baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“I think… May 16, 2010

Filed under: Hucka D.,TILE,Uncategorized,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 9:44 am

… Karoz should return to The Moon quite soon, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:



I wonder if the “E” is still distinguishable in the Sea of Tranquility. The island shaped like an “E” that Karoz found during his last visit there, I mean. The time he may have found and even talked to *his mother*.

Hucka D.:

The Mother of Karoz is both on this Moon and the moon of Jeogeot as well. Alien. Shape shifter.


Are the gypsies that live on The Moon of Maebaleia the sisters of Sapphire, Hucka D.? Are they, perhaps, Lapis and Lazuli even?

Hucka D.:

They are the Wilsons. They travel in the Barracuda ship, which is the Arab, except kind of sort of backwards. Like your Toey now.


Right. But they came to visit Sapphire in Yeot.

Hucka D.:

They came to visit the fish. VILE.



Hucka D.:

Yes. They talked to this fish. Like you talk to the gypsies through Karoz.


Hmmmm… what did VILE say to them… wait a minute, VILE, the fish in Floaty Pool now, is the same as the VILE fish that use to be in the sea surrounding Yd Island, right?

Hucka D.:

Yes. He was trapped in Yeot, or, more correctly, Floaty Pool. He became like a black or white double convex piece on a Go board, near the northeast corner, you see. The Queen did this. It was the only way to… (pause).


Yes, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

He was trapped; I’ll leave it at that [for now].


He became kind of like the atom or the indivisible thing.

Hucka D.:

Yes. He was VILE that was a tile. First Tile.


Dark Side of the Rainbow?

Hucka D.:

You better get some sleep. Thank you.





Filed under: Herman/Frank Parks (rl parks),Toy Avatars,Whitehead Crossing — baker Blinker @ 9:35 am

What is now being called Whitehead Crossroads, with certain signs of past human habitation chronicled in some of the pictures below, including the first one with an old pot. Was the pot used by someone named Whitehead himself? Or just an old human with a white head, i.e., white hair. Perhaps the human *avatars* named him this. Perhaps he *made* these avatars? Again, hafta ask Hucka D. about all this the next time we chat.

Tin bucket in the middle of a small field just above the pot. Although I didn’t get a good shot of it, there’s also a small pile of rocks on the edge of this field that may mark the grave of a pet of some sort. Or maybe an *avatar*? (once more). We do know now from pictures of the Lisa The Vegetarian funeral that avatars practice burial rituals. Perhaps they learned this from their creator, and the fact that real humans bury their dead (?!?)

Another mysterious object, this time an old glass lamp top, mostly intact. I’m afraid to move it from its stream bed because of possible, attached curses.

Looking toward a row of larger rocks, the central one being called Gray Rock now, mainly because of its predominant color, and also the fact that gray is halfway between black and white, or male and female energies. Gray Rock is both male and female, at its whim.

Detail of the top of Gray Rock. Hucka D. is claiming that the square point of the rock represents a Second Life sim, or, more specifically, a combination of 2 Second Life sims called Aotearoa and Yeot, which are black and white themselves. He says more will be learned of this square of melded opposites soon enough.

One of the many interesting trees in the Whitehead Crossing area, a small hemlock in this case.

More interesting trees on the southern end of Whitehead Crossing, with easier access to the Green creek. Again, I’ll speak of these later, after conferring with Hucka D.


Around Yeot, 03

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 8:57 am

Continuing south past the head of the colorful Yangpa stream discussed in the previous post, Baker reaches a large, plateau area which seems to extend south for quite a number of sims. Perhaps all the way to Noru? — Baker is unsure, as well as Karoz. At any rate, the elevation here at the northern end of Nakji is about 130 meters.

Running along the top of the plateau. Lots of empty land here… another kind of wastelands. I suppose most people want to live along the sea or either around the roads. But I love the highlands of the continents myself.

More Ozanimal rabbits. Bloody things are everywhere.

Just call me weird (“You’re weird!”) but this is the kind of thing that interests me in exploring around Second Life. It’s a nicely landscaped 512 parcel that has almost been completely surrounded by a drab, unpersonalized mall of some sort. The land was claimed in *April 2006* by Bobby Dinkin (wonder if he knows Earl?), making it part of the First Land project I would assume. Obviously Bobby took a little bit of care in outfitting his small slice of SL, and in checking behind Baker today, Karoz discovers this parcel also has a skybox complete with a small cottage. Does Bobby ever come back here now? Or is he one of many who just pay the small SL premium each month but never visit. Judging by the empty cottage and incorrectly terraformed landscape, my guess is the latter. But nevertheless, I think small and basically abandoned parcels like this give SL some additional personality. For example, this is not just a drab, square mall, but a mall with a small notch in it that gives a layer of interest or additional interest — or any interest atall. It reminds me a bit of when I lived in Rubi and had to build beside a plywood tower that obviously was just left in a really rough state by someone who, again, never visits any more. First Land once more. But I didn’t really mind in the least, because that’s one neighbor you can predict! So while others grumble about such First Land being basically wasted, I like it myself, although I certainly understand some of the faults as well. But overall..

My guess is that this immediate neighbor to Bobby to the north at least appreciates the small relief from the mall wall that otherwise borders his land in that direction. Nice yellow bushes, by the way, but I’d delete those that lead to Bobby’s land. But as I said, it could just be me — did I mention that I might be a little weird in my ways?

Crossing more empty land, Baker spies Route 9 downhill to the south, and decides to end for tonight. I believe this is way down in Gangwon already, over 1/3rd the way back to Chilbo from Yeot even.


Around Yeot, 02

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 8:52 am

On this particular day, we head west instead. This shot is taken on the east end of Yeot itself, on the other side of Route 9 from my new lands. Actually, in checking Karoz finds this house and fenced in yard lie just within Bun Shik to the north of Yeot.

Baker decides to head uphill from Yeot and takes a southwestly course to do so. A rabbit leads him onward. This would be in Yangpa now, the majority of which belongs to Olivia Paderborn and her Peace and Tranquility property, including the rabbit and all the other structures pictured just above. According to the land description, Peace and Tranquility is. “a safe haven for those who need it,” and, “dedicated to the lovely and great Annemarie Niekerk (1974-2009).” A quick google search came up with this article about the avatar behind the real person.


This is a rather long pond located on a parcel called Lake Railiger Falls. Apparently the owner wants you to really appreciate the length, because no flying is allowed there. Strange thing: the lake is still frozen, although the ground around is quite green.

On the only isle within the lake appears this pretty 7 prim giant rose. Quite realistic up close. And speaking of 7, 7 Seas Fishing is offered there, but I don’t know how many fish you could possibly catch in a frozen lake. I’m no fishing expert, though, mind you.

In the present, Karoz is being considerably braver that Baker was that night, and uses a teleporter beside the lake, near the Rose Isle, to teleport up to a club. Looks like a BSDM related den of sin, hehe. Karoz quickly exits the scene…

… back to Peace and Tranquility, following in Baker’s footsteps again. Very colorful place; both Baker and Karoz approve!

Baker at the foot of a long stream cutting north across about 1/2 of the Yangpa sim. Above he stands at the falls marking the head of the stream, near the Yangpa-Nakji line.

More beautiful colors are found in a small house next to the northern end of the stream, where it just dead ends after cascading down a another, larger falls. It is also worth mentioning that the 100+ meter long stream strangely changes colors from blue to purple about halfway down its course. So we have a stream that begins at a waterfall, ends at a waterfall, and changes colors between the two at yet another waterfall. Most likely more discoveries will be made and chronicled for this blog upon a return trip. Coming very soon, I promise!

In the meantime, you can visit through this link, which will take you to the center of the stream.

More “artsy” shot looking toward the stream through the center of the stained glass window pictured above.

Ruins on the property, perhaps a place of dance and merriment at times.


Around Yeot, 01

Filed under: Jeogeot Continent,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 8:47 am

Let’s see, this would be in — lemme check (or let Karoz check) — well, I’ve just forgotten where this was. Somewhere north of Yeot off what’s called on this map the North Road, near its south terminus where it merges with Route 9.*

I *do* remember where this was taken, a place I plan to go back to every now and then if I can. It’s the empty tip of a larger peninsula that juts from the main body of Jeogoet, not too far northeast of Yeot. Most of the currently empty part lies in the Hwaegi sim, but some in Linden protected Hangangjin to its immediate east.

That portion contains a lighthouse common on various such land ends of Jeogeot, like I’ve found several of now. No actual interior to any of these types of lighthouses I’ve run across so far, and the Hangangjin version is no different.

Queer colored sand or rock face on the Hwaegi side. Probably just the way the setting sun is hitting it.

A high, greener plateau on the peninsula shared between Hwaegi and Hangangjin.

Ol’ running Baker in action again, enjoying the setting sun on an empty beach.


* Jeogeot map from