shown.

Start at around 3:32.