baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

2010 Circles September 29, 2010

Filed under: Wiltshire (RL UK County) — baker Blinker @ 6:34 am

Same article featured by another blog:

Yes I watched the Yahoo News featured video at the time and was upset as well:

The wikipedia article on cc’s is basically a joke.

So the question becomes not, “Are crop circles real?” as much as, “Why the disinformation campaign?” And if we start with crop circles — what *else* is being campaigned against? What if aspects of “pseudoscience” are actually more real and valid than our legitimatized science? Why do we think that Man is so smart that he’s figured out even a small percentage of what’s really “out there”? Why isn’t the phrase “We don’t know” more common?

It has been forgotten that intelligence which forsakes emotion and common sense is often groundless, sometimes dangerously so. To keep going down the path of science *in and of itself*, without a parallel development of empathy for what is being studied, is to enter a Chinese finger trap situation.

I know, W. was an easy target. 🙂

Is religion any better in and of itself, *without* scientific method? Probably not. And what about the “useless” or non-utilitarian Arts?

The future, if Man has one, is not down one of these paths but all of them (and more) *at once*. The blend starts with an individual or group on one path saying “I don’t know”, and then looking around for another on a different path for a possible new angle on the situation.

We as scientists, artists, worshipers, and more, have to find a way to cooperate with each other. We are one Man on one planet.


One Response to “2010 Circles”

  1. […] Yeah. I think back to this post as well. Kind of about crop circles, true, but the mix of science, art and religion is mentioned here too.   Leave a Comment […]

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