baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Tiler Here Ten June 20, 2011

Filed under: Hucka D.,Norum,Sapphire,Uncategorized — baker Blinker @ 7:31 am

[joined in progress]


What I like about it is that I can create the unwalkable diagonal almost all the way across Noru. No wait, that’s the *walkable* diagonal. Interesting.

Hucka D.:

Well… pull out your wallet [again] and buy, buy, buy (!)


I agree baker on this one. Noru is a place you can settle down. Reduce to 25 a month. Basically control the whole sim through The Diagonal you speak of. Isn’t it good.


This will be the 3rd time in Noru, then, for me. First from May-Sep or so in 2009, then April through Sep or Oct last year, and now June-whatever in 2011.

Hucka D.:

Think of what you’ve created there before and then build on that. Pietmond is sunk.


What of the TILE Temple?

Hucka D.:

You didn’t really do anything with it while it was in Pietmond before. Nor when you had it set up in Crabwoo. Why is anything going to change[ there]?


Pietmond South Gallery is really not needed any longer. I switch between Mike’s Downtown gallery of SoSo East, perhaps reappearing next to my own in Noru, and then House Greenup way on the ne hill, where it was originally. (pause) I’d like to say I’ll build a skybox in Otaki Gorge and that’s why I should keep the land there.

Hucka D.:





All you need.


Tough, tough decision once more. And then there’s always an option to just return to Crabwoo and give all of this up.

Hucka D.:

Why was your old Otaki Gorge land so so cheap, then [making you buy it up automatically]? It was all set up. You had to become a premium member again so you could move back to Noru. Help a bit, even, with the generated history of Chilbo.


So I really believe Pietmond South Gallery is not needed. Kenneth, Julie have had their time there.

Hucka D.:

You can always study Pietmond from Noru. This land has opened up for a reason. Reducing to 25 a month[ land tier] will pay for the land itself already. This is true welcoming.


The house I lived in is in Noru, not Otaki Gorge, which is a copy instead.

Hucka D.:

Same for House Greenup, baker b.


It belongs in Noru.

Hucka D.:

You have to switch back. Or else give up everything. But I think you need to return. Low risk, baker b.


You guys are horrible. Making me spend my hard earned birthday money.


You buy in Noru or you end My Second Lyfe. You must choose. Pietmond is a dead end now. It will live but in legend. Leg End.


How long do I stay in Noru, then?


4 years.

Hucka D.:

4 months [probably].


Sunklands is over.

Hucka D.:

Perhaps not for forever. There’s always the other sinks. Second, Blackmount, even Lill Burn. And of course… well, Aotearoa. Big Sink… Vortextra.


I’m still not sure about all this.

Hucka D.:

To stay in Your Second Lyfe you must keep growing, expanding. The way to do that is to move back to Noru. Complete the circle. Third time is the charm there.


Alright I’ll go ahead and buy. Tell me I’m not doing the wrong thing.

Hucka D.:

I’m not doing the wrong thing, baker b.


You are doing good. Diagonal.



I don’t think I can do it. I like Pietmond too much.


You must complete the Noru mythology. Norum. Either that or you wilt in SL.


Maybe it’s time to wilt.

Hucka D.:

There is that option.


Return to some other projects long on the backburner.

Hucka D.:

If you move to Noru, though, those projects can be moved to the forefront through that channel as well.


MapS you mean.

Hucka D.:



What of Carrcass-5?

Hucka D.:

You haven’t even completed Carrcass-4 yet (!)


If I don’t give up Pietmond, then I can’t move on to the next Carrcass.

Hucka D.:

That is right. Right now you are clinging. Expand, experiment. You can always return to Pietmond if needed.


OK, I’m going to give up Pietmond South, then.

Hucka D.:

Good. You won’t be sorry.