baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

“The Blue… April 18, 2010

Filed under: Blue Feather Gallery,Norum,TILE,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 9:44 am

… Feather Gallery development keeps coming along, Hucka D.”

Hucka D.:

You have attempted to study the Blue Feather Sea once more, as I understand. Did you learn anything?


Only, I suppose, that the unlisted gallery next to it contains some very interesting art. It use to be called the Neverov Gallery.

Hucka D.:

Go back! You wish to know about Miccall now, though?


Maybe. Is it important for me to know this, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.:

Maybe. He was the counterpart to St. Nick of Barkley and Ned of Barton on Maebaleia. He founded TILE.


Well, then, that does seem important (!)

Hucka D.:

It could be. The Blue Feather Sea, wrapped up as a cube, becomes Blue Earth as well. The Moon becomes The Moon of Blue Earth.*


What of Blue Feather Douglas? As usual, not to be confused with American Indian musician Douglas Blue Feather.

Hucka D.:

To develop your mythology, you must aid others now. You cannot exist alone and isolated in Sunklands, can you.


Nah… suppose not. I can attract people there[, though].



What’s this link between the Noru sim and the Blue Feather concept, Hucka D.?

Hucka D.;

That is the energy of others stepping in. You have elevated yourself through others, like you did with the carrcasses. To give to yourself you must give to others.


I *want* to do this, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

Others must want to give. And some shall. Ask the advise of others whose talents somewhat differ from yours. Stay in Noru.


Of course (!) Maybe I should put something else in the basement of the BFA… besides my Wheeler-Jasper collages, I mean.

Hucka D.:

Wait[, though].


I have so many options, Hucka D. I can attract artists already in SL. I can attract RL artists… thinking here specifically of collage artists. Maybe crop circle related artists.

Hucka D.:

Skybox’s the limit (!)


What of Norum, the ancient extent? And the relationship with ancient Chilbo, or Chilbol?

Hucka D.:

Toy avatars use to exist in Norum. The whole sim was a temple. Temple of the Mmmmmm’s, or a microcosm of their Great Meadow and Good Meadow. Peter The Great… Peter The Good. Great and Good. Microcosm.


Karoz found these interesting, free teleporters today at some gallery. He’s trying to help.

Hucka D.:

He is back home. He is excited (!)


I suppose that should be all for tonight.

Hucka D.:

Go to your TILE Creek tomorrow and take more pictures. Write text. Meeting Rock… is it an artificial rock, per chance?


Thank you. I’ll think about that.


*Hucka D. speaks of The Moon sim off the southern coast of Maebaleia, which I’ve now made into a separate blog category here.