baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Ideas June 7, 2012

Filed under: Concreek — baker Blinker @ 7:32 am

Just some brief words about Concreek, since the cat’s out of the bag now.

Hucka D.:

Hi baker b. We must Rush tonight. Concreek is a place of contact between Mossmen and Other. Can’t reveal this Other yet. As you guessed, Mossmen learned the Uniko language here. Key position is lower part of island. And middle. And upper. Cascades are important too. Can toy avatars illuminate? That is a question to be asking.


What is the relation of Concreek to nearby Whitehead Crossing?

Hucka D.:

Concreek attempted to keep Mossmen culture pure or unpolluted. Upper and Lower Concrete, both sacred. Your time to find this. Keep taking photos.


I was there yesterday and something fell out of a tree. At first I thought it might have been a snake, but I think it was a branch — unsure, though. Freaked me out because I don’t hear a lot of things falling out of the trees in the woods.

Hucka D.:

I can’t comment about that.


Green Stream is obviously sacred to the Mossmen. More sacred overall than TILE?

Hucka D.:

Frank and Herman Parks are a long term game for you, baker b. Many pieces and moves to be made. More important than Second Life, obviously. We have set up stuff for you in Siliconicus if you desire even to give up Carcass-One today. Your choice. You have the Art 10×10 and the TILE Temple there, plus you can move Sink Lair there. What else do you need? Another option is to keep Carcass-One and delve deeper into Maebaleia mythology. Who was Blue Feather? Where did he hang on the continent besides Crabwoo and the Blue Feather Sea area? What of his daughter Gypsy from The Moon? How did she entrap her father on the continent and not allow him to head to Nowtown to become a Robert Plant Variant variant with Zeppelin tube in tow. Instead it remained in the center of Crabwoo.


Concreek Friday for us, Hucka D. Maybe tomorrow as well. Maybe Sunday. But probably not Saturday.

Hucka D.:

No. Study that island. Thank you.
