baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“I suppose this… April 24, 2010

Filed under: Norum,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 11:09 am

… is as good a place as any to begin Part 27 of the blog, Hucka D… or whoever.”

Hucka D.:

Here’s Peter The Good again.

Peter The Good:

You are determining to establish a Temple of TILE once more. Yes. Starting place.



Peter The Good:

The Norum-Chilbol tension is now resolved, thanks to [delete name]. Old into new. Now… what’s left? (answering himself): TILE is left. Temple of.



Peter The Good:

You go out into the virtual world and draw artists to Greater Chilbo, which you now know that Noru exists within. Noru Woods. You do this alone, though. [Delete name] will understand this. You follow the breadcrumbs.


Maybe I don’t need to rebuild the Temple [of TILE].

Peter The Good:

Depends on what you put into it. The King is about to arise from his Subterranean chambers. Actually he has arose, but you haven’t found where he is yet.

bb (shrugging):

Wiltshire, I assume.