baker Blinker's Weblog

First and Second Life at least.

Rabbit Hole Updates February 9, 2010

Filed under: Big Sink,Blackmount Sink,Otaki Gorge,Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 8:59 am

Well, the picture of the cute rabbit couple I’d just checked up on 2 weeks ago is gone in Blackmount, replaced by this ominous, dork-like object — same spot. Almost looks like the new object is being bent into the hole through some unknown gravitational pull.

Compare to some of the images in this video, if you wish.

Just for the record, the rabbit couple picture had been located on this spot since at least last August. Same person appears to own the land. Why the switch in objects at this location all of a sudden??

A day or two earlier I “accidentally” created a new SL desktop background on the home computer, making an eye-in-hand Second Life shortcut logo already present on the desktop appear just below a hole I photographed that reminded me of the Rabbit Hole (several sims away from this much smaller hole). Below is an edited version of the screen shot, focusing on the hole. Thought it odd at the time but didn’t understand the meaning. But now: was it a foreboding of the dorky object that similarly appeared, in mysterious fashion, next to the actual Rabbit Hole? Good chance.

But maybe it’s not as much a phallic object as just something being bent toward the hole, which, if so, would be the same as a black hole, as portrayed in the 3d Homer episode.

It might also be related to the Pie Hole of Big Island, covered or marked by a Tron video arcade game.

Also perhaps worthy of noting is that the SL logo here is superimposed with a shield the four colors of TILE — red, green, blue and yellow.

And that’s not all I’ve found out. The dimensions of the opposite side of the Rabbit Hole, in Ulyanovsk Oblast, have been altered: although it appears to be the same depth as before, the hole is markedly narrower and the pool of water at the bottom smaller.

More as I come up with it.


Update, 6:55am:

Well, I’ve admitted in this blog that I’m not the most observant person in the world, but when 2+2 stares me in the face long enough, I can’t help but realize it represents the number 4. And I think that’s exactly the case we have here: 2 pairs of rabbits equals 4 rabbits total, and part of the same equation operating acausally across space/time. The first pair is found in this photograph that *use* to stand directly north of the Rabbit Hole at Blackmount — male and female obviously here.

The *second* pair has just been created almost next to my Aotearoa property, just over the line in an Otaki Gorge 512 parcel that, until only a couple of days ago, was the site of Lark Blackheart’s small gallery instead. We again have an obviously female rabbit (head), coupled with what could be a male, topiary counterpart.

This subject is discussed here, and below is a pertinent photo from that post.

A possible clincher that the two are related? Well, as demonstrated in the below snapshots, the rabbit head topped store in Otaki Gorge and the 1 prim dorky looking thing that *replaced* the picture of 2 rabbits in Blackmount were created on *the same day* (2/4/10) — even within 2 hours of each other.

Just to complete, the topiary rabbit head next to the store was created 2/7.

So let’s go along, if even for a bit of fun, with the idea that the 2 pairs of rabbits I’m describing here are one and the same, and that the 2d bunnies of Blackmount somehow magically shifted over to Otaki Gorge and assumed 3d form, to put it simply enough, or at least the part above their torsos. 2 plus 2 does equal 4. What could this possibly mean?

Admittedly I’ll have to think about it.

Further thoughts for now:

* both pairs of rabbits are out of line with each other, although the 2nd pair (Otaki Gorge) do not stare in different directions like the 1st (Blackmount)

* both pairs of heads involved seem about the same relative distance apart

Stay tuned!


8 Responses to “Rabbit Hole Updates”

  1. […] now. Right? 🙂 February 7, 2010 Filed under: Sunklands — baker Blinker @ 8:54 am See this post now for more information. And I’ve written a bit more description below as […]

  2. Alyx Sands Says:

    Snicker. It IS pretty phallic, that’s why it was just a beta version of a bent pillar, nicknamed the viking dong and given to me as a present!

  3. You answered! Thanks!! I’ll look over these replies asap.
    You live in a great location; I was just thinking about Sunklands when I woke up about 5 minutes ago — “Rabbit Hole”, hehe, flitted cross me mind as well.
    Lengthier reply asap. Must chat with Hucka D. first. 🙂

  4. Hi.

    I decided to go ahead and look over your responses immediately, as well as look back at posts I’ve written about the Blackmount Sink you live in. I have some more questions, but I’ll create a notecard and sent it to you inworld, in case you want to answer some more questions — curious, for ex., to find out exactly when the Rabbit Hole was created. It sounds like if you terraformed over it now (if that’s possible), you wouldn’t be able to re-create the effect, being stuck with the plus 4/minus 4 terraforming limits of the sim now.

    SL bug, eh? That’s probably how the other “rabbit hole” was created, the one in the Ulyanovsk Oblast sim. Or what Hucka D. would call the other *half* of the Rabbit Hole, his contention being that the two holes are actually one and the same hole, connecting the 2 SL continents they’re on in so-called ancient times (pre-Linden). I must admit his theories on the subject are peculiarly persuasive. 🙂

    All posts on the subject of the Blackmount Rabbit Hole and Blackmount sink in general (the Rabbit Hole lies on the lip of the sink itself) are found in this blog category, in case you or others are curious.

    That reminds me — I need to complete the text for the “To Blackmount, 06” post.

    Thanks again,

    • Alyx Sands Says:

      I need to check back in my emails WHEN I created the sinkhole (I was bragging to Raynor about it!) -it was a bug where you chose “revert” repeatedly for the land, and it could also create 400 meter spikes and such. But it’s not possible anymore, and I left the sinkhole as a memento. I tried until I finally got down to the sea-so we have proper Linden water on our top-of-the-hill plot!

  5. Alyx Sands Says:

    Right-it was created on Christmas Day 2008!

  6. Hey,

    Thanks for this! Great info. 🙂

    The reason I knew about it is because if you look at the world map while inworld using terrain view, the “Rabbit Hole” of yours shows up as a tiny spot of blue. Terrain view only shows Linden geography/topgraphy, so I knew that the blue had to go all the way to SL sea level (20 meters I believe). I got curious, checked all the continents to see if there’s any more holes like this, and found 2 others, one since closed, about 50 meters deep, nearer the coastline in northwest Jeogeot, and then one more in the center part of the Maebaleia continent (ie, the other half of the Rabbit Hole in Hucka D.-speak). The latter is basically the same depth as your hole at 90 meters and also is about the same diameter, or was — it has narrowed since I first came upon it in summer 2009.

    I did have a picture of a spike in my blog from Jeogeot, but haven’t been able to refind it.

    Hucka D.’s House (???) & More

    (4th picture from top)

    The oldest continent, Sansara, has all kinds of landscape anomalies similar to this. Everywhere I’ve checked on the mainland outside of the old continent now has the standard +4/-4 meter terraforming limits. But I could certainly be missing something.

    Another interesting fact: I fell into your hole on purpose and found out my health level (wd?) dropped from 100 percent to 80 percent, fwiw.

    Thanks again!

  7. […] enter the Rabbit Hole because the encompassing 1024 parcel is banned. And as I stated in an earlier post from February of this year, the hole appears to have been “damaged” (narrowed) since I first found it back in […]

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