baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Bumming Around, 02 July 14, 2011

Filed under: Fisher Rigg,Norum,Parktown,Teepot,Yeot — baker Blinker @ 7:15 am

Firth of Fred in Sunell near Fisher Rig.

Firth of Fred in Sunell near Fisher Rig — narrow island choked neck of water connecting two main parts of firth.

Northeast of Firth of Fred — colorful trees.

Baker Bloch biking on the Nascera continent.

Much more water here than his original explorations of this continent right after it first formed in late 2009.

Boyd Doghouse, lord mayor of Parktown.

Nifty “Art or Porn?” gallery just south of Teepot, in the Saengseon sim.

Piet Mondrian painting replica in same that caught Baker’s eye for obvious reasons (Pietmond resonance).

Another colorful Jeogeot art gallery recently visited by Baker Bloch, just north of the Noru sim in Chieut and owned by Stinna Biddle.

Empty Red Leaf gallery only a couple of hundred meters north (ne corner of Hamnida) also visited this same night.


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